Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

Comments are closed.


  • This whole “vocal minority” thing is a very annoying occurrence on the internet. Just look at the ratio of negative to positive comments on this very blog post. Hell, just look at the sheer number of comments on this post. I’ve never seen such a massive thread on this site filled with almost nothing but disappointment and one request. These are potentially good representations of what it is like for people who don’t regularly go on gaming websites. You have no sources or factual way to say we are the minority.

    EVEN if we are, that doesn’t make them ignoring a group that fought for this game any better.

  • I never said it was going to be effective that something was going to happen. If you know how to read, i said that you guys are in the minority, which you are.

  • No, you said that the petition prove we are in the minority and it absolutely does not prove a thing. Do you honestly think everyone who is pushing for this is signing that petition? Maybe YOU need to learn how to read your own nonsense before insulting someone who read your stupid deduction perfectly fine.

  • Your basing this minority statement off of one platform that not everybody uses. Anecdotal, crap “evidence” can go.

  • You are in the minority. The idea that thousands of people are made just like the few of you is absurd. That petition number would be in the tens of thousands if that were true. It hasn’t even reached 1,000 yet. I have a vita and im not angry as you guys are because im patient. There isn’t even a release date. You guys are over exaggerating.

  • Honestly, I was happy to hear this was getting a PS Vita release, I and many of my friends have been very vocal( Petitions, Facebook campaigns, Twitter campaigns) about getting a western release for our Vita. Now to hear its going to be released on the Ps4 and Xbox One is depressing. As I have yet to buy either of the two consoles this is a real bummer. To be honest after watching E3 this year as much as I hate to play Final Fantasy on a lesser console, I’ll be buying an Xbox One for the better upcoming titles. Hopefully your E3 showings will be better next year. Try not to dissapoint again. ;)

  • What is your problem? Why is it so black and white with the people who are against #NOVITANOBUY? Why can’t it be on consoles AND Vita?
    You can’t make an absolute statement based off of an online petition. That’s ludicrous.

    “I have a vita and im not angry as you guys are because im patient. There isn’t even a release date. You guys are over exaggerating.” Oh, look at all that ad hominem. Time to disregard your entire presence.

  • @1261 You disappointed yourself, sony didn’t disappoint you. If you honostly believed there would be some serious vita game announcements you were kidding yourself. That is YOUR fault. The PS4 JUST came out, it was obvious from the start that the focus was going to be on the PS4 especially since the console just came out. That is YOUR fault, you should’ve known this. The only one to blame is YOU.

  • What does patience have to do with getting the game on Vita? If those that wanted it on Vita don’t complain, Square Enix will think it’s fine to just put the game out on PS4/XB1.

  • Um…I will say this. (Note: Playing Devil’s Advocate, not necessarially saying this is the case.)

    Generally, the ones who are most vocal about an issue are the ones who are negative, simply beause many of the people who are happy about a decision, don’t bother to say anything about it (at least on the Internet.)

    There are a few scattered comments of people alright with it, but this press blog has been notoriously negative due to a specific movement calling for action by a specific group. That can skew the count.

    Sure, there’s no proof of this for OR against, but still, it’s a bit of a trend. I think a lot of console owners are probably happy to hear a Final Fantasy game in general is coming to Next-Gen…yet have no idea what Type-0 is.

  • Sign Petition if you can:

  • Hey american brothers in arms…

    it seems that the vast majority of signatures comes from EU, Brasil, and some of the ASEAN countries…

    Hey…. don’t let let us beat you with just power of our numbers :P

    don’t be shy!
    And if you don’t want to you don’t have to show your personal data by not selecting “display” box


    Sign Petition if you can:

  • Well even if I wouldn’t own a vita and a ps4 instead I would help the vita owners to get the game on vita. Anybody who blames them for being upset is just selfish because this just isn’t justified. Justice is one of the most important things to me. Vita owners DESERVE the game on their console because they fought for it. I think many people who own a Ps4 don’t even care about type 0. They do not even have to fight for games in the first place. Why Sony why do we have to fight for games for our 200$ device?

  • While we are fighting to bring more games to VITA I’m just going to drop one lilttle information.

