PS Plus: Preview September’s Free Game Lineup

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PS Plus: Preview September’s Free Game Lineup

There’s a little bit of déjà vu going on as our PlayStation Plus members will once again receive two games free the day they hit the PlayStation Store – Velocity 2X on PS4 and Joe Danger’s release on PS Vita. Of course, there are other great titles including Sportsfriends on PS4, PS All Stars Battle Royale and Hoard on PS3 and TxK on PS Vita.

On PS4, Plus members will be able to download Velocity 2X and Sportsfriends. Velocity 2X is the sequel to Velocity Ultra and features arcade shooting and puzzle platforming with a cool teleportation mechanic. Sportsfriends is the perfect title to complement your parties, as it features 4 mini-games – BaraBariBall, Hokra, Super Pole Riders and Johann Sebastian Joust– to bring out the competitive side in everyone.

For PlayStation 3 owners, you can nab PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, the game where you can get together with friends and pit PlayStation characters like Sly Cooper and Kratos against each other. And Hoard, an action-strategy title where you’ll play as a dragon attempting to get as much gold as possible.

PlayStation Vita owners can pick up Joe Danger for the first time on the platform and enjoy some good old fashioned stunt racing, as well as TxK, a remake of the classic arcade shooter Tempest.

All of these games will be free for Plus members starting September 2nd. If you want to see these titles in action, check out the video below.

September PlayStation Plus Preview

Velocity 2X
Velocity 2X (PS4, PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
Use the Quarp Drive teleport to outsmart the evil Vokh in race-tuned space combat, then dock your ship, jump out and continue the fight on foot! Velocity 2X is the visually dazzling action packed sequel to Velocity Ultra, featuring amazing puzzle-platforming action alongside award-winning shooter gameplay!

Sportsfriends (PS4, PS3)

Free for PS Plus members
Sportsfriends is a compendium of award-winning local multiplayer games for living rooms, parties, and even backyards. Featuring: retro-styled fighting game BaraBariBall, QWOP-like pole vault dueling game Super Pole Riders, high-velocity sports game Hokra, and face-to-face physical party game Johann Sebastian Joust. All the games are playable with the DualShock®4 wireless controller, while Johann Sebastian Joust can be further enhanced by the PlayStation Move Motion Controller (sold separately).

PS All-Stars
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale (PS3, PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
From Kratos to Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth to Parappa the Rapper, Sony characters from all over the gaming spectrum are brought together in a fighting adventure that’s both easy to play, and hard to master. Take the battle online for competitive multiplayer action, or go head to head with a group of friends on the couch and prove once and for all who’s really the best!

Hoard (PS3)

Free for PS Plus members
HOARD is an innovative fast-paced arcade action-strategy title from Big Sandwich Games that puts you in control of conquering a medieval kingdom. Your goal is to build a giant pile of gold to sleep on in your lair. YOU ARE THE DRAGON: Scare villages! Burn castles! Collect treasure! Roast pesky knights and thieves! Compete or co-operate with other dragons in epic multiplayer battles!

Joe Danger
Joe Danger (PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
Take Joe on a ride from zero to hero in a game that lives up to its big brother with no compromises. Eye-popping super-smooth 60FPS graphics use only the very brightest colours on Vita’s lovely screen, and we’ve revamped the JD control scheme so it plays just as nicely, too, including touch controls for the editor modes!

TxK (PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
Glowing vectors, explosive particle effects and a pulse-pounding soundtrack are core elements of many modern arcade shooters – a style that Llamasoft defined with its seminal 90s tube shooter. TxK is the spiritual successor to that genre-defining work and brings you 100 levels of engrossing score-chasing gameplay, married to an outstanding soundtrack that will have your head nodding as you blast your way onto the scoreboards.

We want your feedback so please take a moment to take our poll and leave us a comment below. To chat about all things related to PlayStation with a massive community of gamers, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums and make your voice heard.

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  • Bad month. PLAYSTATION ALL-STARS BATLLE ROYAL is decent enough. Everything else is absolute trash.

  • Glad I did not renew my ps+, I wouldn’t even pay three fiddy for all those games combined.

  • V 2X wow!! didn’t see that coming. Also wanna check aout Joe Danger.
    Once again lots of LOVE for Vita!

  • To everyone calling all indie games “trash”: I dare you to try every game on offer for the rest of your PS+ subscription–stick with it just long enough to get through the tutorial (or if there is none enough time to learn the basics) and see if you really hate it.

    I’m almost 30. I’ve played a ton of games. So many of the AAA offerings these days make me yawn because I’ve had the same experience dozens of times before. But I had never seen the mix of Monster Hunter + Metal Slug that was Mercenary Kings, or so deep a roguelike experience as Don’t Starve on a console, and Strider brought back a nostalgic experience that hadn’t been done that well since Shadow Complex. I haven’t gotten around to some of the offerings yet, but I’m not about to call them “trash” without trying them first.

