PlayStation Plus: Free Games for August 2016

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PlayStation Plus: Free Games for August 2016

Update: Starting on September 22, 2016, prices for PlayStation Plus memberships will change to $59.99 USD/ $69.99 CAD for twelve months and $24.99 USD/$29.99 CAD for three months. The monthly plan will change to $11.99 CAD in Canada, and remain $9.99 USD in the U.S. If you are a current member, the new prices will take effect if your membership renews on or after this date.

PlayStation Plus strives to enrich your PlayStation experience through a world-class service built for our fans. This marks the first time that PS Plus membership prices will increase in the U.S. and Canada since the launch of the service in 2010. The new pricing reflects the current market conditions while enabling us to continue providing exceptional value to our members. As a member, you will continue to enjoy the benefits and features that enable shared experiences, such as online multiplayer, free games, and exclusive discounts. You will also continue to get exclusive benefits such as online game save storage and discounts across the PlayStation digital services.

If you do not wish to continue your subscription, please be sure to cancel it by turning off auto-renewal in your account settings before September 22, 2016.

We thank all of you, our PlayStation Plus members, for your ongoing support.

We’re happy to share the free PS4 games for PS Plus members this August! This month we look to satisfy your inner space pirate, and let you battle it out with friends in a frenzied tower builder.

First up is Tricky Towers, a new title from WeirdBeard Games. Tricky Towers is a physics-based puzzler that’s at its best when you’re competing against friends. With local and online multiplayer for two to four players, the game shines as you race to stack your tower while casting spells to disrupt your opponents. The gameplay is fast, fun, and addictive, as you’ll find yourself coming back for more. So gather your friends or join them online and enjoy the mayhem of Tricky Towers.

Next up is Rebel Galaxy. Suit up and take command in this space combat RPG from developer Double Damage. Take the helm of a massive destroyer as you make your reputation through trade, by being a work-for-hire mercenary or a swashbuckling pirate. In a procedurally generated universe, no two star systems are the same and there’s always something new to discover. So take the helm, prepare for battle, and have a blast with Rebel Galaxy.

Full lineup:

  • Tricky Towers, PS4
  • Rebel Galaxy, PS4
  • Yakuza 5, PS3
  • Retro/Grade, PS3
  • Patapon 3, PS Vita
  • Ultratron, PS Vita, PS3, PS4

We’ll see you in the comments section. Enjoy.

Comments are closed.


2 Author Replies

  • There is absolutely nothing to justify this price increase, i think it’s time to stop paying for this crap and just get a pc.

    • PLEASE DO. That way, developers will start paying attention to PC as the install base goes up and we won’t get any more crappy ports like No Man’s Sky and Dark Souls!

    • Unless the “free” games get better, *alot* better, I will never renew my subscription

  • Regardless of what you think about a few games recently released for “free,” I think one thing holds true: the quality of offerings has decreased over the years, thus a price increase does not properly reflect many people’s perception of its value. I won’t be renewing. I have all platforms and can live without paying for one of them. When I want to play things like The Last of Us 2 online, I’ll just use a month trial card I kept from some game. Nintendo and PC are free, and I cant live without XBL because of Halo and BF1. Sit this year out!

  • This is honestly a huge steaming pile. Sony continues to show little to no appreciation towards their consumer base.

  • If next month we’re given more boring indie titles for ps4, I’ll be done with ps+. I keep reading how good rebel galaxy is, yet it’s a single-player grindfest on a flat, 2d plane with a lackluster story and more time spent flying place to place with nothing to do, but grind more. Don’t even get me started on tricky tetris, I mean towers. Sad to see ps+ go so far downhill this year. Already canceled my auto-resub, and won’t be resubscribing until I see a reason to spend the same amount as a new game. Dissapointed in ya sony.

  • first strike: making ps plus mandatory for online gaming
    second strike: lowering the quality of ps plus games while keeping the same price
    third strike: increasing the price for literally no reason

    **** this im getting a pc

  • Sony should split the membership. One with free games and discount. and the other one just for multiplayer only. $39.99 and 59.99.

    I don’t like their free games line up anyway. And they are not free because you need to maintain your membership.

    • That is a great idea!

    • I’d love if they finally introduced a service to let us buy the games we got off PS+ as well. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about keeping subscribed, and they can have us “buy” a game twice.

