PS Plus: Free Games for February 2016

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PS Plus: Free Games for February 2016

This February you can protect Super Earth in an intergalactic war while feeding soup to aliens! Presenting your free PS Plus games for February on PS4.

Set in a satirical and dystopian future, Helldivers offers chaotic combat against three invading enemy species. This top-down shooter focuses heavily on teamwork, as squads battle to become Heroes of the Federation. So grab your friends and take on the invaders — just be sure to watch out for friendly fire!

In Nom Nom Galaxy, you’ll enjoy a variety of gameplay; platforming, mining, base construction, resource management, tower defense, and of course, making soup. As a new Astroworker for SoupCo, you’ll be producing different soups to keep the aliens fulfilled and fighting greedy competitors. Protect your factory and become the most powerful soup company in the galaxy.

Full Lineup:

  • Grid Autosport, PS3
  • Helldivers: Democracy Strikes Back , PS4, PS3, PS Vita
  • Lemmings Touch, PS Vita
  • Nom Nom Galaxy, PS4
  • Nova-111, PS Vita
  • Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, PS3

Before you go, we want your feedback! Please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the lineup. Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time! Enjoy.

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  • Once again PS has disappointed PS4 owners. At least PS3 get Persona. All the people saying “It’s such a great lineup!” Need to stop being so god damn optimistic and fake. That is the ONLY way we will get even DECENT games. This is NOT a good lineup, this is the bottom of the barrel junk that got no sales last month, maybe for several months in a row, who knows, but they are the games in the $5 bin. There is no reason to continue my PS+ sub because this is not getting any better. The only reason they made it so that multiplayer was part of PS+ now for PS4 is because they KNEW they would throw crap games at us and everyone would stop paying for PS+. We all need to give up PS+ for a month and show them we demand better games. It doesn’t have to be all AAA games, but at least god damn decent games. Tomb Raider is on sale for $7.50 this week, why not that? Someone mentioned Uncharted collection. There are a bunch of XBox to PS converts like myself who have never played any Uncharted and you have one of your most hyped titles in Uncharted 4 coming out soon, Awesome way to sell a huge title is to make sure everyone has played the precursers. Those are AAA examples, but they are LAST GEN examples that would make people happy.

    • + Banithell on January 29th, 2016 at 6:54 am said:
      Once again PS has disappointed PS4 owners. At least PS3 get Persona. All the people saying “It’s such a great lineup!” Need to stop being so damn optimistic and fake.

      Yup, agreed. Part of me suspects that all the fanboys in here going absolutely gaga over something as bleh as “Helldivers” were planted by Sony to offset the almost 100% negative comments during last month’s Plus titles announcement.

  • I kind of like the “off the beaten path games” mixed with some AAA games, even if they are a bit old.

    But does no one remember just 2 months ago PS+ was giving away Kings Quest? I didn’t get a chance to download it but I hear it was an actually very good game.

    • You didn’t miss much bc it was only episode one and not the whole game, so actually was a ripoff and a cheap and low ball free game.

  • Pretty cool lineup, I don’t have any of these games and am highly interested in pretty much all of them!

  • How is it possible that PS3 is still getting more games than PS4. When this console was announced they made way to many promises because this ps4 feels so outdated already

  • I have to say in a long time PS3 kind of killed it. Been wanting to play Autosport and always wanted to try a Persona game. But, as usual lately PS4 is pretty crappy, Helldrivers looks good but we need one retail or AAA game a month or like some said one of the new PS2 games that came out on PS4. I find now with so many AAA and retail games out there is no excuse for not having at least one of them a month. Should start doing one aaa and one indie a month and than maybe every 3 months, one or two aaa or one aaa and one ps2 game. They better watch it bc people will leave this even though PS4 online is required now.

  • Don’t get me wrong, I am appreciative of Sony handing out games every month, but the PS4 gets screwed when it comes to AAA titles. I like the occasional indie game, but when that’s all I’m getting month after month it bugs me. Feel like I’m getting less and less from my membership every month as I very rarely play online, so the save game storage and “free” games are why I do it.

    • Whatever “AAA” games they could giveaway, you could get at GameStop for ten bucks, too cheap for ten bucks? Because if you pay $50 a year, that’s roughly four bucks a month. Four bucks a month doesn’t entitle you to anything, this is capitalism.

    • If you buy something for ANY price, you’re entitled to voice your displeasure if you’re not happy with what you got.

  • Pfft. So far, I have not seen a single decent game offered for PS4 owners on PS+. Been on it since October. You know what XBL members got this month? The full version of Killer Instinct. Just came out recently. I would be willing to take PS1 ports over this garbage. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wait for a game to go on sale to buy it, but for as much hype as Sony thinks they are giving us, for PS+ to be required and give us crap month after month, the situation is just not equal. No matter how you slice it. It just is not. To hell with the free games though. Give me the good sales please. Or give me something else. Maybe, give us the option of whether we want our free monthly crap to come in the form of a discount code (say, 5 or 10% off?) or a free movie or series to watch. At this point, anything is better than the free crap I have seen on the PS4 end of PS+ free stuff. Even if it was NOTHING at all.

