PS Plus: Free Games for January, 2016

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PS Plus: Free Games for January, 2016

As we look forward to the New Year, we’re excited to share our January 2016 PlayStation Plus lineup with everyone. This month our PS4 games pay homage to a couple classic, fan-favorite titles, while updating the gameplay and graphics to PS4!

Hardware: Rivals makes its exclusive debut on PlayStation Plus. Get behind the wheel of a powerful tank or mobile attack jeep in this arcade-style, vehicle combat game. Inspired by the PS2 classic Hardware: Online Arena, Hardware: Rivals lets you challenge your friends or enter the online multiplayer arena on your own and experience epic vehicular mayhem with multiple maps, game modes, and special events.

If you need a breather from all the vehicle-on-vehicle combat, you can always turn to the twisted Mexican folklore of Grim Fandango Remastered. As Manny Calavera, travel agent for the Department of Death, you’ll guide poor souls to their eternal rest. Crime. Skeletons. Romance. You’ll experience it all in this update to the beloved adventure game.

These PS4 games are free for PlayStation Plus members starting on the first Tuesday of January, and you can find the full list of PlayStation Plus games below.

Full Lineup:

  • Dragon Age: Origins, PS3
  • Grim Fandango Remastered, PS4, PS Vita
  • Hardware: Rivals, PS4
  • Legends of War Patton, PS Vita
  • Medal of Honor Warfighter, PS3
  • Nihilumbra, PS Vita

Before you go, we want your feedback! Please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the lineup. Thank you for stopping by.

Until next time! Enjoy.

Comments are closed.


  • Every month I’m frantically trying to find out what free games are to be released the coming month as part of my PS+ subscription, the results are always out days/weeks after the xbox lineup. And when it’s finally released the same dissapointment washes over me. This month is no exeption.. not happy about this lineup of freebies :/

  • i think its obvious whats happening with the PS+ freebies, PlayStation is dominating so they dont feel the need to throw as much money behind ps+ as they did when the ps3 was way behind the 360.
    i appreciate the free games but i think a couple more high profile games would help satisfy the masses

  • I just bought PS4 for the New Year and was really disappointed with the lineup, every time it is worse and worse.
    Some might say that Grim is an excellent title, and it is, I played it 18 years ago and do not wish to play an 18 year old game on a PS4. If I wanted to do that I wouldn’t buy new computers and consoles after 1998.

  • That’s pretty BS this month. A game that we’ve already been playing for months (hardware) and an old game that a lot of console gamers aren’t usually into (grim fandango.) I personally hate point and click adventures, they are even worse on a console. what happened to the awesome games they gave us. like rocket league, a brand new game that was, and still is, fun and exciting. we got MGSV ground zeroes and RE revelations 2 ep 1, all great brand new games. And PSN decides to give us this? hardware: Rivals is not a game worth “giving out” it’s been out for free for months. i just don’t understand the BS that PSN is trying to pull with it.

    • and just to add-on: i would totally happy if that those of us that have a ps4 could play the ps3 released free games. Dragon age, i love it, and i have always been a fan of the medal of honor games. i fail to see how that when sony already got all the money they could possibly get out of these games, they still want us to use the PSNow **** on games they are giving others for free.

  • So, that voting thing. Are we forgetting about that now? Is it no longer a thing?… okay…

    • If that voting thing does become something, I’ll just vote for the worst possible game due to how much people whine about free

  • I’very never commented before but the last 6 months or so for ps4 plus users has been getting worse and worse. We are forced to pay a monthly fee just to play and each month the perks are less and less. January 2016 being the worst of all. I remember when I used to get pumped on upcoming plus give aways like rocket league for example. I have to agree with the other posts….. starting to feel slightly insulted as a long time ps user. I really hoped the holiday/new year would be different…

  • By now people should be getting Knack, Killzone, inFAMOUS: Second Son, Watchdogs, ect.
    I do not understand why the PS4 does not get the same treatment that the PS3 gets. Even when the Vita first released, PS+ was giving out good retail games.
    PS4 is selling so well we do not want to give away good games…..

