PlayStation Network Update

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PlayStation Network Update

UPDATE: PlayStation Network is back online. As you probably know, PlayStation Network and some other gaming services were attacked over the holidays with artificially high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. This may have prevented your access to the network and its services over the last few days.

Thanks again for your support and patience. We’ll provide any further updates here.


The video game industry has been experiencing high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. Multiple networks, including PSN, have been affected over the last 48 hours. PSN engineers are working hard to restore full network access and online gameplay as quickly as possible.

From time to time there may be disruptions in service due to surges in traffic, but our engineers will be working to restore service as quickly as possible.

If you received a PlayStation console over the holidays and have been unable to log onto the network, know that this problem is temporary and is not caused by your game console. We’ll continue to keep you posted on Twitter at @AskPlayStation and we’ll update this post once the problems subside.

Thanks again for your patience.

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2 Author Replies

  • Absolutely ridiculous on Sony ‘ s part. Not only to do nothing to prevent these attacks from happening again and again, they’re now claiming psn to be back online. Still not online! Worst decision and waste of money I’ve made switching from Microsoft to Sony!

  • Still Can’t access my psn since 23 why

  • The psn is still down as today Sunday 28 at 4;31, total frustration.

  • Why can’t I enter my voucher code for the “Four games. Pick one.” on the website.

  • I don’t blame Sony for not being able to prevent the DDoS attacks. I DO BLAME them though for the ridiculous amount of time is still taking fr them to solve the issue, but even worse, I HATE them for the lack of clear communication throughout this process. They are showing they do not learn from previous episodes, such as the Dive Club FAIL or the issues with the November PS+ lineup announcement.

  • Um every time I try to login in it says than something is wrong with the server do I have to create a new account

  • This is f**king ridiculos


  • finally got to sign in about a 3 hours ago wtf can’t i go to the store or play some of my games nor play online… yet you say its fixed

  • I can log in, but after setting all of the privacy settings, as I am setting up a new account, it returns “An error occurred during communication with the server” without any error code. I have changed the MTU setting to 1473 and 1450, but nothing changed. This is beyond absurd as it wastes way more time than before, but with the same result, No Log In!!

    What’s the work-around when the work-around doesn’t work?

  • I can’t log in to the PSN

  • Honestly not really mad at Sony, but just cheesed in general, used my PS4 only for one day and its been down ever since, I got 3 new games all happy and **** to play but i cant, and my holiday ends in 2 days so after I wont even have time to play for a while… thats kind of ****** as all hell. dumb hackers, if your trying to prove a point hack a freaking government web site or some **** not something that people actually enjoy -___- but still, I think Sony should do some thing after the problem is fixed, like free games or something.

  • What does Connection to Server Lost (NW-31194-8) MEAN!!!! I haven’t been able to use PSN for 3 almost 4 days now!!! This is not fun!!! How much LONGER is this going to be!!! ANSWER PLEASE at least the NW-31194-8 question!!!

  • Even though you say you have fixed the problem I can’t sign in. What is this crap? I pay $50 per year for psn and it doesn’t work!!!

  • hi Katherine how do i download my free game from the 1 pick bundle? I’m having trouble getting started?
    am i the only one with these issues?

  • Still cant log in? i just want to know if i am the only one With the problem still…

  • i. am. getting. tired. of. this. sony. why. does. it. take. you. 4. days. to. get. THE! FRICKEN! PSN! BACK! UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • When is this going to end already

  • 21.34 London, on the 28th December and still no PS4 :-(
    We also had issues with Disney Infinity and other games working on some but not all profiles. The system has been restored, re-built but still no joy with anything.
    Mostly I just wanted to add that we are unable to connect here.

  • how come you saying that sony working hard on fixing this when i been 4 day try to log in and it keep saying (nw-31194-8) i even call my internet services they told me to reset everything i did i even reset my ps4 to is default and nothing change i have friends that could play there ps4 and i cant i been trying to reach sony by phone and all it does hang up i dont know if i should keep my system or sell it since im like the only one not able to get online all i see psn status online but i cant log in. oh by the way there are rumors that are going around saying tha some people ps4 got damage since the system when down and that why some of us will have to buy a new system.

  • Hi
    When is this problem going to be fixed? I cannot sign in to PSN this has been the same since Xmas.
    Can someone update me on what is happening.

  • We’re all angry, understandably. They make us pay to play now… This is inexcusable. Ive never been this livid with anything. I work hard day in and day out. For weeks on end for my country and family, just to get 9 days off in a row at Christmas, and for. What? Don’t get me wrong Christmas with my family was great.. But those couple days are gone and now I want my damn game time.