  • Sigh. Not a bad selection by any means, just slightly annoyed that I finally bought P4AU in one of the recent sales and now here it is for free :\ Ah well, more people to playh against I guess.

  • Hardly ever do we get good games which is annoying. I’ve been ps plus member since Sony started it, but then again I’m considering to leave this gimmick membership. We are getting worse and worse games :( Almost 4 years being plus member and you Sony guys don’t give a dime.._

  • I just want to make a CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM post. I have always defended Sony and the games they offered free on PS+ since I got my PS4 a few weeks past release date.

    At first the game library was small, and they were doing all they could just to get something out; even if it was just an indie game, at least they gave us something.

    A year later, we still had indie game after indie game being given to us, but that’s fine. The library of games available was larger now, but it was still small overall. Most games still retailed 30-60 dollars and the PS4 was still a “new” thing even though it had been out for a year now.

    But now, more than 2 years after release, I’m running out of ways to defend this indie game practice. We have an expansive library now with many games retailing 15-25 dollars. Games like Metro Redux, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, Marvel Heroes, hell even Knack which came out close to the PS4 game release; these are the games that should be being offered now. Not indie game after indie game. There are even rumors surfacing that the next gen of consoles might be out by 2018, meaning we’re halfway through this console’s lifespan, but the best we can be offered is indie games.

  • How about Red Dead Redemption?

  • The last several months have really been mediocre overall. Most of the truly good offerings like Dragon Age, I already have on the Xbox, and everything else has been just meh mostly. There have been a few truly epic titles that I was eyeballing for purchase, but by the time some of them got offered for free, I’d already paid for them, such as Deadly Premonition. Early last year and the year before, the selection was great, such as Tomb Raider and Dead Space 3. These are games I will NOT hesitate to play. Some of these recent games are more time wasters, and when you have a very young child, gaming time should not be wasted. I hope this is the year where PSN gets back in the habit of offering free games with a deeper narrative and action with consequence. I would love to see Wolfenstein on the download list or Anna or Deadfall Adventures.Anything related to or seemingly inspired by H.P. Lovecraft gets my attention first. I’m not saying Helldivers isn’t good. It probably is, but it also is lower in priority on my gaming list. I don’t care about the popularity of a game. The only thing that matters is if it looks like something I want to devote my limited spare time to.

  • More Shi*t games… Thanks Sony.

  • Feeling like a pretty weak lineup like its been for the last several months. Honestly if it weren’t for file storage and online I’d have cancelled my sub to ps+ by this point. I hope the selection starts getting better like it was a year ago this time. That said your gme discounts are generally pretty nice and appreciated. Playstation is still easily my favorite place to play.

  • well i was waiting to see what free games where coming this month as my man has plus on his account BUT i dont see anything either one of us will enjoy.

  • B4 ps4 came out PlayStation Plus was awesome, It had awesome sales, the free games were good and ps3 was a much more durable system. Now ive already had to send in the first ps4 for rservice and got back a refurb. The ps plus free games and sales are crap over all PlayStation platforms. The DUALSHOCK4 controller is complete junk. Already went through 2 and they wont let a third party manufacture any other controller options. Their customer service is by far the worst ever. I bought an xbox 360 just to see what xboxlive was like and it blows ps plus outta the watrr. Hell microsoft just gave the witcher 2 away for free and not for the xboxlive free games promo. For the holidays if you were a rewards program subscriber and fast you got a newer AAA game free and they always have free games just pop up online on the website . They have options for controllers they have all kinds of apps. The only thing ps4 has over them is the ps4 has better graphics and better exclusives. But if microsoft fixes those 2 issues why stay with sony

  • Man. WTF are you kids doing to gaming these days. These games are crap. You kids who like these games, I say kids because you have to have a child-like intellect to enjoy them, are ruining gaming for the adults. It saddens me deeply. Demand more from you systems, the ps4 can dish it out, trust me. If you like these games, stick to the facebook/cell phone games, give the consoles real games.

    • “real” is a pretty relative term, considering everyone enjoys different types of games and different things within a game. Just because you personally don’t enjoy them doesn’t make them crap, nor does it make you more “adult” or those who enjoy it more “childish.” The fact that you are even saying something like that makes you look more childish than you say you are, especially since you’re resulting to insulting people’s intellect just because they enjoy a game that you don’t. That’s pretty immature right there.

