Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

Comments are closed.


  • Hey everybody, I know how frustrated you all are that Type-0 isn’t announced for the vita and I feel the same way. However, if we are going to get Type-0 on the Vita. we might need to make a small concession or too. For example, when Xenoblade Chronicles finally came to the US, the game was only sold in Gamestop stores. We need to show Square Enix that it would be in their best interest to make it for the Vita as well. My idea would that we’d accept the game as a digital only game. The reason this would be good is that way, Square Enix would make more money in profit if they sold physical copies since then they wouldn’t have to deal with stores acting as middle men taking a portion of the game’s profits.

    If you want to go along with that idea, tweet it to @SquareEnixUSA. But don’t harass Shahid Kamal because he actually is trying to get the game on Vita and is a huge proponent for the vita.

  • C’mon Square, please give in and give us a Vita version of Type-0.

    Shahid and Sony are fighting for it, he’s said so on his Twitter. Just take whatever money they are offering you and make it happen Square.

    Worst case scenario: If you make a Vita version at least for Japan, make sure it has English subs and menus, that way we will at least be able to import.

    Do it Square! I’ve been a loyal customer of yours for years (I triple dipped on FFX/X-2 HD) and will continue to be if you make this happen.


  • @Archacus

    I like the Vita too, and even though I disagree with a lot of the opinions on here, I’m trying to get a game or two to help the Vita as well…

    Comparing Vita’s numbers directly against PS4 doesn’t help Vita. PS4 has been out for 7 months and matched Vita’s sales, is currently lighting it’s competition Xbox One on fire, even while flailing in Japan due to lack of eastern gaming titles. It’s doing superb. People are putting titles on PS4 due to projected sales, which are extremely high when supply is to meet demand.

    Meanwhile, Vita’s aren’t outselling demand at all. I like the system, but it’s true. I am working on trying to get @OPCyberSleuth localized for Vita, so we’ll see how that goes.

  • Really hope SE considers a VITA version.

  • Square could just have easily localized the PSP version of Type-0 and put it on PSN and the cost for doing so wouldn’t be considerable. And we have the existence of the fan translation to vouch for that, which had little to no budget. Furthermore, a small developer like Just Add Water, responsible for the new Oddworld remakes, saw something worthwhile in the Vita as another means to expand their audience and presence in the industry. So the supply must meed demand thing is moot on this subject.

    There is money to be made here on the Vita and all it takes is the right product to stimulate the right demand. Recently we saw an increase in Vita sales in Japan when FFX/X-2 HD released. Who knows? If Vita was competitively priced at launch as it is now and Type-0 was among its launch titles, the story could have turned out differently.

  • Lastly, why aren’t Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts on PSN? Again another potential easy money there.

    If I were Square I’d port Bravely Default over to the Vita to maximize profits. Although it took a while to get to that 8million vita sales, it still means a purchasing power potential of 8 million.

  • @ railenmiles

    Crisis Core is not on PSN because there are licensing issues with “WHY”, the game main theme song.

    About KH, Disney games are not licensed for digital distribution. That’s why both KH 1.5 and 2.5 are only available at retail. And since there is a rule that Vita games HAVE to be available digitally on day one…

    I agree about BD, I’d love to see those visuals on Vita. But first get us Type-0 HD Square!

  • @Mohnstah
    Thanks ! The original post it’s a bit longer but i don’t know why i cannot post the the last section of my ” letter “, anyway, you can read it full on the Sony Eu blog ;

  • One way or another we will win

    Your name and surname won’t be visible to other if you do not want to! Check “display” option

  • Another way for Square to measure our sincerity is for them to do a Kickstarter and lay down a goal that would indicate to them a healthy marketable demand. Once the goal is reached they can then cancel the kickstarter and begin work to porting that HD version over to Vita.

  • (part.1)

    What’s wrong with SONY?!

