PS4 System Software 4.00 Will Feature Folders, UI Refresh, More

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PS4 System Software 4.00 Will Feature Folders, UI Refresh, More

Our beta for PS4’s upcoming 4.00 update, codenamed Shingen, rolls out soon for everyone included in the public beta program. If you signed up and were selected, be on the lookout for an email with instructions on how to download.

Whether you’re in the beta or not, we wanted to give everyone a glimpse at some of the new aspects of this system software. We’re refreshing the system UI, adding tools for organization, updating the Quick Menu, and much more.

UI Refresh

We’ve made a lot of adjustments and improvements to PS4’s main user interface. That includes some changes you may notice right away, like new system backgrounds and a revised What’s New tab, to smaller changes like updated popup notifications and redesigned system icons. As a whole, it all adds up to a more refined and easy to use UI. The overall look and feel of the UI remains the same — it just has a fresh coat of paint.

4.00 beta Quick Menu

Quick Menu

As you know, pressing and holding the PS button on your DualShock 4 brings up the Quick Menu. We’ve overhauled this menu to make it faster and easier to use. One big change is that the menu now only covers a portion of the screen, meaning you don’t need to leave gameplay entirely.

We’ve added several new items to the Quick Menu, letting you quickly get info without having to back to the home screen. You can see the online status of your friends, and shortcuts to quickly access your Party, Favorite Groups, Communities, and more. You can also customize the Quick Menu, removing or adding items as you see fit.

4.00 beta SHARE menu

Share Menu

We’ve given a similar overhaul to the Share Menu, which appears once you press the Share button on your DualShock 4. Like the Quick Menu, it only covers a portion of the screen. It will save the last social network you shared video clips or screenshots to, making the process of sharing a screenshot or video a bit faster and more streamlined.

You can also upload longer video clips to Twitter (was 10 seconds, now up to 140 seconds).

4.00 beta Folders

Folders and Library Organization

One of the big requests we get is for more options to organize content on PS4. With this update, we’re adding functionality to create folders on PS4’s content launcher and Library. This will help collect your favorite games and select apps in one place for quick and easy access.

We’re also making some pretty big changes to the Library. We’ve added a new tab called Purchased, which will show all of the content you own — games, applications, demos, and betas you’ve participated in. As a result, the Games and Applications tabs focus on content currently installed on your system. This should help de-clutter your library, and make it faster to find the content you’re looking for.

There are some new sorting tools for your Library as well. You’ll be able to sort content by purchase date or install status, and search for specific games and apps via text input.

Trophy Improvements

This update brings the ability to view the Trophy offline. You’ll see a new “offline mode” option if your system is unable to connect to the network, letting you view your entire Trophy collection without an Internet connection.

We’ve also added a button that will let you view the content of a Hidden Trophy. The Trophy will still be hidden by default, but you can now choose to show the Trophy name and info.

Lastly, we’re changing the icons that show how rare a Trophy is. Instead of four boxes that fill, the icon looks like a pyramid with the ultra-rare Trophies at the top.

4.00 beta User Profile

User Profile

We’ve updated the look of the User Profile, making it easier to see relevant info for a player at-a-glance. For instance, you can now see your Trophy progress compared with another player right from their profile. You can also add a background image to your own profile — perhaps a screenshot you took in one of your favorite games.

The update has even more features that won’t be available in the beta, so stay tuned for additional info on what to expect. We’ll be back with more info on 4.00, including its launch date, in the coming weeks.

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  • Please add the ability to pause your playstation plus membership and add the ability to have other apps open at the same time like youtube

  • Will it fix the surround sound? It’s all stereo now with optical. Both headset and surround sound systen is only stereo 2.0

  • Cambiar el nombre de usuario,algunos queremos esa opcion Sony Playstation.

  • I have the beta and it don’t have msgs for the option to put in your quick menu. That would be a good one tho.

  • Omg they actually made it Xbox

  • I’d love a faster way to turn off the system, should be one of the selectable shortcuts.