  • How about you fix the Vita now that the latest update has not only killed its ability to connect to the store but now the battery very quickly

  • I would LOVE if they could add infamous 1 and 2 to the line up and if not for free for at least a bundle price!

    • They won’t be doing Infamous anytime soon, and Infamous 2 was already a PS+ IC game back in 2012. It’s still always possible that they’ll do Second Son, however.

  • YES. THANK YOU. I just finished everything in GRID2 which was also free and now I can jump in Grid Autosport right away!
    Also, I can finally give this Persona business a try. Solid lineup for this month I think.

  • I mean…there’s no games that I’ll be downloading this month (since none of the games really appeal to me), but kudos to everyone that finds enjoyment of any of the titles. Just because I may not be into a game doesn’t mean others won’t be, and that in itself still makes it a pretty good month.

  • When PS Plus wasn’t required to play online it was actually worth it for the free games. Back in the PS3 days I was a PS Plus subscriber a few months after they began offering it. Back then they offered real legitimate games that were actually worth money. Games like Far Cry 3, Far Cry 2, Spec Ops the Line, Back to the Future, Batman Arkham City, and many other amazing titles. Now on PS4 we get games such as Stick it to the man, limbo, sound shapes, mousecraft, and styx. Those are nothing compared to what we used to get. There were some good ones such as Outlast, Rocket League, Injustice, Resogun, and Infamous First Light, but aside from those everything else has been one huge disappointment.

  • Xbox One has been getting great games for games with gold such as the Killer Instinct Ultimate Edition, Thief, and some 360 games that are backwards compatible with Xbox One. I know that PS compares their “value” of their games every year that they gave out with Xbox’s free games and although the price value was higher the gameplay value was much lower in many people’s eyes. We need AAA titles for PS Plus. All of my friends online discuss this with me every month and we are all sick and tired of the pile of garbage we keep receiving every month.

  • PS Plus free games always suck, the funny thing is that they say they want to hear what we think, yet every month we complain about the crappy games and they don’t do anything about it

  • Call me back when Mw2/3 gets remastered, then we will talk :)

  • Ms gwg are spending the extra Money on old AAA titles because it needs to sell systems if it wants to catch up to Sony. Sony said on its E3 presentation when the ps4 was announced that its focus was on indie developers. I would rather get an indie game I might like but I might not want to take the risk buying it and not liking it. Most AAA games if I wanted to play them I would of bought them way before gwg or ps+ would be able to offer it for free.

  • That’s why I have Xbox One…better game selection and free backwards compatibility! Ps4 has been going down hill for a while now!

  • It’s funny how the whole point of PlayStation plus is to show off games that have gone under the radar because of AAA games that caught our attention and yet,people still want AAA games for free because everyone on ps3 gets them even though you could probably get those games for about €1($¥£ etc)

  • “Beggars” (only $4.166666666666667 per month) can’t be choosers, it’s so cheap a month, and I don’t mind trying something different all the time.

  • When are these games releasing?

  • Man, i gotta say, I love my ps4. I used to be a big time xbox player, and I still love it for fps gaming, but i’ve been enjoying the hell out of my ps4 with MKX, MGSV, WITCHER 3 and so forth. But I gotta say, PSN is slippin. Xbox has been releasing its free games as well but actual great games. Like I don’t mind that PSN wants to give some attention to lesser known titles or indie developers, but why not do both. Give us an Indie/Underrated game, and then a triple A game, like Tomb Raider, or Metro, or something. PSN has some great purchase deals but the free stuff is lacking.

    Ill say this though, thanks for increasing the cloud storage. A step in the right direction. My suggestion for your next free game? EIther Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne, please and thank you.

  • Not to mention, the ps3-to-ps4 support. Before I purchased my ps4, i read about how if you had digital copies of all these ps3 games, youd get the HD upgrades free if you upgraded to the ps4. The only game that did that for me was Dragon Age 3. Not my DOA5, not my FF14, or my TLOU, or any of that. I mean come on. And on top of that, I spend 600 bucks on a system where I can install 4 games and then its full, and you want me to go out and buy an external? whats goin on guys.

    • The highest the Playstation 4 ever cost was $399 USD and you can install more than four games, even at 50gb a game which is stretching a lot, it you could fit at least 9 games. It retains the save data so unless your playing that many games at the same time, you should obviously not have an issue with playing “all” your games. Plus you can’t expect insane support, when you only pay a cheap, at most, $399 USD for a computer entertanment system. A good Alienware can cost over $5000 USD then maybe your complaining might make more sense.

  • The games suck again

  • if I were a ps3 or VIta owner. I might be happy with PSplus. as someone with ps4 only? as I’m not really playing online multiplayer at this time… time to let this deal lapse. maybe when I’m playing online with friends again, I’ll get it again, but as far as games selection (or weekly discounts for that matter), for ps4 owner? IMO not worth it.

