PlayStation Plus: Free Games for August 2016

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PlayStation Plus: Free Games for August 2016

Update: Starting on September 22, 2016, prices for PlayStation Plus memberships will change to $59.99 USD/ $69.99 CAD for twelve months and $24.99 USD/$29.99 CAD for three months. The monthly plan will change to $11.99 CAD in Canada, and remain $9.99 USD in the U.S. If you are a current member, the new prices will take effect if your membership renews on or after this date.

PlayStation Plus strives to enrich your PlayStation experience through a world-class service built for our fans. This marks the first time that PS Plus membership prices will increase in the U.S. and Canada since the launch of the service in 2010. The new pricing reflects the current market conditions while enabling us to continue providing exceptional value to our members. As a member, you will continue to enjoy the benefits and features that enable shared experiences, such as online multiplayer, free games, and exclusive discounts. You will also continue to get exclusive benefits such as online game save storage and discounts across the PlayStation digital services.

If you do not wish to continue your subscription, please be sure to cancel it by turning off auto-renewal in your account settings before September 22, 2016.

We thank all of you, our PlayStation Plus members, for your ongoing support.

We’re happy to share the free PS4 games for PS Plus members this August! This month we look to satisfy your inner space pirate, and let you battle it out with friends in a frenzied tower builder.

First up is Tricky Towers, a new title from WeirdBeard Games. Tricky Towers is a physics-based puzzler that’s at its best when you’re competing against friends. With local and online multiplayer for two to four players, the game shines as you race to stack your tower while casting spells to disrupt your opponents. The gameplay is fast, fun, and addictive, as you’ll find yourself coming back for more. So gather your friends or join them online and enjoy the mayhem of Tricky Towers.

Next up is Rebel Galaxy. Suit up and take command in this space combat RPG from developer Double Damage. Take the helm of a massive destroyer as you make your reputation through trade, by being a work-for-hire mercenary or a swashbuckling pirate. In a procedurally generated universe, no two star systems are the same and there’s always something new to discover. So take the helm, prepare for battle, and have a blast with Rebel Galaxy.

Full lineup:

  • Tricky Towers, PS4
  • Rebel Galaxy, PS4
  • Yakuza 5, PS3
  • Retro/Grade, PS3
  • Patapon 3, PS Vita
  • Ultratron, PS Vita, PS3, PS4

We’ll see you in the comments section. Enjoy.

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2 Author Replies

  • I just pay plus for the Multiplayer. this ps4 games are so bad. I feel bad for the ppl waiting for good games in PS4.

  • So a raise in the cost of the service huh? So what else will we be getting? If your going to increase the cost shouldn’t customers get more? Will we be getting better or AAA games for monthly free games? I think i already know the answer to those questions…. The answer is no and nothing we won’t be getting more even though we are paying for more.

  • This should of had a NEW post where you explain your costumers about the price increase, telling us about the benefits, new features, better games on the monthly LineUp? man, whoever runs this blog is such a lazy ass -__-

  • I was on the fence about renewing my PS plus. A $20 increase just confirms that in February when mine expires, I’ll pass on renewing it. $70/year is far from worth it.

  • I will say it again : Announcing a PS Plus price increase via an update on an old blog post is disgraceful. Moreover, this increase is totally unjustifiable. Please feel free to «moderate» my comment once again.

  • Im not buying this **** anymore. this is getting out of control

  • bad move.

  • WTH?????????????????

    $60 for a lot of monthly garbage games????????????


    Btw, it’s time to move to X1…

  • what really hurts more is plus for 3 months goes up by $7.00. 17.99 to 24.99 really sony WTF i can see 20.00 for 3 months but 24.99 fk no

  • 60 dollars?
    bwahahaha I was refusing to renew my sub. since April 2015 because of the unjustified current price let alone 60$.

    so what’s next SONY , you gonna brick our old PS4s to make us buy the slim/neo thing? or you gonna intentionally make games run worse on the current ps4s?
    the slim price is 500$ and the neo is 600$?

    at this moment I’d expect anything from you.

