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I like it, Nice and Clean.

Hermen Hulst and Jim Ryan traitors
PlayStation fans are in a rage, lying traitors, 25 years of glory and you make that betrayal, you are responsible for what will happen with PlayStation.

I think it looks great, but I think it could look better if you replace the blue cover with a black or white one.

Looks great now im wondering when are they going to do that system teardown that they were talking about earlier in the year?

It’s fine. Reminds me of 360 games though.

Not bad but a white case would be much nicer.

Black or clear box plz!

I don’t care… 90% of my PS4 library is digital and I’ll buy the PS5 digital version.

It looks good but black box would be better I think

Let’s hope that the boxes are the sam width and length. Just a thought that could Be over looked. The coves are fine

looks cool but they should made backgrounds black in my opinion

I think it would work better with Black cases. Specifically Miles Morales box art. Since you are going with a white spine, and black lettering I think a black case would work better in my honest opinion.

As someone who loves the color white, it makes this box art look GOOD💪

Hmmm… I think the blue plastic case feels too ps4… A transparent case or an opaque white case would be complimentary to the cover art and logo design while also distinguishing itself as something new.

Need to add Only On PlayStation

The game & the logo isn’t exciting news.

Look like the Xbox 360 cases. Now if only the games could be original and not just DLC packs like the one shown.

Off topic today is my birthday now on topic yes I agree with most people only on PlayStation is missing other than that I love the box art 🔥🔥🔥

I wonder how that blue bottom line on the head part will have effect on boxarts. But hey, before I get judged again as “The Last of Us Part II hater” and “PS hater” again just because I write somethig that’s not biased or extremely positive, pls understand this is just a comment, I have no problem with the packshot, just keen to see how other arts will look with the header. ;) I like how the mixture of black and white ends up in a stormtrooper feeling on PS5 things.

Why didn’t you show the back? Hiding stuff?!!! Otherwise it looks okay. Moving to full digital, so this won’t really have an effect on me.

*starring Marvel Super Hero Spider-man*


I think they look very cool cant wait for the launch of the ps5.

Think it would be better with the ps3 clear cases but other than that looks fine.

I believe the box should be a different color other than blue. Like previous generations of their game cases you can distinguish which console is which (PS2 has black cases, ps3 has clear/transparent cases, ps4 has the blue cases). I believe a White or Black would fit this new generation of ps5 cases.

So the blue background is now white and the 4 is a 5?
Groundbreaking changes!

Definitely wouldn’t use the blue plastic cases IMO, the Smokey/Black plastic would look much better. I know those are typically used for 4K movie cases, but I think it’d look much better with the white banner on the top of these covers.

Look amazing great guys


I love it! Really embracing the new lighter, bold colors!

I like it, but if the outline appeared in black instead of blue it will not be misleading to PS4 because you some people will

This is insane!!

just don’t tell me that the box itself is the same blue as ps4

Looks good, would also like to echo that a black case would make the look more unique, imo.

I think having a black case, as opposed to the blue, would be much better! It’d match the console more so, as well. =)

I lkke it, i like how the ps5 part is white, but i think having tne case be black or a dark gray would work better so that tjeu dont get confused for ps4 cases

I like it, i yhjnk ghe white anf black works for the logo. I think if the case way black or a dark greay it would help it stand out from the ps4 cases. Other than that it looks great

Remove the blue case, replace it with clear or black. This will help immensely.
If you were to go further, i would suggest flipping the white bar for black with the PS5 in white, but just removing the blue case will help this design out 10x over.

I’m not paying $70 for a game so I’ll wait for discounts.

Ahhhhh man “Only On PlayStation” is gone.

You’re going full on with the white look, huh?
Not a fan.
Didn’t like it on PSVR.
Didn’t like it on the controller reveal.
Didn’t like it on the PS5 reveal.
And I don’t like it here.

Blue case looks weird
Its nice, but why not black boxes like in the Blu-ray Ultra HD?
Categorically awful. What a huge step backwards.
The only issue is going to be PAL covers or Square Enix covers that do generic white spines and plain, sans-serif fonts. Its not going to look good there at all when it becomes a solid white block. (Which isn’t so much Sony of America’s fault, but the fault of Square Enix and the generic PAL spines that shouldn’t ever be put in place.) Say what you will about the boring Red Switch spines (I think they’re boring), but they’ll have more personality on a shelf than these will.
I’m torn on the blue case, too. I think I’d rather see black, but I think you’d want to not go solid black (like DVDs), maybe a translucent black?
At first I was shocked, but I really really like it!
I actually want to commend you guys. You are taking bold risks but at the same time not changing what works. This box art is the epitome of your strategy.
Was there anything wrong with PS4 boxes? No. Can we be more bold and confident having black on white? Yes!
Keep doing what you guys are doing. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!
It looks so sharp! Great job Sony! Lover is it matches the console!
I don’t like the blue case I think is out of place, I prefer it in Black.
Big Brain thinking if it does not say “only on PlayStation” it will not be just on PlayStation
And the price tag says $69.99
For a dlc?