Warhawk Launch!

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Well…after staying up way too late last night playing, I’m here to say that Warhawk is LIVE and available on the PlayStation Store AND at retailers across the country!

There were some crazy intense games last night and it was great to see players having a great time, earning medals and ranking up. I did notice that on the boards some of you guys have mentioned that your stats weren’t posting after you completed your games. First off…apologies for this, it’s never good to have a medal that you fought for not be credited to your player!

That said, we should all expect some occasional and isolated stats interruptions this week as we bring all the players from the US and Europe online…both for the PlayStation Store version and for the Blu-ray version. We’ll keep these interruptions to an absolute minimum as we would rather not drowned in a tsunami of hate mail.

On another note, we had a great battle yesterday with IGN. They had some of their staffers and some lucky applicants battle our Warhawk team here at Incognito. Needless to say, we had a wicked good time. There were some truly amazing players so to all of you that are going online with Warhawk, be on the look out for Jag71, OneAdam12, Arbole, xT3RMINATORx, WillKills…all these guys are crazy good.

I was able to record some video of our play session for your viewing pleasure – it a bit shaky-cam, not Blair Witch shaky but, well you’ll see. I got to capture, on video, one of the very few times that our best pilot, “Gergination” has ever made a mistake piloting the Warhawk. He won’t be pleased about me posting this vid but it’s entertaining nonetheless.

I’d also like to extend a request for feedback regarding the game setups that we’re currently running on the Warhawk Sever Cluster. Do you like the configurations? Do you want to see more CTF? More ZONE? Higher point limits? Etc. Let us know.

I spent some time last night listening to people on VOIP and it seems like some of the games were ending too quickly so we’ll look to increase the point limits so the games last a bit longer.

That’s it for now…I’m including a collection of Warhawk-related post links below for anyone that would like to catch up on all the Warhawk discussion that’s been published here the past several weeks.

See you all on the battlefield!

PlayStation.Blog Warhawk Posts
Ode to the Warhawk Public Beta
Warhawk FAQ
Behind The Curtain: The Warhawk Servers
Warhawk Goes Gold
Inside the Developers Studio: Dylan Jobe

Comments are closed.


2 Author Replies

  • Agreed, the “game is full” thing is a joke. I’ve been trying to join a ranked server for at least 20 minutes and it’s just frustrated.

    Why are servers showing up with 1/2/3/4 spaces available if they are full? And if they are full then why are they even showing up in the first place? Surely it makes sense to only show servers that are joinable?

    There needs to be way more servers too.

  • @Dylan
    can u guyz plz fix the ranking system mine hasnt updated in ages i cant go up ranks at all

  • Hey Dylan loving the game. 1 Q though, how do you make copies or demos of the game with 1 disc for LAN games?

  • @chris

    I think it says its full because when it says general you can only be general or lower in rank to enter, or its just a glitch.

  • @ Joel.

    It’s not that because on the filters I’ve set it to only show servers where my rank is allowed. I’m not sure what the setting is called but you just set it to “My Rank”.

    Before I turned that on it just said my rank was too high to enter, not that it was full.

    I think the game is full thing is a glitch because it seems to be happening to lots of people.

  • 1) You can transport troops using Aircrafts
    How Many?

    ++RESPONSE: Use a proper transport to move considerable people, not one or two at a time. Think C-130 or equivalent.

    10) Split screen in ranked games would be totally unfair and dumb for several obvious reasons, I think incognito made a good choice.

    ++RESPONSE: To each his own, but this could be an unranked option.

    11) TOW missiles for ground troops? that’s a pretty bad idea for one, and 2 they are already kind of a cheap weapon for aircrafts which is why the amount a user can carry was decreased from 2 to 1 since the beta (good decision).

    ++RESPONSE: Check out current military weapons, wire guided weapons are used by ground forces. This is anti-tank weapon and one that could be well used in the game. Called an M-220 launcher with a BGM-71 missile. TOW missiles are shot from land based platforms with the exception of some helicopters. So if it’s stupid why are the USA & USMC utilizing the system. Keeps tanks honest.

    12) The knife is already hard to kill people with because all they have to do is run backwords to get away from you, so again, bad idea.

    ++RESPONSE: Not really the case, you can say you can avoid any weapon as long as you move fast enough I guess. I think it’s a cheap kill and not realistic in any sense, unless you think of stalking someone and cutting their throat, which would be a big delay in execution of the move.