    I’ve been watching material from IGN with Shuhei Yoshida

    And they were also talking about VITA and Type-0

    Shuhei “finally” understood that “there are people who loves VITA and are not planning to buy PS4 soon” how clever you need to understand it JUST NOW! Wasn’t it obvious? (10:35)

    And just after that they were talking about Type-0… (around 10:45)
    Looooooooong sigh from Yoshida shows that he didn’t predict what will be happening…wasn’t it obvious?!

    And than Colian Moriarty just acts like whatever there is remote play! That’s not f**** answer! I can’t even tell how many things are wrong with that single statement!
    1. You need to buy PS4… it is expensive and not everyone can afford it + many people are still waiting for second edition of PS4 because as we know… it is always better. (just like with PSP, PS2, PS3 was)
    2. If I wanted remote play… I would buy Wii U. But than again many people I know and even IGN complained that that double screen is useless and they would like normal pad.

  • 3. It is f**** remote play we are talking! It is not working unless you are standing 20 feets from PS4. So what’s the point of owning mobile console?! What’s so hard to understand it?! I want FREEDOM, I want to take it to different room! I want to take it when I’m going for a bath! I want to take it and play in garden! I want to play it when I’m out of my house! I want to play it when E3 is becoming boring (did you see that during E3 there were few people playing games on E3?)
    4. It is remote play! It is additional feature witch isn’t working as well as it should! All smaller texts that are visible on large TV screen with PS4… are not visible on VITA screen! And we are talking about JRPG a games which usually have some serious wall of texts!
    I could just say more and more and more…. but what for? How come fans understand it without even thinking too long about it… but it is so hard to understand for Sony, SE, IGN staff?

  • Lestatdelioncort

    They knew that for awhile its just you guys had high expectations. Again the PS4 has just released, its PS4s first E3, its a no brainer that PS4 was going to be first priority this E3. It is entirely your fault and anyone else who though vita was going to get the attention. Hence why im not angry like the rest of you. You guys need to get then in your entitled minds.

  • GloryorSovngarde

    @Lestatdelioncort – The Vita has not been getting attention before the PS4 was even released. Is it that unreasonable to expect at least a few games for the handheld I payed so much for ? Is it so much to expect the game we campaigned for to go to us and not just the ps4/xb1 ? The least they could do is apologize for giving us the hope for a new game , only to callously rip it away.

  • It isn’t coming to VITA, or PS3. They announced it for both XBOXONE and PS4 only which is the stupidest **** ever.

  • As most people, I’m baffled by the idiotic policy of ignoring PS3 and Vita in this case, and I will definitely not buy a PS4 to play this. If I ever do for another reason, I will not buy this game.

  • Really Sony I hope you go bankrupt now!
    It was right in the face for us Vita owners!

  • Just reminding:

    Your name and surname won’t be visible to other if you do not want to! Check “display” option

    774 signatures at the momment! Still not enough! GIVE US MORE USA! :D

  • Hell yeah we got help from Kotaku

    Your name and surname won’t be visible to other if you do not want to! Check “display” option

    774 signatures at the momment! Still not enough! GIVE US MORE USA! :D

  • Thank you for finally bringing this to us!

    I am a bit saddened that we will not be getting this for Vita, as I would love for it to be available there… but at least we are getting it.

    Now can someone go tell SEGA to follow suit and get us Valkyria Chronicles 3 please?

  • To Hell with you Square Enix!

    I won’t a buy a game from your company NEVER AGAIN!

  • i hope if sony try to push square more on vita ver,

  • Really? not also on vita? I’m very dissapointed :(

  • Bring the game to PS3/PS VITA as well!!!!


    It took three days of campaigning, but this is starting to get mainstream coverage. Any comment yet, SE? Sony?

  • “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

    What? Why?

  • @Tyrannikos
    That’s the stuff usually that is happening in EU blog all the time.

    Your post contained word that was on banned list… for example vulgar words, or parts of anantomy

    The other option is that you have been makred by moderation team to be checked more frequently… for example you’ve been trying to post too many links, you tried replying way too many times before, or someone decided that you offended someone.

