PS4 System Software 4.00 Will Feature Folders, UI Refresh, More

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PS4 System Software 4.00 Will Feature Folders, UI Refresh, More

Our beta for PS4’s upcoming 4.00 update, codenamed Shingen, rolls out soon for everyone included in the public beta program. If you signed up and were selected, be on the lookout for an email with instructions on how to download.

Whether you’re in the beta or not, we wanted to give everyone a glimpse at some of the new aspects of this system software. We’re refreshing the system UI, adding tools for organization, updating the Quick Menu, and much more.

UI Refresh

We’ve made a lot of adjustments and improvements to PS4’s main user interface. That includes some changes you may notice right away, like new system backgrounds and a revised What’s New tab, to smaller changes like updated popup notifications and redesigned system icons. As a whole, it all adds up to a more refined and easy to use UI. The overall look and feel of the UI remains the same — it just has a fresh coat of paint.

4.00 beta Quick Menu

Quick Menu

As you know, pressing and holding the PS button on your DualShock 4 brings up the Quick Menu. We’ve overhauled this menu to make it faster and easier to use. One big change is that the menu now only covers a portion of the screen, meaning you don’t need to leave gameplay entirely.

We’ve added several new items to the Quick Menu, letting you quickly get info without having to back to the home screen. You can see the online status of your friends, and shortcuts to quickly access your Party, Favorite Groups, Communities, and more. You can also customize the Quick Menu, removing or adding items as you see fit.

4.00 beta SHARE menu

Share Menu

We’ve given a similar overhaul to the Share Menu, which appears once you press the Share button on your DualShock 4. Like the Quick Menu, it only covers a portion of the screen. It will save the last social network you shared video clips or screenshots to, making the process of sharing a screenshot or video a bit faster and more streamlined.

You can also upload longer video clips to Twitter (was 10 seconds, now up to 140 seconds).

4.00 beta Folders

Folders and Library Organization

One of the big requests we get is for more options to organize content on PS4. With this update, we’re adding functionality to create folders on PS4’s content launcher and Library. This will help collect your favorite games and select apps in one place for quick and easy access.

We’re also making some pretty big changes to the Library. We’ve added a new tab called Purchased, which will show all of the content you own — games, applications, demos, and betas you’ve participated in. As a result, the Games and Applications tabs focus on content currently installed on your system. This should help de-clutter your library, and make it faster to find the content you’re looking for.

There are some new sorting tools for your Library as well. You’ll be able to sort content by purchase date or install status, and search for specific games and apps via text input.

Trophy Improvements

This update brings the ability to view the Trophy offline. You’ll see a new “offline mode” option if your system is unable to connect to the network, letting you view your entire Trophy collection without an Internet connection.

We’ve also added a button that will let you view the content of a Hidden Trophy. The Trophy will still be hidden by default, but you can now choose to show the Trophy name and info.

Lastly, we’re changing the icons that show how rare a Trophy is. Instead of four boxes that fill, the icon looks like a pyramid with the ultra-rare Trophies at the top.

4.00 beta User Profile

User Profile

We’ve updated the look of the User Profile, making it easier to see relevant info for a player at-a-glance. For instance, you can now see your Trophy progress compared with another player right from their profile. You can also add a background image to your own profile — perhaps a screenshot you took in one of your favorite games.

The update has even more features that won’t be available in the beta, so stay tuned for additional info on what to expect. We’ll be back with more info on 4.00, including its launch date, in the coming weeks.

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  • I don’t understand people who own 2TB hard drives complain about lack of space and want external HDD. I still have the original 500GB HDD and I manage just fine. If you have 2TB worth of data, I’m sure there’s a lot of things you can delete.

  • Honestly very excited for folder and UI improvements but I still need external HDD and SSD support, psn name changes, and custom backgrounds and custom community themes for free like on ps3 not just 1st party payed themes. I can never get cool themes because they’re all payed. :(

  • If anyone working with playstation see’s this I would love a feature to adjust the voice volume of other players alone(not like the master volume feature). With some headsets that dont come with this feature it is sometimes hard to hear some player’s voice’s over game sound and vice versa. This feature addition would add a better sound quality enjoyment.

  • And how about that Socom game we have been asking for?

