PlayStation Now Subscription Program: All The Details

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PlayStation Now Subscription Program: All The Details

You’ve been able to rent games through PlayStation Now for several months now, but many of you have asked –- what about a subscription? I’m pleased to announce that starting January 13th, we’ll launch a subscription service for PlayStation Now that will provide instant and unlimited access to a catalog of more than 100 PS3 games. And since you’re using PlayStation Now, you can enjoy the freedom to quickly discover and play a wide range of full games without downloads, installs, or patches (not to mention trips to the store). The subscription service will be available first on PS4 across North America, and will come to other PlayStation Now enabled devices in the future.

You’ll be able to choose from two subscription plans: one month for $19.99, or a three-month package for $44.99 (about $15 per month). The subscription provides access to a large and diverse catalog of PS3 games, ranging from action to RPG and everything in-between. Check out our launch trailer for a sneak peek.

PlayStation Now Subscription Program: All The Details

We know that there are many PS4 owners who never owned a PS3 or had a chance to play some of the great games it offered, and this subscription provides an easy way to catch up on games you may have missed.
Want to try before you buy? Well, good news! We’ll also offer a free seven-day trial to the subscription program when it launches.

PlayStation Now subscription will have strong and growing support from our publishing partners, and at launch you’ll find great games in your catalog from the likes of SCE Worldwide Studios, Warner Brothers, SEGA, and many others, including indie developers. Here’s a look at some of the key titles:

PlayStation Now subscription (US)

There’s strong value with the subscription, as you’re getting access to over a hundred great games and lots of hours of game time. What’s more, we will be adding even more games over time, so you will always have something great to play.

Also, to celebrate the launch of the subscription service, a free PlayStation Now theme will be available for PS4 users in early January. If you download the theme before January 31, you’ll be automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to win a one-year subscription to PlayStation Now. I hope you will give the new PlayStation Now subscription a try, and I look forward to hearing your continued feedback as we grow the service.

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22 Author Replies

  • Few things:
    What happened to the Metal Gear Solid collection?
    Will we be able to use PS Plus cloud saves? Like, i played through half of God Of War Ascension, then went to play on ps now and I gotta start over. Even with a cloud save from ps3 still up there.

  • This is definitely what I’ve been waiting for and I’m fully on board. The only thing is, I have al current gen platforms but im definitely a major playstation fan going back to the ps1.i was a bit concerned about the price. I already have multiple subscriptions I pay including ps plus so I wanted to say I agree with many people here that say 15 a month with 10 for 3 would definitely be an awesome deal. Im already planing to get it but this would definitely help my wallet. I have been as plus member for quite a while and a discount for members would be appreciated. Thanks for all you guys do and I hope you guys can consider these ideas!

  • I see LocoRoco on that list… Are we gonna be able to play PSP games through PS Now!!!??

  • please playstation answer my question and dont avoid it ive been a playstation guy since the first ps i still have my games ps1-2-3 which i happly play on my ps3 i havent touched my ps4 in about 7 months+ because you guys are going south with this system so basicly we have to pay around 200 dollars a year to play games most people already own and seeing the fact we cant play none of our old ps1-2-3 games or in fact not even our downloads you pretty much want us to fork overa ****load of money and pretty much start fresh and pay more not happening at least not with this playstation owner and im pretty sure millons other just from reading these comments and i know you guys read these so if you choose not to answer well then at least i know you readit

  • Since everything PlayStation Now is tied in to our SEN Account, if we sign up for the Subscription on the PS4, does the subscription continue over to other PlayStation Now Enabled Devices? Let’s say I payed for it and started playing Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time for example, do I have to pay for it again if I continue it on another PlayStation Now Enabled Device such as a PS3 or Vita? Do I have to pay a Rental Period instead of just continuing it for “free”?

  • Might just be wishful thinking but do the PS3 PSN based licenses carry over to PlayStation Now?

  • If I go to play a game using PlayStation Now on my PS4, like NBA 2k14, and my friend owns NBA 2k14 on his PS3, would I be able to play it online with him?

  • Yeah, not going to pay $180 / year for that selection of games. Not much there that I haven’t already played, or got through Plus, so I could easily buy the few games I’d be interested in for a lot less than even 3 months of subscription. Also, it’s only a subset (~100) of the total available games on PSNow (>200), so even if I had a subscription I could still find myself having to pay to rent games that weren’t on the subscription list? No thanks.

    And then there’s the question of what happens the next time Sony gets hit with a DDoS attack, something that seems to happen on at least a monthly basis these days. Anyone and everyone with a PSNow subscription will be out of luck if that happens. At least with physical games I can still play them offline until PSN recovers.

