PS Plus: Preview August’s Free Game Lineup

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PS Plus: Preview August’s Free Game Lineup

This month our PlayStation Plus members will receive two games free the day they release on PlayStation StoreRoad Not Taken on PS4 and Metrico on PS Vita. In addition to these titles, members will receive other popular games like Fez on PS4, Crysis 3 and Proteus on PS3 and Dragon’s Crown on PS Vita.

PS4 owners can enjoy two puzzle games with very different mechanics. First up, there’s Road Not Taken, where you’ll aim to strategically maneuver through a forest as efficiently as possible with only a limited amount of stamina, all while saving lost children. Then you can don a fancy hat in Fez, as you jump around pixelated 2D levels housed in a 3D world. Shift your view of the landscape with the hit of a button and journey to find the pieces of a Hexahedron.

On PlayStation 3, Crysis 3 offers the sandbox first-person shooter world that made the franchise famous and there’s a new toy to play with – the Predator Bow. If you enjoy multiplayer, there’s a new mode here called Hunter where two players are pitted against a team of CELL agents with the goal of slowly turning all of them into fellow Hunters. Then, there’s the soothing experience of Proteus, where you’ll explore procedurally generated islands with a dynamic soundtrack.

Finally, PlayStation Vita owners will get their hands on the highly-anticipated puzzle-platformer Metrico and critically-acclaimed action RPG Dragon’s Crown. Traverse a world filled with infographics in Metrico, but don’t be fooled by the clean presentation – proceeding through these charts isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. Invite up to three friends to join you in the dungeons of Dragon’s Crown, and thanks to Cross-Play you can even go adventuring with your buddies who have PS3s.

All of these games will be free for Plus members starting August 5th. If you want to see these titles in action, check out the video below.

August PlayStation Plus Preview

PS Plus: Preview August’s Free Game Lineup

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Road Not Taken (PS4)

Free for PS Plus members

From the creators of Triple Town, Road Not Taken is a roguelike puzzle game about surviving life’s surprises. You play as a ranger adventuring through a vast, unforgiving forest in the aftermath of a brutal winter storm, rescuing children who have lost their way. Randomly generated levels deliver a limitless supply of possibilities to explore and challenges to overcome. Your actions will influence not only your own story, but that of the villagers you hope to befriend and the town you call home.


Fez (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members

Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives. Explore a serene and beautiful open-ended world full of secrets, puzzles and hidden treasures. Unearth the mysteries of the past and discover the truth about reality and perception. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way.


Crysis 3 (PS3)

Free for PS Plus members

Crytek’s highly-acclaimed sandbox gameplay shooter is back.

  • Seven Wonders of the Urban Rainforest – New York City has been contained in a giant nanodome and grown into a unique rainforest with seven distinct environments. Master the ultimate sandbox and turn it into your own personal hunting ground.
  • Assess, Adapt, and Attack – Crysis’s highly-acclaimed sandbox gameplay is back with more open levels to let players choose their path and approach. Your upgraded Nanosuit allows brute force or stealth, always giving you more than one option.
  • The Biggest and Most Explosive Arsenal in Franchise History – In addition to giving you an arsenal of human firearms, Crysis 3 lets you scavenge alien weapons and deploy an all-new Predator bow.

Proteus (PS3, PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members

Proteus is a game about exploration and immersion in a dream-like island world where the soundtrack to your play is created by your surroundings. The primary means of interaction is simply your presence in the world and how you observe it.


Metrico (PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members

Metrico is a new world. A living world filled with infographics that react directly to your movement, actions and input. Metrico invites you to explore, experiment, test your skills and most of all: think outside the box.
Immerse yourself in this experience, exclusive to PlayStation Vita system, and see if you have got what it takes!


Dragon’s Crown (PS Vita, PS3)

Free for PS Plus members

Dragon’s Crown is a multiplayer hack and slash beat ’em up game with breathtaking visual style, a design built around cooperative play and epic boss fights, and the ability to discover a new adventure in every play session. Dragon’s Crown allows up to four players to team up online to clear out monster-ridden dungeons, discover precious treasure, and destroy awe-inspiring bosses.

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4 Author Replies

  • YES! This month rocks. I dont care what any you have to complain about. Playstation plus always delivers (some months not so much) but seriously who dosent like free games? And if you do…Stop your WHINNING!

  • so finally, after MONTHS, there’s something in the IGC i actually want….so i go to grab it…

    imagine my surprise when i find that they’ve updated the PS3 version of the store so that i can’t find the IGC anywhere…

    it used to have it’s own heading, i used to be able to to just go to it. not anymore…

    so now, what, i hafta switch between my computer, and my console, so i can look up each title individually? talk about lame….why would you make the store even LESS customer friendly?