  • We really need the feature where we can send videos through message and also attach multiple photo at a same time. PLEASE TAKE THIS IN FOR CONSIDERSTION

  • I’ve always wondered why the PS4 never had the same functionalities as the PS3. Why did we have to slowly wait for themes to become accessible, as well as many other obvious choices, like folders. They gave us a lot with the PS3, and then they stripped it all down when we upgraded. I’m happy with this update, but, to me, it seems it could have all been avoidable if it would’ve already had many of the same features from last gen.

  • Are you people ever happy? You complain about everything PlayStation do.

    Just because they don’t release what YOU want, doesn’t mean they suck. They work hard to make the PlayStation better and you complain, just because you won’t use the folders, doesn’t mean no one else will. The background and quick menu is pretty cool.

    Wow you can’t change your name you shouldn’t of chose such a ****** name to begin with.

    I like this update and pretty excited for it, unlike these ungrateful people

  • I’m stuck with this name i made when i was about 7 or 8 so I’m really hoping that “additional info on what to expect” includes name changes.

  • I have a request to make. Please add an official Jet Black dynamic theme with a black background, white text and blue icons with gray boxes. (Consider it a terrific 3rd year support gift for PS4 owners).

  • When will we get custom wallpaper and music background, you know, to make our custom theme. Oh yeah…you guys want us to pay for themes…

  • The folders has spoken!


  • How about unbundle some of the apps (like that VR crap for people with PS Cameras) and put them on the PS Store instead. Would save storage for many of us.

    Additionally, are they finally going to allow us to unpin the bloatware media services in that section of the home screen? I still have apps that aren’t even installed listed above the ones I do have installed, which means I have to navigate MORE to get to the content I have installed/access to on my PS4. Never mind it looks terrible with all of those download tags.

  • one QUESTION will there be more Beta codes given out, i missed out and DESPERATELY want to try it out plz answer.

  • Give us an option to turn off the stupid lightbar entirely, and let us use external hard drives because you were too cheap to use an SATA III chipset in the damn console.

  • I love that gravity rush remastered is in the favorite games <3

  • The folders will be a great add on for me especially when I put this 3tb in my PSN It’ll be easier to sort my games and find them

  • I’m so excited for this update to become live! Many of these features sound awesome! I am most excited for the PS button to not cover my entire game screen, add a background to my profile page, and FOLDERS! Since I have very few games, I see myself using folders to group games in one and apps in the other (such as YouTube, the PS store, etc.). Will remove so much clutter!

  • Also: I wish that there was a way that I could more easily access my settings (such as adjusting my audio/headset volume, since I primarily use that to listen to my games and such instead of my TV speakers) while I am playing a game or watching a DVD/BluRay. As it is now, it forces me to pause my game/movie/TV show just to adjust the volume up or down a few notches. Perhaps this “quick menu” is going to do just that? If someone knows, I’d appreciate the confirmation! (I don’t have the beta, just learned all about this today.)

  • They need to add a quicker way to turn of the controller in the quick menu. When I watch movies, I alway turn of the controller so I don’t accidentally hit a button. I hate I have to go through the quick menu and click on a bunch of things to get to the option, they should do it like they did on ps3

  • How do you find out if you got chosen for the beta???

  • SONY, please let us change our gamer tags, charge us for changing it around 5-10 dollars if you have to, I’m sure everyone will appreciate it.

  • Honestly I would just love to be able to put my music, which I’ve already bought and paid for, on my ps4 like I could on my PS3. WITHOUT having to pay a monthly fee to stream music over my ****** internet connection so that i can listen to music that, once again, I’ve already PAID for elsewhere.

  • Why are you still not increasing party size limit

  • When are we going to be able to start changing the gamer tags on the ps4 ?

  • Ps3 games should be compatible with the ps4 it would be perfect…

  • Ps3 games should be compatible with Ps4 that would be perfect…

  • New update sounds great . Was wondering if they plan on adding a password function to our pictures gallery. Would be nice to keep out other people for your private pictures. Also would love a wish list for playstation store for ps4 . I check out games regularly trying to find ones i like and will buy later . So this would help a lot . How do we sign up for beta updates and games ?