    <- person from EU


    Your name and surname won’t be visible to other if you do not want to! Check “display” option

    857 signatures

  • Oh on more thing….

    that just mean that you will have to wait for moderation team to check your post, and they will decide if it is ok to display it on blog or not

  • …Wow, it’s heartbreaking to see all these comments expressing excitement over a Vita version of Type-0. I’m afraid to change pages and watch the excitement turn to rage at the truth. C’mon, Square Enix, I know that there’s no point in releasing a game for a system no-one has, but on the flipside, there’s no point in owning a system no-one will release games for. Just consider a Vita version, or even release an English translated PSP version for the Vita store?

  • @Tyranikos
    Ha ha that’s your “why” check the link…. it contains taboo word :P

    I managed to post it here (1326) but in EU blog I was also sent to moderation…. the key is word “pi***”

  • Great news for those FF fans with a PS4, or who will buy one anyway between now and the release of this game. Not so great for Vita owners without a PS4. Here’s hoping it does happen for them down the line.

    Kinda pointless for people on here to troll the Vita-only players. Vita needs a “new” AAA JRPG to stay alive. The PS4 will have tons of games anyway over the next few years, including brand-new entries in the FF franchise. Not surprising they would make a PS4 version, but rather puzzling they wouldn’t make it for Vita (at least, not yet).

    FYI: All links will cause your posts to be “awaiting moderation.” It’s not just certain sites or keywords that trigger this.

  • @ThumbsOfSteel74
    Nah you can avoid it very easy

    just like that:


    so the case was probably that “taboo” word :P

  • Square Enix- “Oh , you wanted a Final Fantasy Type 0 on Vita?” ” Let us put it on Xbox one instead” :/

  • Is this joke or maximum trolling by Square Enix? It’s freaking portable game so where is some love for Vita for God’s sake?

  • I got to ask.
    Where were you guys all this time?

    Really, I’m like the only one who kept begging and requesting a price drop for the Vita Memory Cards and finally got it last year when Gamescom arrived. Altough, it wasn’t much nor what I was expecting. I wanted them to be more competitive.

    How about you guys give me a hand with this and request a further price cut and the 64Gb MC for N/A? That would be helpful.

    Sony is focusing more on the PS4 while Nintendo is focusing more on it’s 3DS and leaving the Wii U behind.
    The first year of the Wii U was a wasteland.

    Let’s not forget that this is what happened last gen with Sony and the PSP. They launched the PSP, it had it’s success, yet got trolled by every Nintendo DS fans and hatred from their part.
    Sony got back into the PSP two years after the PS3 was launched.

    Now, they are 100% focused on making the PS4 a must-have system; and are succeeding at it.
    They are gonna go back to the PS Vita eventually, now’s just not the time.

    I kept pushing Sony and Square-Enix to release this game to the states; didn’t think it would come to the PS4. But hey, WE GOT IT, FINALLY.

  • I wish I could say that I’m hurt and surprised by Sony and Square Enix dangling the Type-0 for Vita carrot in front of my nose and then retracting it, but honestly, I can’t say I am.

    This has just proven to me yet again how little Square Enix, and by some extension, Sony, cares about PS Vita owners and loyal fans. I’ve played every FF up to X. I was pumped when the X/X-2 HD collection came out, so there is that to be grateful for. However, when a company promises more JRPGs at one point, and then slaps an entire community (Vita owners) in the face by announcing a Vita version and then stating that there is no such thing, I can’t help but say that I’m more than a little disgusted by how little care and respect there seems to be both for the Vita and for us Vita owners.

    I’m not going to deny that there aren’t great games for the Vita. I love Persona 4: Golden, Soul Sacrifice Delta, and the aforementioned X/X-2 HD Collection.

    Still, if this is how things are going to progress, I can’t help but mention how insulted I feel by two companies who both have it within their power to create a Vita version of Type-0, or for that matter, many other games.

  • madmanwithabox12

    You’ve heard the demand. 2 years of campaigning. #JRPGVita. Online petitions. Blogs, comments, forum posts, youtube videos, emails, tweets, Facebook messages. Over 1350 comments on this very blog post, with 300 odd more on the EU one. A brand new petition with close to a thousand signatures. Industry figures, like Shahid Kamal Ahmad, saying that it has to happen. Several new hashtags and lots of fan backlash to this silly mistake.