  • I haven’t seen the value in PS+ on PS4 in months………..monthly games aren’t very appealing.

  • It’s sad that there are people actually defending a price hike. Talk about fanboyism.
    Definitely not getting Plus now, I’ve got a PC that does multiplayer just fine.

  • Seems like a good time to discontinue my ps+ membership. Haven’t seen a game on ps+ that I wanted to play in ages, and the price increase made me actually go *look* to see if it has been worth the money.
    So – goodbye Sony.

  • I wouldn’t have a trouble with this if it means better games monthly…please make it so and I’ll keep it up.

  • With this price increase, the user better be getting higher quality games for free. Xbox has consistently had a better selection of the free games with Xbox Live Gold. Very upsetting to see a price increase with the only explanation is the the price has not changed since 2010.

  • Bad form Sony! Announcing a price increase in a nearly month old post? You afraid what you might hear from your loyal $$ paying customers? And please tell me, what am I getting for this extra I will pay? I suspect “current market conditions” = good PS 4 sales more easy profit. Just remember those who got you there can just as easily leave in next gen.

  • At least lube us up by telling us about new benefits you’re adding to the service, but a 20% price increase for mostly crap free games every month is disgusting. I will not be renewing my sub.


  • 17.99 for three months wasn’t enough? PSN is playing itself.

  • There better be some pretty good games starting in September, or no way am I renewing.

  • Really Sony? Increased ps+ prices? Your gonna lose alot of members because of this I guarantee you

  • Well if you guys set your prices with this, but many GTA Online Players will suffer! Try this like:

    1 Month – $9.99
    3 Months -$17.99
    6 Months -$35.99
    1 year – $49.99
    1 year and 3 months -$59.99
    1 year and 6 months -$69.99
    3 years -$99.99

    Better Guys? Just stop making prices high please?

    • Dude i like the way you think. PlayStation and Sony use this guys way of doing it. Then increase the price offer this and don’t make your fans mad.

  • Announcing a price increment on a month old post is pretty shady. Let’s be honest, most PS+ games offered are not worth the price; as a PSV owner I had no reason to renew it since 2014. I feel bad for people with a PS4 since they need PS+ to play online a lot of games but for anyone without that grip on them (PSV / PS3) there’s no reason to dish 60 a year for mostly shovelware games~.

  • Absolutely disgusting that Sony snuck this in a nearly month old post. Must be hoping that many of thier loyal customers would get blindsided by this price hike and wouldn’t have time to cancel their sub if they didn’t want to pay the new price. Makes me want to abandon the platform.

  • Lucky or not i renew my sub this month, but ther is NO! way and i repeat NO WAY!!! im gona pay 60 just to play one game (RL) Dirty move $ony i Hope Microsoft Soft dont miss this chance and capitalize on this.

  • Remember the ps plus prices went up in Europe a few months ago, and Europe has been getting the same crap we’ve been getting over here each month, so i doubt we’ll be getting better games…sony will carry on giving away crappy mobile games, so you people better don’t set your expectations too high cause $ONY won’t be living up to your expoectations, and that’s for sure.

  • Canada $50 to $70 a year. Here is my problem with this. I don’t want free games a month. I just want to play multiplayer. With that said all the online games I play, Battlefield, Overwatch etc. house their own servers. It’s not like Sony runs all the servers. I already pay for internet a month. So what am I getting from Sony to justify this cost. I could understand $20 a year for multiplayer access but this is crazy. As much as I love sony it’s a large company sticking it to us. Where is the justification?
    At 40 million units sold lets say only 50% play online. (probably more) at $50 that’s 1 billion a year, before the hike. I can’t see all that going back into PSN only. This just seems greedy to me.
    I can already barely afford the $80 games anymore. I have to be picky. This just depresses me. Sorry for ranting.

    • What would be a better option would be to have Plus tiers. Like if MP only – one price, if MP + games – slightly higher prices. but still, $70 for a year of Plus when the free games are a trial and delete for the most part is certainly not worth it. I’m just glad I don’t care one iota about Multiplayer. Totally feel bad for those who do getting screwed over.