    I mean, I get it. When I was 8 years old, my parents would try to convince me how good veggies were, but I’d take one whiff and shove the plate away. Two decades later and there are still some food-stuffs I can’t bring myself to try . . . but I’m a little more daring. What’s the danger? If I like it, that’s great! If I don’t, I wasted a little bandwidth and a little free time.

  • This is an extremely lousy month.

    I can accept that the PS4 offerings aren’t going to be spectacular. It’s not going to make much business sense to give out new games for a new platform where there isn’t as much competition as there is on more established platforms.

    And I can accept that the Vita offerings will usually be indie stuff, since that’s all the Vita even has at this point.

    The PS3 has a huge library though. It has hundreds of classic AAA games. It’s ridiculous that in 2014, we’re getting a game like Hoard, which is a four year old forgettable indie PSN game.

    Earlier this year, in one month, we got Metro: Last Light, Remember Me, and Payday 2. PS Allstars doesn’t even come close to that.

    Give us stuff like Saints Row 4, Metal Gear Rising, Beyond, or God of War: Ascension. I’m tired of artsy indie tower defense sidescrollers dominating Plus each month. Is it really that much to ask for a couple AAA games each month?

  • @Rohsiph so… I can play indie games for less on my ipad. Ive played a lot of indie games and 100% and platinumed the others, but we cant keep getting the same over and over. I dont have a Ps4, Ps3 nor a vita just to see crappy graphics on a 60 inch full HD. I like veggies, but prefer a good quality steak, beef, ribs, etc.

  • Why is it impossible for PS4 to have PSone and PS2 classics? There are many emulators that work really well on PC, why can’t the PS4 which is based on a x86 archiquecture have a truly good emulator for Playstation classics?

  • Honestly should I buy Child of Light while it’s discounted or is it going to end up free on PS+ on PS3 in upcoming months?

  • Boo, I usually keep my mouth shut because there is at least one quality game, even if it is not for me. Not a single studio quality game this month? why? looks like Sony is looking to squeeze out the IGC so that they can charge the new ps4 customers monthly for things that used to be free.

  • Can’t state this enough to Sony but enough with the cheap indie games for plus members on PS4. If you’re going to force us to have plus to play online at least give us a triple a game every 6 months. It’s been non stop indie since launch. Were past the point of saying it’s still too early when their are plenty of games that can be offered especially launch titles. You obviously don’t care what I or many others have to say about this because you keep pushing the indie games and you and the industry keep trying to force us to love them.

  • Oh and there was a time I enjoyed games like these, the 90’s.

  • @207

    Ch2423, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    You think indie games are just cheap filler? So you tell me, do you think No Man’s Sky and Wild are filler? In fact most of e games you see on PSN or XBL have BEEN indie ever since both stores have been establish. They just never had the term “indie” until fairly recently.

    So if you want to sit here and say “indie” games are a fad that will die out by mid to late next year, you’re full of nonsense. Because indie games have been keeping the industry afloat for the past 8 years and counting.

    In fact, one of the biggest game studios out there started out as an “indie”. I’m referring to Sony’s own Naughty Dog Studios.

    Too many children here with too little understanding…..

  • Hi, how about giving us some old games. These are games that aren’t making any money, but are still great games that more people should play. An oldie from time to time would be great.

    Disgaea 3
    Eternal Sonata
    Heavenly Sword
    Killzone 3
    Mirror’s Edge
    Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
    Prince of Persia
    Ratchet and Clank Future: The Quest for Booty
    Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
    SOCOM: Confrontation
    Soul Calibur IV
    Valkyria Chronicles

  • To those hating on indie games Velocity Ultra was amazing go play it then play 2X it’ll be amazing too.

    Now the other games I can see people hating on them All Stars was missing something and Joe Danger we’ve had already.

  • Meh. A few months ago this would have bothered me, but not now with Destiny just around the corner (and all the other upcoming releases.)

  • I think this is the worst Plus month EVER. Literally.

  • Worst month in 2 years for me :(

  • You Can’t always get what you want, You Can’t always get what you want…LoL.
    Already got/bought most of the offerings and i’m not bothered one bit.
    Looking forward to Velocity 2X and Sport friends to add on my catalogue.

    Just because Game X, Y and Z doesn’t cater to “YOUR” particular tastes it doesn’t mean others will find this selection “The worst ever”.

    My solution would be for Sony to digging their back catalogue and trophy patch some of those classics Then offer them exclusively to plus subscribers. Folklore, Siren ect. ect.

