PLAYSTATION Store E3 Release Plan

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Hi everyone – I’m Rommel Hernandez, and I manage the PLAYSTATION Store schedule.

With the E3 summit going down in LA this week, the PLAYSTATION Store will feature daily updates featuring fresh content straight from the conference. Check back often to download HD videos of some of hottest games featured at E3 from publishers like Capcom, Namco Bandai, Activision and THQ.

Also, here’s a quick look at some of the notable game content releasing this week:

– The Best of The Who Rock Band Edition
– Super Stardust HD Team Mode Add-on
– Elefunk an upcoming PLAYSTATION Network downloadable puzzle game

For daily update news, keep an eye on the PlayStation.Blog’s Twitter page or the module on the right sidebar. With all this E3 stuff going down, don’t forget to log on to peep out the normal Thursday update! This week promises to be one of the best ones yet with a variety of free and premium content for every type of gamer!

Have a great week!

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  • I will NEVER buy another Sony product again, from here on out.

    This I swear !

  • i wont believe any 3rd party ps3 exclusives anymore. microsoft can just buy them for all they care. i only have my ps3 now for 1st party just like my wii. my 360 will get 1st party and 3 party from now on.

  • I just thought of something, there’s noway that M$ is making any money with the 360. They are spending billions on the RROD issue and paying millions if not billions of dollars on obtaining software. How can they still bring in money after such megaton expense.
    I really think M$’s plan is to not make money on 360 this gen. They are using the 360 to destroy the PS brand and become a monopoly for next gen. Then they’ll worry about Nintendo. Who knows? They might be negotiating Mario’s a$$ right now.



  • let’s just say Square is in a win-win situation right now

  • square should just make their own console.

  • @ 505 GAME-HERO

    BOYCOTT what? that’s a stupid idea. It’s obvious that SE doesn’t care about PS3 owners. I’m shock they didn’t just say, lets just make it 360 exclusive…

  • noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    microsoft is destroying sony!!!!!!!!!


  • Wow, some of you guys are crying way too much. You act like the 360 just got exclusive rights to the game and the PS3 won’t get it at all.

    Do you think that Sony is going to pay millions just so YOU can have bragging rights on your 360 owning friends? Do you really think ONE game was going to convince people to spend 400+ for a console? I was a big Ace Combat fan for years. I actually went as far as to get an Xbox 360 just for Ace Combat. Then I realized that the 360 was worth my enjoyment of just one game. (not a sci-fi fan) I sold the 360 and decided to stop playing Ace Combat. 360 owners would just do the same. If all they wanted to play was FF13, then why force them to buy a console they don’t want?

  • I want to hope that Sony has prepared a big show tomorrow knowing about the FFXIII Microsoft had today.
    Because really…. if you think people will be happy with demonstrations of the usual old well known games (Resistance 2, Little Big Planent, Motorstom and Killzone) and maybe a CG teaser of Gof of War 3 like a cookie you’ll be steamrolled 2006 style, just when you were gaining good momentum.
    I’m not sure about the direction Sony is taking but the money should go to secure the most important and recognized games in the insutry not to finance small and crappy in house projects.

  • Maybe Kojima can save the day with Zone of the Enders 3 exclusively on PS3

    Even that wont fully heal this wound but it’ll be a start.

    Anyway Sony go get your check book out and get Kojima working on that please :D

  • lol lets all wait till they announce versus on the 360 too :D F U MS!!!!!

  • Onna76_NL | July 14th, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    Onna darling :)

    I paied 600 US$ in my PS3 exactly because i was thinking in a certain amount of exclusives needed in a SUPERIOR hardware system console. After played MGS4 i have total certain that if this game was released in X360, never could become a real massterpiece, this already happened with GTA IV and could happen again with other important titles as FFXIII.

  • Well now Sony knows how Apple has felt for the past decades having SECOND CLASS CREATIVITY THIEF’S incessantly stealing the PlayStation Experience. It truly sickens me that for Square’s (and other third party’s) PROFIT outweighs LOYALTY. They would be nowhere near their size now if Sony had not allowed them to develop for the PS1 and PS2 – They would be also-ran PC developers if in business at all.

    Sony should have Steve Jobs onstage comparing how it feels to be at the attention of Microsoft’s copy machine tactics.

    They should also keep putting out ORIGINAL titles like Heavenly Sword 2, 8 days, and others rather than letting Sony Europe kill them! Microsoft is putting out MAJOR CASH to grab hold of good titles (because they suck at internal development and know it) while Sony (who has excellent internal development) is refusing to nurture titles that are not out the box home runs on the first try like Heavenly Sword.