  • These are all great, but something I just don’t get, especially now that they’ve made changes to the trophies: why can’t you sort the trophy list? You could do it on PS3 and Vita. On the PS4 however, it’s always in the unlocked order, which means scrolling past HUNDREDS of games in effectively a random order to look at an older trophy list. Surely it’s not that much work to implement such a thing…

  • Being able to add music to the ps4 would be nice. We don’t need quick menus unless it’s to read and respond to messages.

  • Really happy to see folder support. Now I can put l of my awesome Shoot ’em Ups (AKA SHMUPS) into a single folder and my PS2 games into /PS2… Maybe soon I will be able to put my PS1 games in their own folder too.. hint hint…:)

    I’d really love to see Sony add external hdd game storage support as well. The 2.5″ 2TB drives just are not enough space when games are taking up 50GB each. I’d love to buy more games and install them to an 8 TB external hdd.

  • Can we please get CD playback?? This was promised 3 years ago and we are STILL WAITING. Let us change our PSN names too!!

  • I saw that there will be trophy enhancements. I feel enhancing the trophies to show % complete at achieved and first % to achieve the trophy to date. Example:

    – Trophy Recieved: August 13, 2016
    – Completed Percentage on Achieving: .52%
    – Percent order of completion to date: .02%
    – Current % complete: 14.53%

    maybe even:
    – Completed order #: 142nd to complete

  • I appreciate the new functions, but I am really missing one feature.

    Every time you announce a FW update I hope you’ll add customizable controls when using remoteplay on the Vita.

    If that is impossible then please at least give us the possibility to choose the original remoteplay controls (back touch) in every game like you have already done in PSNow.

    The latest game experience that gets held back because of strange controls are No Man’s sky.

    I love the game, but I don’t understand how someone thought that it is a good idea to use L for secondary fire and R for melee, while shooting/mining is mapped to the top right of the front touch screen and scan is done by pressing the top left.

    “..On the PS Vita, though, you can arrange where on the touch screens you want the R2/L2 and R3/L3 buttons to go.  You can have them all on the front touch screen, all on the back, a little bit of both.  Whatever is more comfortable.”

    (from reviews2go’s PSNow review)

    • Same. It would be awesome to use the touch (front or back) as R1 and L1on No Mans sky as its hard to shoot and aim in the game as you need to use the top part of the touch screen the running and scanner is absolutely fine though as its easy to run and feels right to scan using the touch screen at the bottom. This needs to be done like switch R L buttons and the touch pad fuctions as well. As some games can be good if you change them around but sadly its not.

  • Looks good to me, Thank you Sony for your hard work that you do for us.

  • Can i get an automatic beta acception… also what will this do to the 1000/1001 models which are slower then the 1002 models because the ui now is slow in games like real slow. Will this make it even slower then normal or is the UI going to be faster then before during games. Apparently 1002 model (mechanical buttons to fix the previous problems which i still have) its UI is faster then the ones before.

    Any way love the new look and cant wait.

  • It’s Very Nice
    Thank You Sony

  • Would like to make the trophy sound ding stronger on ps4 i can barely hear it when the trophy pops , on ps3 the trophy sound is perfect can we have that on ps4 please

  • sooo… can we change our PSN name?.. ill gladly pay 10$ to change it!!

  • The profile background sounds awesome! :D

  • What about mic interference???

  • I love the idea of being able to put all the games I own in one folder instead of having to scroll across the menu bar. Thanks.

  • The UI refresh looks really nice.

  • Awww i wasn’t accepted in the beta :C I would love to try it out.

  • These are awesome features, thank you!!

    Will we ever be able to delete trophies that are more than 0%? I understand it’s a security issue but what might work is if we have to type in our password to confirm, then get an email notification like “you have deleted the following trophies… if this was not you, please contact…” and there could be a 30-60 day period where we can undo the deletion.

    Being able to organise trophies would also be nice!

    Looking forward to update 4.00!

  • I really hope an option to PSN ID change is available in a newer update.

  • I didnt get selected for the beta even though i DID sign up

  • Really hope we’re going to be able to remove icons in the TV & Video section for apps that we don’t want. My most frequently used ones should always be at the top too not changing their location every time you go into that section.

  • wow Love the new Update

  • How about adding folders for friends already??

