PS Plus: Free Games for January 2017

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PS Plus: Free Games for January 2017

A New Year and a new set of games coming to PlayStation Plus members! This month we have the excellent Day of the Tentacle Remastered and This War of Mine: The Little Ones.

First up, we have the zany Day of the Tentacle Remastered. This is a mind-bending, time traveling, puzzle adventure in which three unlikely friends work together to prevent an evil mutated purple tentacle from taking over the world. Originally released in 1993, this remastered game is a classic and not be missed.

Now, if you are looking for something a bit more serious, look no further than This War of Mine: The Little Ones. Play as a group of civilians trying to survive in a city under siege while struggling to collect food and medicine. Make life-and-death choices driven by your conscience, while dealing with the constant dangers of war.

Full lineup:

  • Day of The Tentacle Remastered, PS4 (Cross buy on PS Vita)
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones, PS4
  • Blazerush, PS3
  • The Swindle, PS3 (Cross Buy on PS4 and PS Vita)
  • Azkend 2, PS Vita
  • Titan Souls, PS Vita (Cross Buy on PS4)

Enjoy the New Year and new games!

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  • I’ve officially given up on hoping that the PS+ games will ever be worth it. So sick of these indies and shovelware titles. I’m not renewing my subscription.

  • Maybe Sony could add an alternative points system, where you accumulate points to get games instead. This could be a trade-off where you choose either more games (random monthly picks), or your own choice, but points would buy much less. Then limit the switch between the two to a max of once a month, maybe more. This might satisfy those who come to complain all the time while not changing the system for those that are fine with it.

  • The last decent free game was Yakuza 5.

  • Why you guys give us games so garbage, My new year begins with disappointment, I don’t plan to pay for my PS Plus Membership anytime soon.

  • nice! morepower!

  • Awesome month :)
    A friend of mine from work has been begging me to play “This little war of mine” for months, to get my opinion. And Day of the Tentacle should be played by everyone, it’s one of the best games ever made. Thanks :)

  • Yet another pile of crap from Sony. Increased the price to $70 a year and so far it hasnt been worth a cent of it. The freebies have been trash and havent even bothered with any of them since july. Sony looses to xbox live gold almost every month for quality of games.

  • Wow another amazing month! Thanks Sony! I have always loved the idea of paying for the privilege of playing online on a network as robust as PSN. I just wish there was a way I could somehow pay MORE for the great customer service, amazing return policies and fantastic network speeds.

  • Signed on the off chance someone from Sony read this.. I used to be a PS+ member but let my subscription lapse when the games started getting poor. Not ONCE since I did that have I questioned that choice – every month I check to see what the games are and all you do is reaffirm what a waste of money my subscription was.

    Until you start respecting subscribers (the most loyal of fans) I won’t be subscribing again.

    It’s bad enough that no decent games are getting released (my PS3 has been getting virtually all my gaming time recently) and that we’re expected to pay for what once was free… But that every month you keep putting out worse and worse games… Just forget it.

    Were it not for the exclusives I’d have jumped ship already… and that’s someone who still has his PS1-3 still sat waiting… I swear, you guys have no idea how to treat customers.

  • I’m sure some of these games are fun. I just wish they would add some co-op/multiplayer games into the lineup. The last multiplayer game I can really think of that we received was Magicka 2?

    I know it’s rare, but some of us have friends that we play games with :(

  • Month after month… disappointment after Disappointment.

  • I already bought dott but I’m excited for titan souls. Thanks.

  • I hate you sony, i hate you so much

  • Sony, seriously just stop. Once again you screw all of us with smaller/indie games or remakes. What is going on with how you choose games nowadays? It’s utterly ridiculous that we keep paying you for online play(which you didn’t charge for on PS3) and then keep shoveling out games almost nobody wants. PS PLUS is more like PS MINUS in 2016 and looks to be 2017.

    • yeah i agree with u

    • “PS PLUS MORE LIKE PS MINUS” may be the wittiest comment I’ve ever heard on here. Also, I’m sorry that Sony had sex with you without your permission, as a Rhodes Scholar such as yourself deserves much more respect than that. I happen to know that the Sony executives in charge of negotiating the deals with the developers to provide these games each month personally follow your comments, and they have let me know that there will only be AAA games pre-approved by you each month from now on. Kudos!

  • Also for everyone say “they are free games stop *****ing” they are not free they are rentals at best, stop your PS+ subscription and see if you still get to play these “free” games.


