Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

Comments are closed.


  • @Tyrannikos

    Um, you know this as well as I do, Sony isn’t in the financial situation to be able to throw money at the Vita until she suddenly rises from the dead. That’s why the PS TV was created, to get it into the hands of more people to offset the lack of Vita in the USA.

  • @Tyrannikos

    Well, that, and as a streaming platform. But it serves as both.

  • Lol @ peope tweeting to a parody twitter account. I’m mad as hell to squeenix to but seriously.

  • The Vita, it’s only good for playing games that are not designed for it!

  • Vita fans ask for a game, and then it gets released on PS4. It boggles my mind, and even though this isn’t wholly Sony’s fault, it is telling of their treatment of the console. The Vita probably houses PlayStation’s most loyal fans; after all, they bought a Vita, a system that, even though it is current and you’d expect it’s manufacturer to support it, gets shafted constantly to the point that mentioning it in the E3 press conference seems like it was done out of necessity. The fact that you (i.e. Sony) announced the game coming to Vita obviously makes matters worse. Yes, it was a mistake, and yes, mistakes happen, but that was the worst possible timing for a mistake. It’s like a surreal mockery of your most loyal fans.
    To me, this isn’t even about Type-0. It’s about a company’s mistreatment of one of their current products and the fact that they can get away with it. You should get all the **** you deserve, but sadly, you don’t. If the situation doesn’t dramatically change until next E3 (i.e. Vita presence during your press conference), I won’t stick around with PlayStation anymore. It’s a disgrace.
    Well, this rant has gone on far too long now, so I’ll just leave it at that. The message is clear:

  • I’m excited and I don’t even know what this is! :)

  • Tabata I wrote three posts (Twitter does not allow to write what you want in a single message, the restriction on letters). Write to him too, guys! Give them all (Sony and SquareEnix) understand that we are not happy with the situation!

  • Wow seriously glad I thought that photo at first was Ken from StreetFighter.
    Would have been MAJORLY bummed had I thought SE and Final Fantasy were coming to Vita, to find out it was a mistype.

    Maybe if your editors actually played games, things like this would not happen.

    Why PS4!!!????
    A remake of a PSP title!!!!?!

    Decisions like this must be why Squaresoft, now Square Enix has been failing so miserably.

    I love your past games, and have enjoyed your new ones, but his makes absolutely no sense.
    Its obvious you have buyers.

    FFX and X2 has never been at the top of my list for he series, but should it go on a sale digitally would buy right away.

    Not buyig a PS4, due to backwards compatibility and MP3.
    Alot are not.

    Would have had a much better response had you brought it to PSP and Vita.
    Why no PSN PSP release of Crisis Core?

    Why Square. Why?

  • So you’re telling me the logical use of the Vita’s funds was to create a cheaper, non-portable version of a portable system. To do that instead of properly marketing the thing or working on first party titles? It’s not even the Vita TV anymore. It’s the PlayStation TV. Sony is scared of the Vita and they only have themselves to blame.

  • This_Guy_Is_Guay

    Come on Sony, 1043 comments in this post, you need more?
    We want the game on PS Vita!!!! We need it!!!!!

  • UPD. This is the fake account, not the copyright of Tabata

  • The only things you are telling Sony right now is: “Like M$, you would have been better off not creating a handheld.” Sounds like that’s what you guys would prefer.

    Your standards being the 3DS is a bar that is impossible to reach.

  • haunter_sullivan

    released it to PS4? WTF and PS4 don’t even have a backward compatibility with PS3…shame on you@!

  • Do any of you other Vita owners wonder why it needs PSNow?

    It’s a mobile device, and most WiFi, unless at home will NEVER be a pleasant experience.

  • ShadowCross and his nonsense, just ignore him, please.
    He is a troll.

  • So you thank the fans that have been asking for this game and have wanted this game so badly. Those fans you speak of are the handheld gamers. Original PSP owners and current Vita supporters. So why is this coming to PS4 and not Vita? #NOVITANOBUY

  • @1046, Rezolution.