    13) First off..what distortion, the orb affect? So what, it’s game and it’s a nice affect, better than a plane scope like R:FOM’s.

    ++RESPONSE: Why introduce distortion, if you want to make it more difficult, simply allow for human movement to cause disruption, don’t blur an image, it’s annoying and not reflective of sniper quality optics.

    14) I agree with this one, however what about when the user is out of the designated part of the map for ground troops? I supposed they’d die.

    16) Hit Select. Try playing around with the game a bit before making suggestions that are already a part of the game.
    ++RESPONSE: Instead of being demeaning, make sure you have the right perspective first. Taking a map from large to extra-large is an annoyance to some people. User should be able to size according to what they desire.

    This is a perfect comment!!
    “Can we please have an update here on the blog as to of what is going on, what you’re doing, are you working on this issue? if so, can we expect a fix soon?”


  • QUESTION 1: Does the game indicate if it ranked or not when joining your clan/friends?

    Note: I asked other players and nobody knew how you could tell, some servers are obvious, but others can be more muddled.

    QUESTION 2: Is there a way to set the six axis sensor control specific to a platform (Warhawk) and leave it off for everything else?

  • yes could you guys give us a Update to let us know you are working on some of this stuff? And it would be good if you could fix the voices coming from the mics. Sometimes it is hard to understand what some people are saying. And im sure its a problem with the game and not the mics. And PLEASE FIX THE GAME IS FULL BUG!! THAT SHOULD BE THE FIRST THING TO FIX!!!

  • @ Seahawk02:

    1) Use a proper transport to move considerable people, not one or two at a time. Think C-130 or equivalent.

    ++Response: This is a game not real life, if a warhawk suddenly dropped 10 troops into the enemies flag base, that would be a bit unfair, don’t you think? It would be rediculous. Also, say the warhawk was shot down, that’s like 10 kills right there for using a homing missile and a couple swarm missiles. 2 is enough (and i really enjoy getting 2 kills when only expecting 1 :P)

    10)To each his own, but this could be an unranked option.

    ++Response: There already is an option for unranked rooms to allow split screen or not. Once again, explore the game.

    11) Check out current military weapons, wire guided weapons are used by ground forces. This is anti-tank weapon and one that could be well used in the game. Called an M-220 launcher with a BGM-71 missile. TOW missiles are shot from land based platforms with the exception of some helicopters. So if it’s stupid why are the USA & USMC utilizing the system. Keeps tanks honest.

    ++Response: Once again, this is a game, not real life. The US military may use them, yes, of course, but do they really care if the enemy finds it “newbish” or “cheap”? No, didn’t think so. People already think the AA guns in warhawk are rediculous, i personly don’t mind cause i see them as an easy kill most of the time. (While Im in a warhawk, not while im in the AA)

    12) Not really the case, you can say you can avoid any weapon as long as you move fast enough I guess. I think it’s a cheap kill and not realistic in any sense, unless you think of stalking someone and cutting their throat, which would be a big delay in execution of the move.

    ++Response: You can literally avoid the knife by running backwords and shooting at the guy with the knife and he’ll never kill you unless you run into a wall or if he pulls out a gun. The only time i’ve ever been killed/killed someone with the knife, is from behind or from the side.

    13) Why introduce distortion, if you want to make it more difficult, simply allow for human movement to cause disruption, don’t blur an image, it’s annoying and not reflective of sniper quality optics.

    ++Response: For the 3rd time, it’s a game, it’s a nice graphical effect which is better than a plain old scope. If you want it to be more like real life, then go buy a sniper rifle.

    16) Instead of being demeaning, make sure you have the right perspective first. Taking a map from large to extra-large is an annoyance to some people. User should be able to size according to what they desire.

    ++Response: I’m only demeaning when the person deserves it, which you did. What you said, the way i understood it, would have been like saying, you should add aircrafts to the game.

  • K my list:
    Get rid of freezing(twice today so far)
    Balance out wepons and add more wepons to spawn points, it’s pretty hard to find a rocket launcher and sniper in some maps

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DECREASE THE POWER OF THE MISSLE LAUNCH TURRETS! They kill EVERYTHING with one shot and EVERYONE is CAMPING IN THEM ALL THE TIME! Plus as there aren’t many launchers or snipers at bases it makes it harder.

