Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

Comments are closed.


  • @1134 we know that.

    But it is Sony’s fault that Vita fail.
    That’s why we are mad.

    No marketing, no first party AAA games.
    No E3 ad.

    That’s why we are mad.

    Vita didnt fail alone, Sony let it happen.

  • @1138 They, I’m sorry.

    My english is not that good, so that’s why i cant understand some things.
    THEN, agreed.

    Good idea.

  • Kickstarter is not a feasible platform for this. There is nothing stating that the projector owner must deliver a product upon completion. There have been PLENTY of successfully funded projects that have been only half-delivered/delivered extremely late/never completed.

  • @Tyrannikos
    Haha nah it’s just my sefety measures… I’m just saying.

    Most of times US customers don’t care about EU customers, and some of them would be happy even with Type-0 US only. So yeah… safety measures :P

    Nah it is truth:

    More than year fighting to bring Shin Megami Tensei physical retail edition to Europe…. and we got digital only… some may say “good enough” but I won’t…

    “SCEA is also justified. It is not the consumer’s responsibility to be chasing up third-party developers and convincing them to release games for a particular platform; this is SCEA’s responsibility” ekhm… SCEE is even worse than SCEA… but yeah it is also fault of SCE

  • @1118

    The answer is pretty simple. Actually buy their games.

    Square-Enix sold over 400k copies of FFXHD on the PS3 around 130k on the PS Vita in it’s first week.
    Money talks.
    Granted, considering the 80 million install base against the 8 million Vita users, that’s a ratio worth mentioning.
    It’s still 20% of the sales of FFX; it’s not something Square-Enix should take lightly, especially if they’re actually considering an Xbox One release…

    We have all these games:
    -Ys: memories of celceta
    -Dragon’s Crown
    -Soul Sacrifice ‘Delta’
    -Final Fantast X Remaster
    -Gravity Rush
    -Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
    -Rainbow Moon
    -Valhalla Knights 3
    -Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
    -Malicious Rebirth

    It’s our job to support them. I’m still gonna buy Type-0 for the PS4. It better have more worthwhile visuals.
    And I 100% agree on the lack of Vita support, we do need more AAA games that will be system sellers.
    And I do want Type-0 on the Vita, but I’m still getting the game either way.

  • @1141.

    That would be a problem

  • @Tyrannikos

    I didn’t ignore you, I was probably just asleep and/or missed them. I’m not that kind of person.

    True, but the Wii U should have told you that you can’t get 3rd party support just by asking. Nintendo has proven to care about that thing every bit as much as any other console they’ve had, and it still struggles with 3rd party support.

    As for Vita, I sincerely think it’s biggest problem is the advent of the mobile market. They have to work way harder than their competition to get that device into gamers’ hands. They can’t just drop a Pokemon and boom sales, you know?

  • “It’s our job to support them.”
    No…it’s not. It’s their job to supply a demand. It’s our job as consumers to make our own decisions on where our money should go.

    @Archacus I think we’re getting mixed up, which is probably my fault. I’m having like five different conversations in here right now. I know what Atlus is doing and believe you. And don’t worry, I never want to leave my Eurofriends in the dust.

  • if #NoVitaNoBuy can make a blimp on twitter, maybe Square-enix will start noticing.
    @1141, they could make The Last of Us sequel for the Vita, that would boost sales.

  • @ Tyrannikos

    A bigger company isn’t that stupid. The companies that don’t deliver are companies that don’t have name reputation and could fade into the abyss without a trace. A larger company like Square doing that would be absolutely suicidal, as now it’s not something that just affects Vita players, being a pure con-artist is something that the *entire* gaming community would be mad at Square for. But if you want to get technical, the same idea would work on Square’s page, with the addition of a pledge that if those costs are met, they will make the game.

    Just define it as a service in that case would make it illegal for them to then not make it.

