PLAYSTATION Store E3 Release Plan

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Hi everyone – I’m Rommel Hernandez, and I manage the PLAYSTATION Store schedule.

With the E3 summit going down in LA this week, the PLAYSTATION Store will feature daily updates featuring fresh content straight from the conference. Check back often to download HD videos of some of hottest games featured at E3 from publishers like Capcom, Namco Bandai, Activision and THQ.

Also, here’s a quick look at some of the notable game content releasing this week:

– The Best of The Who Rock Band Edition
– Super Stardust HD Team Mode Add-on
– Elefunk an upcoming PLAYSTATION Network downloadable puzzle game

For daily update news, keep an eye on the PlayStation.Blog’s Twitter page or the module on the right sidebar. With all this E3 stuff going down, don’t forget to log on to peep out the normal Thursday update! This week promises to be one of the best ones yet with a variety of free and premium content for every type of gamer!

Have a great week!

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  • Onna76_NL | July 14th, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    Onna, My Thoughts Exactly. FFXIII versus exclusive to be released in late 2011 ( because the developer team is working now in the FFXIII X360 port LOL) doesnt help gathering new PS3 owners now.


    Kingdom Hearts 3 for Wii the next stab in the PS3?

  • Launch PS3 owner and long time reader of Playstation.Blog. Registered just to say this: most PS3 owners I know have decided to sell their PS3. Excellent work, Sony.

  • sony, you should really try to get ffx13 back. you would probly loose more money keeping it this way than paying for exclucivity back.

    imagine all the 127million ps2 owners, alota them probly gonna get ps3 just for ffx, now youll lose a [DELETED] of them. imagine how mad the japanese are in japan, they seriously hate the 360, especialy after america dropping a nuc on them.

  • Why not let microsoft get all the playstation favorites , major major screw up , dangit Sony

  • @tristanmike
    Since you are done with Sony I assume you’ll never post on here again,right? yeah

    The funny thing is that FF isn’t coming to 360 in Japan,why is that?

  • Man, I bet tomorrow’s conference is going to be a disaster. Everyone is going to be expecting major announcements to compensate the loss of FFXIII, and when they show stuff like Flower, Elefunk, and Afrika, this blog is going to explode. I can’t wait to read all the angry comments.

  • Man, FFXIII will suck now… Like GTA and DMC did after they went multiplatform. Well, they didn’t suck, but they were worse compared to their previous games.

  • Hey heres an idea . sell Sony game devision to Microsoft , and we can finally get Home , Little Big Planet , and everything else we were promised ,what in the hell

  • Zorox i’m afraid you are right. I don’t think they can recover from this right away. Hopfully though sony does get Kingdom hearts 3 or something. But still thats not as good as FF

  • @ hex | July 14th, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    Well spoken sir !

  • I just hope Sony’s e3 conference tomorrow isn’t just about Home and downloadble movies……… and I hope if they announce a new game it’s not an FPS game.

  • Same here Zeruei.
    Even people who barely follow gaming but own a system are talking about Sony losing FFXIII.
    And these are people that do not go to webpages daily for news.
    This is big, and the sad thing is that I doubt Sony knows how big.
    Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, now Final Fantasy..Square Obviously has no faith in Sony.

  • Wow, the loss of FFXIII as a PS3 exclusive is pretty much the last nail in the coffin that Microsoft is building for SONY.

    As much as I absolutely love Naughty Dog and Insomniac, their games don’t sell nearly enough copies to sustain the PS3 for another 8.5 years.

    Such a shame to see the once-stellar PlayStation brand get mismanaged into oblivion…

  • i heard metal gear solid 4 is gonna go to 3sh*tty too?! lol jk but it wouldnt’ suprise me! sony ps3 == #1 blu-ray player on the market! with updates all the time! woohoo! congrats to sony for not making a “halo” killer and not keeping final fantasy series exclusive. the ONLY way to freaking rebound is to announce a legit remake of final fantasy 7 and release ff7 ps1 on psn…but that will never happen! next up, kingdom hearts to xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    next up, kingdom hearts to xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    next up, kingdom hearts to xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    next up, kingdom hearts to xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    next up, kingdom hearts to xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wtf sony! start paying people off man wtf!

  • BTW, where in the hell is White Knight Story???

