PS Plus: Free Games for February 2016

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PS Plus: Free Games for February 2016

This February you can protect Super Earth in an intergalactic war while feeding soup to aliens! Presenting your free PS Plus games for February on PS4.

Set in a satirical and dystopian future, Helldivers offers chaotic combat against three invading enemy species. This top-down shooter focuses heavily on teamwork, as squads battle to become Heroes of the Federation. So grab your friends and take on the invaders — just be sure to watch out for friendly fire!

In Nom Nom Galaxy, you’ll enjoy a variety of gameplay; platforming, mining, base construction, resource management, tower defense, and of course, making soup. As a new Astroworker for SoupCo, you’ll be producing different soups to keep the aliens fulfilled and fighting greedy competitors. Protect your factory and become the most powerful soup company in the galaxy.

Full Lineup:

  • Grid Autosport, PS3
  • Helldivers: Democracy Strikes Back , PS4, PS3, PS Vita
  • Lemmings Touch, PS Vita
  • Nom Nom Galaxy, PS4
  • Nova-111, PS Vita
  • Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, PS3

Before you go, we want your feedback! Please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the lineup. Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time! Enjoy.

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  • helldivers sure ill take it good selection lemmings for vita may purchase a vita for the kids at this rate

  • Let’s be honest who is actually excited to make soup for aliens? Best you’ve got sony really?

  • I’m so tired of junk bin indie games. I get that they aren’t going to do triple A games I really get it. But why cant they crossover some ps1, ps2, and ps3 classics (GOOD ONES) and use them to fill a few months? It would give us access to some of our beloved older titles that we can’t use on our shiny new ps4 as of now and we wouldn’t have to endure month after month of trash titles. And btw for the helldiver fans even if it is an ok game if I wanted it I could have literally gotten it for 5 dollars during the steam sale last month on pc. It is not a good value.

  • Yet another bitterly disappointing PS+ free games lineup. How about some good games like when we got; Valliant Hearts, Limbo & Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘n’ Tasty! I mean come on, at least one decent current gen game I can enjoy every other month, is that so much to ask? (rhetorical)

    • Its a joke yet again hardware no one played i played 3 hrs with one person online .This is a joke look at the xbox live what they get u cannot compare , i talk just line up not system etc just have a look guys .

  • can’t say those games really look nice to me, but at least this month i can blame myself for that. so well done this is first month i see games that actually look like they didn’t come from a pile of trash

  • I think you should be able to go back a download games that were previously free on psn in the past. Like a past psn titles library if they were free before what not anymore? Anyone else agree?

    • Not really. From a business standpoint it’d hurt them because I’d have less incentive to keep giving them money for one. Also, I personally have been enjoying my free games selection and even though I maybe have missed a few from the ps3 era, I’ve had plus basically since launch on ps4. First freebies for me were outlast and resogun. I have been introduced to great indies because of this service so no, it may seem unfair but I’d feel a little ripped off to see someone fork over cash today and have access to all the games I’ve been “collecting” for a couple years now.

  • The first (1st) comment on this article is dead on… if you haven’t experienced Helldivers yet, you’re in for kick-a$$ good time! It’s definitely PSN’s biggest sleeper-hit… instant classic!

  • I don’t even know why I bother to check what’s games are being released on plus for ps4 each month it’s just utter disappointment every time I hate to say it but at least xbox have a few good games for what you have to pay for membership

  • Helldivers looks fun to play

  • Owned the PS4 since launch and have not liked one single “free game”. Really regretting choosing PlayStation this gen.

  • Sweet P4A Ultimax, I didn’t get to pick it up and luckily this month I don’t have any of the others.

  • Just a bunch of platforming games again. Nothing for me. I only have a ps vita and I’d like to see assasin’s creed 3 liberation or unit 13 next month. That would be awesome!

  • If it wasn’t for Sony forcing us to have PS Plus for online multiplayer I would have cancelled a long time ago. I don’t want Contra or puzzle games. Where are the 1st party games u got on PS3? Plus is worthless now and with Xboxone giving u backwards compatibility it just shows Sony with the PS4 takes 1 step forward 2 steps back. Booooooo

  • Crap PS4 games as usual. Do you really expect us to play old ass games such as Helldivers for 100 hours to get the platinum?

  • Really? Where’s the good games at? 3rd month in a roll we get trash for free.

  • Persona 4? Coolness, ive wanted to try out one of these games. Thanks sony.

    • That’s not Persona 4. It’s a fighting game spin-off of Persona 4. You really think they would give away an actual decent game? So naive. :P

  • While it’s popular for the fanboys to jump all over the complaints being made here, please keep in mind what was requested at the end of the update:

    “Before you go, we want your feedback! Please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the lineup. Thanks for stopping by.”