    Also make a 10 second respawn timer on ranked matches, it’s annoying when you go in with a tank, shoot 5 people, and they respawn 5 seconds later and kill you with a bunch of grenades!

  • 4th time now. 2 in like 3 minutes WTH!?

  • QUESTION: Is there a way to create parties? Haven’t been able to find a convenient way to create a group of players.


  • @ ShArPaeShOoTeR

    Final Response as this has degraded to a simple opinion argument vs anything productive, with the exception of learning that I can do multi-player on non-ranked with my son (Thanks BTW for the correction:)

    Fundamentally, this was to be collection of the rest of the comments from other person & myself to make it easier for someone to review for change/action, however it looks like it has degraded from discussion to arguing, for the worse.

    1) –My 2 Cents: This increases the strategic possibility of the game. You do the risk/benefit, if getting your entire squad killed is the result of improper planning/execution then you pay the penalty. If done correctly, a decisive advantage/result can be obtained. This gives greater dimensionality to the game IMO. Nothing more than that.

    11) –My 2 Cents: True this is a game, but it also utilizes military models and equipment as a foundation. Nobody is contending that this is a combat simulator, but the path has already been taken, and it was a good one, in both design and execution, however I think more can be done. The penalty for using equipment for infantry is time and that reload/attack rate could be adjusted accordingly to deter camping and repetitive use along with ammo availability (1 or 2 rounds only).

    12) –My 2 Cents: This is just opinion at this point. I’ve killed lots of guys shooting away as I moved in a circle and slashed them. I really like the idea of being stealth with the knife vs. using a weapon and popping up on the map (sidenote).

    13) –My 2 Cents: Again, this is becoming simply a back and forth deal, differing opinions noted.

    16) –My 2 Cents: Nice, you misunderstood the question and you jumped to an improper conclusion…no response deserved or warranted.

  • This game so BAD-ASS!!! Good job Sony, I am looking foward to more games like this!!

  • QUESTION 1: Does the game indicate if it ranked or not when joining your clan/friends?

    Note: I asked other players and nobody knew how you could tell, some servers are obvious, but others can be more muddled.

    Response: If you look tot he left you see a trophy with an red “X” these are NOT ranked games, the ones WITHOUT the “X” are RANKED games.

    QUESTION 2: Is there a way to set the six axis sensor control specific to a platform (Warhawk) and leave it off for everything else?

    Response: I believe so in the control menu

    For the record, I love the game (pertaining to the small chances i do get to play) I am just a little upset and frustrated, I really dont want nor have the intensions of taking suck a great game back. Just fix the problems please. ;-|


  • Pretty crappy I’ve been playing since it’s been out and still no STATS!!!!! WTF!! now everyone is getting way beyond me in ranking and by the time I get rank… i’ll be in the dust. what a screw up on your behalf warhawk makers!! well to make it up to us. Put in game communication in there somewhere. In the lobby would be nice for christ sakes!!

  • You Sony guys need to learn what customer support means.

    It’s a really cool game, no doubt, I personally think it plays just fine the way it is, but you’ve got some real problems (with those servers), some other relatively minor ones (ranking, in game mic quality), but this mafia like silence you’ve taken a liking to over the past few days is only making matters worse…

    Let the players know you are aware of the issues and tell us what you’re doing to fix them.

  • I like how you guys are all kids inside over there! :) So, how did that kid get the game before it came out? Lol.

  • The stats are updating, just very slowly….mine took about a day!

    But great game nonetheless…I’m sure everybody’s gripes and concerns will be addressed.

  • okay

    I want to say this is an awesome game, but it freezes my whole ps3 up. I have to power down with the power button on the front, and then I have to power it back up. Last night it was freezing every game on me. I was wondering when this is going to get fixed. Its not my ps3, because everything else is fine on it. REsistiance is fine, Rainbow vegas is fine.

  • @ Ice Cold

    QUESTION 1: I can see the server with the troy & the other information when I try and join a server solo from the internet option, however, when I go to my friends list or clan and join a specific person (because you can’t make a party…) whatever server their in I go to, however I don’t know if that’s a ranked or unranked server. I hate to spend a considerable amount of time in unranked games unless everyone is there. My question is in regards to finding out if there is a way to know if the game is ranked when joining someone like that.

