During our E3 press conference in June, we introduced Horizon Zero Dawn, a brand new, third-person action RPG from Guerrilla Games coming to PS4 in 2016. This month, PlayStation Heroes is giving you the opportunity to support the USO by purchasing a Horizon Zero Dawn theme for PS4.
This theme will only be available through PS Heroes, so head over to PlayStation Store now to pick it up. With 90% of your purchase going to the USO, PS Heroes makes it easy to support the troops. Purchasing the exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn theme will also enter you for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to New England to play Madden NFL 16 with Rob Gronkowski, the No. 1 rated tight end in this year’s game.
You have until September 1st to support the troops, purchase an exclusive theme for Horizon Zero Dawn, and get a chance to win a trip to New England to meet Rob Gronkowski. The reaction to PlayStation Heroes has been tremendous so far, and we’re super excited to offer this experience, as well as a great opportunity to give back. So pick up the Horizon Zero Dawn theme now and make a difference!
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