  • sorry but it’s not worth to be a paid member for this crap on

  • I find it endlessly fascinating that, whenever a new batch of free games gets announced, people start screaming to give them “different”, “AAA” and “better” games. Often, when asked to name a better game,they mention KNACK .
    Every month at least a few people scream and call sony MONSTERS for not giving them KNACK for free, completely throwing the offered games aside and once again begging Sony to give them the game that REALLY matters.
    i don’t understand this at all – KNACK is generally regarded as, if not completely terrible, incredibly mediocre and not worth the time. it recieved a score of 4 out of 10 on Gamespot, 6 out of 10 on IGN and 2 stars out of 5 on giantbomb.
    Grim Fandango, on the other hand, is one of the greatest adventure games of all time. How can people honestly suggest that trading “Grim Fandango for Knack is an excellent idea? how has this mediocre and forgettable game become the savior of playstation Plus ? I’m baffled by you people.

    • Agreed. If they want Knack so bad they can just buy it. I got it for 7 bucks at Walmart. Can’t wait for Grim.

    • who cares about ratings. I loved Knack. Don’t worry about what other people rate games.

    • I agree with the narrow focus of this post: Many people would still complain if they got Knack, and even those initially happy for getting it would likely jump on board soon afterward with the notion that it’s not a very good game. Fair enough.

      But I disagree with the apparent view (perhaps not shared by you) that the goal is to have zero complaints in this comments section. People will always have negative things to say about the Plus games (and everything else). People have differing tastes and budgets. Some people will never be happy. But offering a AAA game every now and then might make the group of customers who wants it feel better about their continued support of Plus, for whatever that’s worth.

    • Yes, don’t worry about what other people rate games. Call of Duty sucks

  • Wtf why is xbox doing so much better than us playstation is really making me angry no good games are given to us i rather move to xbox if this carrys on

  • I have to agree with those who say you’re wasting your time if you complain. Sony are clearly obligated to provide a free game every month, and now inevitably find the best drivel they can for the PS4. The PS3 games have generally been excellent, but I guess that’s as a result of a massive backlog of brilliant titles. Something the PS4 is a long way from having.

    Thankfully, we are starting to get a good library of games coming through, and the new year means dropped prices on older games. It’s going to be at least another year before we see decent 2014 titles rolling into the PS4’s “free” games list.

    The times they are a changing… Just very very slowly!

    • Honestly, there’s not many games I would dl on my PS4 right now as it is even if it was on PS+. I still play my PS3 a lot more, and personally, I still like it better. The PS4 is set up so horribly, the free games they have on there for everyone were, more or less, terrible to begin with, but that could be because of people trying to “be the first” on the system. Unless TES:O or GTA:V went on PS+, I doubt I’d care any less

  • All the best games goes for PS3 and not even one good game for PS4 in so many months, I will stop my PS Plus! Period! :D

  • man. i should stop buying games. I bought Grim just 1 month ago and now it’s free with PSN. Same with Magicka a few months ago.

    • You just have to pace out what you buy a little better. I was waiting for a special on Grim Fandango but look at this, now I get to run it for free through PS Plus. Most other people complaining are just looking for reasons to be sour but I understand you.

    • I’ll start using the free PS+ games to determine what games I’ll actually buy, as in full version of said PS+ games, like I did with ME2. I’ve never heard of this Grim Fandango before this year, but people are saying it’s good, so getting to try it for free will give me the chance of finding out for myself. As for Dragon Age: Origins, I’ve been wanting to play that one

  • More Garbage for the PS4…… :(

  • Looking forward to Grim as I’ve never played it but generally below par again. I actually went and got an Xbox One and been given twice the games because you get x360 games too, Thief, Killer Instinct Gold, Dungeon Siege 3, Van Helsing, Sacred 3 and Walking Dead season 1 to name some of the games I recently downloaded, on PS4 and Vita I downloaded Guantlet (disappointed) and Walking Dead season 2 (not played yet). Another disappointing month for me

    • Didn’t bother with Walking Dead as I hate the series, and I’ll agree I was disappointed with Gauntlet. Felt like a ripoff of Diablo, only lame. But wouldn’t have known that if not for it being free. But hey, if I really want a game, I’ll do what everyone else here seems incapable of, going and actually buying it

  • Why do you always gotta ass slam everyone on the free ps4 games?

  • Wow. Bunch of ungrateful kids. You give 4 dollars from your allowance and expect way too much. Those of you who threatened to leave the psn please do. But we all know you won’t since I see the same whiny babies make the same complaints over and over. The developers of these games also have a say in what is given for free, if they don’t agree then sony ponies up the money for the game to put it out. Depending on the game it could be a considerable loss since all they get is 4 dollars from your allowance. If they give away games that cost more than 4 dollars they’ll go in the red real quick and guess what? No more psn. You guys act like they can take any game and put it for free anytime they want… Finish middle school and take some common sense courses in high school.

    • Well said. Sony is awesome for giving away over $600 in games every year to us but the people never stop complaining.

