Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

Comments are closed.


  • GloryorSovngarde

    I want to spend my money on your Vita Sony, but if you don’t give me anything to buy, I have many other places to go to placate my video game needs .



  • @1076 I honestly feel that the majority of us would be happy to simply have the PSP version released as a PSP classic on the PSN. I know that’s all I want.

    It just seems to be a bad decision on SE’s part to move this to PS4/XBone, two new consoles that are still building a base, from PSP/Vita, which with a combined base and a guaranteed want for this particular game would more than likely result in higher sales even if the install base is potentially lower.

    It would also quite probably help bolster Vita sales in general, thus increasing the install base, thus creating a bigger opportunity. Moving to PS4/XBone doesn’t really seem like it would make a big difference in system sales due to it being simply an HD remake of a PSP game. It doesn’t look like they’re going to completely remake the game with next-gen graphics, but simply up the resolution, like most HD remakes.

    There just isn’t a need for PS4/XBone compared to Vita for both the consumer or the business side.

  • #NoVitaNoBuy Why would you even tease us. I swear Sony has zero respect for it’s player base. #NoVitaNoBuy


  • @1078

    No you bought it because its the best handheld they have on the market.
    They know it.

  • Alright Rezolution, well I guess that’s just how the cookie crumbles. But I will say this: The PS4 is a lot cheaper than what you paid for a B/C PS3 regardless of inflation, so I don’t want to hear that mess.

  • Also, while I agree it’s the best handheld, it doesn’t sell like it. Otherwise, Sony would be relying on it also to help the company fix their financial predicament.

  • @ 1090 Miceston
    Its an HD remake, no reason why on earth it should have not gone to Vita.

  • Why the sudden back peddle on the vita release? #NoVitaNoBuy

  • Don’t even like Final Fantasy, but shame on you sony! For letting go a handheld with so much more potential. The vita is a accessory to a extinct. Not a lot of us Vita owners have PS4’s. Most of vita owners were tricked into buying a vita as you”sony” stated that the vita is an accessory after the PS4 was released. I can say so much more about your horrible decisions in the handheld market. But I’m not you guys. I’m just a consumer who’s been fooled. Thank you. For nothing….. Hope you enjoy the 3.49 I spent on the last vita game I will ever get.

  • You heard the fan base? What so you heard the Vita/PSP owners advocating for this game and decided to put it on the PS4/Xbox one? I can literally count on my fingers the amount of people who know what type o is who owns a Xbox exclusively. I literally saw a post today on the forums on someone asking what it is. You didn’t listen to us. You only care about our wallets. Well guess what, this one is staying shut until you fix this and put it on the vita. Where it belongs


  • Here are some links for you guys to keep up the momentum

    Squares Blog post:
    Shahid Kamals Twitter:
    neoGAF post:
    Final fantasy facebook page;
    Gamefaqs post:

    #NoVitaNoBuy honestly I feel like sony and square will hear us this time

  • Anyone who wants Type-0 of the Vita, go to Square-Enix’s Twitter page and tell them in person there.
    This Blog can only do so much.
    While you’re at it, tell them to implement Vita technology like the touchscreen.

  • Anyone who wants Type-0 of the Vita, go to Square-Enix’s Twitter page and tell them in person there.
    This Blog can only do so much.
    While you’re at it, tell them to implement touchscreen control for the combat menus and other Vita technologies.

  • “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” ?

  • Here are some links for you guys to keep up the momentum
    Squares Blog post:
    Shahid Kamals Twitter:
    neoGAF post:
    Final fantasy facebook page;
    Gamefaqs post:
    #NoVitaNoBuy honestly I feel like sony and square will hear us this time

  • @1077
    And that’s the problem that you cant see.
    THEY depend on us.
    We pay them for their games.
    If we dont buy their games, they are nothing.

    Kickstarter is a crime if not for a indie game.
    Really, we need to pay for them to develop, then pay for the game, then pay for the dlc, then pay for online play(not all the cases)
    This is wrong.

    AND your are RIGHT, i cant deny it, BUT the game industry is perverse these days… and we need to change it.
    I dont care about this “companies” bull****…
    Things for me are NOT “Just the way it is.”
    I wont accept that kind of abuse.
    Its cuz of this acceptance that our world is like this, IN EVERY WAY.
    THEY need to learn that WE, ppl/costumers, got the power..
    THEY depend on US.
    WE got the power!
    Ppl have to understand that too.

    It could be an utopia, but the utopia makes the man hope, and hope, makes the man fight.
    And.. I’m a fighter.

    Sorry about my english.