  • You’re dissapointin Square-Enix for years we have ask to bring this title over to the PS Vita or at the very least the PSP version on PSN and not only did you not do that but you also decided to bring this game to an audience that didn’t ask for this game just so that you can use this title as a stop gap because we all know that Final Fantasy XV is not coming at least until 2016 and Kingdom Hearts 3 is still years away fron release. As it currently stands I won’t be buying this game on any console.

  • @1142, and how do you think Square-Enix ended up with that same conclusion, and made it for the PS4.
    Also, it’s a PSP game, if it’s coming to the PS4 and xbone, then why not the Wii U and Vita as well?
    Doesn’t make sense at all.

  • @Tyrannikos PT 2

    Also, If it’s their job to only supply demand, then shouldn’t they be making smartphone games since that technically has the greatest demand?

    I surely wouldn’t want that either…

  • @CommandingTiger

    Do you understand ratio concept ??? 80M against 8M ???

    Do you also take into account that vita has a 40% average digital sells per game ??? ( which is not accounted into totals )

    Do you also think about the fact that FFX was announced exclusive vita before becoming multi platform, even though SE had no clue how would FF sell on Vita, since the only games they released were a horrid game, and a lame port from Wii

    Vita gamers are not pigs, and we wont accept to be fed with garbage. We support games like

  • I think this is where we fundamentally disagree. I see the Wii U’s poor performance as Nintendo’s poor handling of third-party devs. They’ve never been great with it and they somehow did even worse early on in the Wii U’s life, which just set off a trend that is only just now starting to wear off.

    For the Vita, I think the major problem was that they just didn’t supply enough first-party titles in the beginning. They hesitated and now they’re paying for it. There were hardly any titles in the beginning that justified a purchase of the system. Now people have bought the system, but only thanks to several key third-party devs. At this point Sony has lost confidence, blaming the Vita’s poor sales on all the wrong things. It doesn’t exactly inspire more third-arty devs to step forward.

  • What the hell are you talking about? SE HAS been supplying the mobile market in quite the gratuitous manner. Freaking phone games out of every orifice and all overpriced to boot.

    My main point with Kickstarter is that there isn’t much accountability, despite what Kickstarter tries to say. SE could just up and decide to close the project if they want. Besides, it’ll cost money just to get that campaign up and rolling properly. I just don’t trust Kickstarter.

  • Alright, I’m out. I’ll be back on twitter later. It’s time for bed.

  • PS Vita will be a key pillar of the community my ass

  • @Tyrannikos

    No, I agree with you on lack of Vita’s first party. But I think, honestly, even more than that?

    I honestly don’t think Sony knows how to handle a first party handheld alone. As in without third-party support.

    Part of me faults them greatly for that, the other part of me realizes that 3DS and Vita are the only true handhelds left for a reason.

    I like Vita a lot, and I think it has great chances for experiences that could only be possible on that system. But half the reason I look at Vita from such a “Business says no,” angle is because even I have great Vita ideas, but I know that I personally (Programmer) hesitate on whether I’d actually make them for Vita because I already know about it’s problems.

    Personally, it desperately needs a system seller. But those are, unfortunately, hard to come by without the titles gamers already know, unless you stumble upon something awesome.

  • I love my Vita so so much, and Type 0 for it would be awesome.
    Its just that I’ve waited so long for this game I don’t really care what system it’s on. We finally got it guys!!! XD
    (It would be nice to see more games for Vita tho, I agree with you guys.)

  • #NoVitaNobuy
    Eat it :v

  • @Tyrannikos – About Kickstarter.

    Understandable about not trusting it. If there were other solutions, I’d recommend them. What I’m trying to say though, simply, is there’s nothing more effective than a guarantee. For a business, or a consumer.

  • I will stop supporting the Vita, the PS3 and wont buy the PS4….

    It is like a vote… i now vote against Sony, for the 2 consecutive slap on the face.