    • Think I’ve seen about 5% of the people on this blog actually say something intelligent, and yes, I saw some people complaining about the free games but actually having valid points behind them. But yes, only my 3rd month having PS+, and my 1st month caused me to buy a game bundle because I liked one of the games so much. Those who are whining about them wouldn’t even buy a real copy of the game if they did like it to begin with. Buy ya, damn you Mass Effect for taking my $120!!!

  • Those PS4 offerings are awful. Why does it seem like PS3 owners get the better PS+ games? It’s always so disappointing for me.

  • I generally feel like ps4 has lesser quality games. not that theyve been bad, but its like “here’s a decent to good game on ps4, that you’ll enjoy, but isnt quite fulfilling. and here’s god of war, dragon age, etc on the ps3” its not that they’re bad games, but it would be nice to switch it up.

  • How disappointing… Perhaps Sony is just resting on the laurels given the fact that Plus is necessary if you want to play online on PS4, PS3 is fading away and Vita is practicly a thing of the past. I own all three consoles and I´m downloading none of these games. It seems the only hope is for XBOX to get big again so Sony starts to “care”.

    • Xbox won’t get big again. They flopped when the 360 first came out, than again a couple years ago. And I haven’t been hearing anything good about the Xbox1. Although what Microsoft does with their stuff, if Sony had their own PC/OS setup, I’d own one instead of this Windows crap

  • Lame!

  • The PS Plus lineup is fine. I’m glad to be getting great games and Sony is awesome for giving us over $600 every year so stop complaining people.

    • That’s nice, but viewing things this way just doesn’t make sense.

      Having “over $600 every year” (not sure where you’re getting this number, but let’s assume it’s correct) is worthless if an individual doesn’t actually want the games being offered. The total value of the service, which includes other features, should consider *only those games actually downloaded and played*. Or at most the games actually chosen for later download/play. Virtually nobody plays all of these games. Maybe you do.

      Point is, I’m not even arguing that Plus is a lousy deal. Just that if you want to say it’s a good deal, be more realistic with your numbers.

      For those who don’t like the games in a given month, complain away *if* you are willing to describe games you would like (within reason) instead of the “sony suxx, gedding xbawx hurr durr” posts we keep seeing. Thanks.

    • You don’t know what quality games are

    • @ Thumbs

      IT DOESN’T MATTER if the games are wanted or not. That’s the risk you take when relying on Plus to provide your content for you. It’s essentially a grab bag, and Sony never concealed that fact.

      Sony never promised specific games, genres, or budget levels in the games given. They only promised games, period. And, they’ve delivered that. Why is this so hard to understand?

      The value offered surely affects Sony, I can assure you that. You always want to harp on about subjective value to the consumer, but, you’re failing to weigh in the LITERAL, FINANCIAL value of the products to Sony, and, what they need to do in order to stay in business.

    • If people wants quality games, they should go play Pong or Tetris and shut up. It’s a free game, whining about it in a blog won’t change what happens with it, but nobody seems to understand that.

    • Having games people want is the only thing that matters, but even if it didn’t: I respect those willing to say what it is they would have liked, if they don’t like this month’s selections. You seem to dismiss the notion that Sony staff actually read and make note of these comments. I don’t. I believe they read all this stuff, and that what is said here matters to them even if we never see official replies.

      Meanwhile, I like the games just fine. In fact, I’d actually prefer it if they gave us *fewer* AAA games. But that’s personal to me, and it has more to do with the fact I play on PS3 and tend to play the Plus indies more than the rest of what is offered.

      Further, I’m sure the total value of “free” games we get through Plus far exceeds $600. My main point there was to suggest that actual numeric value is of no use in considering whether Plus is a good deal for any given individual. It’s individuals who pay their subscription fees, after all.

    • If it matters, I’ve gone out of my way lately to remark on how pointless it is for users to just say they don’t like the games. Or that they’re selling out for an Xbox One, etc. At least say what you didn’t like about them, and/or what you would have liked instead.

      Nonetheless, I retain my generally laissez-faire attitude about most comments here. We’ve been asked for our feedback, so pretty much anything qualifies.

  • Of course “Vote to Play” WAS supposed to be a continual thing. THIS is what Sony posted on July 31 in the blog:

    “The game with the most votes will automatically be included in our future free game lineup for PlayStation Plus. If your pick didn’t make the lineup, don’t worry. In the first promotion, PlayStation Plus members can get the runner ups at a discount.”