  • How in the world is this justifiable? PSN has constantly had interruptions (especially at critical times such as Christmas) and the Instant Game Collection has been indie games for the past year.

    Very disappointed Sony.

  • I think the problem is two-fold.

    1. Compared to PS+ when it first started on the PS3/Vita, the current PS+ on the PS4 is incredibly underwhelming. It made sense at first because the system had just launched and there was a pretty small library, but that’s just not the case anymore. I feel like there was an internal shift from the team that selects the games to go more indie and, in my opinion, that was a mistake. Or maybe their budget got slashed hardcore? Who knows…

    • 2. Games With Gold is capitalizing on this and is frankly eating PS+’s lunch. It’s quite obvious that the Xbox team is hungry and trying to close the gap. Also it definitely helps that every free Xbox 360 games you get is also on the BackCompat list, something that essentially doubles the effective number of free games you get every month (since I’m sure most hardcore players don’t have their PS3’s plugged in anymore like myself – any PS3 games I get off PS+ nowadays are effectively worthless in my eyes). I’m still surprised that we haven’t gotten any PSNow games instead (or both a PS3 and a PSNow version) . Seems like such an obvious solution…

      And now you raise the price without addressing any of the aforementioned issues, so it’s natural you’re going to be the internet’s punching bag this week.

  • I’ll likely cancel as soon as my time is up if the quality doesn’t improve. The games offered used to be of much higher quality and now your asking for more money on top of that? Yea, no thanks.

  • Remember the ps plus prices went up in Europe a few months ago, and Europe has been getting the same crap we’ve been getting over here each month, so i doubt we’ll be getting better games…sony will carry on giving away crappy mobile games, so you people better don’t set your expectations too high cause $ONY won’t be living up to your expectations, and that’s for sure.

  • Only reason why I still play online is because i bought the 1 year membership, recently bought one xbox one s and gonna be playing on it as soon as this membership expires.
    I used to support sony back in the glory ps3 days but it seems that they don’t care for us anymore

  • Very displeased with this 10 dollar increase this year I barely downloaded any of the games. And the ones I thought I would like I didn’t like them after playing. Basically my plus membership was just allowing me to game online with no free games. In this case the 10 dollar increase should mean full disc based games every month if not the service is getting more bad instead of good.

  • ok! increase price of membership but offer better games. the **** you offer is very expensive. i have a steam account on pc and have better offers. this will be my last year with psplus. thxs for nothing $ony.

  • Sorry to say this guys, but all of you who pay for PS Plus deserve this, one should pay to play ONLINE, you guys already pay for your internet service, OPEN YOUR EYES!

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA! I am trying to cancel my auto-renewal but the service doesn’t work! WHAT A JOKE!

  • Wow I can’t believe the price is going up that much for the few crapy games they give us. Yeah I won’t be renewing my plus membership. If I want to talk and chill with ppl I’ll just play big city stories or one of those games that don’t require plus to play on line. But yeah Sony this price change sucks big time.

  • Announcing a price hike in a month old post is underhanded and reeks of maliciousness, making something unpopular even more so.

    Be a man and own it, Sony!

    • I completely agree! It makes them look even worse! Do they even plan on warning people with a subscription, or will people that never saw this updated OLD post be charged $10 without even so much as a heads-up?

    • Destructoid just broke the news asking the same questions as the people here in the forum: It was done stealthily instead of issuing a formal statement, and there’s no clear reason other than the nebulous “the new pricing reflects the current market conditions”.

  • So, you force people to use Plus to play online with the PS4, and then you hike up the price. Talk about greed, Sony! Maybe it would be worth it if the free games were as good as they used to be (before the PS4 was released), but most of them now have been garbage! It’s a good thing I’m already set for two years because there’s no way I’m paying that!

  • I’m sorry but after this announcement, your new slogan should be Greatness Quits.