    Thank you sony for showing so much love to people that have purchased 50+ games on a dying plateform. Your display of respect to your customers, and faith to a platform you released only 3years ago proved me that you are actually listening to your most loyal customers…


  • Yes!! Thanks for bringing this over. Has been on my “want” list for so long!

  • Just disappointed, I thought the vita gain a AAA game, but it seems not. It seems that Sony just does not want the vita sells well because games like this are originally from psp, is the natural destiny teh psvita in the new generation

  • @ShadowCrossXIV

    Are you freaking kidding ???

    Sony not knowing how to handle a portable system ??? Did you have a PSP ?

    2 amazing God of war, 2 amazing syphon filter, 3 amazing Locoroco, 3 amazing patapon, 2 amazing wipeout, 1 amazing LBP, 1 amazing Motorstorm, 2 fantastic Ratc het, 1 great JAk, 1 amazing Daxter, 1 cool Medievil, 1 great GT… And i dont talk about the MLB, the BUZZ, the Pursuit force, the echochrome, the kingdom of heaven, the popolocrois, the ATV, the Socom, the Killzone….

    Sony DID SUPPORT THE PSP, even zhen the third party studio left the sinking ship.

    Sony left the Vita behind, and seriously, we won’t forget.

  • @FrodoMEC

    Don’t worry, I’m learning languages too, so I understand the communication thing. I don’t mind. But yeah, some kind of flag that “Hello! This is easy money!” Is probably you guys’ best bet.

  • mad to finish

  • @Benzitor.

    The price of those games you mentioned to create were a third of what it makes to make an AAA Vita game at max. The saving grace of the PSP was that it simply did not cost that much to create a game for it. That’s why RPGMaker games could be on the console and would look identical to retail titles.

    The Vita is not financially viable to mirror in that way. The 3DS still is. That’s part of the difference right there.

    It’s similar to the reason why Japan is still making PS3 games.

  • #novitanobuy

    Twisted sister we’re not gonna take it

    Vita = kid
    Sony S.E = dad

  • @ShadowCrossXIV

    Like the price to make a PS3 game was a third of the price to make a PS4 game…

    Besides, Selling 400k games at 40$ reaches 16M$ revenue… if you take the average 30% for dev, you reach 5M$…( sells of KZM on Vita, not including the digital )

    You are telling me that they cannot do a good game for this price ???

    You also try to tell me that games like Tales of heart, Ys, Ragnarok, and even soul sacrifice are more expensive to make than a 3ds game, besides them looking like an average PSP title in high res ???

    This is a real false excuse. Most of the games i mentioned looked good for PSP games, but crap on the PS2 ( most of them appeared on PS2 eventually )

    We are not asking for AAA but for games…known franchises. Good games to play.

    PAtapon, locoroco… If they dont have AAA budget, they still can come up with ideas and creative alternatives to bring games at list as impressive as Malicious, ninja gaiden, or Muramasa. If those studio could do it, sony can…

    The only question is “do they want ?”

  • Here is the thing:

    I’m going to wait untill Ps Now and Freedom Wars arrives on Vita.
    If none of these were good, i’m out.
    I’m done with it.

    Sony have 3 consoles now.

    They are ignoring PSV cuz they give up on it.
    They are investing in something “better”.

    Well, PS NOW with 3g? I dont think so.. <<<<<<<<< Ps Vita will be a Ps Now machine to play at home only, or wifi places , just like tablets or SmartTV
    They really dont care about VITA.

    Ps Now is the futere.. and we are done.
    Tablets, Smart TVs.. they will replace Vita.
    Sony gave op on handheld

    But know this, Sony:

    I will NEVER buy a thing with your name on its cover.