    QUESTION 2: I can turn motion control on or off, but it turns it on or off for all vehicles/turrets. I would like it to be selectable between the platform, for example have it on for the Warhawk only and off for everything else. So I don’t have to change controller setting every time I’m in and out of the Warhawk.

    Hopefully that’s a better explanation of what I’m trying to find out. If the original post was confusing, I apologize. Thanks to Ice Cold for the help and the quick response.


  • I hope they start working on the bugs after the holiday weekend is over. I’m guessing that’s why we have not heard anything since Friday.

  • I’ve been playing for about a week now and this game is great, very addictive. There is one thing that bothers me though. Clans, I set up my clan but if we want to go up against another it’s pretty much impossible, the game lobby or lack of lobby as no support for it. My clan needs to kill another clan thats a better feeling than gaining rank. I would basically have to set one up on a forum, then try to get everyone together.

    I hope adding the clan feature to online multiplayer games just for the sake of having it because all the games do, doesnt become a trend. If you look at game like Socom and compare it to Warhawk, I think you’ll understand what I’m talking about when it comes to clan support.

    For all the people who are crying about rank rooms and stats. You may be a general one day but you aint [DELETED] without a good clan by your side.

  • @ hypothetical & patrickp3

    I think that you’re correct in your frustration. I took Warhawk over to my neighbors to play, We gave up on ranked games because we couldn’t get on after an hour of trying so we played unranked on coop.

    Hopefully like hypothetical said, they’re on holiday and when they return they’ll be looking at the comments and take them for review/action.

    The sheer volume of comments should be a quick indicator that people are not entirely satisfied/pleased with the game. Most revisions are small and hopefully they can rectify or at least address the comments/questions posted above and I think they will.

    I believe at this level developers and publishers should facilitate some sort of feedback mechanism in the software or at least create or officially recognize a monitored forum during the initial release to see what problems/issues are out there and address them as quickly as possible. Any fixes beyond the first couple of weeks could be technical in nature (Bugs) only in order to allow the developer to move on.

    I think this would increase customer loyalty and happiness by creating a sense of ownership & contribution. At a minimum, exchange with the developer gives a sense of closure and usually answers questions that the user may not have the full background too.

    Icongnito has already posted here, good on them, but I think the time has come to split this blog into another thread, such as “WARHAWK Recommendations,” in order to allow users to input a problem and a fix.


  • I’ve been playing for about a week now and this game is great, very addictive. There is one thing that bothers me though. Clans, I set up my clan but if we want to go up against another it’s pretty much impossible, the game lobby or lack of lobby as no support for it. My clan needs to kill another clan thats a better feeling than gaining rank. I would basically have to set one up on a forum, then try to get everyone together.

    I hope adding the clan feature to online multiplayer games just for the sake of having it because all the games do, doesnt become a trend. If you look at game like Socom and compare it to Warhawk, I think you’ll understand what I’m talking about when it comes to clan support.

    For all the people who are crying about rank rooms and stats. You may be a general one day but your just another ____ without a good clan by your side.

  • Concur, without the clan it’s hard to take a vested interest, and like everything else, your friends make the game more interesting and push you to get online and play your best.

    Rank is important, but not for the reason of just bragging rights, IMO getting the uniforms can be beneficial, because it can give a clan the ability to set a uniform for the entire team.

    Along with creating the ability to set up parties with your clan members, I would hope they fix the mic issue so you can communicate more easily. I think this game has a lot of potential, but communications need to be fixed. Ground and Air forces can be on separate channels and push the L button to broadcast over the entire circuit when needed for coordination.

  • QUESTION: I set up my gravatar on their website, but the image isn’t showing up here, thanks for the help.


  • Wow those beta testers must have been retarded!!!

  • @ Dylan Jobe , Game Director ( Warhawk )

    Spent some quality time to create a final list of everything I could find on both the Warhawk website linked from the warhawk.com web site and this blog. Everything is constructive and hashed out and in the form of issue & recommendation for your review. I think with the mass of comments that this provides a simplified one stop shop so to speak for your to review, vs. having to peel through an immense amount of posting.

    For everyone, if I’ve made errors in pulling posts, please correct me or if I’ve left something out please add it, in a similar form if possible. Hopefully by taking ownership we can provide help to Incognito and make this an even better game than the great product it is already.



