PS5 and PS4 System Software Updates release globally today

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PS5 and PS4 System Software Updates release globally today

Variable Refresh Rate support is coming to PS5 in the months ahead.

Our next PS5 and PS4 system software updates are rolling out globally today, so we wanted to provide a quick look at some of the new features. We’re also glad to share new details on Variable Refresh Rate for PS5 on HDMI 2.1-compatible TVs and PC monitors, which is planned to release in the months ahead. 

New features for PS5 and PS4

Thanks to support from our beta participants, we’re introducing some fan-requested features to our global community today, like the ability to create or join Open and Closed Parties on PS5 and PS4 consoles. On PS5, we’re also bringing UI enhancements to Game Base and Trophy cards, as well as accessibility features like mono audio for headphones.

You can read more about these system update features here.

For a refresher on PS5 features like how to apply game presets on your console, pin videos and apps to your screen while you play, or share your screen with friends, check out the new “Pro Tips” cards in the Control Center.

PS App and PS Remote Play enhancements

Starting later today, we’re gradually rolling out the ability for PS App users to create or join Open and Closed Parties through the app as well. We’ve also updated the PS App Game Base UI to make it easier to access the Friends, Parties and messaging features, delivering a consistent player experience with PS5.

PS Remote Play mobile app users can enjoy a new “dark mode” based on their phone setting and choose from new Screen Reader languages for both iOS and Android, including Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Greek, Thai and Chinese (traditional and simplified).

On the horizon: Variable Refresh Rate support for PS5

We’re also pleased to share that Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) is planned to release on PS5 in the coming months. On HDMI 2.1-compatible TVs and PC monitors, VRR dynamically syncs the refresh rate of the display to the PS5 console’s graphical output. This enhances visual performance for PS5 games by minimizing or eliminating visual artifacts, such as frame pacing issues and screen tearing. Gameplay in many PS5 titles feels smoother as scenes render instantly, graphics look crisper, and input lag is reduced. Previously released PS5 games can be fully optimized for VRR through a game patch and future games may include VRR support at launch.

As an added option, you can also choose to apply VRR to PS5 games that don’t support it. This feature may improve video quality for some games. If this results in any unexpected visual effects, you can turn off this option at any time. Both VRR and this secondary option can be turned on or off.

Please note that results may vary depending on the TV you’re using and game you’re playing. As we get closer to the feature’s release, we’ll share more details, including some of the games that will enable VRR support through a game patch.

Our teams will continue to work hard on ways to enhance your gaming and social experiences on PlayStation, so stay tuned for more updates!

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  • You and your president are LIER you told discord app will come to ps5 but it don’t come

  • Who ever made this useless update deserves to lose their job. Like always it caused more problems than fixed anything.

  • Let me turn ALLM (Game mode) off! This should be an option! Not forced upon us!

    • This this this. I know what’s best for me when using my tv not a forced game mode which doesn’t look as good because it disables certain features on the tv that makes games look better.

      And yes we know about input lag but in single player games it’s barely even noticeable and to a lot of people it’s not an issue. Glad to see more and more people bringing this up as an issue because it needs to addressed asap

  • Hey Sony PlayStation and fans ,

    Long time PlayStation user and gamer and wanted to request some features for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

    Is it possible to add features such as and consider,
    – Allow to do Remote Play and Share Play at the same time .
    This feature is blocked and can’t be don’t at the same time . It would serve to as like a SharePlay (Apple SharePlay feature but for gaming across different devices while streaming to iPads or etc) and broadcast feature for when users playing on different devices like Apple iPads and streaming .

    -A universal feature for parents to individually deny/ approve games despite its ratings from 3rd party developers that is overrided by PS parental controls .
    ( As currently the 3rd party games ratings and settings override PS5 settings – so even despite allowing a 15 Y/O from playing a mature rated game like SiFu and approving for M rated games on PS5 system parental controls- the games setting and rating from the game developers will block the user from playing it.)

    -A universal family subscription and parental control settings option (similar to Apple subscription services) that allows different users and profiles up to a certain limit and within the same household to be able to access and play the games purchased shared across different accounts and consoles within the same household and within the same family and extended family.
    This would be great for user instances especially with growing families with multiple adults in the same household and multiple children with multiple consoles .
    (As currently a user is only able to play games purchased on there primary console )

    I apologize for the inconvenience as I know this is asking so much (much writing -sorry)and the hurdles that must be considered worth developers .