    I'm out…

  • Here is the thing:
    I’m going to wait untill Ps Now and Freedom Wars arrives on Vita.
    If none of these were good, i’m out.
    I’m done with it.
    Sony have 3 consoles now.
    They are ignoring PSV cuz they give up on it.
    They are investing in something “better”.
    Well, PS NOW with 3g? I dont think so.. <<<<<<<<< Ps Vita will be a Ps Now machine to play at home only, or wifi places , just like tablets or SmartTV
    They really dont care about VITA.
    Ps Now is the futere.. and we are done.
    Tablets, Smart TVs.. they will replace Vita.
    Sony gave op on handheld
    But know this, Sony:
    I will NEVER buy a thing with your name on its cover.
    F**K Y*U SONY!
    I'm out…

  • I don’t ask for much, just what I payed for

    I payed for a gaming handheld, a gaming handheld which promised games, a “Ps3 in my pocket”

    It’s time for you to fulfill your portion of our contract and support the system as promised.


  • @Benzitor

    Tales of Hearts, Ys, and SS do cost more than your average 3DS game, yes.

    I cannot tell you that creating a game for that price is impossible (Atlus could absolutely do it. Best profit per dollar game company on the planet. Probably followed by Nintendo)

    Asking for something that’s not AAA but that line in-between is easier, yes. Though you may be correct about them no longer wanting to deal with Vita. And with the advent of mobile and the constant competition of 3DS, I’m starting to understand why.

  • I like how Sony changed the name from Vita TV to Playstation TV, since they don’t want anything to do with the Vita anymore. Lol.

  • After the PS Vita, we should all be cautious of buying ANYTHING from Sony ever again. They are a literal inch from cheating you out of hundreds of dollar’s at any given moment.


  • Ok any idea which petition is main one?

    This one?

  • @ Archacus

    Sorry guy, but I’ve had enough of petitions, seriously… What I want now is facts

  • Thinking about it, this portable->home conversion is demonstrably not a new thing.

    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep on PSP? HD 2.5 ReMIX on PS3.

    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker? HD Collection on PS3.

    God of War: Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta? Origins on PS3.

    And not one of those has also released their remaster for Vita. In BbS’s case, it’s not even available digitally.

    But there is one, key difference in the case of Final Fantasy Type-0: International portable gamers never got their chance.

  • @Wild-Walter
    What facts (o.O)?

    Go watch TV you will get there some facts. Nah I’m joking… but still I have no idea about what are you asking for.

  • I don’t normally comment on articles but wow the level of excitement of type 0 on vita, only for those hopes to be dashed. it’s great for ps4 owners sure but they just won’t appreciate it as much as Vita and psp owners who begged and begged the heavens for a western port for years.

    Please fix or at least address the issue.

  • Who are we to blame for this incompetence? SCEA? Square Enix? Who do you think was asking for a localization? Xbox One users? I am in shock of how much the Vita gets shafted.

  • Type-0 for Vita, Type-0 for Vita, Type-0 for Vita

  • @darkhg


    It should be the main one I think… sign it and repost it!


    <-EU representative

  • I already signed the petition, but I WILL help to spread the word about this. #NoVitaNoBuy —

  • yeah that’s the way.

    BIG REQUEST TO ALL PEOPLE HERE (sorry for capslock)



    We must make clear which one will be the main one… and it should be THE ONLY ONE. Let’s keep our activities clean.

  • C´mon is now or never,we want ff type 0 on vita

  • ─────────▄──────────────▄

  • Final Fantasy Type-0 HD only on home consoles? #NoVitaNoBuy

    This was a handheld game. It was designed for quick play sessions, not an expansive experience you sit down to engross in for hours. The game’s director, Hajime Tabata, even said as much. Vita is the successor to the handheld Final Fantasy Type-0 was originally released on. This was our game. We’re fine with sharing it, since financially it makes sense, but to leave us out in the cold? Poor show.

    Vita owners are a passionate community that may be small in numbers, but not small in purchasing habits or heart. We’ve been pushing to get this game released in North America for years, and this debacle has only put a spotlight on how poorly Sony and its third party partners treat us.

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