    Backwards compatibility on PS4 is impossible without a double-console. Don’t be a fool. It is virtually impossible (there’s a tiny chance, but highly unlikely) for 8th generation consoles (PS4) to emulate 7th generation consoles (PS3) due to oddities about 7th generation specs. Even High-End PCs currently cannot emulate a PS3. You’re asking for something that cannot be done. Though you are used to it, it’s the future of computing.

    MP3 is understandable, but backwards compatibility? Nothing except Wii U has that, and that’s only because the Wii was incredibly weak in terms of power. All the current gen consoles (PS4, Xbox) could emulate that power wise.

  • Best thing to do everyone is not buy any more games until Sony show better respect to the PS Vita and same goes for Square Enix games. Don’t buy anything until their change the mind, chance of it happening is 0%. Keep voicing until you get them. :)

  • I’m still pissed and this is unacceptable! #NoVitaNoBuy


  • @Frodomec

    I’m not a troll, I’m realistic. I’m not going to ask for something from a company without thinking of the difficulties they have as well. Companies have people too, you know. They have problems too. I don’t just talk without thinking of the reprecussions of the actions that I’m asking for. I’m an aspiring programmer, so I know a lot about the industry as well. I’m involved in business, and also a gamer, so I see all three sides of the problem (Business, Gaming-Consumer, and developer.)

    I try to be reasonable, challenge you guys, and give you a realistic perspective because I’m trying to tell you guys that eventually just crying isn’t going to be enough. You’re going to have to be tactical and give solutions that speak a developer/publisher’s language. You have to make them think that spending their MONEY on you is worth it, just the same they convince you that spending YOUR money on them is worth it.


    That’s what I’m trying to tell you. And everything above is blatantly the truth.

  • I hate you so much Sony…
    I hate you so much Square…

    Yeah, i’m a hater, Sorry. :/

  • So I am all for this and this is great news, but explain this…Square Enix charges $40 for two PS2 games remade in HD (FF X and X-2) and now they are charging $60 (according to pre-order on Amazon I just saw) for a Playstation Portable game that is getting an HD remake. Unless this is coming with another game or is getting a FULL remake and not just some HD upscaling, I’m gonna wait until the price drops to $20-30. This is just a rip off at this price. Anyone who knows anything about portable games knows they do not play like consoles games and are generally very limited.

  • @1055 Wii U has hardware-based backwards compatibility, not software based emulated bc. That’s because, since the GameCube, Nintendo’s been using the same architecture for their consoles, and Wii U literally turns into a Wii when booting Wii mode (which is why Wii U specific features mostly don’t work (i.e. it’s controllers)) by clocking down it’s processor. Heck, some modders even got GameCube games to work in Wii U’s Wii mode, prooving that, if Nintendo had bothered with a disc drive that’s compatible with GameCube’s mini disc and some MC and Controller ports, Wii U would be able to play GC games without emulation. It has nothing to do with Wii being a weaker system, it has something to do with Nintendo actively trying to implement backwards compatibility while Sony didn’t want to bother with it.

  • For all you JRPG fans, games you should buy and play:
    -Ys: memories of celceta: Awesome Game Overall, better than a lot of the Final Fantasies.
    -Dragon’s Crown Vita Definitive Edition (with touchscreen; it’s much easier to loot stuff, and the OLED is beautiful)
    -Soul Sacrifice ‘Delta’
    -Final Fantast X Remaster
    -Gravity Rush
    -Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
    -Rainbow Moon (Rainbow Sun is also coming to the Vita)
    -Valhalla Knights 3
    -Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
    -Malicious Rebirth
    -Earth Defence Force 2017
    -Destiny of Spirits
    And a ton of other JRPGs.

    I’m with you all, I do think there should be a Vita version, and I’m not going against your movement.
    However, I’m still buying Final Fantasy Type-0 for the PS4.