    -Also allow in User interface in PS5 with the menu icons for the games for an option for larger icons similar to PS4 for better readability for those with sight issues beyond the already existing zoom feature .

    Hope for additional features and updates.

  • Sydney-based, PS5 updated to latest patch and cannot connect/sign in to PSN.

  • Nakon ažuriranja dualsense mi ne radi…

  • Sony can do system updates but can’t seem to make more ps5’s,,, gotta hope and pray you get an email unless you wanna pay scalpers price of 8-900 for something you don’t know is legit, works or won’t get,,, good job sony!

  • Controllers won’t work anymore after update.

  • When are you going to add the ability to add ‘controller settings’ to the Accessibility menu? For being an accessibility feature it shouldn’t take 8+ button presses to change the controller settings and as many to get back to our game. Huge oversight!! but by all means add more dark modes, that’s super important.

  • My PS4 got updates but I did not work. Yesterday (25th March 2022), I could not log in my PS4 accounts, the network connection got troubles. I look for other patches from Sony to make my PS4 return to normal again.

  • cool update

  • Do not download this update. My PS5 was working perfectly beforehand. After updating my controller will connect for ~2 minutes then lose connection. I’ve gone as far as factory resetting the PS. Major inconvenience. I’d wait until another patch comes along and just ignore this update for now. May be far and few but I’ve seen this issue occur to many others on other sites.

  • All right, things are evolving.

    I’m glad that I’m finally able to go to messages in a separate tab. However, I get notifications of new parties on the new party tab (the blue ball icon indicating notification) even though I disabled it. It’s really annoying. I think it’s a message but it’s a new party.

    Regarding suggestions, I find it odd that there isn’t an official place to give feedback about PlayStation. The system’s built-in video editor could be improved. You try to go back and forward on videos sometimes and it gets stuck on the seconds, like, you press the left arrow multiple times and it goes to second 0:01, 0:02, back to 0:01, etc. The squares/choosing between 1s/5s/10s from PS4 are way better than that (the same could be done on PS5?).

    Also, I want to be able to cut specific parts of my video, not just set where it starts and where it ends. And we could be able to merge multiple videos on the PS5 memory. E.g. I recorded two different races on GTA V on two different videos. Would be nice to be able to merge them into one, or multiple videos into one and choose the order. Creating a tool to record your voice over the existing video would be nice too. Like a game session you played or a tutorial you made, and you want to record your voice to explain things (and you couldn’t when you made the video), etc.

    Another idea would be creating a silence mode. Players could be able to set a specific time (start time and end time) when dualsense speaker sound would be played only on TV/headset instead. Sometimes I’m playing late using my headset and the dualsense speaker sound starts loud, waking people up.

    Well, I don’t know if you guys are reading this. Since there isn’t an official place to give feedback/suggestions, I hope you are. Thanks in advance.

  • I am wanting streamers with an subscription, but just beautiful people starting now and Apple people leaving.

  • Y’all should have a ps celebration

  • Is there any update that a patch will come out before the weekend to fix the controller desync issue?

  • After the last update, my controller works a few seconds after turning on and stops. After exclusion is repeated. I tried resetting the controller, but that didn’t help either. Has anyone encountered this problem?

  • When will 4k be available on Disney +?
    And why is the ps5 using Disney + ps4 app ?

  • All I want is 1440p support so I can play racing games and see my wing mirrors 😝

  • I like the ‘Keep in Home’ feature for the home screen. As a minimalist I would love the ability to reduce the titles on the home screen to like, 5.

  • Great update. Now I can’t access the store at all just get “please wait” also can’t download items from my library get the same message. Multiple apps and games have been crashing and logging me out. Multiple corrupt files. What kind of scam is this to get people to buy a new console?

  • 1440p at 120hz on the next update please!

  • Please 1440p so I can take the PS5 out of the increasingly dusty box I put it back into. Also mrexile can digest my load.

  • supper update. my controller stop communicate after the update. factory reset do not help too. somebody has same problem?

  • So the controller issues are still present? I’ve been holding off on this update and have it paused. The lack of communication from Sony for issues their own update caused is appalling.

  • Ayuda!!!!! Desde la nueva actualización no puedo ingresar a lampa atore. Dice “ha ocurrido un error” y nada más. Cómo puedo resolverlo?

  • When will you start supporting Serbia? You legally sell all PlayStation products here but people have to break your TOS and fake address to US UK or other countries.

    Also, why is there no iOS app for Serbian App Store? How are Serbian customer able to use this new screenshot cloud saving? All your developers need to do is literally click one button in apple developer account and expand your app to other countries.