  • Only single game thats held my attention for longer than 5 minutes is Don’t Starve. Starting to feel like Plus is a waste of time. Why bring out new tech if its only going to host things that were able to be done 10+ years ago.

  • Booooo!!! Seriously PS4 free games can’t compare to the selection ps 3 and vita get. Why not offer a solid ps3 games for ps4 owners. These other games we get are lame or childish. This month is not worth a dime. Please Sony, give us something worth a smile.

  • Haven’t played Fez or Dragon’s Crown, so thanks for giving PS3 owners a chance to play those on top of Crysis 3 and Proteus. Don’t go back to college until the 25th and looks like I will get to enjoy some good games before I go back.

  • im super pumped for these games i just want to say that i love that u are giving away indie titles I’m a huge fan :) Your doing a good job sony

  • The store has yet to update 3 1/2 hours after the scheduled date :(

  • Does any body know that you can get your past free membership games just by going to your download list from other times from being a member??

  • I’m slightly surprised by the amount of complaints PS4 owners have. It’s a new system. In order for games to be released for free with Playstation Plus, Sony obviously does not just pick games at random. They have to create a whole contract or agreement with the game manufacturer, creator, etc. New big games are not going to want to do that, when people are still more than willing to pay full price for their game.

    It makes sense that any games besides the indie kind are not available for free on Playstation Plus. There are always a few exceptions (Bioshock: Infinite comes to mind) of course, so please don’t start trying to argue with my just by giving examples of games that have been offered.

    I’m open and willing to anyone who can prove I’m wrong. I very well might be. I’d like to learn the true facts as well…

  • okay… its august first. where the hell are the new games?

  • Yeah!, much better than the two previous months :)

  • @buckminster

    yea… apparently when they said the new IGC would start every 1st of the month and end at the end of the month they were lying.

    the games arent available till the 5th. only a few days mind you, but yea, they welched.

    had they not lied about the new IGC structure being available on the 1st, it wouldnt be soo easy to call out.

    as it stands, US psn is on its usual de-evovling downward spiral.

    even more intriguing is how its a now a monthly program. well august is here, why are the july titles still up?

    its beyond laziness. its complacency. they stopped taking pride in their work loooong ago.

    this is par for the course. late titles/recycled sales/misinformation… yea its the US psn as usual. mismanaged.

    theyd rather lie to all of us and just go with the standard tues update. talk about blatant laziness/lying.

    sidenote: whining is the rhetoric of the apologist. trust me, theyd blindly defend glass in your food and claim its all for the greater good.

    well, see you guys tues aug 5th.

  • Do i have to wait til the first tuesday of the month to download these games?

  • nope i was in err… 1st to admit it.

    its the first tues of every month.

    i stand by my sentiments though. US psn/PS+ is getting more and more convaluted.

    you release a monthly structure yet allow the months offerings to overlap?

    keep it concise. its no wonder many of us thought it was going to be the 1st.

    chock it up to user error, but still.

    had you told me id be able to get july titles in aug id have still side-eyed you.

    take care all… see ya tues.

  • I’m freaking pumped. I loved Crysis 2, and have been meaning to purchase the 3rd one, and have missed a few sales on it too. Now is the time to try that baby out, and i bet it will be awesome, im a big fan of the second one. Also looks like the vita is getting alot of love this month , 4 of the titles will be playable on my Vita. Only thing i need is a 64 GB memory card, but the prices are still too high. Looking foward to Proteus as well. Looks like a cool game. And I thought Dragons Crown was just another RPG, which i dont play RPGs, but its a Hack n Slash. Sounds more like my taste. Great Update PS Plus. hope they give us more good sales like the Super Hero sale.

  • it is 2nd August today and so far non of these games are available to download:(

  • Looking forward to dragons crown.

  • This month Kicks ASS!! These are all great games! I cant wait for Tuesday. Which one will I play first, hmmmm

  • all these indiegamelovers, we already played indiegames 20 years ago, when you guys werent even born so let us please get some good quality games. we are sick to go back to the past, we want good games like FLOWER, INJUSTICE, KNACK, TRIALS, INFAMOUS, OCTODAD, ASSASSINS CREED 4, TOMB RAIDER.

    you guys can buy a sega, atari or gameboy and play these kind a games, but not anymore on our ps4. we are sick of it. its not even worth the time to download it, they could keep their money because nobody needs it, nobody wants, just 3% of all ps4 owers are hipsters and those guys want indiegames. 97% are annoyd by the lineup, every month the same bull****. we want good games and quality games with graphics. no more indies

  • They should’ve made the ps4 game line up much better. We already have the playstation now games so at least make one of the better playstation now games free.
    Because if we are all buying the playstation 4 wouldn’t it be better if they had better games?