    My .02

  • No way Velocity 2x for free?….no fu***** way….wow what a great month…I wish my brother had not bought PS All-Stars some months ago..I knew it was coming for free soon enough.Anyway Hoard?….man thats amazing….does that means that we may not lose the hope to see old games in the IGC?…. please kami-sama.

    Thanks for the sweetness Sony.

  • Thank you for the new content. I haven’t heard of some of the titles but I’d love to try them because so many hidden or missed gems were found on PS+ and I’ve loved the heck out of those games.

    Fez, Dragons Crown, Dead Space, NBA2k14, all free, and all recent examples of great games given away for PS+ subscribers, and I could go on and on with the great games.

    I know this comment will be hardly seen, and its not that big of a deal what Ior a lot of say on here but I wish there was a way to upvote or downvote comments, and maybe even hide them. Too many people complain on here about the free games not being what they wanted or whatever their reasoning is for not liking the FREE games. I love to hear happy excitement for the games in the comments, and I know the Sony bloggers do as well.

  • Awful month. All terrible games and more indie trash for the ps4. give us knack already

  • Heya, how about giving us Hoard for the VIta? You know, the psp version..

  • Weird, all the complaints on this post. Looks like a pretty month for me, with lots of Vita love.

  • Thank you! Maybe the following month we’ll get some free #3D titles such as when we got Trine. :D

  • Looking forward to it!! Thank you

  • Crap, crap and crap. PS Plus this is hasn’t been all that great to be honest. I will say it again, it will continue to be crap since they are trying to push PS Now and until it fails, we will get CRAP

  • Wow I’m sorely disappointed. While I appreciate the free games, this is the first month I won’t even bother downloading anything because there’s nothing that will hold my interest. Can we please stop pretending that indies are full fledged games and thus deserve a spot as main offers for PS Plus? They’re enjoyable, but only in the sense that they give people something to do. Most have little to no story that holds the players attention and get old very quick.

  • Enough with the terrible indie platformers! Yes, free is free. And we’ve had some great options over the years, but since the new structure has been put in place, the options are terrible. August had Crysis 3, which is a great, big name title – except that it was already offered for free just a few months earlier. Like many people here, I’m not complaining because I expect only the very best, it’s just that PS+ has consistently given us amazing options, and now they consistently don’t. Not everyone loves or wants side-scrolling platforming games…over and over and over and over. Throw in something worthwhile like you used to…:(

  • Brand new games for both PS4 and Vita? Very nice. The only thing more amazing than the value of a PS+ subscription is the vitriol with which this announcement was received.

  • Weak month. You can see the quality they offer is declining month by month. Is this ps+ or Games with Gold? And for those who say that they only release good titles during game droughts how does that explain June, July and Aug. I hate complaining about free stuff but PS+ has gotten worse while the competition has steeped up their offerings.

  • Haven’t read through the comments to see if this has been answered but:

    Playstation All-Stars should be a Cross Buy title, right? Excited regardless.

  • Wow finnally i can see a little love for PSVita owners. PS Battle royale(and three more games)!! amazing!!

  • hot dog this is the best ps plus lineup in a year thank you!

  • How about that second reply from Paul Sullivan? WOW! Even he knows how bad the September PS+ offerings are.

    “Hope you all find something you like, and if not, there’s always next month.” Paul Sullivan

    September will be three poor months in a row. Basically since E3 and the change in the format of the program (2 for each system).

  • I’m looking forward to TxK. I nearly bought it when it came out but decided against it. I didn’t like the idea of buying a Tempest-like game with motion controls, but I like the idea of getting it for free(ish)! Can’t say I’m too excited about anything else this month, but I’m not disappointed, either. I don’t mind the PS4 indies as I realize there are far more of them than disc games at this point in the system’s young life. Many of the indies on PS4 are a hell of a lot better than some of the retail games I’ve tried anyway.

  • @The guys talking about voting for next month’s games:

    It’s a terrible idea (too). It would start the worst kind of war and s***storms on Sony’s history.
    Just think about it, the majority of modern gamers are casuals with awful taste, therefore the majority of votes would go to the worst games on every list each month!

  • To people saying why are you complaing about the free games….People complain because they are not happy with what is offered…free or not free…it isnt free because we are paying for PS+ and that is a part of the PS+ service ! If someone said: “Here you go, you can have this free bag of poop; for being a member of our *whatever*” even though its free would you be happy to have it. If your a farmer maybe yes, depending on the type of poop; but right now these indie games are kind of crappy so far. We are paying for PS+ thus it is not free. Complain away if you like its your right and your money you are spending.

  • + nosforatu75 Thank you for telling the truth btw.

  • + Rohsiph you may miss the 90’s , thats cool although maybe we all didn’t buy $400 systems to play Super Nintendo games.

