PS4 System Software 3.00 Features Detailed, Beta Starts Today

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PS4 System Software 3.00 Features Detailed, Beta Starts Today

We’ve been busy preparing our next major system software update for PS4, version 3.00 (codename: Kenshin). The update is packed with content, and we wanted to give you a quick glance at its key features.

If you were selected for our beta program, you’ll get to see these features first-hand very soon. Keep in mind, some of this content might not make it into the final version — that’s why we’re having a beta, after all. We’ve added new ways to connect with friends and players around the world, expanding the social capabilities of the system even further.


  • Online storage capacity increase — PS4 online storage capacity has increased from 1GB to 10GB for all PS Plus members. In 3.00 system software, you’ll see that we added a handy usage meter to monitor your available storage capacity, and a new Auto-Upload menu has been added to Application Saved Data Management.
  • YouTube live — PS4 owners will be able to livestream gameplay to YouTube. Livestreams will be viewable across YouTube, including on the new YouTube Gaming mobile app and website.
  • Events — A new hub for events has been added, giving an overview of activities taking place in the games you play most, as well as official broadcasts. For instance, you may see an update for a Double XP weekend, a special enemy appearing at a scheduled time, or seasonal events like in-game towns being decorated for the winter. You’ll also receive notifications when the event starts, or if the timing changes.
  • Favorite Groups — Favorite Groups has been added to the Friends app, letting you quickly access groups of people you like to play games with frequently. This will make the process of getting a game session up and running even easier.
  • Communities — PS4 users will have the ability to create communities based around shared interests, like games, genres, and more. Communities include a message board with general discussion, screenshots shared by players, and the ability to join parties / games. If you want to tackle a big multiplayer raid, but don’t have enough friends available, this could be a great way to connect with other players who are looking for the same thing.
  • Sharing video clips to Twitter — Users will have the ability to share video clips directly to Twitter. Maximum video length is 10 seconds, though you’ll have the ability to trim longer clips.
  • Stickers — Tired of typing out messages? With this update, you’ll be able to send stickers to friends through your messages.
  • Now Playing / What’s New — The Now Playing screen will display even more information about what your friends are doing, and you’ll be able to quickly jump into a game, party, request a screen share, or get sent to the PS Store to buy the game your friend is playing – further enhancing the social relationship with your friends online.
  • Live from PlayStation — We’ve improved the Live From PlayStation app, making it easier to view popular trending broadcasts in real time.
  • Request to watch gameplay — Want to view a friend’s gameplay session? Now you can send a ‘Request to Watch’ notification to a player. (Updated text)

There’s more included in this update, but that’s a quick glance at some of the items we’re excited about the most. We’ll be back with more info about Kenshin soon, including the launch timing.

Comments are closed.


  • It all sounds good especially the 10gb upgrade for the cloud storage bit what I would really love to see is the ability to lock the icons into place on the home screen… It is really annoying that they always move especially when I have taken ages to get it into order the way I like… Please include in the update

  • What’s the unrealistic upload rate required for your friends to watch you play?

  • awesome! i hope i got selected ;)

  • YouTube is cool, and I’m most interested in the community stuff. Can’t wait to see how that works.

    Still want to change my psn name, and I totally need a way to organize my home screen. I invested in a bigger hhd, and the “scroll right” deal is not doing it for me.

    Thanks guys!

  • Dear Sony, At some point, you are going to have to start listening to your customers. Social sharing features are overrated. Especially in the absence of features such as external hard drive compatibility and the ability to organize the home screen.

  • Playstation, my PS4 is ready when you guys are willing to push the 3.00 beta to my system, let’s go!

  • Would Love To Try This And Answer Any Questions About It And Much Feedback. :)

  • It’s a nice update with a lot of content, but most of it is ho-hum.

    Seriously, we need a menu system that can be managed and organized. As many others have stated, the library is a complete mess. There are games scattered across it I have no interest in right now. As any PS+ member knows, adding the free games to the library is a good way to save the free access to them if you don’t want to download them right away.

    The ability to finally group your friends list is a HUGE plus. That I’m definitely looking forward to. Used to be able to sort it by status or name on PS3, but no way to do any of that on PS4. So this is a really good feature, a step in the right direction to organizing the chaos that is the OS UI for the PS4.

    Seriously need to be able to customize the entire OS, it is ridiculous how restrictive it is.

  • Is there or how about a privacy setting so my friends don’t know when I’m online playing so I’m not bothered?