  • With that trash games that PS Plus offers $60 is insane.

  • Honestly the more I look at this, the $20/year price hike doesn’t leave as bad of a taste in my mouth as updating a month old post with this info does. That’s beyond a scummy thing to do.

  • Presumably any PS+ cards bought prior to the price increase will continue to be worth a full year. Please confirm.

  • 42 millions of PS4 sold worldwide, you’re clearly leading this generation cause your costumers and the people who love PlayStation have supported you, HOWEVER YOU BETRAY YOUR COSTUMERS STABBING EM IN THE BACK…. well done Sony, I used to love the PlayStation brand, but this greedy moves suck big time.

  • This is just…idiotic…Like many others have said not only do you try to hide the price increase in a month old post to try to keep it out of the eye of as much of your userbase as you can….but you expect us to pay more when your service has been worthless pretty much this whole generation.

    Crappy 8 bit games? check
    not one good free game in months? (for me the last i remember was rocket league) check
    hacked/downed services frequently? check
    dont get to keep any of the games once the subsciption lapses? check

    basically you are asking us to pay you to screw us…ps plus has not been worth the money since ps4 came out…I suggest everyone send a messege and dont resub…they wanna gouge us for more money…i say keep every penny ya can away from them until they IMPROVE PSN IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM….

    There is no justifiable reason to raise the price of a substandard system.

    Everyone should look at this as incredibly shady and business practices like this should never be supported….so I guess if theres no black friday sales again this year then then like many I am done with PS+ or should i say PS-

  • People need to make a stand for this, this is pathetic because there hasn’t been a great free PS+ title in a while and they posted it on an old blog post. That is not cool at all.

  • Not sure what i think about this price raising.

    Obviously its Sony’s prerogative to set what they think market value is, and its our choice to pay it or not. I cant say ive been playing the PS+ free PS4 games this year, but my library is full of stuff that i would lose access to if i gave up PS+.

    PS Plus has been a stream of indie games ive either had no interest in or bought long before they were offered free. Also, i havent turned on my PS3 in months, and i dont have a Vita. Maybe its time, if they are going to raise the price, that they started focusing on PS4 more. Obviously, i wouldnt expect Sony to completely ignore the PS3 or Vita, but if they want to remain ahead of Microsoft in the console competition, they better start looking towards the future.

    Needing it to play online multiplayer also makes it difficult to drop the service.

    I wonder if its the Sony parent company trying to save its bottom line after bombs like “Ghostbusters” cost them tens of millions. Stick it to the gamers, even though its the only division of Sony that makes money.

    I guess it just seems like everywhere i look, im paying more for the same amount of stuff. Eventually, something has got to give.

  • It is a common saying that you pay for what you get. If we are expected to pay more, what more can be done to ensure justification to rising costs?

    I really do find it rather ironic that prices are going up right before the Fall, where major multiplayer games will be released and more potential PS4 players will will need PS Plus. This might or might not be a coincidence, but should be noted.

    How about start improving your online functions like the competition? How about introducing more AAA games to PS Plus, which was stated to be more common when Injustice was in PS Plus, was seemed to be rare afterwards. I know, this may seem like much and my comment will, highly unlikely, have any effect. But if millions of people are expected to pay more, which will cumulatively result to millions more dollars being paid for PS Plus, some change should be in order.

    And I am not saying “should be in order” as some sort of entitled fool. I am saying this as a concerned member of the PS community, who feels that this decision will backfire unless something is done to justify this.

  • Please rename the service to PlayStation Minus. Since ps4 requires plus to play online the service haven’t improved, the online still lags, the download speed on tuesday its slow, the game offered on ps4 its lackluster, and i can spend time writing why currently PS+ its not worth it but just look at your youtube channel and the amount of downvotes or dislike when you guys announce the next mont game.

    Its sad to see the change of message now that sony its leading in the console race, the whole for the gamers, greatness awaits.

    The competition its fierce, even when im always on ps side things could change. I hope that sony realize that its a mistake and make ps plus good again…

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