  • Dragon’s Crown is the only thing on the plus that im getting for free. . .and the way things are going it might be the only thing this year.
    ~ sad ~
    if it was not for the fear of losing all my save game date i would have not done this

  • Ps4 is being shafted again! Its been long enough now, where are the decent games?

  • @shibbydibbybibby You must be new here even though you imply that you are not. The updates are always on Tuesdays, and the Plus program has never been more straightforward than it is now. On the first Tuesday of every month, Sony will cycle in the new games. The older games will be removed on that day. How complicated is that? And this is exactly what they told us when they announced the change in the IGC. I don’t know where you got the idea that it would be the 1st of the month but Sony has never operated that way. There was no misinformation in that regard.

  • I see once again another **** lineup for us PS4 owners who spent a great deal of money with Sony and there thanks to us is **** games each month PS plus is a joke for ps4 sony and u know that, just hope this month PS plus sales are better than last month,

  • Exactly what date will each of these games become available for free?

  • Fez looks awesome!! But this is the only nice title for me, still, it looks awesome. In fact, only one big title is needed per person. Last month I LOOOOVED Towerfall and played A LOT!! I’m really sad I only have two controllers haha.

  • Oh, found my answer IN THIS POST — last sentence before video, my bad:

    Exactly what date will each of these games become available for free?

    ***** August 5th *****

  • augest 2nd wares the changeup in the playstation store

  • nvm i to just saw it on the post lol

  • “Plus members will receive both versions.” Well good enough for me then.

  • When will crysis 3 be released for free, aug 3 today and i still can not see it!

  • Oops nm

  • so its august 2nd and still no update on the store……

  • When will the store update?

  • For the love of god PLEASE STOP with the Indie games. I did not pay 400.00 to play indie games and having them included in PS+ takes away any value it had.

    PLEASE. I’m okay with supporting Indie games, but not with focusing on them.

  • FOUR games for my Vita?!?!?!


  • Please give us AAA titles for PS4….Please

  • FEZ, dragon crown?!?!?!?! and Crysus3 for ps3?? WUT? Really?

    Psn Plus was one of the best things Iv ever bought.

  • What day will these be released anybody know

  • Gnarly lineup this month thanks PSN!

  • @312 I would expect at least one or two by now like Knack, BF4 or one of the Lego games yet nothing but indie month after month. If we weren’t forced to have Plus for online play I wouldn’t mind as much but since we do I do. Plus I didn’t buy a PS4 to play indie games, if I wanted to play these kinds of games I would go back in time to my childhood or would have just bought a cheap Ouya.

  • Fez will be awesome since I played the demo a little bit and Road Not Taken will be an adventure. Guess I have to find out..

  • Hey Kristine, good to read you again, what happened to the weekly updates? this month is a great lineup specially since you include some cross buy titles, as a guy mentioned, even if I have some already, that mean online will be more populated and fun, so let’s see the glass half full and enjoy it!

  • Seriously… I’ve sat back and watched… now I regret getting my PS4. The free games are mainly garbage… the major platform games have yet to come out free… I mean… hell… If it wasn’t for FFXIV on my PS4… I likely would have sold my PS4 off already… maybe get another vita… at least that’s a console worth the money. I mean… they only released 90%of their major titles out on it free. And PS4 can’t even get a game like Knack that I could buy used tor $15 or less… I admit.. I tried and waited… and PS4 has failed me. Sorry Sony.

  • When are those games will be available? anyone? :S

  • Dragon’s crown… Again? Bad month for vita…

  • “All of these games will be free for Plus members starting August 5th.”

  • “All of these games will be free for Plus members starting August 5th.”

  • A lot of people are like oh great month…..this is the 2nd month maybe even the third that sucked. I can understand the indie games , but why two puzzle games ? Seriously that’s not cool. This month is not very good. Hopefully dragons crown saves it and Crysis is good for Ps3. The PS4 gets trash again. My girlfriend doesn’t even like these indie games and that’s sad. Garbage month Sony. I don’t want to hear peoples fake a@# comments about how much they love they crap because its not even established and they’ve never played it before. What if people already own the games ? Hey Sony lets just get a voucher systen going so we can pick own or give us credit for our psn account towards what the games would be worth if we don’t want what your offering.

  • The only reason to play Proteus is because its free. I bought it a while ago and man, was that a waste of money. It barely functions as any kind of game

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