  • I love how they state the line “Greatness Awaits”. Awaits for what…oh that’s right, crap! Xbox is winning the LIVE service competetion.

  • It doesn’t matter much how much stuff the Xbox has vs. PSN the controller will never make the grade, plus I would wrather buy $150 worth of scrap metal than buy the “professional” Xbox controller.

    • Well then go buy a $150 worth of scrap metal then…and obviously that’s ur opinion…so it must be subjective…try not to think ur opinion is objective…practice what u preach!!!

    • Your I.Q. must be below 5, my statement doesn’t imply that it is objective it is obviously subjective. I’m sure you would know that if you ever graduate a university as I, maybe you could in about 1000 years based on your intelligence and skill level. Also, maybe you should read more books, keep in mind you should read non-fiction, since your not obviously an intellectual creature that means books that are based in reality like science, history, psychology, and various other subjects and sub-geres. That is obviously if you can for at least 5 minutes put your video games down to go to a place called a library, a library is a place that has real people that you can talk to in real life! and books that you can check out for FREE so you don’t have to complain and whine about it like PS Plus.

    • i think someone’s getting a little agitated…because ur so smart…”graduate a university as I”, are u serious? And do u have some fountain of youth drink or something because I don’t think I can live a 1000 years, oh but ur college IQ should have told u that…and also why would people need to go to a library when everything u possibly need is on the good ole web. But hey u seem old fashion and not with the times, so u go to ur brick and mortar library if u want college grad! And I can complain all I want and u can’t do anything about it…go to live freedom of speech…but u should know that, u graduated from a a university…lol!

    • Westerngenius hahahahaha! Was it the school of awful grammar?

  • Kind of a let down this month helldivers was already released free on ps3 awhile back and all the other titles look pretty lame hope next month is better no interest in any of these titles.

  • Freedom Wars was my favorite game so far that I ever got free from having PS Plus.

  • Not trying to be a jerk, but, 2 things, no one seems to read anybody elses posts and respond, they just respond to the main subject AND a lot of people don’t seem to know basic logic of subjectivity and objectivity, when someone says for instance this game sucks it is an opinion and is subjective. Whereas saying the earth is round is not an opinion and is objective. Most people seem to think that their opinion is objective and not subjective. YEAH I know this is too much information and nobody cares, but I still “have” to write this stuff.

  • I haven’t seen anything of interest on PS+ in months. The last games I downloaded were Grow Home and Never Alone, and only because my nephew was visiting and they seemed kid friendly. I’ve only downloaded and tiny handful of games in the three years I’ve been a subscriber and I don’t think I’ve played any of them more than an hour or two.

    With lineups like this, I’m pretty sure 90+% of people wouldn’t bother with PS+ if it wasn’t mandatory for online play.

    For comparison, I’ve gotten two triple-A games in the last several weeks from Xbox Games with Gold (Thief and Deus Ex: Human Revolution). They also gave away Tomb Raider Definitive Edition recently. Playstation has always been my console of choice (I’ve owned all of them, whereas I passed on Xbox 360 and every Nintendo console since N64), but their free games lineup is crap compared to Xbox.

    • Just remembered the one exception: Valiant Hearts. It was as short and simplistic as most of the PS+ games, but it was good. It had heart.

      …Valiant heart.

      Sorry, couldn’t resist.

    • N64 was awesome…to bad u couldn’t have that console online lol!!!

    • Yeah I’m always jealous when I see what xbox one owners get for free. Honestly wish I still had my PS3 as their games are the ones I’m more interested in. 2 months in and meh have been putting the discounts to good use though

  • I can’t wait for NO MAN’S SKY!!!

    These shovelware games are boring as (you know what)

  • already bought nom nom back in the holiday sale :/ oh well
    but helldivers and persona ultimax were always on the fence for me since i hesitate to buy coop focused games. but now i can try them and try to find some friends to play with
    liking the start of the new year! good job ps team.

  • Psn needs to give us better games for free. Some players like I play a lot and buy games and subscribe to PlayStation plus for a while. This is one of the only things Xbox is better at than psn is the games they give out for free

  • really? why can’t we get a game that is worth something? all these lil kids games are killing me. it’s a true bored fest on here. how about y’all give us a game like bloodborne or anything good. enough is enough with all these crappy games. just being honestly

  • Nothing I’m interested in but honestly I’m always just more excited for the discounts

  • oh good more **** games no one wants, what is up with all these **** games for ps4 come on already!!!

  • What are you know, more garbage, let’s get some real games, sick of these retro ones.

  • Come on Sony put your heads together and give us some better game is for being PlayStation Plus members…

  • I love playstation. But it’s bull**** how we have to pay for the network now. They try to play it off like “O but at least you get free playstation plus games with the membership now” But then they shart out garbage like this.

  • Garbage again.

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