    • That’s actually a really brilliant idea! Multiplayer doesn’t matter to me, personally. I’m mostly just interested in the free games/discount. Even though I’ve been disappointed at the offerings these past two years, I’d keep the subscription of the price were going down rather than up.

  • My service is expiring at the end of this year and at this point I will not be renewing. PS Plus has been nothing but straight garbage and now there is a price increase. For what? Still can’t change names. Still no two-step verification. Indie garbage offered every month. No EA Access. Horrendously slow download speeds. Shady updating this OLD blog post with the price increase instead of posting a new one to notify your paying customers. This will certainly be my first, and last Sony console after adding it to my collection with the other two this gen.

    For the Players? More like For Ourselves.

    • yeah won’t be renewing mine either. This decision is ridiculous. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, Sony! Real smart!!

  • What the neck PlayStation. How can you justify upping PS Plus? Don’t use the due to market conditions excuse either. Not trying to be a jerk here but most of the PS Plus games you keep putting out don’t interest me at all. I love PlayStation and all but now you’re charging what Xbox charges simply for the fact you know that you have more fans and more people like PlayStation over Xbox now. For someone like me who has all the systems it’s a pain in the butt to keep dishing out money for services and servers that don’t improve yet the company wants more.

  • Way to go Sony! Make us pay more for less. Im glad there jumping on this band wagon. If i had a choice i would totally get rid of my PS4 and go to xbox one. Seeing as the service is better and a lot of the games are better. But i cant do that because i cant afford it. And now i have to pay you more money on top of what i pay already for my internet connection. May as well just sell this POS and buy steam cards. They don’t make us pay a monthly fee.

  • You disappointed me, Sony not by extra 10 bucks for Plus
    But by overall politics that includes return policy, ****** plus games, publishing amateur demo stuff like No man Sky and more
    I hope ps4 will be jailbreaked soon as revenge of those years of suffer you made us
    Billy boys were right

  • Last time I downloaded and enjoyed a free PS+ Game was Rocket League… and I was already planning on buying that game. I appreciate the gesture every month guys, but is there any chance we can get games that people have heard of?

    • This is absolutely true! Rocket League was the last “free” game I’ve DLed and played. This was a great service that has seriously declined. But I was ok with the changing times… But this increase along with the decline is just not right. But what Sony should be most ashamed of is the way they “announced” it. Posting an update to a very old post seems underhanded and decieptful…

  • Bad Move!

  • PS Plus has been getting progressively worse ever since the launch of the PS4.

    What makes you think upping the price in Canada by 40% is in any way ok? Will plus be doubling the “Free” games? Making the discounts more often and larger? Will sony finally start to provide a stable online experience?

    Of course not, this is just gouging for money.

  • I don’t see the value of this increase of cost as a customer. Just because you guys are out preforming Microsoft doesn’t mean you have to match the price point of online access. PS Plus being cheaper was a selling point in comparison to Xbox Live’s price.

  • For 70 god damned dollars in Canada, your monthly game offerings better start taking a MAJOR upswing in quality then Sony. This is some serious bull crap right here. It’s hard enough to justify 50 dollars as it is.

  • $70 CAD?! The difference between the USD and CAD is LESS THAN 20 cents, how a $20 increase when the US is only getting a $10 hike can possibly be justified as anything other than a “F*** you Canada” tax is beyond me!

    Not does Sony hike the price by a very unfair amount for Canadians but still continue to provide a sub-standard experience compard to XB1, but you announce it by hiding it inside of a nearly month old blog post that hardly anyone is watching? That’s underhanded, greedy, and just downright slimy! Nice treatment to the very playerbase that has put you on top of this console generation.

    PSN is a painfully bad joke with frequent outages, interrupts, ridiculously slow speeds, bad quality voice chat, extremely slow text chat, lacking current standards in security (multi-step verification?), a lack of proper database design and allow people to change their PSN ID, and month after month after month of crappy indie PS+ games that have shown zero signs of any significant improvement.

    So with that, I am officially done with PS+. My XB1 and PC will get more play instead.

    Sony are apparently only great when humbled.

  • As long as the $10 increase means that we PS Plus members will be getting interesting games and not just those stupid okay-at-best indie games, then I’m fine with the $10 increase.