    Issue 1: Master Badges to easy to achieve.
    Recommendation 1: Increase difficulty in obtaining Master Badges. Makes the obtainment more of an accomplishment, because it is no longer as easy to obtain.

    Issue 2: Not enough Death Matches for more than 8 players
    Recommendation 2: Increase amount of servers for 8+ death match games

    Issue 3: Lack of Shotgun inhibits defense against knife and close combat kills.
    Recommendation 3: Add Shotgun to game.

    Issue 4: Lack of support for messages & invites while in game
    Recommendation 4: Provide for ability to select current or recent user call signs and send invite, clan invite as well as private or group text messages. Currently you have to exit match to do so, which can be an enormous problem, because it is so difficult to get into ranked matches.

    Issue 5: Lack of lobby system increases difficulty for coordination and communication with friends.
    Recommendation 5: Create lobby system with audio capability to allow users to communicate freely.

    Issue 6: Inability to invite existing friends to game during play.
    Recommendation 6: Add ability to invite another to your friend/clan list during or after battle.

    Issue 7: Inability to easily recognize clan members or friends during play
    Recommendation 7: Create flashing title or differing color for friends and clan members to make them stand out.

    Issue 8: Inability to filter ranked vs. Unranked Games
    Recommendation 8: Create ranked or unranked game filter.

    Issue 9: When joining friends/clan members, no report is made as to whether the server you are entering is ranked or not.
    Recommendation 9: When joining friends/clan members report should be made to confirm/deny joining rank/unranked server to ensure user is aware of game type.

    Issue 10: Inability to join the ranked server that you create.
    Recommendation 10: When a user creates a ranked server, allow them to join the games on that server; that will encourage people to make ranked game servers and alleviate the load on the Sony servers by providing more servers for gamer use.

    Issue 11: Inability of servers to truly max out a game and lack of server numbers
    Recommendation 11: Fix problem of inappropriate error of “server full” when trying to join a game with valid openings and increase the number of ranked servers for players to join.

    Issue 12: Server list refresh rate is excessive.
    Recommendation 12: Stop loading the list, it is extremely painful because once you attempt to connect to a server and are kicked out because a server is full, you have to wait for the whole list to re-load before you can try to get in on another server, which increases the frustration, especially when the server is really not full anyway.

    Issue 13: Lack of background music reduces enjoyment of game.
    Recommendation 13: Use existing music scores or allow user to input tracks from PS3 into game for listening. User should be able to adjust levels as well as turn on/off.


    Issue 14: Knife is too powerful.
    Recommendation 14: Allow single hit kills only from behind & add animation to show execution move if possible.

    Issue 15: Lack of parachute is unrealistic and detracts from the enjoyment of the game.
    Recommendation 15: Add simple key or sequence to eject.

    Issue 16: Lack of TOW missile to ground troops reduces ability to defend/attack Tanks.
    Recommendation 16: Create M220 launchers for Jeeps/infantry that the user can pick up in a manner just like infantry with weapons even in a jeep; this would fire the BGM-71 TOW missile, which could be used against other tanks, jeeps and fixed targets. The same icon would allow the user to should fire just like in real life or to execute from the back of the jeep instead of using the jeeps machine gun.

    Issue 17: Not enough weapons for ground troops
    Recommendation 17: Increase amount of weapons.

    Issue 18: Infantry soldiers are too resistant to machine gun fire.
    Recommendation 18: Decrease number of rounds with machine gun to kill soldiers.

    Issue 19: Lack of naval craft for troop transport and combat roles.
    Recommendation 19: Create models of existent US Navy vessels, for example Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) that can provide anti-air capability with surface to air missile as well as anti-surface capability with Harpoon and Tomahawk missile. Ships could also allow troop embarkation and the ability to land Warhawks on the flight deck of the destroyers. Embarked troops could man ships anti-aircraft guns as well.

    Issue 20: Lack of Sniper quality and inability of troops to use weapon properly.
    Recommendation 20: Fix sniper optics “distortion”, increase the range of the sniper rifle to simulate Barret Model 95 .50 BMG sniper rifle, which has an effective range of about 1,850 meters. In addition, allow troops to go into prone or kneeling position to reduce the amount of expose body when shooting. A penalty could be introduced, that when not kneeling or prone “shake” would result. Lastly the range of the sniper optics should be increased to match the capability of the rifle.