    Personally I’d do pretty much anything to NOT be dependent on Sony and PSN for my gameplay, they’ve already proven that they don’t have the resources to handle the increasingly regular attacks.

  • Maybe I missed it as I didn’t read every comment, but in any case….

    You say new games will be added monthly, but will it be a revolving library or an ever expanding one?
    In other words, will any games ever be removed from the catalog??

  • Can’t say I’m a fan of this YET. I’ve played probably most of those games and of the games I have not played only 2-3 peek my interest. That mixed with limited time to play games… I would not see the value in the money I would spend.

    It’s new I have faith but I adopted Plus from day one and have not regretted it… I can’t say I will do the same for this. Look forward to a growing list of games in the future thought and will keep my eye on this service.

  • ppl saying this is bad and overpriced are young ppl who dont have a job. this is perfectly fine. remenber sony is a business. they need to profit.

  • SONY!!!! you are liars you pretend you are better than xbox but you are not!
    on the ps4 we can not game share when you deceived us and told us we could liars!!!!! it is called game trading that’s not what we wanted you set the ps4 up just like xbox1. now I find out that if I have another account on my system that account would have to buy another set of map pack for advanced warfare. its bad enough you xboxers in disgusted are making us pay to play on line. if I had of known that sony was going to turn out this way I would have never bought the ps4 and would have trashed ps3 a long time ago.
    your long time customers are pissed!!!!!

  • It seems like a cool service, but as a person who owns a lot of games for PS3 digitally, the service doesn’t care. I pay the same as everyone else to rent games I already own, if they’re even available at all for the subscription option. Also, I can’t access my cloud saved games. I’m sure there are technical reasons for that, but it still doesn’t give me any hope that buying digital will be anything other than a more expensive and restricted way to play. Color me disappointed.

  • This is a great idea. Keep the list fresh and I can see myself being a constant subscriber.

  • I love this idea, I really do. I always envisioned PSNow as a subscription based service anyway. The charge per game for a certain amount of time to play it really turned me off to using the service. My only real problem with it now is having to pay $19.99 per month on top of my PS+ Subscription. I think a PSNow discount for PS+ subscribers would be a great incentive. Don’t get me wrong, 100 games for $19.99 per month (or $44.95 for 3) with more promised to come is a great deal, I just think having to pay for 2 different services to enjoy PS3 games is a bit excessive.

  • I think a $49.99 3 month now/plus combo card would sell well.

  • Great news! Quick question does the subscription cover all the profiles (accounts) on my PS4 or will each account have to scribe?
    I have 2 kids and they like earning trophies. However, the only way to do this with the current plan is to rent the game under each profile.

  • see, this is what people want… be able to have the full libraries of the older systems onto the new…keep it going!!

  • Any chance or word on getting Disney Infinity 1.0 from the PS3 available? Would love to be able play that.

  • definitely a good start. not exactly the price point i had in mind (was hoping for $9.99 w/ 1 year commitment), but regardless, it’s a huge improvement over the previous pricing.

  • i feel i would be more into this if there where newer games on this kind of like a missed market scene rental stores have for the most part died out.

  • Awesome to see Sony doing this, hopefully you guys will be adding some higher quality titles in the next few months. :)

    I’ll be signing up on the 13th, great to see PS Now becoming a full blown service.

  • This is something I could get on board with. I hope the price drops eventually, or there’s some sort of discount for PS+ users, but this is way better than the individual games. I only have one question. Will there still be an option to rent individual games [provided that there is no available subscription on the account,] for those of us who don’t have the means to buy a subscription?

  • come on sony i have be with playstation for 20 years now the price is to high 20 $ for all the same games that has be out for years i have be plus menber since day one

    buy all system ps1 ps2 ps3 ps4 since day one

    you have to make a better offer and stop only think US NA

  • Like Tristan77 said:

    – If you bought a PS3 game on PSN and that game is on PS Now catalog and you have PS Plus then you can stream that game on your PS4,with PS Now,for free even if you don’t have a PS Now subscription.

    Great idea to get this service promoted by all your Plus members and add a ADDITIONAL benefit to get MORE Plus subscribers! Also, how about being able to stream Plus games on your PS4, that are in the Now subscription. That would be ANOTHER benefit to be a Plus member!

    I will not use this service. I have a HUGE backlog of Plus games to get to on my PS3. That is why I have not got a PS4. But if the PS3 Instant Game Collection from Plus were made available on PS4 with the Now Subscription. A LOT of people I know would pick up a PS4 tomorrow and Subscribe to Now! Including me!

  • hell yeah! I will definitely be subscribing at those times when I’m just kind of waiting between buying retail games.