  • Expected better, but well we gotta try these too. I can’t handle point and click, and depressing games. Let’s see how these go.

  • please give us some good games in january

  • please give us some good games in february

  • Just saw cross buys. And I accept titan souls! Thx for that, always wanted to try it

  • Oh wow, thank you! I’ve been wanting to play day of the tentacle again for ages, and this war of mine looks great too. So glad I didn’t buy it

  • I used to moan about the choices of games but I choose to look at it this way….the money I save by buying games on saves outweighs the bad that all the games are. Besides any AAA title they put up for free they had on sale already for 50%, 75% sometimes 90% off anyway

  • The games look ok, for sure better than december line up I didnt like it at all. These games look ok, only thing is that there are no vr games again.

  • Why the heck are we only getting the PS3 version of BlazeRush when it’s also on PS4? That would’ve been really cool.

  • Just looked up the games and i dont understand all the hate these games seem fun i would like more bigger titles or more vr titles but to be honest this is not a bad lineup and its always nice to get more vita games. but haters will be haters at least this months games look interesting

  • Awesome PS+ Offerings for me! Specially with This War of Mine on PS4.

    I shed crocodile tears for all of you… entitled, neckbeard mouth breathing manchildren who always pound the table or keyboard while stomping your lil’ fat feet EVERY single time the PS+ offerings are not / or considered “BiG” budget “AAA” titles.

    Take your monthly $5 and buy some Kleenex tissues with aloe or save it for the games that you want given to you for “Free” you losers ;)

    More unique/indi and entertaining titles i always welcome.

    Thank You

    • Great speech. I also welcome indie games but most I liked in the list is Rocket League and Apotheon. I don’t even have time to play ps+ games, and I do criticize line up not because I don’t like it, but because I don’t see them putting an effort in satisfying people who support them. Putting an effort means caring.

  • Why are people complaining? There are some great games for offer this month. Day of the tentacle is a classic and This war of mine is also a really good game. On top of that you still get Titan souls which seems really interesting. On the PS vita the lineup was also pretty good but still we need more JRPGs as PS plus members if possible

  • I got a good chuckle out of this one :)

  • Yeah my kids will love this news when i will tell them about to Free Games for January 2017, They love to play games.

  • People saying these games are a let down, when Day of the Tentacle is heralded as one of the best games of all time. Well done 21st Century, all your children are broken

  • Titan Souls is a great game, happy to see it come to PS4, and This War of Mine has had my eye for a while.

  • Not sure how people can defend PS+ games on the PS4. Sony gave out great games on the PS3 and the PS4 has been quite disappointing. I also do not like this months free games and nobody has the right to complain about my opinion. It is mine and mine alone. In 3 years there have been many 4 decent months of PS+ games. That is a fact.

    • If you are going to complain about other peoples’ opinions in regard to defending the PS+ lineup this month, then people absolutely have a right to complain about your opinion. It goes both ways.

    • No, it does not go both ways. You have no right to complain about someone’s opinion. You can either say you like the PS+ games this month, or say you do not like them. You are in no way special enough to tell someone their opinion is invalid or stupid because they do not like the games in January. PS+ has sucked ass this entire generation. Only reason people still pay for this crap is because Sony is forcing us to if we want online capabilities.

  • There hasn’t been much for me, there never really is. I just restarted my plus subscription in Aug. I’m bummed out, but I’m aware not everyone feels this way. I don’t require AAA games; I’d just like to see more variety. I really liked Everybody’s gone to Rapture, that was something I didn’t expect! I hope there’s more choices this year, more that I’d like. For the time being, my PS+ is for online play and a discount once in a blue moon

  • I’m going to make a comment here because I want some random entitled poster with more time than sense to reply to me about how bad this month’s lineup is.

    In the end, there are four components to PS+: online gaming, free games, backup storage, and sales.

    Between those four components, Sony tries to ensure that there is at least something for almost every gamer. The easiest is sales, since developers are always keen for sales. Free games are a much harder sell, so they offer the games that devs are willing to ‘give away’. A lot of indies are keen for the ‘advertising’ so they are usually more willing than, say, EA.

    But if you look at this month, there have been games of every genre imaginable for sale with some pretty significant ps+ discounts. Buy a few games every now and again and you’ll make up the cost of PS+ there. But if you’re just looking for free stuff, then you might have to wait a bit longer before PS+ caters to you.