  • By the way, Sqenix is working on Final Fantasy Explorers for 3DS I believe…

  • I hope Sony PR realizes how much excitement a FF game caused for the Vita. Everything pointed to this being a system seller.

    If Sony wants to increase Vita sales, they need to start talking to Square-Enix (or Rockstar for that matter) to build some quality exclusives for the platform.

  • @1077
    And that’s the problem that you cant see.
    THEY depend on us.
    We pay them for their games.
    If we dont buy their games, they are nothing.

    Kickstarter is a crime if not for a indie game.
    Really, we need to pay for them to develop, then pay for the game, then pay for the dlc, then pay for online play(not all the cases)
    This is wrong.

    AND your are RIGHT, i cant deny it, BUT the game industry is perverse these days… and we need to change it.
    I dont care about this “companies” bulls****
    Things for me are NOT “Just the way it is.”
    I wont accept that kind of abuse.
    Its cuz of this acceptance that our world is like this, IN EVERY WAY.
    THEY need to learn that WE, ppl/costumers, got the power..
    THEY depend on US.
    WE got the power!
    Ppl have to understand that too.

    It could be an utopia, but the utopia makes the man hope, and hope, makes the man fight.
    And.. I’m a fighter.

    Sorry about my english.

  • For all you Vita lovers.
    The Hot Shots games are great for the price they have on sale now.
    Seriously, if you don’t mind tennis or golf.

    One has 6 courses-, 2, I think 12(6 being from one)
    And the tennis is likje a Pokemon style (tennis battle)

  • And make sure to have your @SquareEnix and the #NoVitaNoBuy.


    well it doesn’t seem like SCEE cares about anything, so don’t count on help from their side, mkay?

    Reply from Jawad Ashraf:
    “I can’t comment in any official capacity of what you’re referring to, but the very fact it’s actually coming out (officially) is worth a thought.”

    So he is telling us that we should be happy that it is finally oficial that we are getting it for PS4 and XBONE.. and they are doing everything so that people won’t say anything bad at SCEE :/ lame

    I’m all for creating our web page with open letter to Square Enix… twiter won’t help much IMHO

    And be sure to check World End Economica on kickstarter, we have small chances (but those exists) for bringing game to VITA as a one of the streach goals. It is nice Visual Novel from author of Spice And Wolf LN (you might know anime)

  • That isn’t news. It’s just PR bull on damage control.


  • #NoVitaNoBuy

  • @FrodoMEC. You’re misunderstand what I’m saying. Kickstarter is only a crime when abused.

    Say that Square decided to release Type-0 for $30 on handheld. (Probably a little low, but whatever.)

    Kickstarter would accept ONE type of pledge, and one only. $30.

    Why? Because it represents one unit of the game. In this case, you’d set the total price for the game to break even.

    (Say: $300,000)

    It’s a little more complicated than this (due to store cuts, etc…) but in this case, if their total price for breaking even was surpassed by the number of pledges, they release the game. It’s basically just giving them an opportunity to GUARANTEE they will break even. There’s nothing wrong with that right?

    I understand you’re upset, but this is probably the best way to think about it. What that would mean in that situation is that it would need only *10K Copies* to break even under that model. Sure, it’ll likely cost a tad more, but even 100K is reasonable for a FF game.

    It’s not abuse if used correctly, like what I’ve said above.

  • @Archacus Twitter is a surprisingly useful tool. I regularly discuss things with devs, publishers and CEOs. That would have never been possible without social media. Starting a website is hard. It needs to look clean and be concise. All the while, you’re gonna need to spend a LOT of time advertising.

    I say stick with Twitter. We can voice our concerns directly to the highest order.

  • I think we are all wasting our time here. Sony and SE ( and capcom ) seems to give Vita gamer sooooo much love and care that only 2 middle finger straight and a Pro jailbreaked vita campaign would tell them how much we feel.

    Lets all get the fan trad and reach 3M downloads to show them how much revenues they lost…

    Yes i am F…ing angry… and yes, i will show it.

  • Andrew House about VITA: “Vita has now essentially become an extender or an enhancer for the main platform for other rooms in the house.”

    Souce: http://ww w


  • Andrew House about VITA: “Vita has now essentially become an extender or an enhancer for the main platform for other rooms in the house.”
    Souce: ht tp: // w w w

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

  • Andrew House about VITA: “Vita has now essentially become an extender or an enhancer for the main platform for other rooms in the house.”

    edge-online. co m/feat ures/an-au d ience -with-andrew-house/


  • Like we didn’t see it coming, Ever since remote play….. Ugh this just infuriates me.