  • I’m a little sad Joe Danger and Hoard won’t be on the PS4. They both look really fun!

  • sport and velo ……. did i really bought ps4 for those game………. should change for a xbox one. better game on ps3 psplus

  • As someone who only owns a PS3, I knew this day would come-the day that you blatantly dumped crap on PS3 owners and expected us to be pleased.

    Considering the number of third party titles that have been out for a year or longer, yet haven’t made it to the free list, I can’t help but be disappointed by a game that’s nearly two years old and a game that I’ve repeatedly seen for five dollars or less on the PSN which is FOUR FLIPPIN’ YEARS OLD!

    This is a sad joke. I’m not saying that I need two super AAA titles every month, but this time it really seems like you guys just said “Meh, we’ll take a dump on them and tell them they should be grateful.”

    I’ve still got at least another 6 months on my subscription, but I’m definitely leaning toward not renewing, given how disappointing your past few months have been. (With this one really proving to be DOG CRAP in terms of content.)

  • It would be better for Sony to go back the old format of 2-3 games a month. When PS+ was only a PS3 service, there were great games like BL, Bioshock, Sleeping Dogs etc. Now it is far too diluted… I would rather have one good game a month than 6 games that I will never play.

    Please dont re-cycle games. Joe Danger was a PS3 title last year. What is the point in giving it back again.

  • Know what? I *like* indie games and I STILL think this lineup looks like shovelware city.

    The new Velocity does sound great, but no PS3, so useless to me.

    Hoard is ok. Probably the only one I’ll play at all. Hardly excited about it though.

    And then everything else looks like garbage. Especially PS All Stars Battle: I’ve played it before: it’s the most horrible fighting game I’ve ever played. It was critically panned, and Sony just seems desperate to get people to play it. It wouldn’t be worth it if it were free *without* PS+.

    PS+ used to get plenty of fantastic stuff like Ico/Colossus, Just Cause 2, MegaMan 9/10, NBA Jam, Sleeping Dogs, Mushroom Wars, Outland, Battlefield, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Grid 2, and many others.

    But for 2014 it’s been just a trickle of occasional decent stuff (Fez, DmC 5, Mutant Mudds, Stealth Ba^H^HInc, and…nothing else for PS3, just those 4 for the whole year) amidst a sea of desperation (Remember Me, Soccer, PS All Stars Battle), mediocrity (Brothers, BioShock 3, Lone Survivor, Dragon’s Crown, Arkham City) and outright junk (Puppeteer, Doki-Doki Universe, Metro, Vessel, NBA 2K14, Sly Cooper, Proteus).

  • @494 It’s unfortunate for you that the current games don’t interest you as much as the former IGC games. However you have to admit that your tastes are quite different than many gamers. Puppeteer is junk? Most of those games you list as mediocre or bad are very popular and well liked games. Obviously we all have different tastes and Sony can’t please everyone at the same time, so you should just wait for a game you like. If one doesn’t come, don’t continue your subscription. Also, you shouldn’t complain too much as the PS3 tends to get the best games over Vita and PS4 anyway.

  • Yikers, that’s a lot of indie.

    I’d love to see a renewed PSN+ setup where we get the option of “3 or 4 indie titles” or “pick ONE older/major game release from the PS3’s library”.

    I’m interested in ~MAYBE~ giving Velocity and Hoard a shot, but realistically, I’d rather be playing a PS1 game of known quality instead.

  • SONY you really SUCK!!!!! Why Crysis 3 is not available in my region (Asia)????? I’m a playstation plus member yet i can’t enjoy free games like Crysis and Deadspace.

  • If I didn’t have a PS3, PS4 and PS Vita, I’d seriously be questioning my PS+ subscription right about now.

    Giving us re-hashed versions of old PS+ offerings is a pretty weak. Having a limited selection of games at first motivated me to buy games that were also given out later for free.

    I’m hesitant to actually spend money on the PS4 games, because it seems like they’re just going to be free the next month. If Valiant Heart’s ends up being free (like Trine 2), I might have to call someone at Sony and complain.

  • “Hope you all find something you like, and if not, there’s always next month.” Paul Sullivan

    Sounds like something Microsoft would say… You don’t like DLM? Try out the 360 then.

  • Like most here, I don’t enjoy all of the Indi games. Some are good but a year ago when i first signed up, PS Plus was great. They offered a ton of PS3 titles. Most of the time, there was at least one or two games each month that I didn’t own that I enjoyed. You can’t please everyone but the CRAP that Sony is putting out the last 3-4 months is a joke. I will stand behind the fact they are doing this to push PS NOW. Think about it……..think about how many Indi games we have gotten over the past 6-8 months and then think back to how many we got the previous 6-8 months before that. I think you will see my point.

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