    Right now on kickstarter sekaiproject is collecting funds for translation of game World End Economica (author of spice and wolf). It is nice and long Visual Novel. Why am I saying it here? Because just now they confirmed that VITA version and iOS will be their last Stretch Goal. So if you want more games on VITA maybe it would be good idea to help them. I’m not going to give you direct link, if anyone is intrested google it!


    Sign Petition if you want TYPE-0 on VITA in EU and NA:

  • Petition signed. Time for changes, Sony! #NoVitaNoBuy.

  • I am very disappointed with Square Enix and Sony. They are not supporting Vita. I think my next-gen console will be the xbox one but without Type-0 HD.

  • Lestatdelioncort

    Again this is on square enix ends for type-0. Also expecting sony to focus on vita this year on E3 is entirely your fault. Especially one year after they announced the PS4. You all should of known that the PS4 was going to be the main focus. As a Vita owner i don’t mind that its on PS4.

  • madmanwithabox12

    It’s not the fact it’s on PS4 that people are upset. It’s the following

    1) Type-0 was one of the most requested and sought after Vita/PSP games

    2) #JRPGVita is likely responsible for this even getting a Western release – Vita fans are the ones who did the campaigning, now they’re not getting anything

    3) The blog originally said it was coming to Vita, before correcting it and saying PS4.

    People have every right to be upset, given the way this was handled. Especially since neither Sony or Square Enix have come forward to say anything.

  • You know what? I’m sick and tired of hearing you brats saying it’s also Sony’s fault when Xbone is getting it as well. I’m going to be in the minority and say that Final Fantasy Type-0 sucks. It looks like a Monster Hunter clone with Final Fantasy characters. Hate all you want, but I hope you guys enjoy that crap.

    Oh wait, you can’t because it’s not on Vita! Haha

  • Sry guys I’m gonna feed this troll a bit =)
    @Gamerzlimited/ 1274
    LOL, what you’ve been playing up till now?? Tetris Adventure?? FFType0=monster hunter clone o.O hahaha
    Please just go on with your minesweeper, solitaire etc

  • @gamerzlimited
    I have just one reply to trolls like you… huh…

    Kiddo I would slap you but sadly that’s counted as child abuse in my country.

    Anyway, let’s return to the usual stuff

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  • I’m already of tired of saying the same over and over, but I’m sick of Sony attitude. I hope the ps4/vita games get hacked so they lose it all.

    This was a portable game, and now the only portable console that Sony has gets denied the privilege to play it.


  • Oh man, seriously.. Why give #PSVita a chance if it wasn’t supposed to succeed?
    Even SE is leaving it in the dark now.

    There is no saving the Vita if Sony don’t support it. I wish Japanese gamers would join this and STOP buying the Vita and the PS4.
    sony’s attitude explains PRETTY MUCH WHY Nintendo is The Better Company.

  • An apology would help for starters. Seriously enix is it that hard, you can see an audience exists for it.


  • Vita was just released in time for E3 2012 and was a year old in E3 2013. It didn’t get equal treatment to PS3 and PS4. It got thrown under the bus.

    @Gamerzlimited If you want to play a Final Fantasy Monster Hunter clone, go buy the new game just announced for 3DS, Final Fantasy Explorers. Type-0 isn’t that.

  • Fun fact:
    Sony sold 8.3 millions units of PS VITA… in comparison PS4 8 millions… so… it is not worth it to make a game for console with bigger number of users… hmm… interesting


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  • GloryorSovngarde

    I see Lestat and Gamerzlimited are stepping up their efforts to troll the Vita community. Well fack them and their masters at Sony
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  • @Archacus but understand that most of those systems were sold in Japan. I have seen the PS Store in Japan and it is filled with sweet looking games. As of the week of the 31st of May the NA sales were a bit over 2000 consoles sold during the span of that week, however in Japan there were 13,000 systems sold during the span of that weekly chart.

  • More support in Japan because they buy the most Vitas.

  • Yeah, would have bought this day one on Vita. Not interested in a home console version at all.

    This week has been absolutely crushing for Vita owners, and this massive troll from Square Enix was obviously the breaking point going by the feedback to this announcement just about everywhere.

    I’ve never seen a company actively despise their *own fanbase* as much as SCEA. It’s mind boggling.

  • PS vita owners feel like they get slap in the face by SE with this one -.-

  • Want it on Vita as well!