    When you have 15-20 people you actually know, and 150-200 random people you maybe enjoyed a game or two with. Its pretty hard to know who’s who.

    Just add a create folder option so I can put 57 in Destiny. 9 in Destiny Raiders. 45 in Diablo 3. 18 in People I Actually Know In Real Life. And so on….

    The option for making “Favorite Groups” is just stupid and annoying. When you add someone they automatically gets added and if someone write in the group everyone gets a message. And then people start leaving because it’s ANNOYING! And then the group is pointless to use for sorting your friend list.

  • OMG, the thing i am excited for is folders, i have so many games stuff is soo hard to find but with those its gonna be 10x easier to find stuff. Thank you sony!

  • 0 and 3 for the 3 ps4 beta updates so far TT_TT maybe they will roll out code throughout the day. I really wanted to be in at least 1 beta update

  • Hey Guys :)
    I wanna a beta key because i have a little youtube acc and i want to do a review about the beta 4.00 :)
    Have a great day ;)

  • Great! Just what I have wanted!

  • Man I signed up back when it was 1st announced, I really hope I was choosen! Will there be a rejection email as well so we atleast know we where considered?

  • Just glad to see folders, but the ui improvements are appreciated.
    Now if only the complete edition of Bloodborne would go on sale… And drop MGSV:TPP to $15-$20. ;)

  • I signed up a month ago, hope I was chosen for the beta

  • Please let users change their usernames for a small fee of 1 million dollars! No but seriously it would be awesome to change my PSN ID.

  • DEAR SONY, CEO Playstation, Playstation Staff,

    I’m very disappointed that another huge update is upgrading the system which will be modifying the built in stream feature. Its been the same since the release of the system. From someone that uses the built in stream function on PS4 daily i must say the only stream overlay is absolutely ugly. We have no options to change where “display message to viewers” is placed or font. The comments on the side are absolutely terrible with smashed messages taking up a portion of the screen. We should have a option to overlay chat over our game play without that overlay.

    The camera as well have had the same filters Toy camera, Pixel ect are bad. No one uses these filters when streaming. Also maybe an option for a border or design to go around the ps4 camera window or different shapes ect.
    Also seeing all these streamed line options would be nice for streaming. Accessing any other things on system givesd viewers a blue screen which looses viewers. Why not have a quick options that can pop up to quickly turn off comments, video, mic ect
    When Playstation NEO is released. I hope your company considers 1080p Recording and 1080p Streaming. with all that power its something to consider.

  • I need my PlayStation 4 update please

  • Besides the folders this looks like Xbox 1 UI

  • All I really ask for at this point is the ability to change my online ID.

  • Can we please also have an option like the PS3 had to list the trophies in alphabetical order? It was a very nice and easy feature. Now that the trophies can be viewed offline, that is the last update I would want out of the trophies.

  • Please figure out how to allow External HDD support. It’s been in every other console (Wii/Wii U, Xbox 360/Xbox One) since LAST GEN, even the Wii can do it! At the point that I’d rather buy an inferior version of a game on the Xbox One than on PS4 just because I can install it on an External HDD and I don’t have to scroll through my PS4 HDD looking for something to delete every time I want to play a new game!

  • Please, please, please provide a wishlist in PSN. There’s so much digital only content I’d like to buy, but can’t afford it all at once. I can use Amazon to keep track of physical releases, but I need to keep track of games that are download only.

  • When is the beta releasing?

  • I wonder why in previous versions of the firmware, we could see on the menu of each game installed, which friends have the game too. Now its gone…..

  • Still no PS1 games support? I would like to know when an update to support PS1 is coming. I hope the answer won’t be never. PS4 is the only PlayStation console not able to play PS1 games.

  • Hi! Will there be more improvements to the great text to speech feature? Hoping for more areas where it’ll work!

  • PS4 Remote Play(PC) Version is not compatible with PS4 System Software 4.00, so for those of you that are heavy remote players keep that in mind as a new version is not yet available.

  • Folder! play station! Sony

    Good Job
    And support for IRAN.

  • Why are people saying max space for a ps4 hdd is 4tb (on this topic)? Just curious; I have a 6tb hdd working (5.39TB), and I have heard that you may be able to use a 8tb hdd too.

  • This is amazing sony , how about a calibration option for brightness and contrast , thx again really your work is appreciated

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