    I mean, come on. We’re getting an HD remastered version of the game on the PS4, possibly 1080p CGI.
    It’s not like this game implemented any of the technology the Vita had to offer, it’s a PSP game.
    After all the wait, it’s finally coming.

    Altough I did tough it was coming to the Vita, I had invested a lot in the product, imported the PSP version and Now it’s getting released.

  • @1060

    Couldn’t you told me that from the start?
    You were just trolling us since the other post.
    Well, thanks for the heads up, but: #NoVitaNoBuy

  • 1056 post and yet there’s no reply at all, are you hoping we’ll forget?

  • This is the end of Final Fantasy on Sony portable console….wait does Sony ever have portable consoles?? T.T

  • @1055

    Yes, I know that. I know it’s based on hardware. I was talking about software emulation because the PS4 did NOT keep the same architecture. The reason they didn’t, as you should know, is that CELL is a pain, and also part of the reason the PS3 was originally so expensive. Tons of money was put into R&D because of that. Think about it really quick. The primary reason once the Wii U flopped it got no third party support was it’s architecture. It acted as a wall that prevented companies from being able to make quick ports.

    Fast forward to the PS4. The PS4 is living on third party support alone. Simply because it is getting the most third party support since PS2. That’s not just a price thing, it’s because Sony listened to developers upon what they wanted the PS4 to be architecture wise and gave it to them, so it was easier to code for (IE: The easiest system to program for basically ever coming from PC) and as such are getting things that were only supposed to release on PC to release on PS4.

    Asking Sony to stick with CELL from PS3 is bad for everyone involved. The good news is, as long as Sony sticks with AMD for it’s graphics, B/C should be a thing going forward. They won’t leave X86. There’s no reason to.

  • This is beyond horrifying, SCEA. I really was looking forward to playing Type-0 as a Vita game.

    SCEJ is doing a much more competent job then SCEA is, at least they’re actively marketing the platform to consumers, and getting all sorts of developers on board. How on earth could you not hold onto this golden opportunity to keep the Vita afloat? The Final Fantasy series is a mainstream franchise which pulls large numbers of gamers, and this is exactly what the platform needs, given that it’s completely doubtful that it will ever get a GTA or Gran Turismo title in the near future. I get the feeling that SCEA actually wants the Vita to die. I have yet to see any action from SCEA which suggests that they care about this platform.


  • @Twin21
    Yeah, well, unlike the Wii and Wii U, PlayStation actually has some games worthwhile to play that I want.
    There’s more games that I enjoyed on the PS3 than there is Gamecube + Wii + Wii U combined.
    BTW, how’s that 3rd party support as of late?

  • @ ShadowCrossXIV
    The development costs of the port would be funded by the loyalty fees which they earn.
    So what if they make no profit from the game, but if they dont get their act together, it will impact sales of all future hardware and software.
    No-one is going to buy their next portable because they will expect more lame support like this.

  • @1069 Man, chill out. I never attacked Sony in any way, I just explained that Wii U’s Wii bc isn’t just there because it was easy to do anyway, but that Nintendo designed their system in a way to make bc possible while Sony didn’t. No need to get so agressive.
    Also, different folks, different strokes. While I own every Sony system besides PS4 (at the moment), I do enjoy Nintendo’s content more. If you don’t, that’s fair enough.

  • GloryorSovngarde

    I payed for the handheld, so please give me the opportunity to pay for some games. Give us the chance to support this device by paying the smallest amount of attention to it and release a game for it


  • @1055
    Seriously doubtful.
    Then why are they planning to make past digital owners REBUY when PSNow takes its place?


  • 1065. What update?


  • Easier to say it can’t be done and argue about that instead.

  • @FrodoMEC

    Not exactly. If you look closely, some of your movement due to things myself and a couple of others have said have started to turn from an angry mob to asking the right questions, slowly. I’m hearing things a couple of pages ago like.

    “What would you suggest as the best course of action?” (To the blog in general.)