    Microsoft definitely does not do that with their software not matter how much it sucks, so Sony should not do it with their games. Microsoft sucks but they keep polishing their turd software until it is as gem-like as possible. So Sony should get Heavenly Sword 2, 8 days, and other games out and keep making them better!

  • Sony has been gettin screwed. First rampant piracy on their PSP. Then gettin pwned by the 360 and losing FFXIII exclusivity.

  • I can’t wait until Sony announces that they are getting out of the console business. They don’t deserve to be in it anymore.

    I’m done with Sony for sure.

  • Sony You promised exclusive FF13. and based on that promised I bought the PS3 (while I already had an Xbox 360) and now you let this happen? I am really disappointed

  • I wonder if after the dust settles FF XIII will be like DMC4 and GTA IV, they didn’t mean that much any more in terms of pushing hardware sales. Anyways, you are still getting FF XIII on PS3. It would’ve been bad if they switched and made it exclusive on 360.

  • Seriously, how do you convince a business to do something that is going to result in them making less money than possible?

    Are you THAT mad at Sony because 360 owners will get to play the same game that you do? I bet some of the people complaining the loudest weren’t going to buy FF13 anyway. What does it matter to you if Sony “wins” or sells more consoles? If you enjoy the games on PS3, it’s not a problem. Otherwise, you should just get a different console. There’s no need to be mad. They’re just video games.

  • saintfighteraqua

    As a huge fan of Singstar, I wonder if Sony can update us with new songs more often as well?
    I hear that the competition is producing a music game, and I wonder what Sony plans to do about keeping SingStar #1.
    Hint: these updates so far are not going to do it! (although Coldplay is welcome)

  • why doesnt any1 at sony respone to ff13 going to 360.this is not funny anymore.

  • (515: PROFIT outweighs LOYALTY.)
    Loyalty doesn’t put food on your plate or gas in your car. Business is all about making money, period. If my girlfriend told me today that she was going to leave me if I didn’t quit my job and spend time with her, I’d take off during my lunch break and help her pack.

  • They don’t respond because they don’t care about games. They are more concerned about Blu-Ray.

    Screw Sony.

  • Sony is now just another Blu-Ray player in the market.

  • I mark today July 14, 2008 the end of exclusive third party software. Unless it’s a first party game the word exclusive doesn’t exist.

    Consoles choice are only going to be made base on their first party line-ups.

    The most Sony could do tomorrow is to show how powerful their first party softwares are and how fast they will be released. Show stuff that you could only accomplish on the PS3. That’s the problem at the moment… DO NOT SHOW SOFTWARE THAT’S GOING TO BE RELEASED IN THE NEXT 2-3 YEARS. If that’s the case you might as well pack it up and go Home.

  • It’s Square’s decision not Sony’s

  • FFXIII exclusive! Nobody is to blame but SONY. Not microsoft, square. Just SONY! They dont realize the value of there 3rd party exclusives, they are arrogant and think that there first party stuff can stop everything. Sad to see you go sony. There is NOTHING you can announce to fix this.

  • yeah nice going on the FFXIII keep it up I’m sooooooo pissed off right now!!

  • lips is way better than singstar

  • Plan B Sony: No more promises and what can look forward to the in the future. Give us the NOW!

  • ” rahstar2003 | July 14th, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    FFXIII exclusive! Nobody is to blame but SONY. Not microsoft, square. Just SONY! They dont realize the value of there 3rd party exclusives, they are arrogant and think that there first party stuff can stop everything. Sad to see you go sony. There is NOTHING you can announce to fix this.”

    EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • UltimateIdiot911

    @ 520
    it’s because many companies will follow the same pattern, caring only for money. if you haven’t notice, multiplatform games clearly do not utilize ps3 fullest potiental. it’s really annoying to see how a game is $60 for something half the ps3 potiental because it’s on 360.

  • all the haters add me AguilarX on psn :D

    screw square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • thatsmartguywiththefro

    just as a clarification I just saw an article on ps3fanboy which says the Japanese version will be released earlier and still exclusive to the ps3. apparently the decision to move to 360 in those territories was because of the large install base there.


    Final Fantasy XIII was going to be a huge sytem seller for the PS3. Alot of PS2 owners were gonna buy a PS3 because of Final Fantasy XIII. But now there gonna go ahead and switch over to the Xbox 360 for many reasons. I’m not gonna waste my time explaining all the reasons why new buyers should just switch to Xbox.