  • I signed up for the beta and wasn’t chosen .
    But hopefully the next beta testing I’ll get chosen I love to test new software as I already do that for Major companies: Apple (Security Firmware Developer), Google (Android 7.0) and Microsoft (Holo Lens)

  • This should be the least of anybodys concern we now have to pay more for online membership but the servers are so bad you can’t play or hardly talk to friends I hear x box doesn’t have these problems I have owned every Playstation and loved it but now I’m thinking of moving to x box please fix this I hate Xbox others need to complain

  • Looks great! Keep up the great improvement s.

  • Ps3 games compatible with the Ps4!!! PLEASEEEEE!!!

  • When are you opening Bluetooth access to all the devices ps3 had? I will not buy more earpieces or headphones etc.. Also pst had a thumbnail picture of the Blu-ray movies I had in the console. Why can’t ps4 ?

  • When New Update Come up

  • Me and some other friends have had times on different ps4 games where there were griefers or cheaters or maybe just an an unsportsmanlike attitude and we are only able to report that persons playstation name itself and to my knowledge the only way close it to have them send you a ps message and report that. So if there was someone in a competitive or ranked game for instance trolling you or your team, as of right now there is no way to directly report that person for what they’ve done and they get off scott free. Just a thought and if I’m completely wrong, forgive me im a dunce

  • When will it be available for me, iam so freakin stoked for this please let me know ASAP

  • This looks amazing and sounds great. The new UI sounds like it’s going to rock!

  • It would be nice if the quick menu could show you the time

  • Plz put a mute option to the groups, sometimes I want to play but they are talking in the group so I receive every second a message, and that ruins my beautiful ps experience

  • Sounds good but I still have to log in with a PSN name that has no connection to me as far as who I am and on social media. It is long past time for Sony to allow us to change our PSN ID. Social connectivity is one of the great benefits of the internet age but I can’t connect who I am in life with who I am as a gamer because when I made my PSN I didn’t use my name. Iv’e been punished long enough for it too, I have bought 1000s of dollars of Playstation products and deserve a chance to make this change.

    • This is what people don’t think of when they say “Oh you need to live with your mistake”, but that’s not always the problem… People may grow tired of their PSN username, and usually for good reason. Someone did suggest making an entirely new PSN account, but the problem there is that you no longer own the games that you purchased on the old account. I won’t be changing my PSN username any time soon, but I really do support this suggestion.

  • We should be able to change our PlayStation ID’s

    • That may require the construction of a UUID like what Mojang did with MineCraft. I don’t personally need to change my PSN username, but there are a lot of users that grow tired of their username and would prefer to change it. So Sony, at least look into this idea. I’ve seen a load of users on this blog requesting username change options.

  • I don’t know if this is something that developers have to do, but I wish I could save game data on to external (USB) hard disks. This would make transferring games to other consoles easier.

    Maybe you are playing a sandbox game like MineCraft, but you cannot upload your creation to the internet other than a simple video.

    Or at least a file browser that allows you to access your application save files so that you can copy / paste these saves to your internal / external drives.

    • Once I looked into weather I could or could not copy my save from Grand Theft Auto V onto my USB drive when I got a new PS4. I was mildly disappointed. I ended up playing the whole game over again though. This time I collected all of the director’s mode animals… or did I?

      Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, circle, ex, options.

      I do think that the ability to download or upload saves for games like MineCraft would really benefit the community.

  • Another thing I personally want–and wouldn’t be surprised for everyone else–is the ability to upload a custom profile picture to your PSN account. This cannot be done and I really want to use the profile picture I use for all of my account as apposed to this random horizontal lines thingy (I won’t use the other available ones because I don’t like them).

    • You are allowed for a custom one just download the PlayStation app and u have the option to add a picture from ur camera roll.

  • So, can we remove demos we don’t want in our library with this update? Would be nice to have on the PS3 as well.

  • Still waiting on ability to change usernames Sony…
    Keep up the good work though

  • The 4.00 update is great but they should make u be able to change your notification color to something else than white

  • Can we delete betas from library???

  • This is gonna be really nice since I hold the share button a lot to make videos can’t wait!!!

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