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Both uninspired and ugly. Really, all that’s changed is the trim!?
It would be alot less tacky if you make the the case black transparent.

I like the new look

I love the blue case. I am glad they are keeping it.

I think instead of a blue box it should be black or white. The blue just feels out of place for some reason.

They look pretty much the same as they always do. Since you guys are going for a more abstract looking console maybe you could try an abstract looking box, try something new! No hate just trying to help :)

Wait nvm that’s not right

Wait nvm it’s fine

Make the case black

This is amazing 👍🏾

A black or white caseing is a must this looks so half done to me everything is fine but caseing can suit better with the logo of ps5 if it’s white or black.

Nothing special , it’s the same ps4 covers with the white banner that show PS5 logo!!! I think you should use black color on the side instead of blue while keeping the white bar above……

why are the cases blue and not white instead? it would be much better

I was thinking maybe a different color case. How about a transparent grey case?

Should be a clear or white case. The blue case is a big misstep.

I feel the plastic casing should have been black instead of blue. That would have gone better with the white and black tones of the ps5 itself. What do you guys think?


Love it. So happy it has uniformity/ continuity with the PS4 look!

What’s this ESRB thing? That won’t be on my game and it literally will feature on the least amount of physical copies you are going to sell of the game overall. Makes no sense for it to be here then.
And why the blue box again? Why aren’t you going with a different colour to distinguish it from PS4?

I didnt like. It looks like ps4. I highly recommend to change the blue box to black color. It will be more matching with the blue console. Specially PS5 LOGO’S background is black

It could come in a paper bag as long as the game is good inside!
Now since you are revealing “important” items like this then how about the PRICE of the PS5? About to buy a RTX2080 and forget about all this cloak and dagger junk. Either beat Microsoft’s price or don’t but release it already. You know you can always change it if MS beats your price….well unless you paid too much for development :(

It’s Good But White 😐 I Need The Original Blue One I Hope Sony I’ll Release Black And Blue PS5 too

Instead of the blue color use black = greatnesses awaits

Come on be a little more creative not just make it white

Nthonnu theetado indaki vechekkane…allenkile 2020 bore aarnnu…neeyokke koodi nashippicholo tta nayikkale

I live the design simple but good love it

I really like that the colours match both the controller and the console itself, this will look so cool when you have the games laying next to the ps5.

Its look pretty. Next reveal the price and pre order date and release. Please thankd

I never understood why they make the cases so big. PS1 was the only one that made sense, having a case that’s the actual size of a disc… I presume it’s for promotional reasons, so the games ‘stand out’ more or something like that. But as a gamer I don’t care about that, and just because I prefer physical discs doesn’t mean I like wasting space…

The only thing I want is cheat codes. I have bad and eye coordination I like most storylines but can’t play the game. I think they missed most of my money because of this. There are people who feel this way. Just make it easy for some people to play. I would spend more money on games if they them. Don’t care for achieving the trophy’s. Just want to play games

It’s nice, but black boxes would be better! My opinion!

Looks clean but would love a clear or white blu-ray case as well

I really like this new look!! Been looking for a spot to bring this up – one “old look” I wish you guys’d bring back is The Drop. Boy, I miss it every darn week that goes by!

I think the Blu-ray case should be either black or clear (like the PS3) if they are going with the white & black color theme. I want to see the back cover now.
I understand the part of keeping the blue since its important but is in my opinion more of a core color to the white and black design, The blue should have been better interpreted in the box art rather than the entire case. The problem i think lies in the fact that people including me feel like it represent the Blu-ray and the Playstation 4 “Era” Which is great but feels out of touch since people want somthing new and refreashing that really represents the next generation as a whole. If you going for a bold console design go all out with the cases aswell.
A black case would have made more sense simply because its the new secondary color of the system and the fact that 4k as a whole have black cases.
Spinewise it’s very ps2 like!
Looks good, can’t wait for November
Good, now make your games run at 4k/60.
Thank you
This box art is decent by being similar but different but really wish, if would be more exciting to look at when it hitting store shelves
Neat looking boxart, can’t wait to buy the game when it drops down to $60.
Looks the same, but more generic. Looks like something I got from a website and printed it out back in the day when I bought a used PS2 game without a case, lol.
Looks like you started a template and just said “finished”.
I only buy digital though, so I don’t really care.
I’d keep the white, but ditch the blue and make the case a clear black to match the console better. Otherwise it just looks like a PS4 case with new art and would blend in too much with the PS4 cases on a shelf. Comes across as cheap imo. A new design across the top would be a welcome addition as well instead of the simple cutout. Maybe even just a subtle PS5 symbol in the corner, allowing more room for the artwork. Just my 2 cents
Would be nicer to have age ratings/studios etc on the back for a cleaner look.
I feel it looks good but its not different enough from the ps4. It will just get confused with the other games.
I have to agree with some others here who are more tempered in their assessmemt of the new box-art design. The plain white strip is too dull. I understamd the minimalist asthetic is part of PS5’s identity, but it is just too plain and it does look a bit cheap.
My simple fix to remedy this plain-ness would be to use the a gentle white PlayStation “Flow” as used in previous box art. You can use different tones to break up that large empty void giving it some character while still retaining the PlayStation identity and likely making the box-art slightly more appealing all at once.
I have no issue with the blue plastic cases. Blue is a company color and helps the software be easily identified by consumers. If its in the games section and it’s in a blue case everyone immediately knows its a PlayStation game!
Hopefully we’ll see box-art with “Flow” in the banner instead of a plain tone.
I like it a lot, but would have liked it more when the ps5 logo was also blue. But, great job Playstation! Keep going!
Very sublime, indeed. I love how the PlayStation signature blue is being retained for this generation.
❤️ PlayStation!
Personally I really like the look. It shows off something cool about the game that its trying to show off. It really makes people want to get invested into the game. The one and probably only thing I don’t really like about the design is the white line at the top. It seems too out of place to me. I think maybe a shade of blue or a black line would look better, but hey thats my opinion. Still can’t wait too see what it will look like in person. Keep up the awesome work.
I like the box art and blue is my favorite color but I’m wondering what the price tag will say.
Nice! But I think it would look better if the Plasic would be White
Love the design, can’t wait..
Is this a way to encourage players to buy digital games?
The case would look much better if it was black.
Yes that could be it