PlayStation Plus: Free Games for June 2016

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PlayStation Plus: Free Games for June 2016

PS Plus fans, we’re pleased to share with you two excellent PS4 PS Plus games for June.

First up, to help get everyone hyped for the NBA Finals, we’ve teamed up with 2K to add NBA 2K16 to the June lineup. One of the most critically acclaimed sports titles ever, NBA 2K16 has tons of great gameplay for everyone. With robust offline modes like MyCareer and MyGM, and deep online modes including MyTeam and MyLeague, there is an incredible amount of content to offer all types of gamers. So be the baller you always wanted to be and guide your team to the NBA Championship.

Next up is Gone Home: Console Edition. Gone Home is one of the most talked about titles from the last few years for good reason. While it’s an interesting exploration/adventure game, it’s the narrative of Gone Home that’s so remarkable. The game has a strong development team, including Steve Gaynor, who worked on a few titles in the BioShock series. The Fulbright Company (now just Fullbright) created an intimate and unique story that is well worth your time.

Full lineup:

  • NBA 2K16, PS4
  • Gone Home: Console Edition, PS4
  • Echochrome, PS3
  • Siren: Blood Curse (Episodes 1-12), PS3
  • God of War: Chains of Olympus, PS Vita
  • Little Deviants, PS Vita

I’ll see you in the comments section. Enjoy.

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2 Author Replies

  • Gone Home is kinda meh. I already own Blood Curse (which you should really check out if your into Survival Horror)
    NBA2k16 looks like it will be fun

  • Shadow_Prophet55

    Looks like Sony has screwed it up again…. Thanks for nothing… Where are the AAA titles??? I don’t play sports and most of the indie game are low caliper…

  • Worst line-up I’ve ever seen. A sports game and a walking sim? lol. Also, Echochrome? Out of all the titles we could’ve gotten, we got that minimalistic puzzle game? I’d get more use out of a YouTube Red subscription at this point. I don’t even play multiplayer that often, so PS+ is not worth it at all at this point.

  • fijianbrownguy17

    Is NBA going to be the full game ?

  • This is a good collection, although I do not like Sports games, especially basketball, NBA 2K16 is a very popular game and I’m sure many people will be glad to have it for free. As a keen PSP player I personally can’t wait for God Of War: Chains Of Olympus to complete the probably best collection of PSP games for free.

  • Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the worst ps+ lineup. I have never felt the urge to comment on these until now; that is how bad this lineup is. No doubt that sports fans are pumped about this, but I have a feeling the majority of your user/fanbase aren’t sports fans. For the last few months, it seems like there’s been maybe one game that’s been worth trying out each month, so maybe next month you could knock it out of the park and have 2+ GOOD games? Also, what happened to all the cross compatible games? I used to have at least 3 games a month that could be played on PS4 and sometimes up to 4. I also have an Xbox One and they’ve been putting out FAAAAARRRR better games than you have for quite some time now. If this keeps up like it is, I’m probably one of MANY that won’t be renewing their PS+…

    So, in summary:

    -This month sucks
    -Most video game nerds don’t eat up sports games or artsy indie “games”
    -Do better next time
    -Where’s all the cross compatible games for PS4?
    -Xbox’s Games with Gold makes you look like a joke.

    • Maybe you are right that in the US sports fans arent a majority of the fanbase,
      although games like the Madden and NBA franchise are always in top 10 sales figures in US

      In Europe they are a majority…

      The FIFA franchise is always the #1 selling game in Europe.

      95% of the PS4 games sell more units in Europa than they do in North-America
      (only Madden NFL ,NBA and MLB games sell more units in US than in Europe,
      but these sports are also way more popular in US than in Europe)

  • Yes, the nba 2k16 makes junes line up to be the best in months, specially when most of you even thought to buy the item with the full price. At least, thats my case. Saludos!

  • Again another disappointing month of free games psn is not as good as it used to be c’mon Sony give us some better top titles please go back to the good old days of old

  • One of the best lineups yet. Keep this type of lineup up.

  • I’m not a fan of basketball, the only basketball game I’ve really liked was NBA Street Vol. 2 and Street Hoops. But a friend says that NBA 2K16 is a really good game, so I’ll check it out before I give an opinion and Gone Home looks to be a very interesting game.