  • The online storage for save data should not be limited by PSN plus member, even free member should get at least 10-20 MB per each game sto store the save file like for example what happen with steam cloud,

    I cannot stress enough how Sony is still too narrow minded with the ps4 which in the end is gonna hurt only themselves, open you platform up create some sort of app center where third party can create interesting application and expand the functionality of the console,

  • Super pumped about the extra online storage. I’ll definitely start utilizing that more.

  • instead of wasting time on these kind of minor updates… could do the following

    1) allow ps4 to copy data from external drive
    2) support NTFS file system becaue i never carry around movies in my 16 gb or 32 gb pendrive….i always have movies in my external hdd
    3)players met is still not working for fifa 15, i hope u solve it for fifa 16 atleast
    4) last but not the least, will you ever give us the option to change the japanese version to US version button scheme because frankly i have gone mad with the swapped button scheme of X AND O, every time in game i have to use x as yes and o as no but in menu its the opposite.

    but i know U sony will never listen #RIPCUSTOMERSATISFACTION

    • You know… you can change X for O in the accessibility options.

    • 1) I’m assuming you mean videos. The PS4 only recently received support for video playback. This likely requires a lot of work to implement. It should certainly be implemented, though.

      2) The PS4 will never support NTFS because it is a proprietary file system developed by Microsoft. Sony would be required to pay to use that file system. Reformat your hard drive to FAT32 or create a FAT32 partition on it. You can’t have files over 4GB in size on a FAT32 file system.

      3) “Players Met” is a system exposed by Sony, to be used by games like FIFA. If it’s not working properly, the problem is with FIFA, not with the PS4 System Software. The PS4 only exposes the APIs to the games. If they are not using them properly, it’s a problem with the game. Complain to EA.

      4) No idea what you mean. “X” is yes and “O” is no in-game and in-menus if your PS4 is set up correctly.

  • We need a UI Update Sony, my PS4 library is hidden away behind some icons.

    Can you simply place all system level apps and media apps in a separate section?

  • Please add the ability to use an external hard drive soon. Much needed. I know I could switch internal drive but I’d rather have an external one. As is the storage management is forcing me to purchase multiplatform games on the xboxone rather the ps4. Just my humble two cents, hopefully it’ll be addressed soon.

  • we really, really need friend notifications

  • Good timing, i just ran out of online storage space.

  • remote play on ps vita and ps tv is broken on the ney firmware.asks to update my vita but its on the latest firmware,the same on ps tv,does anyone has the same problem?

    • That will always happen if you’re on the Beta, because they haven’t updated the Vita firmware to support it yet. You’ll have to wait for official release.

  • 10GB is an awesome update to the PS4 PLUS Cloud storage. Some of those saves have gotten quite large on the platform, so 10x was really necessary. I’m looking at you Apotheon. Thanks PS Team!

  • Please say external hdd support is on your list of features to add.

  • How do we know if we were selected for the beta?

  • There’s some great stuff in here, excited to finally see the cloud storage go up.

    I still don’t get why so little has been done with actually accessing our content, though. I have almost zero control over how my games or apps display, the icon for the full library is way at the far end of the list, demos seem to be stuck in your list forever even after uninstalling (I have Rocket League, yet can’t remove the beta from my list at all; I have Destiny, can’t remove the Destiny Beta; I have Citizens of Earth, can’t remove the demo tile); the list of video providers is nice, but the only one I use out of the dozen on the screen is at the bottom.

    I really wish that sort of stuff would be prioritized.

  • As for backwards compatibility, I don’t care as much as some. I still don’t get why PS1 classics, at the very least, aren’t on PS4. I hope we finally see those.

    But now that we have PS Now, I really think PS3 backwards compatibility is an option. If I bought that game on PSN in the past (or I have the disc), then let me stream it through PS Now or do an import or SOMETHING. There’s no real reason for you to have to rebuy it when PS Now exists. I think that option would kill off a good amount of the complaints — better than what it is now.

  • these changes are very welcome, but please please please please please please , Add the option to add or remove stuff from the main screen, some of the games i go back and forth gets pushed to the ends and more then 70% stuff on there i havent once ONCE opened it, (i may have once but never again) i m sure you guys will hear this or other people’s stuff and take it in considerations,

    Thank you :)

  • I was excited when I saw this was a whole number update but the implimentations are very lackluster, unfortunately. I’m still waiting for basic things like searching for games in our trophy list. The communities sound nice but everything I couldn’t care less about. The online storage is neat, I guess, but I only use it for saves so I don’t even use half a gig. I’d like to see a content update less focused on social media. I’m a gamer sony. I have a ps4 to game. I have a smart phone if I want to use twitter and I rather just use a capture format to post my video gameplay.