  • Well did you forget us that we already purchase our digital games that not carry over to PlayStation Now ? It sorta disappointed and still ignore us. I see Onlive bring my PC gaming to streaming service between Steam and Onlive. So I not have to download to my HDD anymore or if my graphic card is outdated. Thanks Onlive but what about you ? I brought many digital games that not come to PC, I was hope to play those games once it streaming service similar to Onlive.

    It’s 2015 com’on it’s not old, it’s new and We are the Future.

  • This is incredibly great! Will we be earning trophies for these games for PS NOW? So like for example i already played the Last of Us for the PS3 so if i play it again for the PS Now subscription will i get the trophy again? Or….???

  • hmm not worth it sense i have PS3 still alot of games for it. It would be nice if you could offer PS1, PS2, and PS3 Emulator’s to play all the video games on the PS4. PS1 and PS2 games are 100% possible using emulating software. PS3 can happen but it will take some time but is possible and i can think of two ways of doing it. PS3 Emulator use new codes base on the hardware or software to run on PS4 by mimicking codes of the PS3. All PS3 games wouldn’t need software updates at all but emulator software would need alot of tuning to work.

  • first off PSN has proven to be unreliable as we saw when many of our Christmas were ruined by the outage and one too many maintenance secondly I find the price to be too high when some of those games you can actually buy for a couple of dollars . A year of this service should be no more than $60 even with the addition of PlayStation one and PlayStation two games that they have promised it would not justify the cost Sony should take a real hard look at what the competition and doing and stop trying to nickel and dime us loyal PlayStation members. PS. I feel really sad for anybody that supports this service at this price as it shows that they could take advantage of us .I for one will not be supporting this model

  • Set me up at $9.99/Month for 1 year and you got a new subscriber.

    Otherwise, I’ll hold off until a good discount rolls around.

    Good effort, but no, thanks.

  • PlayStation Now need new PS4 and PS3 titles in order to gain my interest. As far as I’m concerned your competing directly with Gamefly.

  • Just need to add Resonance of Fate to it and you’ll have so many more subs :)

  • Give me an excuse to buy this and we’ll talk. Like some new PSOne/PS2/PSP classics that aren’t already on the store. Until then I’ll pass.

  • Sony I agree with alot of posters here your pricing I belive needs to be alitte bit cheaper like $9.99 a month if you want to be successful. Also I think there should be some kind of discount for ps plus subscribers.

    Also I was wondering if there was going to be any other solution for the people like me who can’ t get fast enough internet speed in the area i live in to get ps now to play ps1 ps2 ps3 games on ps4.

    I’m talking about emulation not streaming like you currently do on ps3 for ps2 and ps1 games

    Also anyone reading this who has used ps now can you tell me how good the streaming quality was.

  • Paying real money just to wind up with at least as much display lag as a no-name budget TV (on top of whatever lag your TV already has)? Not a chance.

    You’re far better off just stopping by the local used games shop and grabbing a real PS3 and some games.

    Seriously, many of the TVs out there are already laggy enough to be garbage for games, and THAT only involves a signal round-trip of a mere few feet. An input-to-game-to-display round-trip that goes over the internet is PHYSICALLY GUARANTEED to be AT LEAST that bad, and the actual reviews of the Now service have pretty much all confirmed that. Sony’s purchase of that streaming service was an obvious mistake right from the start, due to the fundamentally insurmountable technical problems involved in streaming anything that involved high-interactivity. They should have sunk that money into emulation technologies instead, because that already has proven feasibility and doesn’t suffer from such a fundamental flaw.

  • Great news! Ive been wanting ps now to have a subscription! How or will this work with the ps tv?

  • So Mexico is out of the supported countries?

  • This is a nice offer, but the prices are still pretty hefty since it’s likely on top of a PS+ membership. You’re asking for over $200 a year from us for these things, and that’s a lot. Can you promise there won’t be more? Yes, we arguably get a lot for that money, but it’s still a lot of money, and that’s assuming we don’t buy any games. $200 a year in subscriptions, $40-$60 a new game? This is a lot, guys. You guys are “winning” right now and you’re letting it get to your heads. Instead of that, do things to widen the gap between you and the other guys even more. Act like you’re losing. Do things to win more.

    The fact that this isn’t available on other devices is also a questionable decision. They have Now on them already, surely it shouldn’t be that difficult to implement. If you don’t believe your servers can handle the potential traffic, isn’t that a sign that maybe that should have been dealt with before, rather than after?

