PS3 System Software Update (v2.41)

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Hi, everyone. As many of you know, we released PS3 firmware update v2.40 last week, but had to take it offline temporarily because, for a limited number of users, the XMB wouldn’t display after the update was installed. We’ve been able to fix the problem, and I’m happy to report that firmware update v2.41 will be released shortly.

We want to extend our apologies to the PlayStation community for any inconvenience. Now we’ll be looking forward to seeing everyone online and racking up those trophies!

Comments are closed.


  • My main gripe is that we finally get in-game XMB to access all of the features on the PS3 menu board and none of my games will allow me to play any music.

    Yeah, i know that pain and like two other games will allow ‘custom soundtracks’, but i want to be able to play music on ALL my games and not have to download a patch for each game (if a patch EVER becomes available).

    And Trophies? I dont have any, none of my friends have any… sounds kinda weak.

    I hope you guys release a real In-Game XMB soon.

    Thanks for in game messaging you sparkling wiggles.

  • Well thanks a lot for the new update, it broke my ps3. My ps3 doesn’t read the cd’s anymore. No, this is not a joke.

  • 2.40 and 2.41 = EPIC FAIL

    can’t turn ps3 on anymore…..this is bullsh*T, y does it force me to update sumthing when it is jus gunna fuk it up? i dunno.

    Got my ps3 december 30, 2006 (so i guess thats first batch since its only 1 month from launch)

  • 986 makes a good point about the battery meter. Everything else on his list might be asking a little too much.

    I’m curious if any of the previously released themes will be redone to include the ‘trophy collection’ and ‘internet search’ icons (they are currently ‘?’ at the moment). I’d also like to know when the Team Expansion for Super Stardust is going to reappear. I looked around the store (both the PS Store and the in-game store) and it has not reappeared.

    Many thanks for a great firmware update!

  • Just wanted to add..I had 2.40 all worked fine, got 2.41 yesterday and appears I still ok.

    Have tried many features and everything seems to be running great.

    Hope those people with bad 2.40 or 2.41 updates get a fix; it’s too bad some were affected.

  • One other minor thing….the battery meter doesn’t bother me.

    It’s for a couple of seconds and comes back after that, so no big deal to me.

  • 2.41 bricked my ps3 as well. It gives me the yellow light when I turn it on now. and guess what? The date on the bottom of my ps3 is december 2006.

  • A friends folder Icon would be nice…keep your friends in a separate folder sort of like 2.40 and 2.41 made the separate icon for your games. (that feature was really nice and thanks for it).

  • @1001 jrow77 is keeping a list of what games will, will not, possibly will, maybe will have the Trophies.

    They’re updating it constantly….suggest you keep looking there for updates.

    They’re saying more are coming this month and on. If you read the new Pain blog, you’ll get some news on that one too.

  • @1004Joker………its like we have the same exact problems….i get the yellow light and my ps3 says dec 2006…….boy it feels great doesnt it!!!….to be screwed over by downloading something ur forced to download!!

  • what a crap update!
    IngameXMB for what? none of my games is possible to play ingame music, there is no chance to change sound settings ingame, all supposed features from your fw2.4-video are not working.

  • Sony, thanks for the Update. I had no problems with it, but could you please (finally) update the Flash Player in the Internet Browser?

    I can’t watch neither the clips on nor :-(

    Or do you have some problems with Adobe :-P

    Thx for reading my post!


    Funny all these people with 2.40 toubles… Mine worked great, just wanted to let every one know I just got a RROD on my Xbox… has M$ come up with a solution for that yet..?? Owell geuss I’ll just play my Super Sleek Sexy PS3! Woot!

  • They need to let us sign in to PSN as we are and not force FW bricolators onto us. Why should we risk a dead box just to have some online gaming?

  • Please SONY, let us deactivate the clock, I don’t want that annoying clock on my screen! give us the option to hide the clock! I mean how difficult can that be??!!!!

  • @1006 GGCAN

    I’m referring to themes, like when you download a theme from themes/wallpapers. If you were to download the MGS4 theme now, you’d see question marks on the newest icons for the XMB (Internet Search, Trophies) instead of the actual icon.
    The only theme I know that properly displays those icons is the original PS3 theme. I redownloaded the MGS4 theme thinking they had updated it, but that is not the case.

  • @1012 jrow77….ok, I see what you mean now.

    Yes I see that one too….I’m fine with it, but understand what you’re saying.

  • Is Final Fantasy VIII SLES-02080 working on this firmware?
    I have the game and would really like to play it on the PS3 and it doesn’t start on previous firmwares.
    PS3 60gb PAL.

  • If your PS3 is messed up “allegedly” because of an update, call Sony. No one can help you on this Blog.