    • @gameman15 If I remember correctly europe got a price increase quite a while ago and their free games are pretty much the exact same as ours…from what I hear there has been no change in the service whatsoever for them after the increase so i doubt we will see any either.

  • The service is nothing, NOTHING compared to what it used to be on the days of ps3, the price is unjustified and the games are utter trash. There’s nothing backing your claims other than greed, and your customer service is so annoying. There’ll be a lot of people that won’t renew after this.
    Also, why not post this on the front page instead of an old post, are you so afraid of the backlash?

  • Extremely unethical how you hide this announcement in an old post. Who do you have working there? Doesn’t anyone have any morals? I’m not sure how you sleep at night…

    I won’t complain about the price, I simply won’t pay it. Also finalized my decision not to upgrade to Neo, will Not buy a PSVR, and absolutely will not be buying a PS5 (whenever that comes out). Sony can not be trusted. Time to move on

  • Huh, what a surprise, raising the price for multiplayer 2 days after Destiny is released. What a crock of ****. I’d cancel immediately if I didn’t play online, but you guys knew that right? That’s why you did it.

    Next time I’ll buy an XBOX and suffer rather than deal with this.

  • Oh boy. Well now that I have a job I’m stocking up. I just bought a year. Gonna buy 2 more years if it lets me and that way I’m set.

  • This is bull they better start giving us better free games and not letting the network go down by technical difficulties or by hack your a bunch of greedy bastards and your going to lose a valued customer if you dont straighten up you crap.

  • You can bet I’m done with plus from here on out, there is definitely not enough value in Plus currently to make me think it’s worth the value of a new game these psn game don’t do it for me I bought my ps4 to AAA games with next gen graphics not 8bit kiddy bull****.

    Sony really set me back with this gonna play offline after my plus runs out cause all you get each month is 2 trash games and that’s not $60 a year if ya ask me.

  • leaving a comment for I believe the first time, I have always defended PS+ to my friends who call it a ridiculous service and that we can never play together on the PS4. But I honestly have no idea what to say about this current move, I mean I have subbed for 5? years now and while I have no issue with the money for the service I am offended that you can offer crap on a continuing dive to the pits of indie-games that you install and play for 20 minutes that get worse and worse over time. If next month’s free games are say Witcher 3 for PS4 (which I already owns) and Darkest Dungeon for Vita then sure that would justify the increase but if it is going to be some 5 hour long indie game about oooo look we have physics ooooooo AND you rise the price then wtf SONY

    • @gaiafires And the worst part about it is that there still will be idiots like this “Seluhir” jerk who will still defend Sony’s greed by saying stupid things like “Oh, you’re just angry about it because it doesn’t cater to you” even when Sony gives out games like Gone Home (that has a user score of 3.8-5.4 on Metacritic BTW) they still do this.

  • After security issues, repeated sever attacks on holidays, forcing it on consumers and lack luster ps+ games you guys decide to raise the price for PS+?

    Nah, I ain’t supporting this anymore. The price point was fine when it launched, the games offered and the sale bonuses actually made be subscribe. The fact that it was optional was the best part, but now that it’s forced on PS4 users the quality sunk harder than a rock in such a short time.

    Once my subscription is up, I’m not paying for this crap anymore. Sony clearly doesn’t every intend in improving the service and the price hike is just to fatten their wallets without any effort. #4theplayers my ass.

  • ok so frist canada get a price increase so games went from 60 dollars to 80 dollars. yea i was ticked and a bit ****ed but really why is plus getting a jacked. yea both US and Cad are getting it but dame. Hopefully it will cover a bigger discount for that price. here is hoping as well it goes back down and gaming prices go back down in Canada as well to the price they were at before getting jacked up.

    • Surprise, surprise. Our dollar was matching the USD for a lot of the PS3 and the launch of the PS4 lifecycle. It’s fallen as low as 68 cents in the last year. I’m mad at our government for letting our economy sink this much but US companies have no reason to give us products cheaper because the canadian government can’t get its **** together.

  • This is awesome.. So we have no choice but to pay more every year for service that’s non existent or very slow. We have no choice because nothing works without PS Plus.. Here’s a idea Sony.. Take all this cheddar you’re making off of all of your customers and reinvest it into your network so you can deliver what we’re paying for… Just an idea!! I know it’s crazy!!!!