    They asked for feedback, they are getting it. A squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  • I’m just kind of baffled why the ps4 isn’t getting any good free games.. Honestly, I already bought helldivers so this is kind of lame but lately it’s the PS3 that gets all the quality games worth playing. Makes me wish I held out on next gen still.. Not even worth the time since the best games on the PS4 are remastered and definitive edition games….

  • Bought helldivers several months ago, rest is garbage. Stop with indie games every month. Give at least something more well know, the same genre time after time is incredibly old. Dragonball Xenoverse or inquisition would both be great. ( i have dbx on ps3 im not paying again to get it on ps4) The only reason I have ps+ is because it’s forces if you want to play online games. Also people should know by now that the games are not “free” so please stop acting lime they are, we have a right to complain.

  • persona is a god game

  • Man, I am still playing gauntlet and love it so I’m stoked to see helldivers coming. And nom nom galaxy actually looks interesting, maybe I’ll enjoy it like I did Steamworld dig

  • Sony, this is my feedback.

    PSPlus isn’t worth anymore. Each month we wait for a nice title, that most of us haven’t played yet. Some AAA title forgotten in the library or that is actually worth playing and each month you delivery us indie games that are boring. Remember on the ps3? We used to get Batman, Bioshock, Uncharted, etc. Great games. I don’t know if it is the fact we have to pay for Plus to play online now on the PS4 or not, but quality have dropped big time. Hope this is noticed before Plus members stop renewing their subscription.

  • Hey look. Another month of games I don’t care about and have no interest in playing on all 3 platforms I own.

    I will say that I am aware of the fact that Helldivers is supposed to be great but under appreciated. But I personally have no interest in it. Not a Persona fan so that game falls into the same boat. The rest is junk I’ve never even heard of.

  • It’s an okish month. Can you please giveaway hotline miami? 2 or 1 I don’t really mind. I’ve already played it on a friend’s PC but it’s a really good game.

    • We got Hotline Miami back in 2013 for PS3 and Vita. They never repeat the same game on the same platform, so you’re out of luck if you didn’t grab it back then.

      However, they could still add Hotline Miami 2 at some point.

  • Not a bad lineup really, though I understand why many feel that it is. A lot depends on which system(s) you own and how long you’ve had Plus.

    I tend to prefer the indies I get via Plus. It’s not because I generally prefer that type of game. No, it’s because I tend to avoid the giant downloads AAA games bring. Besides, I buy most of the AAA games I truly care about playing.

    I play PS3 exclusively, so that obviously affects my viewpoint. If you play only on PS4 and don’t like indies, you’re going to be disappointed in the Plus lineup each month.

    It’s worth noting that when Plus started having “free” games in mid-2010, the PS3 was already nearly 4 years old. AAA games didn’t make a strong appearance in the lineup until late 2011/early 2012. So maybe somewhere between mid-2017 and late 2018 they’ll start adding AAA games for PS4.

    BTW, I share the enthusiasm many of you have for AAA games on Plus that might appeal to a wider audience. Even if I probably won’t download them myself.

  • I wish there was a way to block these comments sections.

  • So I will complain because I’ve switch back to PlayStation from Xbox and Microsoft gives away way better games every month.

  • Good month. Ive always wanted to play Helldivers and Nom Nom Galaxy is exactly the kind of game perfect for PS+. It has piqued my interest in the past, but i always seem to pass it over for something else.

    Looking forward to Tuesday’s unleashing of the hounds…..

  • Meh. I will try them all like always, but the only one I’m remotely interested in is Ultimax… Which is going to confuse people who haven’t played Persona because Arena isn’t really a true Persona experience.

    I’ve been underwhelmed by the plus offerings for months, and it’s not because I “feel entitled to AAA titles”. When they had Dust: An Elysian Tale I devoured it, I’m all over Flower and Never Alone and SteamWorld, Don’t Starve… Can we get Journey? It just seems to all be less immersive indie games and multiplayer experiences.

    I would prefer more single player stories for my Plus money.

  • Every month with these terrible games. I’m about to just cancel my ps plus subscription because it’s ridiculous.

  • I can’t wait til they give away a game that’s worth more than 25¢!

  • Way to many Indy games I feel like I’m getting ripped off if your gonna do this can we at least get the ps4 versions of past ps3 psplus games (I.e. DMC, tomb raider, dishonered, etc.) I just feel these games agent worth it and make it feel like I’m only paying for online not trying to be a jerk but I already miss my ps3 cause ps4 keeps getting Indy crap

  • I’m wondering how the Helldiver’s Democracy Strikes Back Edition is going to work since I already purchased the Helldiver’s Super Earth Edition. Will I be able to download them Democracy Strikes Back Edition. Also if my I am able to download it and my PS Plus expires will I still be able to play what I previously paid for. I would imagine that I’m not the only one with this concern.