    Issue 21: Inability of players to swim
    Recommendation 21: In future maps include beaches and ability of players to swim between points, which would increases dimensionality when combined with naval units. Swimming players could release sea based mines, conduct mini torpedo attacks or install and detonate explosive devices on stationary naval vessels.

    Issue 22: Lack of ground mines reduces fairness against tanks
    Recommendation 22: Increase number of ground mines to combat armored vehicles and personnel for defense.

    Issue 23: Lack of Engineer/Demolition packs removes ability to destroy bridges and force Warhawk combat or bridge repair.
    Recommendation 23: Create Demo and repair packs to destroy/fix bridges. Big strategic tool could be enabled to increase game play complexity.


    Issue 24: Pressing L3 for communication is too cumbersome during flight/combat
    Recommendation 24: Allow squads to be created in game that do not require you to press L3 (open mics) and use L3 to broadcast to the entire team only.

    Issue 25: Six Axis motion control is not practical for vehicles other than Warhawks and switching during the game is a distraction for the player.
    Recommendation 25: Enable six axis control specific for each platform vs. having it on or off for all vehicle types.


    Issue 26: Re-spawn time allows inappropriate advantage to ground troops against mechanized infantry.
    Recommendation 26: Create 10 second re-spawn timer on ranked matches. Irritation to kill infantry and then have them re-spawn and destroy your tank with grenades 5 seconds later.

    Issue 27: CTF games limited to 1 capture.
    Recommendation 27: Increase flag captures to 3, prevents rush for the flag and the lack of strategic play as well as short game times.

    Issue 28: Capturing flag nets too many points.
    Recommendation 28: Decrease point amount to prevent flag rushes resulting in players getting inordinate amounts of points each CTF game.

    Issue 29: Correct bug where people have the same name as the player during CO-OP
    Recommendation 29: Correct display name instead of the same name with a numeric digit following, allow user to enter a distinct name for each person playing to reduce/eliminate confusion.

    Issue 30: Game play is too short
    Recommendation 30: Increase score limits.

    Issue 31: Time between rounds is too short
    Recommendation 31: Increase time between rounds to 1 minute or allow users to “vote” on an accepted delay between rounds, for example, 1, 2, or 5 minute breaks.

    Issue 32: Inability to know who is using their mic during game play.
    Recommendation 32: When someone transmits on the headset their call sign should also be apparent so you know who is talking.

    Issue 33: Audio voice quality is unacceptable.
    Recommendation 33: Increase sample rate or BW given to voice transmission. Even with high quality headsets everyone sounds digitized.

    Issue 34: Limited number of maps makes game play repetitive.
    Recommendation 34: Increase number and type of maps, but do not charge. Charging splits the customer base and results in little or no use of the “fee based” maps. An expansion pack would be a different issue as it could include new platforms and capabilities the original did not.

  • I’ve been reading up a lot on the problems ranging from the game freezing to not ranking up to having a rank ur not supposed to, and unfortunately enough i’ve had all of them. but I think i might know what’s up. I think the server that updates and stores the rankings itself is shut-off but the games servers are still up and running, because i think they shut it off when they saw people getting ranks they werent supposed to (thats when a lot of forum posts date indicate that they were higher than their actual rank). Now that they are shut off, no one is ranking up or even earning any matter of points (which is very very frustrating cuz i really like this game) becuase Incog is trying to fix the initial problem of higher-than-should-be ranks so they just shut off the points/awards server. because i’ve tried several things, 1)I’ve tried to get the grenade bandit badge for ages and have recieved it probably 5 times, but it never updated once; ever since the 1st of september, my profile hasnt changed in the least. 2)I created a new account (i have the BD version) and tried playing on that. its been 24 hours since and that account still hasn’t even been given an awards profile!!!, 3)IGN.com claims that if u log in/log out multiple times, it logs ur awards, but i did it 23 times, nothing. so honestly, i think that the awards/medals servers are just down cuz they are working on fixing the initial problem, but i would say that it is safe to assume playing on ranked servers wont do u any good. If there is a person out there who bought warhawk on day 1 (like me, BD or DL) and has been playing ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS, please let me know I’d really like to find out what’s up with Incog. on a side note: warhawk rocks, i love it, but they need to fix the game up!! please ppl keep playing so that when its fixed, we can all play like we want.