  • So.


    I bet not so long ago, you were thinking all you had to do at E3 was show LittleBigPlanet, a God of War CGI trailer, some boring-looking, underwhelming shooters (shooters are underwhelming by dint of being shooters), and a little Home, didn’t you?

    Keeping the really interesting stuff like Heavy Rain, Ico 3, the Rockstar secret franchise, L.A. noire, and the game the BBC guy saw for LATER like at TGS, PS premiere, or Leipzig if we’re lucky?

    I’d say this FFXIII on X360 announcement is rather game-changing, wouldn’t you?

    So, are you going to respond by bringing out the big guns, that’s EVERYTHING you have, or are you going to continue with the original plan, which seems to have been to coast?

    I’ll make a deal with you. If Ico 3, HR, et al get shown at E3 in your conference tomorrow, I’ll buy FFXIII for the PS3. Promise, Even though I’ve no interest in the FF series whatsoever, I’ll DEVELOP one. However, if you don’t bother, well then, I’ll show my appreciation by picking up a copy for the Xbox.

    I don’t WANT to have to do that and I’m sure you don’t want to disappoint me. So don’t.


  • JBruno | July 14th, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    Onna76_NL | July 14th, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    Onna, My Thoughts Exactly. FFXIII versus exclusive to be released in late 2011 ( because the developer team is working now in the FFXIII X360 port LOL) doesnt help gathering new PS3 owners now.


    Kingdom Hearts 3 for Wii the next stab in the PS3?


    I wouldn’t be surprised if it end up exclusively for the 360, its Sqeenix after all. I’ve gaining a bitter taste in my mouth by SE ever since they started milking out the FFVII franchise, not to imagine the tons of remakes they’ve been tossing into our stomachs. But SOIV and FFXIII has sure made the taste completely bad. And you know what’s even worse? To think that SE was gathering extra people for FFXIII just to wrap it up so fast for us PS3 gamers as we were “waiting so long” for it… doesn’t that make you wanna throw up.

  • its Square making the game, its their decision

  • Well, I’m not really upset about the whole Final Fantasy 13 deal. FFXIII will still be coming to the PS3 and FFVXIII is still a PS3 exclusive (which is the one I was more excited about anyways, tbh). I am still looking forward to some great announcements tomorrow, and I am very happy with the effort you have been making with the PS Store. Keep up the good updates:) I, for one, will never sell my PS3. I didn’t buy my system for one game.

  • @darkwing_uop

    Oh please, it’s damn obvious that MS payed for the game. Sony is to blame here for not trying to keep the game as an exclusive.

  • SquareEnix betrayed Playstation. But Sony still should have tried to get the exclusive deal. What happened Sony? Was a exclusive deal to expensive for you or something? Please let that be the case because if you did not even try to get the exclusive then you deserve to go out of business and get pwned by xbox.

    getting another console tomorrow :P

  • I hope its going to be good. Thanx Sony :D

  • for a system that has a HUGE failure rate (360) sony sure isnt taking advantage of that…try paying for exclusives. u r losing money anyway…lose a lil more, square enix has gone down since it changed from square soft

  • @zorox

    I agree… M$ payed for FFXIII, and they got it… why? cause they want to get the best library of games for their console… UNLIKE SONY…

    R.I.P. PS3

  • who allowed Xbox fan boys on here… :@

  • it took almost two f**king years to release in-game xmb…seriously now think about it….wtf? i am getting pissed off. way to screw ur loyal fanbase.

  • Hey guys help me make a list of lost exclusives.

    Monster Hunter 3
    Dragon Quest 9
    Star Ocean 4
    Tales of series

    Am I’m missing anything?

    I bet Sony doesn’t have the guts to make another blog post, seeing how they keep deleting comments.

  • Onna nailed it, unfortunately. And let’s not forget that with the exception of gran turismo (that has no release date at this point) there are not exclusives titles in the PS3’s library that have the potential to be million sellers in all the terrories.

    PS3 users should be happy as long as they can play FF on their platform, obviously, but if sony doesn’t pay for vital 3rd party games the users base will never grow and as a consequence as it should and we’ll have less games (especially if microsoft keep on paying and paying) on PS3.