    Do you see the words “IN THE FIRST PROMOTION”??? That implies there will be future “vote to play” games after that.

    Open your eyes. It was just another instance of Sony dropping the ball.

    • I would like to see more new ideas like the “Vote to Play” promotion. And we may yet see that one come back. They didn’t say it would appear every month; they simply implied it would be back at some future time.

      But even if it is gone for good, it was probably due to negative feedback from the fans. People who voted for the 2 games that didn’t win were disappointed. People who didn’t like any of the games were vocal. People who haven’t enjoyed the Plus games for PS4 since the beginning were not exactly enthused. And so on.

      I’m glad people around here speak their minds, and all feedback addressing the merits of an issue should be welcome.

      You have to consider that this may be a case where Sony actually did listen to the fans.

    • Let that vote to play come back. I’ll vote for the worst possible games because I can. Voting does nothing good and it’s the problem with America. Another problem is that 95% of the people complaining about the free games are complaining that they’re free, not because of what games they are. Maybe if you actually said what games you would rather see, it would do something. Personally, there’s not many games I can think of myself that I would actually like, so until than, I’ll test out these free games

  • Let me get this straight. Sony your giving us hardware rivals?! A game that is a free to play already? Wth. I already downloaded it when it launched. Then we get a point n click game. Great. So we got walking dead, Kings quest and now grim fandango. It’s not worth my subscription. Why not guns, gore, and canoli or chivalry at least. AAA would be nice like Xbox and PS3 get. I guess since Sony is ahead then y’all can just give us crap games. It was nice getting some decent indies but lately it hasn’t been great. It’s bad enough we have to pay for backward compatibility unlike Xbox. Idk Xbox is looking a lot better.

  • I am not renewing PS plus until I get a more reliable service and better games that I hadn’t already bought! TRY HARDER.

  • As a PS4 player, this has been a lackluster part of the service. Rocket League was the last game I downloaded and actually played some. I hardly even bother with the free games anymore, seems I keep ps plus just so I can play multiplayer on most games. Not a fan of Microsoft or Xbox, but take some pointers from their selection of free game offerings. Most of these are niche games.

  • Another weak month.

    We all know why we got King’s Quest last month. Throw us episode 1 of 5 and wait for the money. Just a cash grab. The last game I got from this promotion and actually liked was Rocket League and that was about half a year ago.

    The games for PS3 have been pretty solid but I don’t often break out the PS3 anymore. PS4 games given out through this have been absolutely awful.

    Gonna start looking into trading my blue in for some green. At least Microsoft gives out things people want to play.

    It’ll probably come down to how the PS2 emulation is handled. If I have to re-buy games I own the disc of, later. I have a pretty solid category of XB360 games I can just run for free on an XBO.

    Really funny how things turned so fast from launch two years ago. We were berating Microsoft for not being a “gamers first” console yet now they’re the ones adding quality content and features. Xbox owners got free emulation for 360 games and we got PS Now. Wow. Great trade off.

    • I will admit that PS Now is terrible, but I’ll also say, that like almost everyone else here who said something negative about this months free games, you also are not saying what games you would rather have. Sony can’t put games people would rather play out of people don’t say what games they would rather play. Complain about the games you get, but not suggest those you would like to get. And I’ll also agree with you that not being able to play older console games was a very bad thing on Sony’s part, it’s not the end of the world there. I have all 3 systems setup next to each other so I can continue to play any game I have. But ya, on that part there, Sony needs to make all of them playable on PS4

  • I am not an XBOX fan by any means, but let’s compare 2015’s most prominent “free” titles between XBOX GOLD and Sony’s PS PLUS Instant Game Collection (some of these games are not compatible with the competing gaming system, but it shows the diff. in quality relative to both systems):

    XBOX: Witcher 2, Tomb Raider, Sniper Elite V2, Bioshock Infinite, Gears of War: Judgment, Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag, Mafia II, Army of 2: Devil’s Cartel, Just Cause 2, Gears of War 3, Metro: Last Light, Metro 2033, Crysis 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

    PSN: Infamous: First Light, Oddworld: New n Tasty, Valiant Hearts, Never Alone, Unfinished Swan, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Rocket League, Styx: Master of Shadows, Limbo, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, Grow Home, Broken Age,

    While Sony has some decent offerings, it doesn’t take much to notice the difference in AAA titles offered between the two. Bioshock Infinite being free for XBOX is huge and Sony hasn’t come close to offering a title like that or even AC 4: Black Flag….not to mention two Metro games.

    Get it together, Sony.