  • It is extremely pathetic that you updated a 3 week old post with this announcement. Makes Greg Lewickyj look like a slimy nub and really makes me want to stop supporting Playstation altogether.

    I guess the current market conditions will cause me to change some things as well.

    You guys straight up suck and it’s embarrassing to be a Playstation supporter right now. damn lame.

  • WTF, it’s a 20$ increase off a 50$ plans !!!!!

  • Wow this is absolutely disappointing.. I love PSN but how can anyone be increase with the price increase? Multiple times every year, PSN is hacked personal info leaks, download speeds is slow for users, cannot change your psn ID (yes I am aware of the ToS), and the games given monthly are weak titles rarely anyone ever asked for. What a shame.

    • I love PSN but how can anyone be happy with the price increase?*
      This change was not in the best (or any) interest of the gamers that support Sony. Back-stab move.

  • 70$ Canadian…that is quite expensive…hope you stop ps3 ps vita games and bring us more ps4, movies, tv shows, and features for that price

  • Sony has done several sales where AAA titles have been discounted significantly if you take advantage of them instead of waiting for free AAA games maybe you wouldn’t all be complaining about a $10 increase. $60 for a year is $5 per month if you think that’s awful or too expensive you might as well go play with sticks outside.

    • You are talking about sales on games the poster may not ever have interest in playing just like the free games….the fact of the matter is the service itself is not worth the money if someone only wants to play online why should they have to pay more money (50 was already insanely high just for people that only wanted online play and nothing more) for a service that has continually declined in quality since the launch of the ps4?

      They are chargining more money for a service that continually declines in quality….

      How exactly do you rationalize and justify that? Sony obviously can’t or they wouldn’t have attempted to hide it in the first place.

  • The value of PlayStation Plus has decreased drastically since it hit its peak in 2012, and now the price is going UP? Doesn’t sound good to me. Sony should step the quality of the “free” games back up to make it worth it. Hopefully, this isn’t a sign of Sony getting cocky again.

  • I’m out. The PS+ service wasn’t even worth $50/yr to me, as someone that only needed multiplayer a few weeks throughout the year. Have absolutely zero use for the completely trash “free” games that are offered month after month (aside from Rocket League, which is a great game) and I have never once made use of the PS+ discounts, since I only purchase physical media.

    It’s really not about the money, as much as the perceived value received for the money spent. Could justify spending $20/yr for online only, but for $60, it simply isn’t worth it (for a feature that is free for PC, and was originally free in the PS3 era). For many of us, this increase has simply highlighted the fact that we’re now being asked to pay even more for a service we weren’t at all happy with in the first place.

    A price hike without any added value comes across as nothing but greedy, and the stealth edit on an old article to make this announcement is completely underhanded. In all honesty, I’d rather light three $20 bills on fire each year, rather than continue to feel like I’m supporting and subsidizing the creation of garbage indie games that I don’t want and will never play.

  • What bs, there hasnt been a good month of free games in ages

    I am NEVER buying this service for $60, not in its current state, I promise you that.

    Also its funny to me, you guys are trying to hide this announcement, by putting it in this old article, and not putting it in words on twitter. LOL! Sony, you are weak.

  • If sony is raising our prices. Where the heck is our gametag changing feature!!!

  • Stealth releasing this news isn’t exactly showing a lot of respect to the consumer base…

  • @Sony,

    I’m fine with the games for the month and year.

    I’m fine with the increase in price.

    I’m not okay with an update to a old post stating that the price will increase in 30 days. Sony is lousy with communication. Do the right thing. Make a front page new blog post about the price increase. You can out whatever justification int here you wish. You will still have upset people, but I think most of the posts are, bad social posting decisions then they are about the increase.

  • Okay, so let me get this straight, you guys are not only hiding this fairly notable piece of news in a blog post that’s a month old, you’re doing it after how many months of shoving PSP games into the Vita games this past year or so?

    The fact you picked this blog post of all blog posts to edit this onto just makes it look even worse. Right here we have another example of how you’re not even delivering on what PS+ is supposed to give us with Patapon taking the slot of a Vita game, and at the same time we’re being told we need to pay 20% more for it.

    How many more months do you intend to keep this kind of thing up? When was the last time Vita owners got two full priced games for PS+? It’s not like there aren’t plenty to pick from.