    SCEA Consumer Services
    1-800-345-SONY (7669)
    Monday – Saturday 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM PST
    Sunday 7:00 – AM 6:30 PM PST

  • @1015 Superfist…thanks Superfist…people were asking for the number and I only knew of contacting via Email.

    Think it will help many.

  • I love this update. Especially the trophies and am willing to buy any game with trophies included. As I just ordered Uncharted. Never would have thought to ever buy it after having played the demo. For me it was just good and not worth the whole release price. But now it seems the games with trophies will be rare for the first time.

    Yes, I am a trophy whore and I think many of you enjoy them too. I simply love everything about this system! And the new Platinum Trophy is godlike.

    Millions of thanks to Sony!

  • Thanks. I couldn’t get the 2.40 update hopefully. Lets see how this one is gonna be like. I hope nobody gets any problem.

  • just a reminder to all the ps3 owners, there are a lot of xbots on this site…posting negative thing in here, i wont name any, but they are easy to spot

    they are upset that we get everything they get for FREE

    enjoy your ps3 and psn, it will always get better and better, for FREE

  • Yeah Hansolo ur right, those Xbots are really annoying. Their only problem is that they gotta pay annually for what we get free. Don’t be jealous get yourself a ps3 :) Btw Sony please add SUBTITLE support for DivX videos. Just like in divx players, making the subtitle name as the same name of the video and there you go you have subtitles. Thats the only thing i want and maybe also MKV support? :D

  • hey wat games do have in game music compatibility?????
    does Pixel junk monsters?

  • @1021 not yet.

    SSHD, High vel Bowling and Pain do for now as far as I know.

    Others need devs to code it in.

    But I’ve heard now that the feature is there, many are willing.

  • are they coming out with patches then?
    if so when?

  • No announcement for in game music yet…may be coming soon.

    Trophy support, go to and they have a list of when the games will/will not and maybe will get those.

    Maybe that site can start a music list as they hear too…would be nice.

  • im only confused bevause theirs a demo vid for in game XMB that shows eric lempal or som’n putting music on for pixel junk monsters. but wen i try it wont work :{

  • Yes there is…but the guys comment on that one was something like ‘a concept for now’ so since it was on the vid….maybe they’re working on that one too..who knows.

  • FYI

    To those people that said they’ve had problems after the update on COD4…I just saw an article at about that game after the 2.40, 2.41 update.

    May give you some piece of mind knowing.

  • I had 2.40, it worked well, no problems. I got 2.41 the morning it was released and my ps3 froze more times since i updated to 2.41 than since i bought it (which was once before the update and 7 times in the last two days). Not impressed, fix it or let me go back to a previous firmware.

  • It’s just a thought…but I think since 2.40 and 2.41 went in, many more people are online now taxing the servers to the max at times.

    Maybe why some are getty lags or freezing.

    I think that for a bit it could happen until Sony gets a feel (monitoring this stuff) for how many people are online and how to manipulate the servers to get the best performance for both us, them and the servers.

    We’ll see.

  • the update looks good. but how about in game chatting and a way to invite friends to games. thease are included it in the xbox and i think ps3 shoud have it too.

  • 190$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to fix my ps3 that was broken because of Sony!!!!!! wow……….thats all i can say

  • @1036 Godz_pizzaman….Ouch !

    I feel for you… !

  • its fine the ssd patch is there but where in the heck is my damn split screen.I hope that this isnt the full version of the firmware cause there is quite a bit flash wtf is that all about you cant even visit your own sight{playstation.home} on ps3.last thing the 2.41 update has stolen 20 gigs of space and i cant get it back.20 gigs i now cant use.i also have a 40 gig it has 7105mb left and there isn’t that much on it not enough to fill it so what can you do.

  • is the official site for trophies.

  • split screen will be in the Superstardust team addon some countries stores apparently have it already and some don’t I think the US will get it Thursday.

  • NeCrom-X

    Thanks, I didn’t see this one until you mentioned it.

    I’m bookmarking it now.

  • @1036 GODZ

    190? I thought they only charged 150?

  • Prob with shipping 190

  • ya but i live in Canada……thats the only down side living here…no companies care about us

  • You stole the American chipmunk so we took your Canadian geese lol

  • We Canucks always end up paying more !

    Even when our dollar was higher than the US dollar, the deals were still better in the US.

    Oh well, go figure.

  • I guess I should ask to be sure does anyone in the US have the team addon for SSD HD already?

  • Where’s the love SONY….where is it?

  • Just curious what model PS3 did you have?

  • NeCrom-X

    I have it and I’m in Canada, but I got it the very day that 2.40 came out and it seems to not have gone up since that time.

  • I checked at 12:30 right after I got the update also but it wasn’t there.

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