Read an update concerning Resistance: Burning Skies multiplayer matches and lobby system here.

The wait is over! Resistance: Burning Skies hits store shelves and PSN today, ushering in a new era of portable first-person shooters. Dual-analog control isn’t the only thing going for Resistance: Burning Skies though. In addition to the multiplayer features and weapon functionality we’ve introduced over the last few months, Resistance: Burning Skies brings a new hero into the war between man and the Chimera – and Tom Riley’s story is one you won’t want to miss. Take a peek at the debut of our Resistance: Burning Skies launch trailer!
This isn’t all we have to share with you today though. You’ll remember back in April when we talked about Resistance: Burning Skies’ multiplayer modes we mentioned that through “near,” Resistance: Burning Skies introduces a new social perk which rewards players with XP multipliers that you can carry into multiplayer battle. Today we’re going to shed a little more light on exactly what that means.
So, as you play through the multiplayer experience in Resistance: Burning Skies, there’s a chance that you will become “infected” with a form of the Chimera virus. Although being infected with the Chimera virus didn’t end too well for Nathan Hale, these particular strains of the Chimera virus actually give you a bonus to your in-game XP multiplier. That means that you can have double and in some cases up to triple XP for a limited amount of time to gain levels and to unlock upgrades more quickly.
The really interesting part is that once you’re infected, through “near” you can spread the virus to your friends or drop it off as a gift to a fellow PS Vita player. Conversely you can also pick up the virus that’s been left behind by other Resistance players via “near.”
If you’re a shooter fan and enjoy portable gaming, get out there and pick up Resistance: Burning Skies today and join the fight against the Chimera on PS Vita!
Elvick_: Mixed? Hardly. The game has an average of roughly 57 on Metacritic, which is mediocre at best. “Mixed” reviews would be Unit 13, which has an average of about 70.
@54: Dude… Even metacritic lists most reviews for the game as “mixed”. 9 reviews are mixed, 4 negative, and 4 positive right now. And the average is now 58 and was 59 earlier.
That’s the very definition of mixed. You don’t know what ‘mixed’ means at all.
The reviews range from as high as 8.5 to a low as 2, is mixed. Chex MIX isn’t comprised of one ingredient.
I got the game but I thought I was supposed to get pre-order perks with it as well. I didn’t get anything. Where am I supposed to get it from? The retailer? And if they don’t have it what do I do? Because the manager at the store said it would have printed out on the receipt but it didn’t.
i look forward to trying this.
@ g-force08 the manager of the store is supposed to help you. It happened to me with starwhawk, you know with the free plus membership and they did. So check with them first if not call Sony’s customers service they’ll help you out but it’ll be a long process.
When is Resistance Retribution for the PSP going to be available for the Vita?
This game must be doing something wrong to raise the ire of so many critics. I have to admit, I played the multiplayer at the pre-release party, and it seemed kind of bland, suffered several bugs, and had atrociously bad sound for a Resistance game. I was really hoping that the campaign would be worthy, but I haven’t read a single impartial review that didn’t pan the story for being completely mediocre or devoid of any interest.
I know reviewers can be pretty hyperbolic, but this much criticism can’t bode well. I want to give the game a chance, but I just know I’ll end up regretting being an early adopter, paying top dollar for a game that should probably sustain some deep discounts.
I really regret buying a vita now. I had high hopes for this game and was excited to play and buy day 1. After reading reviews im not sure it is worth the 40 dollars. Jeez I really hope they make the vita alot better real soon or im done with sony products.
Elvick_: Whatever.
gema11981: Agreed, huge disappointment. The Metacritic average is laughably low for a game like this. Any proper Resistance game should average 75% at the least.
@62 go sell it because no one made u buy and no one is making you keep your vita
and you guys can not try the demo and see if you like it yourself then i feel sorry for all you follow the leader type of noobs
@62 go sell it because no one made u buy a vita and no one is making you keep your vita
and if you guys can not try the demo and see if you like it yourself then i feel sorry for all you follow the leader type of noobs
lol @65&66 nice double post. I know no one made me buy it. Your response does not make any sense. I am entitled to my opinion. I wont even waste my time with this demo.
I really dont care about reviews too much, i played some games that i really like and are fun and playable; but the reviews are bad, and vice versa, there are games that bad and OVERRATED; personally i really like Resistanse games, even the PSP Retribution was good, so i wanna play this one in my VITA,
They’re such cry babies. The reviews are bad. Dude I’m having a blast with my vita and I don’t based the vita on just one game. So yea go sell your vita. And I like resistance burning skies is a good game.
@50 I love you dude. XD
You guys did indeed fix the problem I had with the graphics, it looks much more PS3-ish now. Looks like your average FPS, (If you are a FPS fan that’s a good thing) with semi-high tech weapons. It looks as if you guys at NIHILISTIC did in fact put a lot of work into the game. (can’t say the same for the boxart) And only wish you would have done the same for PSMH…
I’ll give this game a try, but my expectations are not high.
@68 me too Hot Shots Golf for vita is an example of one
I just picked up the game, reviewers can kiss my butt lol! ;)
Question, do we need to buy a separate Multiplayer pass for this game if we buy it on PSN or is included?
Online pass will be bundled with the full-game if you buy it on PSN.