    • @Sehulir “Free games are a much harder sell, so they offer the games that devs are willing to ‘give away’. A lot of indies are keen for the ‘advertising’ so they are usually more willing than, say, EA.” And yet there’s AAA games from Ubisoft and Square Enix given to gold members for free on Xbox One. Therefore, there’s no reason for the PS Plus lineup to be nothing more than just indie games. And if you Sehulir, are still defending every PS Plus lineup having nothing but indies, then you are as blind and deaf as every single Sony fanboy defending them as well.

    • *@Seluhir

    • You are aware most of the g4g games are like 6 years old and only cost 5 dollars in the online store regular price, right?

      The reality is simple:

      If you’re ONLY interested in the free games, you’re going to be waiting a lot longer before the system caters to you than if you take advantage of the free games AND the sales that PS+ offers.

      But woohoo! I got my entitled response! So proud. :)

  • Already own Day of the tentacle. Otherwise, I’d grab that right away. Not too interested in the other PS4 offerings

  • more cheap indie games yay

  • more cheap indie games for free yay

  • Just canceled my auto renew as I never bought a PS4 to play mobile games and that’s what the majority of 2016’s games feel like to me.

  • With games like these in 2016 and the price that has gone up…do I even still need PS Plus…I’m starting to doubt it very much. The offering on the ‘other’ side is A LOT better.

  • Finally some love for the Vita after 7 months of freemium/mobile trash. Great month, cant wait. If only i didnt have a 16GB card…

  • The people giving a positive spin to this junk are mostly shills paid by SONY.

    • It’s true. It’s a conspiracy akin to PizzaGate, or even 9/11! Hell, the same actors may be involved! I’d suggest changing your name and potentially a relocation program for your involvement in blowing the lid off of this thing. Get out while you can!

  • Titan souls. That’s what’s up. 4 games wooo!

  • I agree with people who are disappointed in not having more AAA games for PlayStation 4 plus. I have played indie games and I appreciate the time and love it takes to develop them but the reason I buy the next generation of PlayStation or any other console is for the power and next level game play. Since I have a PlayStation 4 give me games that are designed for the power it has please. I can play indie games on my smart phone or computer. The whole point of next generation is to tout new generation power capabilities (which is what any console company does to sell them). I do not need a game form the 1990s on my PlayStation 4.

    • Then take advantage of the PS+ sales. If you bought even one game that was on PS+ sale this month, you saved more than the cost of PS+.

  • Oh nice, this war of mine!

  • I have to admit….the game choices lately have sucked. I get it, there are indie fans here that think we are getting all of these great games but to be honest, I haven’t played a game that I felt was worth the monthly price since they gave us “Gone Home” or “NBA 2K17”

    You would think that they would have given us Watchdogs, or just any kind of game with some substance but we constantly get these cartoonish, weird games that only appeal to a fraction of PS4 owners.

    We should be given a poll where we can vote on the games monthly or have some kind of input since they certainly aren’t giving us anything worth the price.

  • This is a new, all-time low.

  • more meh games……….. sony is making plus a dreadful thing tbh. first they make it pay to play online and people were pretty ****ed. people get excited for the free games and most of the time it’s indy games. sure some indy games are great but seriously, stop with the indies every month. well thats the end of my complaining.

  • I really miss PS3 ps plus games :/ back in the day there was hitman,mass effect, Batman etc. Now we even pay for online gaming and all we get is some 2d crap or retro things for plus games ☹️️ Babel

  • Should’ve given Gravity Rush Remastered out to drum up hype – any hype, any hype at all – for GR2 :/
    Sony’s handling of GR2 has been disastrous. They didn’t promote it at E3, instead shoving Days Gone into the presser twice (who knows when that boring game’s even coming). They fail to show it in all sizzle reels/ads, opting to show, like, Spider-Man (again, a long way off) and Infinite Warfare instead. They failed to make the recent demo or anime any kind of event; didn’t learn jack from Ni-Oh’s demo release. And that anime quietly releasing on Youtube? Why not, like, have Toonami air it as a special?
    Do SOMETHING to promote GR2 ffs, Sony. Care about games that aren’t grungy, realistic, “narrative-focused” (gameplay-hating) bore-fests. Why even publish it? Give it to XSeed or Atlus – someone who’d care about it? Sony used to do that; they let Atlus publish SkyGunner on the PS2 for instance. Its pathetic watching a company who harbors so much disdain for colorful, fun, “4 quadrant” titles (to borrow the movie term) have to quietly publish them. Who’s making these decisions at SCEA, and why do they hate good games but love grimy zombie shooters so much? Stop acting like Xbox. >:(

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