    • Other free titles that have been given on PS3 in the past:

      Tomb Raider
      Dues Ex
      Bioshock 2
      Metro Last Light
      Super Street IV
      Sniper V2
      Skullgirls Encore
      Sleeping Dogs

      So to do any of those would be like having a repeat.

    • Why did you put xbone and 360 games on the list and just ps4 games on the other one?

      Only AC4, one of the Metros, and Ground Zeros on that list were the ones given on xbone. Only the 2 Gears games are the BC ones on that one anyway, GoW J as the worst in the series. You gotta add all the ps3 games if you’re gonna make that kind of list.

  • One correction- Sony DID offer Bioshock Infinite in 2014….so, my bad. Everything else remains, in my blog. Sony doesn’t give you the option to edit your post….why, I have no idea.

    • So they can show off how ungrateful their followers are would be my guess. Very few games I would play in either of those lists, but that’s me. AC4 and Bioshock are the only 2 on that list I would willingly buy as they are the only 2 I have heard anything good about. Tomb Raider is boring, not a fan of MGS, haven’t really seen anything either way for Witcher 2, Army of 2, or Gears of War, but the rest I’ve never been interested in. If this is the type of list you are comparing, than it’s not a very good job at distinguishing Xbox Gold from PS+. And it’s probably stuff like this that is the reason of this months free lineup. But hey, everyone keeps saying that Xbox is better, and yet they appear to have the same style. I find it odd that way

  • Absolutely ridiculous PS4 games, honestly… I’m selling my PS4 because of how expensive everything is and your useless games that are meant to be so called “awesome”

    • Their PS+ games aren’t meant to be called “awesome”. They’re meant to be called free, but most people can’t see that. And not giving any actual feedback is the reason for a list like this. Take 5 minutes to actually state what you would rather see so Sony can…. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Man people, you’d think that Sony are mind readers.

  • Whoever made the list this month needs to be taken to a hospital immediately; they seem to have had a stroke of some sort because theses games are all trash. I’m sure the 5 people that like them will be happy but come on. It’s one thing to have ‘not good’ games, but these are completely unplayable. Way to stay the course guys. Consistency is important.

    • Ah, so you like Call of Duty. Glad they didn’t put that one up there, cause than I’d have a reason to complain

  • Another month of Sony scraping the bottom of the PS4 games barrel. Not good enough.

  • My god. Once again Sony, I will be downloading one game, and it will be on the last gen system. Furthermore, I’ll likely only be playing it once or twice. Just like Far Cry: Blood Dragon. Which was the last game I downloaded. It really does seem that because PS4 owners have to pay-to-play essentially when we speak of online gaming, Sony’s decided that the games we get will be garbage in general. Because I haven’t liked a single PS4 title all of 2015. And 2016 is kicking off in similar fashion. Congrats Sony! I’m really looking forward to renewing my Plus subscription come February 3rd…

    • My god, another person who can’t say what they would rather see. Speak up instead of badgering Sony for your lack of initiative to say what you would rather play. Honestly, I’m looking forward to DA:O, and I’ll try the other games out. Who knows, I might like them, I might not. Only way to know is to play them

  • Another month of crappy games? Yes!!! This is what i pay $50.00/yr for?? I think this is my last year of paying for the Playstation Plus Membership. There is nothing “plus” about it! Better to save your money if your considering a Playstation Plus Membership. Don’t waste your money!!! Your better to wait for weekly deals and get your games that way. At least you get to choose the games you like rather then get garbage games for the premium price you pay…. Not worth it!!!

    • Complaining about paying $50 a year is horrible when a “good” game costs $60. Just go out and buy said “good” game if this list is that horrible to you and let those of us who have a chance at trying out different games, try out said games. Sony better not put any $60 games on this list, because that would just be a horrible marketing technique.

  • I would get them but the PSN IS DOWN HURRY UP

  • I think it’s quite funny reading the comments on here, just a load of complaining and whining. Don’t forget these are FREE games and they are exactly that!. It’s impossible to please everyone I get that but somebody’s idea of a ‘AAA’ title isn’t what everybody else wants. Besides you need to have ps+ subscription to be able to play the majority of games that have online features and game play. For those that are way over reacting and switching to xbox, they maybe getting slightly better titles for free at the moment depending on your point of view but they are on a far worse machine in performance and visual design it actually looks like a vhs recorder from the 80 ‘s. Anyway back to my point which is just show patience for those that haven’t got their dream grade A freebie or actually give these titles a go, you may even like them.