  • This is absurd. It should be on Vita too. Everyone who expressed so much interest in Type-0 are PSP or Vita owners, and if you have a fully translated text you can, at the very least, apply it to the PSP game and release it digitally on PSN. However, throwing Bluepoint on it for a few months will probably get you an awesome port of the HD version and would be ideal, since we’d get trophies and better visuals.

    What is it, because it’s a PS4 game, everyone will buy that version instead? It should be crossbuy anyway, and then a physical release would sell on it’s own merits to people who like or collect physical games. What? Because it’s also on xboxone, Microsoft told Square they’re not allowed to make a Vita version if they want to be on the platform? ie: the same reason we don’t have games like Resident Evil: Revelations HD…

  • Square will be selling this on PS4, and I won’t be in any rush to buy it, until it’s $15-20 (too many games to play already, and many more to buy)… when they could have released a physical version for Vita, and I’d buy it day 1 @ $39.99, or a deluxe version for $40, without batting an eye. Totally leaving money on the table here. Missed opportunity.

  • deluxe for $50* i mean

  • Part 1 : I can’t believe that Scee and Scea ask to the Vita fanbase to buy a 400$ home console to play a 3 years old psp game in a 200$ portable console.I can’ believe that Sony REALLY believe to this. None who really cares about their fanbase could think something so absurd. Shahid Kamal today wrote that he won’t accept any bad word about Scea in relation with the Vita situation. He tried to do his best to bring some game for us and i really appreciated his work and effort to increase the Vita library, but this time i disagree with him, this time we have to point the finger against Sony, cause this is the result of years of nothing. No marketing, no promoting, no games, nothing. In the last 3 years i’ve defended Sony in every single forum i’m registered on, i’ve never stopped to believe that Sony would do something with Vita and that they will never let it die like it’s happening today, i’ve fought hard against campains like ” Vita Has No Games ” or ” Vita Is Dead ” . I’ve spent hours and hours to defend this company, the products and the marketing strategies, but after this news, after more than 1000 comments and no reply, after 1 hour and 45 mins where Vita was just ignored, i cannot stand and defend them anymore.

  • Part2 : And i say to Shahid Kamal that he can’t ask to do not point the finger against Sony. If today Square Enix won’t publish this game it’s because of Sony, and he knows that, he cannot say it, but he knows that. This situation, the slow death of Vita it’s the result of a poor marketing strategy and the low sales are the result of few games released and due to the fact that Sony stopped to believe in the project Vita almost 1 year ago. When Sony says that we can play this game on remote play, they are trolling us. Remote play doesn’t work at it should and you know that too.So i should get a portable console to use it inside my house when i’ve already a PS3 ?! I’ve spent 200$ to play a game in streaming while i have it in my home console with a full HD screen !? i refuse to believe that in SCEA and SCEE someone really believe in this solution. Look at this, look at how the people are pissed off for a PSP GAME !! a P-S-P game !! That happens when a community is ignored, when we buy a 200$ device and all we get are Indie games.In my opinion, it’s absurd that a Sony community is so starve of games that complains so much for a PSP game.This completely describes the situation and how we have been mistreated and ignored.

  • Part 3: Square Enix, the fact that you don’t even know where your games should be released, describes the creative and financial decline that you are living today. I’ve been a huge fan of your games, i played them since i was a kid, and hurts to see a gigantic company like you make so many mistakes, while you have some of the most powerful game ever created in the history of this industry, you have wasted time and money, the only good thing that you made in the past three years was the HD collection of Final Fantasy for Vita and Ps3 ( and remember, the Vita version sold almost one million copies, that time you liked us, you wanted us, now you don’t like us anymore ?! ).
    Now, someone inside Square Enix, should explain to me how da hell is possible that you bring Type-0 to PS4 and Xbox One after 2 years that the VITA community asked to bring it on the Sony handled. We, the VITA community asked it !! Not the PS4 community, surely not the Microsoft community where the catastrophic results should let you understand that the Xbox community it’s not your target cause they do not buy your games. And you say that you listened to us !? Whaaaaat !? Are you kidding us ?! No, i’m wrong, we didn’t ask it … we BEGGED for it !!!

  • #raynolds-wrap1
    You are saying it from NA perspective, but I’m from EU… and here in EU we have similar number of sold units compared to Japan.