  • A couple things . . .

    I was playing with my friend and we found that he has to change the controller settings every single time we shut off the PS3 and then come back. Will it save the settings or am I missing something? Also what is with inverted and no motion sensing as a default? It pisses my friend off every time he goes to play.

    Also I think you should be able to filter game mades as in: dogfight/then the other modes. Becuase I would love not to go through 1000+ servers to find dogfight matches.

    And what Seahawk2 said, I don’t like the sever full message when the lobby says its not. And if thats the case what is the server refresh button doing? It beeps but doesn’t change the information on the servers.

    The sniper should be able to zoom farther. Its annoying when the sniper is awesome but can’t zoom worth a crap. (this is a little off-topic, has anyone shot down a warhawk with a sniper? Its is so much fun!)

    Finally, I think there should be a quick join for SCEE ranked servers or a way just to sort those out. Thanks for listening.

    By the way this game is badass and my friend (who owns a Xbox 360) wants to get a PS3 becuase of this game!

  • Oh for the second paragraph, I messed it up its supposed to be modes and I hope you know what I’m talking about? Dogfights are sweet.

  • AK47Beast, Nicely done. They didn’t need beta testers they needed you! LoL!! psn-Hell-RaizeR hit me up.

  • Need to be marketed more…everyone should play this!

  • While playing warhawk i am granted a new rank but it does not save and i am still a recruit what is wrong and how to fix this problem.

  • Liongold I think they’re having serious issues with their rank server. I could be wrong though.

  • I won’t send any hate mail. but I would like to be able to play Warhawk woth my PS3 freezing up 1 out of every 3 times I get on to play.

    It’s a really great game, I like it
    It just would have been nice if you had been prepared wth a larger number of servers when you started it up.

  • oops my fault I meant seahawk


  • You guys really need to fix the ranking system I pretty much played the game 2 days straight and I got some medals and badges but when I went to check them out they wasnt there. Another thing is that you guys need a better way to invite friends and clan members. Why cant I play on a dedicated server that I made that sucks as well. But all and all I really love the game after I thought I wouldnt cause it was online only. But it does rock!!!!!!!

  • @ Hell-RaizeR

    No worries, I think it’s important to get the issues out there and addressed as early as possible. We owe it to Icognito to be up front and present the requests early. They have to make money and to do that they have to wrap things up and move on, however, we’re the consumer and we buy their product, I think, IMO, at the moment, that the product sold probably has some work still needed. My hope is that with some small revisions that everyone can get a significant increase in play time and enjoyment from Warhawk. I hate, let me say again, HATE, buying games that I play for a week and then put on the shelf to collect dust. There’s a lot of potential, but once again, some items need correcting. Hopefully with presenting Icognito with concise, constructive, and organized submissions they can take those for review. I’m sure a good number will get dropped or rejected for various reasons, but at least we tried, now we’ve done our part, hopefully they’ll respond in kind.

  • The Warhawk leaderboard hasn’t updated in 3 days, I think that alone deserves a blog post….

  • can anyone tell me why i can’t play warhawk? i have the game. granted my situation is i am in japan, i have an american copy of warhawk. although this should not be a problem. but everytime i try to log on to the online mode it times out and boots me back to the main menu. can anyone tell me why this happens. RFOM works great, and so does all my other multiplayer online games. Warhawk is the first game that won’t allow me to play online. I thought it had a world wide server. is this not true yet, if so when will i be able to actually play this game here.

  • I hope you there is some record of our acheivements stored on the server since the stats have not been updated yet. I just received numerous badges and some medals during play today and they haven’t appeared on my profile. My profile hasn’t changed since the 2nd. I hope this will be fixed because I got an acheivement for killing 4 guys at once with the binoculars and I dont think I’ll be able to pull that off again anytime soon.

  • When incog do eventually sort the stats problem out, will the badges and ribbons we already got be added, or will we have to do em again?

  • We need more SCEE servers. They are always full!

  • Good work with the new firmware.

    Now I can’t log on to Warhawk at all.


  • I couldn’t log on before the firmware update last nigh tanyway so i don’t actually think it has to do with that. I keep getting a network timeout…

  • Get a “timeout error” when I try :|

    Didn’t try before updating, good to hear it was there before also.

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