  • Still waiting for our own wallpapers and a notification when a friend goes online.

  • definitely some exciting stuff on there. the increased cloud storage is nice, hopefully the functionality is expanded at some point. for those of us with multiple systems in different places, we can’t have our game saves automatically sync on anything other than our primary console. would be nice if we could have autosync enabled on any system, and then just let the server keep the save with the newest timestamp.

  • You had me at Kenshin…

  • I’m sorry but please fix the PlayStation store. It is a confusing nightmare of a mess. And it seems like it just got worse. The best version of it was the first time it became app based, the first time you guys updated it on PS3. The changes since then have just made it really horrible to use and a pain to navigate. I am begging you, pleeeease overhaul the store with something new and user friendly or return it to the one that actually worked and was easy to use.

  • finally some increase in the storage!!! the drive club game had my capacity full and was really waiting for this.

  • I wish they would understand that if they released a patch that would allow people to change their names, the community would blow up with appraisal… Something as little as that would win everyone over 10 fold…. it’s the most demanded feature and still no response.

  • Trophy progress, friend notifications, auto trophy instead of syncing one time name change, when you unlock a trophy its posted to what’s new without syncing like on the vita. Better store front. Commenting on what’s new items. Or friends recent activities.

  • I’d still would like to be notified when friends or certain friends get online/offline.

  • Please let us make own own custom themes and wallpapers for the ps4! I miss this feature a lot!

  • Please let us make own own custom themes and wallpapers for the ps4! I miss this feature a lot! And backwards compatibility!

  • It will never be anything but silly that the Ps4 doesn’t play Ps1/Ps2 games from the disc, I just fought Albel Nox on my cellphone last night even that plays Ps2 games.

  • Aguante Samurai X!

  • Smart move with jumping on the YouTube Gaming hype train!

  • Hope i get selected

  • Got my email today to say that I had been confirmed for the Beta but when I click on the link to get my key, it tells me I don’t have permission to the page. Anyone else have this problem? How do I fix it?

  • SONY is always WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • WOW

    So still limited to 2TB HDD, Really supporting higher TB hard drives was massively important so people can get upto 6TB HDD through Nyko Data Bank without errors

    Also opening up the USB port to allow storage would been a good idea so people can have a external HDD that you can install games on.

    • I have a supported 2TB HDD and still get errors, it’s not just a bigger than 2TB error.

    • It’s not their job to help you use an unsupported 3rd party device that’s screwing up a lot of consoles people use it on….. 2 TB is plenty of space…. you can fit 45 or 50 games (with aan average size of 35 gigs) before you have to pick and choose what to keep installed. And if you play more then that many games all the time, you have WAY too much time on your hands…. and you prollly never sleep.

    • This was the number 1 thing I was hoping for too. I want larger than 2TB to be functional.

  • It has been two years and we still don’t have the basic PS Classics functionality. I don’t care about the PS3 backwards compatibility, but how difficult to emulate PS One classics on the PS4 with improved GFX filters? I want to play my classics that I already purchased on PSN on PS4

  • Any plans for adding WMV, WMA and other media codecs for the media player soon?

  • I still don’t get why basic features like Folders and custom backgrounds aren’t addressed. Just about every piece of tech including previous generations of PS and handhelds allows you to customize the UI somewhat. It’s really nice features, and worthy of a big update, but it sometimes feels like the software engineers are not at all in touch with the community.

    Really nice update, but it comes with a dose of disappointment if features that’s been requested shortly after launch aren’t addressed.

  • Request to watch gameplay FOR THE WIN!!!!^-^

  • Cant believe i wasnt selected


  • But when we can download or ingress on the beta tester????
    I want to test this.

  • If CD support isn’t happening with this big update, almost two years since launch, it’s safe to assume it’s never going to happen. :(

    Still holding out hope for blu-ray or IR universal remote support. Sad to think that at this stage in the PS4 life-cycle, if my PS3 and PS4 both died today, I’d be replacing my PS3 first.

  • They should add a way to make a public party to a private party in the party settings. Simple but will be useful

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