    Who do you think Serbian customer could use PS5 digitall only version if they cannot add payment card on their account, if they cannot create account in the first place!?

    We are sick and tired of you disrespecting Serbian customers.

    I see you added Ukrainian language. So I guess you support only new countries who go to war. Maybe that is the solution, new wars. Maybe then you will start supporting Serbia.

    This is a disgrace.

  • I have been a playstation player since the 1st one came out. I love the system and the games. However, when exactly will the stores start stocking and selling the PS5 permanently? Not just 1 or 2 at the stores that have already been spoken for.

  • Please fix the remote play always getting codes and when I call support no one can tell me what the code means. Other then doing the trouble shooting that don’t work thanks

  • This is the most unprofessional issue I’ve ever seen. Literally SONY as not address the issues that their software update caused. I haven’t had access to my account since the update. Can’t connect to wifi or connect my controllers. The support team is literally no support because they have no clue what’s happening. Sony is still announcing this update like they did something good for us.

  • I would like to purchase a PS5. How do I go about buying one.

  • One of the best things about PS4 was being able to watch broadcasts of almost any game. How about fixing PS5 so this can be done.

  • far as i am concerned this does not concern me or having nothing to do with my system more bout the ps5 which i am not going to be getting any time soon unless they make certain games for it not a lot bout the ps4

  • I don’t see info for the ps4 💀omg wtf

  • Enjoying MLB TheShow cross-platform play feature. Please provide this feature with Madden NFL 23 & NBA 2K22

  • Add a WEB BROWSER to PS5 please!!!

  • Como puedo obtener la consola ps5 de disco

  • To be honest, and I’m sayin this the nicest wya I can, me personally, I don’t care for the chat parties. There are more things that need to be sorted out with the Updates and I feel as though party chats shouldn’t be the focus. I’ve been a PS gamer since I was a kid and I have never been so upset with Sony the way I am now. Please, if you guys really do care for US the Players then please deal with the system issues that actually matter, like online multiplayer bugs.
    Thanks for “hearin” me.

  • I don’t get to play as much as I’d like – life gets in the way of gaming. Maybe one day a week I can carve out an hour or two to game, and I spend the first 15 minutes updating. That’s not fun, and it is not a good user experience.

  • Playstation need to start supporting Serbia. Need to add Serbia in country list, enable playstation and Ps remote play iOS app for Serbia app store.

  • When will Apple Music be coming to the PS4?

  • That’s weird I installed the new update but my PS+ still works. I’m really confused how others are suffering but I’m not.

    • I think that got fixed already, but I wonder about the controller issues. I just installed the update but still going to hold off on the controller update.
      (I do hope it finally fixes the most annoying controller issue I’ve had since launch, where all my games randomly experience this weird sensitivity thing and my camera feels completely off and weirdly sensitive, only restarting sometimes fixes it).

  • Promised end of Feruary 2022…………… 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!

  • many multiplayer games like apex legends already have working patches for 120fps 1440p update/upgrades but sony is slow still… its been a year my monitor is from october update was rumored then promised for Feb. ummmmmmm smh. thanks for vrr i guess that buys me a few dropped frames… smh again.

  • Does anyone know when new ps4s currently being produced through 2022 will be on the market and if they will be available @ playstation online site?

  • I want one thing, and I’m not alone on this….1440p support. I’m about to buy an Xbox because I’m forced to play in 1080p upscaled on my 1440p monitor so it’s all blurry. I would get a better picture if I had just bought an 1080p monitor. I thought ps5 was gonna compete with Xbox but I guess not.

  • I hate how the PS+ app is pinned now. When on your first game, the PS store used to nicely fit in the left, but now the PS+ app only shows up halfway left of that, which is kind of ugly. It’s a similar thing with the trophies that got updated and now it always shows the tracker thing first when wanting to read the full description, slowing down the process. All these updates honestly make the UI look even uglier and feel less harmonious imo. The new trophy background colors aren’t a bad idea — since everything in the UI is so dark and black — but the striped backgrounds are kind of ugly too (more choices would be nice). Still needs a ton of work or a total makeover. I miss the PS3 XMB and PS4 UI :(

  • can’t they just put 1440p 120hz?
    why are they being so quiet about it?
    Xbox will soon beat them if they don’t release 1440p at 120hz.

  • i bet they don’t check the comments, and if they do, i take this back

  • Please add a sound equalizer support for other headsets

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