    Do something about SE. Sony. Whoever the hell needs to make this happen, has to make it happen. Otherwise this is one of the biggest betrayals in the history of video games. I know it’s busy with E3 and these things take time, but it doesn’t hurt to communicate with your fans. After all, this very blog post is about bringing over a game we have been asking for. Don’t leave us Vita fans in the lurch. We were some of your best supporters on PSP with FFI, FFII, FFT:WotL, FFIVCC, FFIII, Crisis Core, Dissidia, Prologus and Dissidia 012.

  • Lestatdelioncort

    @1319 Still doesn’t change that fact that its all your own fault for expecting more focus on the vita then the PS4 on PS4’s first official E3. Again its your fault you set your expectations way too high.

  • Bring it to psvita, the hell we buy a vita for this certain games :'(

  • Oh no… I was so excited for the VITA version…
    Thanks a bunch, I’m sure it’ll look great on the PS4’s amazing hardware, but I won’t be getting this one, PS4 already has a great line up coming out and this one is not a priority for me.

  • Please put Final Fantasy Type-0 on the Vita as well! As a Vita and PS3 owner, I currently don’t feel the need to buy a PS4! I am a person who is interested in J-RPGs and until the PS4 has more of a selection in my interest I will not be purchasing one. I don’t understand how a PSP remake is going not to the Vita, or even the PS3, but the PS4?! If you want to port it to other consoles, that’s great. But it’s a handheld game and it was meant for the Vita! The Vita needs more love and great games! It’s a great console but it’s only lacking in having more great exclusives. And seriously, it’s not a PS4 accessory. It’s an amazing console all on it’s own.

  • 99% of people who claim they won’t buy it because it’s not on Vita will buy it anyway.

  • GloryorSovngarde

    @Lestatdelioncort – I guess I’m going to be the next person to remind you that no one said they wanted more focus on the Vita than the ps4. They just wanted some attention, for once

    I do find it hilarious that you think wanting a game or two for my Sony labeled brick is “Setting my expectations to high”

    I don’t really care if you are trolling or just plain dumb at this point. Shame on you =(

  • this is garbage! guess i wont get a ps4 bundle for my vita

  • sad day, i love my vita and was looking forward to a western release since it came out on psp

  • “99% of people who claim they won’t buy it because it’s not on Vita will buy it anyway.”

    [citation needed]

  • Lestatdelioncort

    @1348 you did set your expectations very high. I’ll repeat myself, if you were expecting vita to get most of the attention this year, you were kidding yourself aka setting your expectations high. Why? The PS4 just released, it should of been obvious to you and everyone that the Vita would get little attention. The answer is that simple. Why on earth would sony focus on Vita more then the PS4 on its FIRST official E3. I’m being realistic.

    Why neglect a new console that was just released to a handheld that was released 2 years ago. It just makes sense why they didn’t focus on Vita, because the PS4 was just released. If your Vita “doesn’t have games” which it does (a lot i may add), then you know what to do. You can’t have everything I think its time you finally learn that.

    The fact that i have a handheld that’s backwards compatible unlike the PS4 alone makes me happy, Tales of Hearts R is coming and we are freakin lucky to even have that coming to vita. You don’t see me going angry because I knew the focus would be on the NEW CONSOLES. Which is what they should of done and what they did do.

  • Sharingan_itachi


  • GloryorSovngarde

    @Lestatdelioncort – Please, the internet has enough miserable trolls posting their nonsense. We don’t need you repeating your bs

    You know that we don’t want most of the attention, but if you insist on living in your own little delusions please leave me and the rest of the people on this post to discuss things like adults.

    We barely started and you’re already out of material, pathetic

  • How am I being a troll. How is everything i said not true and obvious. You guys wanted a 100 percent vita e3 conference when a new console just came out into the market. That doesn’t make any sense.

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