  • Lastly, the decision to not let players use their previously purchased digital titles is just one I can’t support. If I had to guess, it’s probably because of PS+ titles that have been obtained for “free,” right? If someone has PS+, they’ll have gotten a ton of games for free, that they can then stream for free on their PS4s. That’s an understandable concern.

    And you know what? There’s a simple solution to that, which I’ve been pushing for for a long time: Give PS+ users the option to rebuy games they have gotten through PS+ to turn them into games they “own” through PSN, then make it so that games obtained through PS+ don’t apply to the potential “owned games can be streamed free” PS Now could have. Alternatively, PS Now could offer a significantly lesser subscription that only allows games players have already bought through PSN to be streamed to their devices.

  • The fact is, as understandable as it is that backwards compatibility had to go on the PS4, with this service and its prices, it just looks to the consumer like a money grab.

    “You bought these games already? Too bad, now you have to pay again.”

    Why should anyone bother paying for anything on PSN anymore if this is the precedent you’re setting?

    “Announcing PS Now Plus for PS5! Pay $50 every three months to play all your favorite PS4 games on the PS5! With the combination of PS Now, $35 every three months, your PS5s can play PS games from all generations, but only so long as you have a $50 a year PS+ account to allow your console internet access!”

    I realize that’s an overdramatic example and I hope it never gets to that, but this has to stop Sony. This model just isn’t consumer friendly when you consider how many years some users have put into their PS3s and how much money they’ve put into them, especially considering online support for it will inevitably end like the PSP’s did recently. Then what? “Too bad, buy PS Now”?

    I implore you to rethink this and consider some of these suggestions before Now leaves this costly “Beta” phase. You’d have my support.

  • 180$ for a year? Wow. Sorry I don’t have that much money. I can’t even get a 100% lag free experience doing remote play locally from a PS4 to a Vita.

  • Not to be that guy but, what happens when the system is down for 4 days again? That’s a lot of money to pay and have periods of interrupted service.

  • I still prefer downloadable games and physical copies of a game. Maybe if you add in a huge library of PS2 games, I might consider. But then again, I still prefer downloadable PS2 classics. Any chance to have PS2 classics coming over to the PS4?

  • I think a standardized pricing set-up would be more beneficial to both PlayStation and the consumer. $1.99 – 4 Hours, $5,99 – 7 Days, $ $7.99 – 30 Days, $14.99 – 90 Days would be an ideal price for this proposed standardized pricing.

    There should be a rent to own program established in some fashion. I believe PlayStation Now should offer the consumer the oppurtunity to buy the recently rented game. (Perhaps even add incentives, if the consumer buys the game for Full Price within an hour or two of their rental ending they get a 10% discount or something like that)

    In comparison to your own product PlayStation Plus which is $50 for a yearly subscription, Playstation Now is a rip-off. Especially when most of the titles available aren’t recently released titles. It would be one thing to charge prices like this if you were providing the rental of games on the day they were released and not just a catalog of games that vary in age.

    PlayStation Plus subscribers should have some sort of discount incentive or somthing when using the PlayStation Now. That should just be a standard across the board and I’ve been flabbergasted since the arrivial of PlayStation Now.

  • pay for the games that we already have makes no sense!

  • This is really cool, especially for people who spent their time with the 360 before leaping into the PS4 ecosystem. But I assume there are lots of us who stuck threw the PS3’s initial growing pains, and eventually played & enjoyed the best games the console had to offer. I, for one, consolidated shelf space by trading out my PS3 and its library to embrace my PS4 fully. My motivation is this new-gen, more refined graphics, and experiences that take full advantage of this powerful machine Sony effectively advertised to me.

    There are some titles I missed, namely South Park: Stick of Truth and the Saint’s Row series, that I hope make it through any red tape with PS Now. But $20/month for that, on top of my Gamefly subscription? I’m forever the optimist, but I can’t see the somewhat-cool nostalgia of playing something that’s 5+ years old motivating me to maintain a consistent $20/month cost.

    In perspective, I pay less than $10/month to watch entire HD series’ of shows that would run nearly $100 on Blu-Ray with Netflix, and movies that’d range from $8-$20 at Best Buy & Amazon. The cost-value breakdown doesn’t fully add up for me.

  • Can you add ps2 online multiplayer for games like socom 2?

  • $44.99 for only 3 months? Yeah, no thanks. If it was that for a year I might bite, but that’s way too much.

  • Also, why are some games only available on the subscription package?

    I would think that, for example, the entire GOD OF WAR Saga and THE LAST OF US, which was used to demo PSNow, would be there. But GOD OF WAR HD is only on the limited subscription and only ASCENSION is on both. The rest are MIA.

    And not a single RPG. And hardly any Horror titles, for that matter.

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