The indie hit makes its console debut! Creator Toby Fox talks localization and... other things.
(A dog appeared from the shadows…)
Hi, this is Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale.
Undertale is a role-playing game where no one has to get hurt. It’s a humorous game that I created to evoke the same feelings that many classic Japanese role-playing games had given me. Happiness, sadness, fear, courage, friendship, hope, love, justice…
Amazingly, I think, among Western audiences, I was able to achieve this goal. I received a lot of feedback from players that felt the “love,” “hope,” and “justice” resonating within the soul of the game.
(The dog put its strangely human fingers together and gave a strangely human smile.)
However, after a year had passed, I realized the “goal” hadn’t been absolutely completed. The games that had inspired me came from Japan, but Japanese audiences were not able to play the game easily…
To solve this, I would have to overcome two obstacles. First most obviously, the game is not in Japanese. Second most obviously, which is actually least obviously in a list of two objects, the Japanese PC game market is surprisingly small. Even if the game was released on PC in Japanese, many would not play it. So, I had to bring the game to consoles.
Anyway, since I had that realization, I’ve been working with 8-4 to translate and localize the game into Japanese. You may not have heard of 8-4, but they’re the hard-working boys and women who translated Petz Hamsterz Bunch into English. (They also localized some lesser known titles, such as NieR: Automata, Metal Gear Rising, etc.) Along the way that transformed into having them develop and publish the PlayStation versions, too.
Fangamer is working on the physical aspects of the release, like the Collector’s Edition. You know, they do most of my merchandise, so if you’ve seen that, you know it’s in good hands. (By the way, Fangamer is made up of my old friends I met because we all loved JRPGs, so I really trust them.)
Keep an eye here, and on Undertale.com, for more info as we get close to wrapping things up!
Now, to answer any questions you may have:
Q: I don’t have any questions. Please don’t release the game.
A: “UNDERTALE” will appear on PS4 and Vita in Summer 2017. We’ll have more info to share in July. Please look forward to it.
Q: Hey Kids! When and where can I get those Collector’s Editions!
A: You’ll be able to get them from Fangamer in Summer 2017.
Q: Do the PS4 and Vita versions have any new content?
A: The tutorial frog NPC that talks about pressing F4 to go full-screen has slightly different dialogue now. I apologize to die-hard fans of the tutorial frog.
Q: Did you include Trophies? I love Trophies.
A: I’m sorry.
Q: You didn’t include Trophies?
A: No… I… I did. That’s why I’m apologizing.
Q: Will the game support Cross-Buy?
A: (Staring blankly.)
(Staring blankly.)
(The teleprompter updates.)
Yes! The download version will support Cross-Buy.
Q: No!!! You fool!!! I told you not to release it! Come back here!
A: Please look forward to it.
Q: Wh-What?! Where am I…? A hall of mirrors?! Wh…Which dog is the real one?!
A: Please look forward to it.
A: Please look forward to it.
Yo, I know ultimate name, but it was supposed to be msgs are but it was taken
Question : when will it come out and water (wink wink) the rices? ( pun for prices)
I have a question,
Is the disc cross buy enabled?
Or do I need to buy the PSN version to get the Vita version?
I can’t wait :)
I distanced myself from the community after a while, but seeing Undertale released on PS4 has just yanked me back into loving the game, so excited to play it on my TV!!!
You guys are killing it with Indy games. Between stuff like this and Superhot VR there’s always great stuff coming
Easiest trophy would be “Kill Sans without getting hit”
Hi Toby, I am really excited for the game to come out loved the game when it first came out, i just have one question, how much will the collecters edition cost? You know so i can start saving now.
Wow. I thought the closest I’d every get to playing undertale was youtube but owning a vita has become that much better. Thanks Toby (:.
You changed the tutorial frog?
How could you…
Im excited to play the game on other platforms. I’m more curious about the price.
its summer where is this game hello am i the only one who relised its summer and this game is not here WHERE IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t wait to meet flowey on a bigger screen
Will their be a virtual copy?
Thanks for realeasing it on the ps4, i cant wait for the locket
I want a when an exact when also I have 100$ and I’m saving it for that collectors edition
I’m going to buy this because and only because I need to see what tutorial frog’s new dialogue is.
Just expanding upon the last comment I made. I swear to you, as soon as the pre-order comes in, never in my life will I click on a notification so fast, and try pre-ordering it so fast, because my Birthday is coming up, and Imm hoping to get it on that day. Best of luck to all of you at FanGamer, PlayStation, and Toby’s Team. (Including Toby. I ain’t leaving the puppy out!)
Xbox one? (PLEASE!)
Yes, Everyone will finally know how the PS is greater than other consoles.