PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update

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The next system software update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) system will be released on April 1, 2010 (JST), and will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, Sony Computer Entertainment will remove the functionality through the 3.21 system software update.

In addition, disabling the “Other OS” feature will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system.

Consumers and organizations that currently use the “Other OS” feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3 systems, although the following features will no longer be available;

  • Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat
  • Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later
  • Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)
  • Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later

For those PS3 users who are currently using the “Other OS” feature but choose to install the system software update, to avoid data loss they first need to back-up any data stored within the hard drive partition used by the “Other OS,” as they will not be able to access that data following the update.

Additional information about PS3 firmware updates, including v3.21 (once it becomes available), can be found here:

PS3 owners who have further questions should contact Consumer Services:
800-345-7669 (800-345-SONY)

Comments are closed.


  • yea same here.”Ok SONY, the update has officially messed up my PS3. Began to experience some white noise, overpowering the sound of my ACR in COD MW2. Explain yourselves.”

  • @il2pfh

    If your game is not full network game, just unplug the network cable or stop the wifi on the ps3, and it will work (except if you buy it online).

  • Thats not the point. The point is, is that it happened.

  • Oh, and by the way who uses Linux in the PS3, maybe 5% of all the PS3 owners?

    Let’s see 5% of 30 million, hmm, that’s 1.5 million people.

    victoriabr, I think you’re a Sony employee, LMAO

  • You can still connect to PSN without updating your firmware. If there is an application between your ps3 and and Sony’s servers, you can modify any packet that gets sent across. It’s very easy to modify what version your ps3 reports – there are already existing applications. Review the comments to find out how.

    I just found this out myself, along with a whole lot of other stuff. If Sony didn’t make this move, I never would have known this stuff existed.

  • Anyone have a list of the words which now prevent your messages from being posted without ‘awaiting moderation’?

  • I just found this out myself, along with a whole lot of other stuff. If Sony didn’t make this move, I never would have known this stuff existed.

    Me neither, LOL

  • @ victoriabr

    If they get away with taking away a feature we paid for, what will they take away next? BC on the PS3s that still have it? Blu-Ray? Streaming videos? Online gaming?

    If they can do it once, they can do it multiple times. Next time, it could be a feature you care about.

  • victoriabr: I agree that Sony should be able to lie, cheat and/or steal as long as it only affects a small percentage of people. Who cares about minorities, anyway?

    I didn’t realise, though, that it was illegal to ha,ck into your own hardware products to expose their functionality. Could you please explain to me why Sony (or Apple) haven’t yet arranged for the arrest of, or taken legal action against, Mr. Geo,rge H,otz (Ge,ohots)? Since he’s the one causing all this trouble — which threatens not only to bankrupt Sony, but also to destroy all insecure PS3s using PS3 super-viruses? — it would seem to make some sense. It’s not as if they don’t know who he is or where he lives.

  • That is not the point i want the latest features with other OS, and without it blocking me off of PSN.

  • That is all what we ask for.

  • @victoriaBR

    “your rights end where another’s begins ”

    Usually that phrase is repeated over and over again by people who has no more legal knowledge than the one obtained from a “law 4 dummies” book. No offense, but if you do have some legal background as some of us, then I would be quite concerned for the phrase that you used, and I quote:

    “and NO, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to break the law (for the unwary, Hacking into A GAME OR A SYSTEM IS AGAINST THE LAW)”

    It seems so contradictory to me, that someone who stated that we are in a place where freedom of speech is given, tends to act like we are back 800 years in the inquisition era. You are judging users prior to their acts. Your argument is contradictory on its own roots and honestly, we “whine” like babies because we have the rights to do so and until they find me guilty of piracy I, and neither of us here should be considered thieves and use that as an excuse to limit our consumer right to use and abuse a piece of hardware we bought.

  • they should

  • Lol you’re right!

  • @infinitree

    Following your format I’ve also filed a complaint (but I’m not posting the information here)

    As a resolution I’ve asked to either get a full refund for my system (and all the games) or get the “Other OS” feature restored. If they give me a refund I’m going right out to buy a 360 and a 3D blue ray player.

  • @VictoriaBR

    and NO, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to break the law (for the unwary, Hacking into A GAME OR A SYSTEM IS AGAINST THE LAW

    Anyway, if I do this in my home, and don’t release anything on internet … What could you do ?

    Next step : Sony install webcams in all houses to prevent OUR system hacked, but it’s for OUR security ?

  • If I would like to do some piracy, honestly, i wouldnt have spend 600$ when one year before, the xbox was out and hacked with modded firmware and costed half what the PS3 Did. Im pretty sure most of the early adopters bought a ps3 with the whole “media center” advertisement in mind or the whole “use linux and watch movies, listened to music, watch Blurays and yeah, play games”

  • Oh, I see, this is to stop piracy…the act of taking something that somebody else paid for….I see…….

  • How do we call this ?

    You know, taking someone else property ?

    Piracy ?

    That’s just what SONY did !

  • @Zepala
    The point is that you CAN legally break into your own hardware — and even release the details to the Internet — in the United States at least. If you couldn’t, G’eorge H’otz would be in prison (or at least in court) about now. His personal details are right there on Wikipedia.

  • (This does not include copyright infringement, of course, which is illegal, but there’s nothing illegal about homebrew).