    Good job Sony

  • UltimateIdiot911

    there is, kingdom hearts 3, but i don’t trust sellout enix anymore.

  • Sony are the ones to blame, no one else.

    You can’t blame MS for paying for a big exclusive that will help their platform.
    You can’t blame SE for accepting their money, they are a business after all.

    But you can blame Sony for being so complacent that they didn’t bother to secure it first. It’s Sony’s stupid mistake which we suffer for. The PS3 version will now be delayed in US/EU for multiplatform development and the PS3 as a whole is damaged severely.

    Sony have failed massively, and it’s all their fault.

  • thatsmartguywiththefro

    hopefully between now and release time sony can get square enix back on board by getting back on top of things….

  • Well, after one year and a half PS3 still has zero good jrpgs and now we know that the most important game of its genre (with dq) is multiplatform.

    I think nobody can be happy about the way sony is working without lying to himself

  • Don’t worry M$ only stole ideas and games from other platforms people know where the goodies lie just think Blu ray to dvd the free PSN to Pay for live Long live PS3 :)

  • Honestly im just glad its not exclusive to 360 but i am disappointed at Sony.

  • saintfighteraqua

    I want to hear about FF13, PSN cards, and the rest of the stuff we need.
    Please don’t let us down at E3.

  • These are some of the funniest comments that I’ve ever read. Anyone selling your 60GB system. I’ll buy it for $200, cash.

    “Jump to Conclusion” mats all around!!!!!

    This is a huge blow to Sony though, so I hope that we see some nice bombshells tomorrow.

  • I can’t believe you lost Final Fantasy. Unless you make the best game known to man that is exclusive to the Playstation you are over. The PS3 will just be good for blu ray movies.

  • May I say some more ?

    This is not only about the fact that FFXIII is no longer exclusive but this has a much bigger effect then you know. Millions of gamers out there simply don’t own a PS3 yet, and many of them are RPG fans. Many PS2 owners who’re RPG fans haven’t bought their PS3 consoles yet as they’re waiting especially for FFXIII. Now that they see the PS exclusive brands no longer to be exclusive and the 360 gathering all those precious RPG’s with its greedy hands, those people are scratching behind their ears thinking:… is PS3 really a wise decision?

    If FFXIII would have been just exclusive this would have mean “hard ringing hardware sales” for the PS3. But since FFXIII is hitting the 360 as well and it has Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean IV, Last Remnant (sooner than PS3 version) and now FXIII as well, the 360 is sure becoming very interesting for even all those PS2 owners, not yet PS3 owners as well. Plus the price of the 360 is far more interesting than that of the PS3.

    Seriously FFXIII losing exclusivity is going much deeper than the word “exclusive”.

  • What a joke, there’s clearly no point in owning a PS3 if all the best games are going to be on the 360 with better content.

  • Onna76 right again

  • And more hardware sales … means more software going to a console.

  • Plust xbox live has more gamers. Also have you noticed this, but all my little bros and their friends like xbox live and 360. None of them give a [DELETED] about playstation. The upcoming generations are xbox fans. It’s true. Just walk around in the high schools. Ask em what htey want. Killzone 2 or Gears of War 2? They will say what is killzone lol. SOny is in dire straights

  • The bottom line is that myself any many others believed in Sony.
    We paid day one for the over priced system when others said we were nuts.
    We put up with terrible sub standard port after port.
    We put up with lie after lie about PS1 games on PSN and other features that were supposed to come.
    How rumble was the past oh wait rumble is the future.
    Delay after delay, more horrible port jobs.
    Games being delayed for PS3 and on time for the 360.
    Timed exclusives to the 360 time and time again.
    Still we believed.
    Then we started losing games that were exclusive or should have been..Devil May Cry, Virtua Fighter (which was better on 360 with online), GTA4, RE5.
    We put up with countless Japanese rpgs for some reason showing up on 360 when that was Playstations bread and butter and what do we get? Crappy shooters.
    Haze? Are you kidding me?
    We get games announced and then delayed for years or just vanishing.
    Sony is in pathetic shape and yet people keep wanting to believe.
    Myself and others are the ones telling people day to day that PS3 is a great system when they insist that 360 is better and time and time again Sony makes them correct.
    All of you people saying “Jump to conclusions” … what in the nine hells do you think that Sony has?
    What can they possibly announce tomorrow short of Halo 4 on the PS3 as well as the 360 that would make a difference?
    Bioshock? A freaking year after the 360?

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