    LBP looks great but I don’t know if can be a blockbuster on a $/€399 console, shooters are not enough and the only ones who REALLY move hardware are multi or 360’s exclusives

  • [DELETED]… its the first time I’m laughing tonight (CET)… thanks mik3yl3.

    Oh yeah Dragon Quest IX too of course, how the heck could I forgot about that!! You lost that too, “by” SE again… :-(

    KH3 is so not going to be PS3 exclusive.

  • zorox, u missed assassins creed, it ONCE was a PS3 exclusive

  • seems like sony doesnt care…oh yes please focus on 1st party games…games like lil big planet/flower is going to be a console mover….NOT. and where is home? im in the beta and no one logs on…woohooo and psn and home downloads are slow as hell too

  • Zorox | July 14th, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    Hey guys help me make a list of lost exclusives.

    Monster Hunter 3
    Dragon Quest 9
    Star Ocean 4
    Tales of series

    Am I’m missing anything?

    I bet Sony doesn’t have the guts to make another blog post, seeing how they keep deleting comments.

    You did:

    Fatal Frame / Project Zero. Maybe not the biggest, but still…
    Ace Combat 6 you forgot as well.

  • Let microsoft work on Home so we can get it, already

  • I’ve been buying Final Fantasy games since the first one came out on the NES. I can recall being vaguely disappointed when Square annouced they wouldn’t work with Nintendo any longer, but this… this is really depressing. Sony needed this game in their exclusive catalog.

    Sony, you’re my company, but you’re going to have to pull out more than Little Big Planet tomorrow.

  • assassins creed is a joke…the first two missions were fine then the game got sooo repeatative. our exclusives SUCK A$$…ie HAZE this makes ps3 look so damn bad

  • Plus Tales of is not entirely exclusive, since Tales of Symphonia released in Japan on the Gamecube as well on the PS2. Plus don’t forget the countless hand-held games being developed. Tales of.. is really as non exclusive as can be.

  • i really dont care if ms gets 13,because he recently said versus 13 is not multiplatform
    either way sony!!! purchase SE!!

  • it’s Square’s decision, not Sony’s

  • Thanks Onna76_NL and necronzero.

    I also forgot Katamari Damacy and Ridge Racer.

    Here’s the updated list

    Monster Hunter 3
    Dragon Quest 9
    Star Ocean 4
    Tales of series
    assassins creed
    Ace Combat 6
    Fatal Frame
    Katamary Damacy
    Ridge Racer

  • i think sony should give microsoft the rest of the library, since nobody will give a blind [DELETED] about PS3 anymore.

  • hex, 551:
    My sentiments exactly.
    Words cannot express my disappointment right now.

    Sony, I sure hope you’ve got one heck of a trick up your sleeve.

  • no prob zorox, srsly, im just going to get a 360, at least they CARE about their CUSTOMERS

  • also to clarify, FFXIII is still an exclusive….in Japan

  • Just announced by M$

    Resistance 2 going Multi-Platform PS3/360/DS/PSP/Wii/DREAMCAST TOO

    Reason: cuz sony cant make enough money

  • so what. who cares if its exclusive in japan that is farrrrrrrr beyond the point we are making

    Monster Hunter 3
    Dragon Quest 9
    Star Ocean 4
    Tales of series

    Nice…look at the list of lost exclusives. Sony, what the hell have you been doing? You know, besides screwing up?

    I can’t believe SCE didn’t lose Metal Gear. I would suggest to play the “what other exclusive are they going to lose” game…but I don’t think they have anything worthwhile to lose anymore.

    Good job screwing your loyal fanbase. I can’t believe I got a PS3 at launch.

  • @594
    Who wants to buy a PS3???
    I need money for a 360

  • i agree buying square enix, would solve allot of problems.
    and brings back the possibility of getting every old square enix game to the PS3 plus snatching a game away right after they announced it which would be great revenge.

  • Even though I can’t stand RPGs, I find the news about Final Fantasy a little… unnerving. It really is about time that Sony reconsidered their stance on not paying for exclusives.

    That said, I would hope that Sony have some announcements tomorrow that will lessen this blow. Don’t forget, although this is surprising news to us, you can bet Sony have known about the move for some time. Enough time, hopefully, to have arranged something even bigger. Fingers crossed!

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