  • Mine is still not working. My friend next door says his is working fine. My internet is not the issue, xbox works fine, computer works fine. The fact that I’m signed in here and typing this but I can’t play is extremely frustrating. No, changing MTU does not work.

  • It let me down load a game and buy them but there lock so I signed out to try that for the license to see if it would work now I just get server has been lost nw-31194-8 how can I connect to play Xbox is up and running

  • Hello 4 days really wtf

  • I still cant get on to psn but most of my friends can what’s happening

  • Eastern US. 4:39pm. Still can’t log on to PSN.

  • I find it disgraceful that I can find out more information about this whole thing by visiting google news than the actual company itself. If you were to release some stats, things like regional downtime expected and server percentage that is coming back up then you wouldn’t have 1000+ comments of users moaning about the lack of updates. To say your service is back up online when it clearly isn’t is beyond a joke, your public relations manager should be fired for how they’ve handled this. Companies in this day and age gain popularity and solidarity amongst their current and future user base by being honest with the users, showing that themselves are human and by relating to the customers issues. The copy and paste reply support ticket style is outdated and doesn’t work for many reasons whilst quite the opposite with the friendly, approachable and even humorous approach. Make your users feel like a family and a community, stop treating us like a number (hell if Apple can convince people to this mentality I’m sure you can)

    Hope everyone has had an awesome Christmas, even if you’re currently eBaying your PS1 in a show of rebellion.

  • Someone can explain me how I can start my session from the page and not from my console? Let PlayStation, all your users want to play games or do other things from our consoles!

  • cant believe i just bought a Playstation Plus for a month and the psn network is down! i paid a lot of money so i can go online, but the days keep on going and i want to make the most out of that month!

  • Why is mine still saying connection to server has been lost (NW-31194-8)

  • I still can’t sign in on my ps4.

  • Why dost thou not fix the servers already

  • Why is mine still saying connection to server has been lost (NW-31194-8)

  • Why are you charging bank accounts when your system is compromised, not only have you allowed acces to our banks, our locations, our accounts, you continue to charge when the services we pay for you do not and cannot provide???

  • changed my setting to 1473 and it let me online first try after 4 days down

  • Still unable 2 log in. All my friends already playing but I cant

  • i have tried over and over to sign in but i get different codes i have reset my console and the router and the network settings and wont let me sign and all i can say is wtf Sony

  • Microsoft fixed the problem, so why can’t you, Sony?

  • My Ps3 is online but I cant get on my Ps4 either! … This is Bull****…

  • This generic update is not good enough . I have not been able to play online at all in Florida but my brother in NC is playing destiny. What gives? Also if someone could punch those lizard punks in the face for ruining chirstmas .. That would be great thanks…

  • PSN is STILL down for me.
    “Connection to the server has been lost” error (NW-31194-8)
    I tried resetting my router and PS4. My wifi is functioning 100%.
    Please help playstation

  • I would prefer Sony to use this downtime to fix pre-existing problems, install pending upgrades and secure their servers even further. Use this childish attack’s interruption as an opportunity to improve. I will gladly play ‘The Binding of Issac’ which I recieved free from Playstation or go outside. Chill out Kids of Entitlement.

  • So i’m guessing everyone having the same problem with NW-31194-8, i kept thinking it was my internet. Sony keeps saying is fix and is back on, but half of the people are not even fix. Yesterday i was able to log on and chat in party but the server were very slow, i wasn’t able to play most my games.. -_- booo

  • If my PS+ Code didnt work who do I talk to???

  • If your getting “NW-31194-8” it meants PSN is down, for any other codes go here , its not your Console, its PSN, try rebooting your router and PS4, if it still doesnt work then you could do the MTU option (it worked for me so far) other than that I guess just wait on Sony until PSN is fully fixed. (hopefully its soon)

  • necesito ayuda no me deja entrar me sale error al conectar servido conexion interrumpida

  • Why is mine still saying connection to server has been lost (NW-31194-8)

    Is there any easy way to solve this. I have games purchased for xmas that i cant download from the store..

    What do i do???

  • My ps4 still want let me online. ..when are you going to have everyone back online. Its been 4 days

  • What we have here is incompetency and rampant ****ery. It took PlayStation 3 days to issue any sort of statement about what was happening (Facebook had more information about the ddos attack than PlayStation forums) and you expect me to keep my ps4 after all this nonsense. With everything at your disposal its still not fixed, after 4 days none of us here can connect to your second rate servers. You can’t expect paying customers to continue to be loyal when you offer no communication and no compensation. If Microsoft offered a straight swap, my perfect condition ps4 for an Xbox one I would take it in a heart beat. Your customer service has been complete **** and I for one will be returning my ps4.

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