  • AWESOME!! Im just confused cause if 2K16 on playstation plus right now at the moment its not popping up, i need some help if this is the case and if its not out yet can someone tell me when exactly.

  • A lot of these comments are really hard to endure. The lineup this month is great. And that’s coming from someone who already owns Gone Home on Steam and will not be playing NBA 2K16. There’s so much other stuff out right now, how can you seriously get mad about a month of free games that are fantastic for those who are into the genres? If you’re going to cry every month that Sony doesn’t tickle your taint, go buy an Xbone. We don’t need you in our community.

  • Why is 2k still $59.99 in ps store?

  • I don’t really like NBA I like Fifa way more but a lot of my friends have it so it’s a good game

  • yet another **** line up might as well flush my $17 down the toilet

  • Everyone is complaining for what??? I have a PS4 and an XONE i have no interest n any of the games on either console but will more than likely download at least 1 from each just to give it a try!! They had great games for under $5 a week ago and i purchased 3 of them 2 of them were little big planet 1 and 2 not knowing i couldnt play them on my ps4 but luckily i still have my ps3. My point is everyone is complaining about something u r getting absolutely FREE stfu its so annoying reading all these negative comments!!

  • It’s blessed for 2k16 but next month we need evil within that would be blessed and put DMC on there

  • I should have just let my Playstation Plus subscription end.I am so tired of the crap they offer as part of the subscription. I wasn’t happy with the choose the game either. I wish that Playstation Plus wasn’t required for the ps4.

  • Nice lineup im going to hate waiting but this month is worth the wait.

  • juanorlandoperez

    Hola! Me parece una muy buena selección de juegos y mas cuando el 2 arranca La Final de la NBA, ahora bien lo que no me parece es que debamos esperar hasta el 7 de junio gracias!

  • I’m pretty happy with the lineup. My friends and I will definitely give NBA2K16 a try when we get together for co-op gaming. I have been waiting for Gone Home to come to the PS4 since I first saw it reviewed for the PC. I’m super-excited to play it.

    On the Vita, Little Deviants looks pretty terrible, and anything God of War at this point just elicits a jaw-breaking yawn from me. Echochrome seems like a nice, relaxing puzzle game. I played the demo and wasn’t blown away by it, but if I’m getting it for free, I’ll certainly give it another shot.

    On the PS3, my friends RAVE about Siren: Blood Curse. There aren’t enough *good* survival horror games left, and this one looks like a winner.

    Not too bad, Sony. Not too bad.

  • I’d like to point out to the all people complaining about the lineup that Siren: Blood Curse, Gone Home and NBA2K16 have an average Metacritic score of over 83. Just because *you* don’t want to play these types of games doesn’t mean that they’re not good and doesn’t mean that no one wants to play them. I like sports games, I like survival horror, I like puzzle games, and I’m just as happy playing a good low-budget indie game as I am playing a good AAA title.

    And after all, you’re paying the equivalent of less than $5 a month for this service, so sorry if you don’t get *exactly* what YOU want every month.

  • Well that sucks :( I already own both those games…onto July I guess

  • Awesome! Was about to buy NBA for the kids. Can’t wait.

  • more crap


  • The_Taco_Bear915

    I didn’t get my free nba2k16 or gone home help please?

  • LOL, people just want to complain. I think that whenever you get a AAA title (or really any title that had originally cost $60 on release) for free, it’s a good PS+ month. I haven’t had an NBA 2K in a couple years, but it’s the best basketball game currently on console.

    I already own Gone Home, but it was a great game and even better for free.

    Good job Sony!

  • The lineup is good if you give it a chance.

  • This is a great lineup the people saying this lineup sucks are just not sports fans. One of the best lineups I’ve seen in a while. I’ve been wanting to play NBA 2k16 for a while now. And now I get to for free that’s awesome thanks Sony.

  • People will always find something to hate. But, at least try a game before you rate it. Its not like your paying for it.

  • God of War was the Vita game in May…and it doesn’t work because it’s so buggy. Honestly the worst example of a buggy game ever…doesn’t even get past the opening cutscene.