    By the way, found on worldlawdirect . com :

    “I wish to inform you that you can talk to the customer service of the Sony PlayStation and can try to resolve the matter. However, in this if you have been provided wrong information in advertisement then you can claim refund of the cost paid on the ground that you have been supplied wrong information while buying the Sony PlayStation. Under Section 207.171 of Nevada Revised Statues Title 15 Chapter 207 it is unlawful to bring false advertisement. Further, a civil penalty can be imposed.”

  • @Sven_Viking

    Yes, I know. It’s the same thing in France. Hardware, since you buy it, is your.

    I was just telling this SONY employee that wathever they can put in their EULA or TOS, I can always do what I want.

  • @Zepala yeah that’s my point. Steal from the innocent to combat a priracy that hasn’t happened yet.

    Yar Sony….Yar.

  • Anyone who files a class-action lawsuit, I’m in.

  • @Shugaru :

    It doesn’t count, but :

    (I tell you, because it was very funny)
    I call SONY Customer’s service who said

    SONY : We can’t do anything. I give you a phone number to call.
    ME, Surprised : Herrr ? It was the phone number I call when I had you on ?
    SONY : Yes, it’s the customer’s service.

    I will lie if I say I’ve been very polite with him :)

    Then, I call DGCCRF (General Directorate for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Repression).

    They take my call in account. The women who talk to me seems well informed about this problem.

    Then, I write a letter to the supermarket who sold me the PS2.5

    Then, I call an lawer.

    What’s not cool, we don’t have class actions in France !

    So, I make an filling in the ‘Que Choisir’ : It a Consumer defence association.

    That’s all for the moment.

  • I’m guessing any class-action suit will need to wait until lawyers get back from their Easter holidays.

  • @5735 Hotrod2067:

    Good point.

  • My comments are being moderated even though I haven’t used inappropriate language, haven’t included links, no phone numbers, nothing..

  • Darn Winter Storms. I can’t use the PS3 though I can’t go online with it.

    Best case I can get my $1100 back. Worst case I update and lose linux.


  • 1. Go onto the XMB on the start up screen.

    2. Go to Network Settings and select Internet Connection Settings.

    3. Click Custom – [any option] – [any option] – Manual.

    4.For you IP address, you may want to go to your router webpage to find out this remaining info, but for the primary DNS you need to put which should trick the PS3 into thinking you’re fully updated.

    5. Choose your settings from here on.

  • lol I found that on the internet, and I don’t take responsibility for whatever happens to your PS3’s… lol (Search it up on the internet)

  • I found that on the internet, and I don’t take responsibility for whatever happens to your PS3’s… lol (Search it up on the internet)

  • Mayhem4u just got a 500gig hard drive for my fatty, and -I- want to run linux as a 2nd OS.

  • they are taking out comments left and right

  • like a moment ago your comment was there. Now gone. you didn’t even break the forum rules

  • Why would I install this? I think it’s a bad precedent to start removing functionality that was a feature when I bought the PS3.

    Surely there has to be a way to keep otherOS, what about universities that have PS3s just for the Cell platform? Was that just a marketing stunt?

    Do we get a refund for losing this feature?

  • this uncalled for censorship just goes to show you that they know they’ve done something wrong

  • Since it appears they deleted my old comment which had nothing at all offensive or wrong in it, and being a PS3 OWNER on the Sony forums now feels like trying to be a human rights lawyer in China..

    I just want to tell Sony that:

    1. I’ve lost respect for you and now hold you with similarly low-esteem as I hold Microshaft.
    2. I refuse to update to 3.21
    3. I will go back to using the PC for multiplayer gaming.
    4. If a game requires 3.21, I will NOT buy it!
    5. As of this v3.21 update, I will now have to keep an eye on the whole PS3 hacking scene, as THAT is the ONLY WAY that I might be able to continue to use YOUR “product” with the “ADVERTISED FEATURES” that CONVINCED ME to PURCHASE it in the first place. Until now, I had no motivation to… Good job Sony!

  • ok sony your prob. going to delete this to but why didnt you take out the media area of the xmb with the right stuff and files your grand ol playstation is able to play nes game but i dont see you doing anything about that its BS that you are takeing away my otherOS that i do use i got my PS3 solely off of the use of YDL other wise i would have bought a much cheaper xbox 360

  • I’m not surprised they’re deleting comments. This is firmware blog post has the most responses out of any other one in the past. Almost at 6000!

  • “I just want to tell Sony that:

    1. I’ve lost respect for you and now hold you with similarly low-esteem as I hold Microshaft.
    2. I refuse to update to 3.21
    3. I will go back to using the PC for multiplayer gaming.
    4. If a game requires 3.21, I will NOT buy it!
    5. As of this v3.21 update, I will now have to keep an eye on the whole PS3 hacking scene, as THAT is the ONLY WAY that I might be able to continue to use YOUR “product” with the “ADVERTISED FEATURES” that CONVINCED ME to PURCHASE it in the first place. Until now, I had no motivation to… Good job Sony!”

    X2 I completely feel the same way. Whoever is in charge of these decisions at Sony is pure EVIL. They should be fired.

  • Hmmm. perhaps this is temporary until they patch the hole?

  • i feel like they wont do anything, they wont give the other os feature back, they wont say sorry… they’ve never listened to their customers. all they ever do is take features away. a long history of decontening and cheapening the hardware and now this.

  • it doesn’t affect me, but I still think it odd that less than 5% of posts here blame the hacker.

  • Not only are comments containing words such as “g,eohot” (no comma) being queued for moderation (and then presumably deleted). Comments /talking/ about this using workarounds are being deleted manually. This post will presumably be deleted soon, for example. My last post/s on the subject were.

  • At least we know who the Sony employees are!!

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