    “Where should we go to set up a website about this?”


    “Maybe if we do (X) we can get them to hear us?”

    Those are the right questions. You thought I was trolling you because I was playing Devil’s Advocate, but I was trying to give insight to what is likely the situation at these companies so you can redirect all your minds into a solution that would be best for all parties involved.

    Because the best solution for all parties involved is the best way to get your game.

    Personally, if I were SE, I’d create a *kickstarter* page with the total development costs, and set it to only retreive money on completion with the total development cost for a Vita version, and basically “accept pre-orders” for the game, and if the total amount of pre-ordered projections exceeded the game’s development cost, make the game.

  • Sony is abandoning the vita, they don’t care about us. We’ll have to live with this. I love my vita and I am very sorry to see it in this situation. Sony must rethink many things or the vita will be their last portable console.

    This was a sad week for every vita owner…

  • I didn’t invest $350 dollars on a Vita when it fist came out to play old PC indie ports that are more expensive on the Vita. I bought my system because I wanted to support Sony and the new generation of handheld gaming with tittles like Uncharted Golden Abyss and Gravity Rush but all we have gotten are some real bad ports, Old PC indie ports, and are being told if we want big tittle games then buy a $400 dollar home console to remote play games or have a constant fast internet connection and pay a monthly price and rent our games with PSNow. I will never buy a Sony Console or game from them.

  • I was just openly thinking about this on twitter…

    But SE recently got Drakengard 3 to the West. NA even got a physical collector’s edition. If they could do that… What in the WORLD makes them one of their most requested games from their most famous franchise wouldn’t doesn’t belong on the Vita?

  • People remember that Sony and establishments like SquareEnix are here for US they depend on us to buy their games and products so they can keep their rich lifestyles and profits. If they make bad decisions and choices that ignore the consumers then we have to let our voices be heard and tell them what we want. If we decide not to buy their products then they will do whatever they have to in order for them not to go bankrupt and make what we the people with the money want.

    @FinalFantasy @SquareEnixUSA @Sony #NoVitaNoBuy

  • It isn’t Sony, it’s probably the branches anyway.
    Its software licensing.

    Don’t bother me kid.

    Anyone can boast lies to discredit.

    The fact most game developers would be kissing Sony @ss, compared to the Actual gamers who don’t.
    Or the fact this provides no reason that the new PS Now which is supposed to be fulling capable of playing past games(supposedly)to reiterate, not providing me with my past purchases which should carry over.

    Loyalty ,huh ?

  • @fps_d0minat0r

    If the Vita doesn’t succeed, they won’t be releasing their next portable in the US most likely if they make one at all.


    I wasn’t trying to be aggressive, it’s just explaining the subject is a mouthful. I’m just trying to increase awareness about B/C problems a bit. Sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you.

  • @1080
    you know, with a name like that…

    Anyone who wants Type-0 of the Vita, go to Square-Enix’s Twitter page and tell them in person there.
    This Blog can only do so much.

  • @I_Be_Trollin

    Square isn’t going bankrupt. Honestly, they could just downscale and live only in Japan at this rate in worst case. They own Gunslinger Stratos (you know what that is? Stupidly popular arcade game in Japan. Only beat by Gundam, I think.)

    They’d just stop making stuff for the US.

  • @CommandingTiger YES. Everyone listen to Tiger and anyone else suggesting Twitter, please! I’ve been bombarding EVERYONE in the industry for like eight hours now. We need to not only keep this momentum on there, but speed it up as well.

  • All I know is if thats how it is,
    I will keep chanting PS3/Vita for as long as I have left.

    Which will be a few years, while I miss out the “greatness” of paying entirely too much for some video upgrades.


  • @1071
    Yeah, well. Let’s just say Nintendo’s E3 was a disapointment for the Wii U.
    No Metroid, No F-Zero, No nothing new that I want beyond Xenoblades Chronicles X and Smash.
    Like I said, that I want.

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