    • I’m actually looking forward to testing these free games out. Will give me a chance to see if I, unlike most PS+ users from what I can tell, will actually buy the game or just delete it from my system. Most who are complaining wouldn’t even buy a game they liked if they got it free, which is just sad

  • POOH…
    A Godwin comment…

    Don’t cut yourself with that edge, dudebro

  • Would love to see some better ps4 games. It’s been a while since I actually looked forward to playing one of the monthly games. I think Rocket League was the last one I actually spent real time playing and enjoying. (6 months ago)

    • I would try out that Rocket League if I had a PS4 when it was free, but after my runins with any game with the League in it’s name, that would be a no go now. Something about putting league in the game name seems to make the game horrible. S4 League, League of Legends, League of Angels…. not sure what it is about that word but…

  • This is crap! We only get two games for PS4! Every month you guys give us less.

  • pitiful

  • Cool, I don’t have any of these. All seem worth playing.

  • @SilentNova- those games you mentioned were released for the PS3…not PS4. And to say it would be redundant to release them on PS PLUS for the PS4 is rubbish. Sony has done that in the past…..release a PLUS title for PS3 and then later for PS4.

    The bottom line is that Sony inexplicably seems to focus its best PS PLUS titles on the PS3. And the argument that the PS4 is not old enough to give us good PLUS titles is garbage. It’s been around more than 2 years now and we still haven’t seen most launch titles.


    • I said they were given on PS3. The point is long time Plus subscribers like myself already got those games back in the PS3 days meaning for us these types of games would be repeats and the one time they actually did repeat, Trine 2, people had a massive hissy fit. Then people asked for Killzone, Knack and many of the same titles they are requesting now.

      One of the reason I like these these indie titles is they are the type of games I do not typically buy myself. Dust I did not buy and enjoy. However if they gave us Killzone, The Last of Us, DmC, Devil May Cry 4, Batman Arkham Knight, and so on, I buy those day one. Even Injustice I already had when they gave it away.

    • The majority of games in your list were for 360.

    • They focus their best game on PS3 because, believe it or not, the PS3 is still the better system, even if it has worse graphics. Games aren’t about graphics, but a true gamer wouldn’t know that. The PS3 still has more players, more people to please. Therefore, PS4 players can wait their chance at games, just like PS3 did when it came out, and good games were still on the PS2

  • @Owned_619- for the 10 millionth time….these games are NOT FREE. PS PLUS costs $49.99 a year.

    By all means, if PS PLUS ever becomes a free service (like, never), then YES, you would be correct….the PS PLUS games would be free.

    Until then, please go back to kindergarten.

    • Technically speaking, you are paying for ONE game a year to get this many other games, so yes, they are free. Your logic is flawed, but not being able to see the price of an actual game because of PS+ clearly has clouded your mind. But free games are free and I look forward to them. And your list of those Xbox games was, more or less, horrible

  • Pretty sure it’s cheaper to just grab dragon age at a game store and give the rest of these games the finger, and the 8th gen library still isn’t good enough to warrant PS plus for Multiplayer.

  • @BurntAluminum- “Pretty sure it’s cheaper to just grab dragon age at a game store and give the rest of these games the finger, and the 8th gen library still isn’t good enough to warrant PS plus for Multiplayer.”

    EXACTLY. I find that a great place to get PS4 games is EBAY, especially if you don’t mind getting them used, in LIKE NEW condition. I got 3 great games for $60 total, “God of War 3 Remastered”, “Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin” and “Evil Within.” That’s just 10 bucks more than PS4….for 3 games we will likely NEVER see on PS PLUS.

    Wouldn’t you rather do this than plonk down your $50 and roll the dice for something you know you will never play and for something good you know is NEVER coming??? Not even a game from late 2013????


  • Make that, 10 bucks more than “PS PLUS”

  • Seriously what’s wrong with you people?!? Grim fandango is one of the best games ever made.. Go back to your mindless fps games purchase some microtransaction fist bumps you filthy casuals.

    That said Sony if I don’t wake up to a fully functioning psn tomorrow I’m gonna get Santa to nailbomb your head office.. Or at least your Basingstoke region.
    Beunas noches XXX

  • Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.

  • Wow Sony…. this is very disappointing. You have become very stingy with the PS4 PS+ free games. I’ve waiting for months hoping that you would turn it around. It’s been too long since we have had a strong PS4 month. I used to tell people that PS+ was the greatest thing since sliced bread (back on the PS3), but now cannot recommend it to friends like I used to. Very disappointed…

  • Hot garbage.

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