  • Blitz is the only sports game I’ve ever enjoyed. It was free like three years ago on PS+, and it was chimerical. The majority seem in favor of NBA 2K16, so I’ll give it a go.

  • Being from England, I have very little interest in anything basketball related, but likewise, I have very little interest in running round & shooting people, but I still love to play games like CoD, so I will download and try out NBA 2K16 at the very least.

  • I just want to say that I enjoy the games EVERY MONTH. If there is a game I already thats just fine. Ii dont give it a second thought. The games that they choose are usually highly rated games! If its not your cup of tea then thats fine. Is there really need to complain? Id rather you guys just keep your thoughts to yourself…its embarrassing reading them everymonth. But think about how much the service costs and what some of you think you deserve…it just does not add up. I swear some of you want every NEW. game out to be for free…..and if they are not then you get panties in a bunch.

    Anyways I think most of us LOVE the service but you just dont hear from us.

  • Pretty good line up, but next time you guys give us a sports game at least make it ANY other sport than basketball. Madden, NHL, The Show or even a golf game would be better than basketball. But like I said before, i’m still pretty happy with this line up for sure.

  • Baskset ball?!

    No one gives a s**t about basket ball outside of the US.

    Lame line up.

  • 2 months in a row that they have given a game worth more in value than it cost for a whole yearly PS+ membership. What a bunch of rubbish these people are. Don’t they understand they are supposed to come to my castle each month, kneel to kiss my pinky ring, then inquire how best to meet my preferred gaming expectations and how best to keep me pleased. I might get angry do something most heinous and deplorable like CUT OFF THEIR PS+!!! Once they are aware of my status as King of the world and have bore witness to the power I possess they will be allowed to beg and grovel at my feet for my forgiveness. Once granted, they will go fourth in my name to the masses of PS+ and do for they as they had done for me. Bestow upon them whatever titles they may desire so they not wheep not break out in fits of displeasure then blog about it to everyone on social media sights in hopes they may get someone to rub their back and play them a song from the world’s smallest violin

  • It’s my first time commenting on here but i was reading the comments and xbox was mentioned so i had a look at their last few months free games including this months,not only do they have a better line up of games but they can play last gen on current gen consoles.Come on Sony time too step it up,i would love to play my ps3 games on my ps4 without having to pay for another subscription.

  • How can u complain about getting free games? I remember paying for Xbox live years ago which cost more than it does now and you didn’t get free games. If you actually complain about getting free games you have a sad life

  • Surprised at the comments from people saying that this isn’t a good lineup. Quite frankly, this is one of the stronger free games lineups that i’ve seen from either PS Plus or Xbox Games with Gold recently. In the last few months, i’ve found Xbox’s lineups to be better, but 2k16 (incredibly made sports title) and Gone Home (a very special video game) is a great lineup.

  • I can see American gamers would like nba game but what about the rest of us. Why not give Europeans fifa. I’m not a sports game fan but it makes sense

  • TippyApollo4859

    Good for people that like sport games bad for people that don’t. Maybe they will do a different triple A title genre for next month…hopefully.

    • Maybe i just wish alot of these other users would stop crying like we are getting a AAA title at least show some appreciation

  • OMG!!!! This lineup is so Beast af!!! #POWERTOTHEPLAYERS!

  • I’m getting an xbox.

    • Your such a little scrub “Im getting an xbox” Gtfo then if you cant appreciate a good lineup when you see one.

  • wow sony… thanks a lot for this unbelievable group of games. keep up the good work :)

  • My goodness, what glorious games–
    Is what i wish i could say, but this month’s games are complete and utter ****.

  • I’m very disappointed Sony thought you said you teamed up with 2k than why not make this aviable across all platforms I’m sorry I can’t afford to buy a ps4 and still have a PS3 but why can’t I have 2K16

  • @Grimzors Sony already gave us Super Meat Boy and I am pretty sure we got Xcom in the last year. So that’s half of June’s Games for Gold.

  • For everyone who is complaining and moaning and being little babbies shut up stop this is the first of many actual good AAA titles to be available for ps+ users you guys who are whining are simply just not guys if your crying about NBA 2K16 its basketball way better then these crap indie titles we get every month STOP CRYING LITTLE KIDS ITS ANNOYING.

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