    I’m sorry, but I just don’t see how you can tell us we need to pay $10 more for this when you haven’t even been delivering on your end. I’ll get my next year before you raise the price, but we’ll see if I do so after.

  • You know I have never been happy about paying for online play and now you’re increasing the price. Despite all that crap you guys gave Microsoft when they did they premiered the xbone at E3 back a couple years ago and now you guys are pulling the same crap. Screw PSPlus and screw this console. I’m done.

  • Unless the quality of the PS+ monthly games for PS4 improves dramatically to match the cost, I will be cancelling immediately.

    • Unfortunately I dont think it will as, from what I have been hearing, after the price increase in europe their has been the exact same type of rentals every month (since we have no access to them when we stop paying for plus to have them they are in absolute no way “free games” and no change in quality of service. This increase is only for sony’s benefit

  • Provide evidence of these alleged market conditions you claim are causing Sony to raise the price of an.already overpriced service. XBOX raising the price of their service and you raising yours in turn is not a market condition. It’s collusion. I await your response.

  • Calm down people, you can cancel anytime the suscription with no fee at all,

    However may I say that recently we got NBA 2K2016, and also the PPlus give you a great library if you are a VITA owner, having the 3 systems I feel that the quality and quantity of the games are solid at minimum… but at the end is up to you…

    Wait for deal on cards (xbox cost also 60 USD), subscribe for one month, or like me suscribe for another year before September 22 you can stack as years as you want

  • Wow, if you want to charge me more money, make the service worth the amount you charge to begin with. The PS+ games are terrible, the added benefits of an additional maybe 20 litteral cents off a title? It’s funny I just reupped for the year at the start of last week, but am regretting it. Personally I’ve stuck with sony since the psone was released, but it’s getting sad at this point. Hell some times I see the Games with gold line up vs the PS+ line up and wonder what the actual f*** your thinking sony. We all know ps+ is required for online multiplayer now, and your abusing the system you’ve got in place for it. This is one of the worst moves in a while.

  • I don’t think i’ll keep paying for my suscription, the service is not nearly as good as it was in the PS3 era.

    Sucks because I like playing multiplayer but I don’t want to support a service as bad as PS+.

  • “The new pricing reflects the current market conditions…”

    Ah, and these are the market conditions that influenced me to do all my online gaming via PC and Nintendo consoles, even after I loved the free online capabilities of PS3. But I suppose the price increase doesn’t really affect me because I would never have paid the original price in the first place.

  • 20% increase to keep giving us welfare indie games.

    nice job sony, u care about the gamers

  • Hey don’t mind me. I’m just here to see if anyone from the Blog team going to reply to those messages or if you’re just going to ignore them like the EU blog team does. :)

    I think it’s really disgusting to rise prices like that and not create a new post just to inform people this better….

    • @Dark_angel69

      I totally agree! serious changes like price increases needs a separate blog post. Typical Sony trying to hide behind a three week old post!

      And these disgusting prices are a joke. Sony needs to start offering BETTER games, BETTER download speeds otherwise they are going to lose thousands of customers!

    • We really do need better games. I miss the year 2012 and 2013. Those were the best years. Such amazing games given those days I was so happy to be a PS+ user. Now I’m just disappointed

    • Oh I’d LOVE to go back to 2012…PS Plus was AMAZING!

    • YEAH! Really was. At the time each month got so good I didn’t think we would see another good month like it but every month after that kept getting better and better. It was unbelievable awesome! And I miss it. :( If they are reading this then I hope they will make that again.

  • Fantastic. As if we didn’t have enough problems saving/paying for our hobby. I really really hope this decision comes to bite your corporation back. There have been recent reports of numerous hacked accounts, the “free” games associated with the service have been a joke for months, and your online services are known to be the worst across the industry. How is this price increase justified? This is how they do it: Gradual changes saying that its a necessary step blah blah blah, until people adapt to it so that in the future people consider it to be normal. Contratulations. Officially added to my scum list.

  • Looks like I have to make it short…. Price in Canada for a game 79,99 with taxes = 91,97 been with PS since the PS1 Era and PS plus really blow nothing for me in there I just pay it just in hope that someday I would need it but I really do so yeah You guys will only loose more customer than get new ones, THIS IS JUST DUMB SONY (SCEA) …. PURE BS Hike of 20 $ for Canada really!!!! 5 all over the place I would understand but 20 lol… way to rip off the customer.

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