  • @Tyrannikos
    I don’t think that people care about Twitter outside of US, really… and if you are going for let’s bring game to US and screw EU than count me out. Yeah many people joined twitter action… even from Europe and Japan… but it is still hardly enough.

    Most of times it doesn’t help at all. For example ATLUS USA is deleting all “not-happy” post… that’s usual attitude… all people are nice and helpful… but only if you don’t expect them to do something. Oh and let’s not forget that there exist anti-atlus fanpage… and nobody cares.

    Personally I don’t have Twitter or Facebook… I simply do not care about them. And I can assure you there are way more people like me without Twitter but who want to help bring Type-O to VITA.

    Yeah it is way more work to do, but IMHO it is worth it.

  • @CommandingTiger:
    Sure, Square-Enix is part responsible for this, however the anger directed towards SCEA is also justified. It is not the consumer’s responsibility to be chasing up third-party developers and convincing them to release games for a particular platform; this is SCEA’s responsibility. The moment when a company relies on consumers to speak on behalf of their platform as a result of the company’s inactivity, the company essentially has failed their own duty.

    The SCEA top execs have already said it themselves – they don’t see the Vita as a functional platform, from now on it’s essentially the PS4’s sidekick, an overpriced peripheral for the PS4. They’ve told journalists that they’re not going to put in effort to bring major titles to the platform. They’ve shown that they have no confidence in the platform.

    As a Vita owner, I have no interest in what the PS4 has to offer, and how the Vita can integrate with PS4 play. It’s really irritating how SCEA continues to shoehorn in PS4 functionality with the Vita, instead of improving the Vita library.

  • Watch, #VitaBros !!!

    ht tps: / /w w w.yo utub m/watch?v=Mzux7 9N WTV4

    The betrayal of PS Vita by Sony!

  • @Frodomec
    You should really start reading what other people posted :P It was already posted somewhere on this blog… somewhere around 18-19 page.

    But HEY I’m on your side!

  • @Frodomec
    If you are giving links than delete only www and http from adress

  • I know, but not everyone will read the all the pages, so i’m posting it again.


    I know bro!


  • Watch, #VitaBros !!!

    The betrayal of PS Vita by Sony!

    Better this way.

  • #novitanobuy

  • love it 1124


  • @Archacus “and if you are going for let’s bring game to US and screw EU than count me out”
    First off, I don’t know where that is coming from. I’m for getting Type-0 to the Vita worldwide.

    Second, I’m not saying stick to just Twitter. I’m just advocating Twitter’s strengths. To be blunt, you’re not a user of that site. I don’t think you understand just how capable it is.

    Build a website if you want, but I think twitter, facebook,, emails and bombarding blogs/news sites across the world is the way to go.

  • “Sure, Square-Enix is part responsible for this, however the anger directed towards SCEA is also justified. It is not the consumer’s responsibility to be chasing up third-party developers and convincing them to release games for a particular platform; this is SCEA’s responsibility. The moment when a company relies on consumers to speak on behalf of their platform as a result of the company’s inactivity, the company essentially has failed their own duty.”

    Some of the most sensible things said in this entire thread. Please, people, understand that we owe corporations nothing.

  • Wow, I can’t believe I said something so useful and just get ignored. By the community that is upset for being ignored. Geez.

  • @Frodomec

    Thank you so much for the video man… I feel soooooo much like the voice over…

    I am more and more mad i cannot even tell how MAAAAAD i am

  • @Tyrannikos

    No, you don’t own businesses anything. But in thinking like that, they as businesses also don’t owe you anything.

    Basically what Sony has said is that the Vita failed to meet expectations, and has been under-whelming overseas. They’ve also offered a way to improve that: PSTV. Which is an extension of Vita, regardless of it’s new name. Third party cares about units sold, and potential for units sold. That’s it. They’re businesses investing in businesses.

    Please tell me you guys can realize that.

  • @1132

    Well, pay for them to develop AND for the game is a crime for me.
    Its like pay twice.

    The price of the game need to include the develop costs.

    Now, if who donate get a copy of the game, then its fair.

  • You’ve already ignored my comments on the PSTV. I don’t want to have the same discussion twice.

    I never said the businesses owe us anything. The point is that if a corporation wants money, it needs supplies to meet the consumer’s demand. It needs to do the heavy lifting and we’ll provide the profit.

  • was waiting for this!!! this one is a day one for me and hope it won´t take too long for it to release.

  • @FrodoMEC

    I DID say to use it as basically an advanced Pre-Order system!

    Of COURSE you would get a copy of the game. Why else would the only pledge be $30? That’s what you get for your pledge!

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