    And yet number of games:
    Japan > North America > GIANT ABYSS > Europe

    Most of times we don’t even get physical version of games. Nothing from Atlus, nothing from Aksysgames, nothing from Square Enix.

    You guys keep complaining on SCEA… but in fact most of Europeans would love SCEA to take overs EU. SCEE is horrible! They don’t do anything unless publisher asked them for it. NO SALES, NO GAMES (we don’t have even half of your psp, psx, ps2, japan imports game), We get everything much later than you guys… so really… SCEA compared to SCEE is like good GOD.

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  • PS Vita deserves better… No vita version, no purchase. #NOVITANOBUY

  • Vita owners have been asking for this, as well as a PSN release of Crisis Core and the 2 PSP Star Ocean games for years.
    The obviously have no interest in giving the Vita support.

  • Offtopic for those who want more games on VITA

    Ok guys now it is FOR SURE!

    WORLD END ECONOMICA IS COMING FOR VITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    from official kickstarter page:
    “”iOS/Vita – Once we reach $100,000 we will port the game to Unity so WEE can be enjoyed on almost every platform.”

    Right now they are close to 30k! but with VITA fans united it will be easy to break 100k$ and I asked them whether it will be possible to get as bonus PSN code for game once it will be released.

    World End Economica is visual novel from Isuna Haskura-san the author of spice and wolf!


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  • Y’know, SE, at this state, chances are high you won’t even check any of the comments here, but if you’re not bringing your game to Vita, could you at least send us an apology statement? 99,9% of the comments after the edit from Vita to PS3 here are about expressing their disappointment with your decisions.

    Ugh, whatever… this whole debacle reeks of incompetancy. I can’t fathom such a lack of communication with your market.

  • @RiddikRonnie Very good post. Could be a letter to sony and squre as well. I think that pretty much summarises the situation. I think I accepted the fact that sony has given up the vita, but every now and again there comes a good game for the vita (ss delta for instance is absolutly fantastic didnt like the original but delta is awesome). FF type 0 is a freaking psp game (I dont even like the psp. I allways thought its too low quality) and I am so extremly hyped for it. I slowly gathered a library for vita and didnt played most of the games much at all, because I want to get to the point where I can say: “Well now thats a decent library” and then play them all. Type 0 would have been the game which marks that point. Now you do this to me. Sad

  • Dear Sony, after this i just want to tell you how much i hate you. Why? well, i bought a 250$ handheld that you completely ignore most of the time and now you do this to us Vita owners…. im selling mi fu… Vita and i will never buy a playstation device again. F….U!!!

  • @Everyone I don’t troll, I did it just to piss you guys off. I don’t understand why Microsoft doesn’t get hate too, they should share the same hate as Square Enix and Sony does. I love how all of you want to sell your Vita just for one game that has absolutely nothing to do with Sony, what a bunch of losers.

    At least I play Pokémon, which is way better the Final Fantasy any day.

    @GloryorSovngarde Yeah, go ef yourself too.

  • Lestatdelioncort

    Im not a troll i just being realistic, that after 1 year after they announced the PS4 that they would be focusing more on PS4 then vita. It was obvious from the start, it’s everyones fault for setting there expectations way to high for expecting sony to focus more on vita then on there JUST released console. Hence why you don’t see me rampaging, because it was obvious from the start this was going to be a PS4 E3. Im happy alone that we are getting Tales of Hearts R. You guys have absolute no reason to be angry.

    As far as SE goes on not bringing us this game to Vita, you guys are in the minority if it were true that everyone is as angry as all of you are then it would be in the 10s of thousands. It’s not its still below 1000 petitions after 1 day.

  • madmanwithabox12

    @Lestatdelioncort Look man, when SE straight up comes out and says it’s coming to Vita and then 5 minutes later retracts that statement and says it’s for PS4 instead, people are going to be pissed off. It’s the PSP/Vita owners that have been asking for this game for the past so many years, then the one place it makes the most sense (Vita) is where it isn’t coming. Just a bit of perspective for you.

  • Lestatdelioncort

    madman im talking about the conference in the first paragraph and about this issue in the second one.

  • At first I was on cloud nine, but SQEX you sent me crashing down by removing Vita :/

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