  • Wow! Seems like a lot of people seem entitled. I signed up for PlayStation plus without any knowledge of free games. To me it was a…plus.

  • Why do we keep getting Indy games ? I used to be a xbox only owner for so long and i came to Sony because i saw MS were too greedy and never gave anything away. Now i come to Sony and they are the ones being cheap where MS is giving away the good stuff.

    I hope you up your game soon Sony because these Indy games every month are getting very stale. Some people like Indy games, but a lot of people dont, so it would be nice if you gave something for everyone each month.

  • Thank you for the free games very muchly appreciated but as other players have stated how about some more for ps4 that we played on ps3 and can’t transfer it to ps4

  • AMAZING!, been wanting to play P4 Ultimax for ages… First DA and now this. I’ll be to busy with Gravity Rush Remastered but great game for back up. Thanks!

  • Another pitiful lineup. Xbox spontaneously giving away Witcher 2 for no reason is better than this heap of dump. all you PlayStation underwear sniffers dont write me back I don’t care if you think a game called nom nom is good or you like super meathead. Everybody has the right to their opinion but don’t try to sell us this crap that PS Plus is any good if I wanted Super Meat load or magic eye or whatever the heck they’ve been giving us I’d download it for free on a tablet.

    • I feel you man, i wanna support PS so bad but every month they give us these garbage games, while Xbox gave away original Killer Instinct, the new Killer instinct and Witcher 2

      Meanwhile PS is getting “nom nom galaxy”

  • Please stop giving ps4 users the short straw every single month. When I pay hard erned money to get the rest of my “next gen” experience, I expect to not be pushed aside. Getting real sick of it. Stop giving ps4 player junk.

  • HELLDIVERS For PS3, PS4, & PS Vita…..
    Oke im ready to war….
    Love you playstation plus.

  • Why ps3 get persona 4 arena and ps4 get indie game?

  • Can somebody please tell me exact time when I’ll be able to download these games? Cuz it’s already 1st of February and I’m not able to download them.

  • Oh boy!! More stupid indie games no one ever heard of and whats worse is all the stupid people defending these choices by sony to release these terrible games

    Meanwhile, Xbox gave away the original Killer Instinct from snes and the remake for xbone along with the DLC for their Gold Members

    I bet if I made a list of the game that are free from both PS and XBX, PS would look so terrible

    the last game i even played that was free from PS Plus was that stand alone DLC crap from Infamous and that was years ago

    • Xbox gave away 2 versions of Killer Instinct for gold members and gave away Witcher 2 for ALL xbox 360/one gold and regualar members

      Meanwhile, we get to play “nom nom galaxy”

  • + goldenghost2468 Arena Ultimax is a spinoff. It’s a fighting game. Persona are RPG games.

  • The instant game collection on ps plus used to be amazing. You could download titles like Xcom and Uncharted 3. But since making PS plus mandatory to play multiplayer titles, the quality of free games overall has dipped significantly.

  • I’m tired of these games, most are indie games, I’d rather play ps3s free games but I don’t own a ps3 anymore, wish there were better free games like there was on ps3 for ps4, I’m actually getting quite disappointed. I remembered getting bioshock infinite along with a few resident evil games, and the best was DMC devil may cry. Hopefully better games will be released. Surprise me psn :)

  • Ok those who say , why u dont stop complaining get your act together .Every month we get crap games look at what they get from xbox live compare it then open your mouth .For Ps4 owner its a joke last month we got hardware nobody even play i played with person online.Thanks sony if not that i play online i would have never be ps+ member again .Shame on you Sony liars thats what you are , for gamers yea right.

  • Why is the Xbox One getting mainstream titles and we are getting nothing but indies? I’ve had my PS4 since launch and has been a PS Plus member every since the PS3 console. I chose Sony after converting from the 360 for a reason and that is being stripped away nice and slowly. Not totally on-board with paying to be online now, but that is just about all PS Plus is good for to be honest.
    I think I might pick up a Xbox just to fill in that gap.

    • FUSE PS PLUS & PS NOW: and you decisions will make more since of having your clients pay, because that’s what we are to you.

  • Helldivers its great game :)))

  • Great lineup this month, was thinking of getting both of them either way. What i think Sony could do more like Microsoft in my opinion is that they would leave you your games to play even without the subscription.

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