Summertime on PlayStation Store means it’s time for PlayStation Store PLAY, our annual summer program featuring a diverse lineup of new games and special offers. PLAY 2014 officially kicks off today (following the PlayStation Store publish) when this year’s lineup of games becomes available for pre-order.
Now it’s time to get to the new games coming to PlayStation because that is what PS Store PLAY 2014 is all about. The lineup features four unique indie games including two stunning PlayStation exclusives, Hohokum and CounterSpy, as well as Rogue Legacy and The Swapper. Got a PS4, PS3, or PS Vita? Have all three? Well good news: all four games are Cross-Buy across all three platforms. That means you get all three versions for one price!
And if you are a PlayStation Plus member, you will receive a 20 percent discount on PLAY 2014 games when pre-ordering. The pre-orders for all four games will be available today with the first PLAY game launching next week. Here’s the lineup calendar and prices:
Launch Date | Title (Platform) | PS Plus Pre-Order Price | Retail Price |
7/29 | Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) | $13.59 | $16.99 |
8/5 | The Swapper (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) | $15.99 | $19.99 |
8/12 | Hohokum (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) | $11.99 | $14.99 |
8/19 | CounterSpy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) | $11.99 | $14.99 |
That’s not all. If you end up picking up two or more of these great games, we’re giving you a bonus PlayStation Store credit. You can take advantage of these great bonuses based on PLAY 2014 games purchased or pre-ordered from July 22 through August 25:
- Pre-order or Buy any 4 PlayStation Store PLAY 2014 games to get a $10 credit later*
- Pre-order or Buy any 3 PlayStation Store PLAY 2014 games to get a $6 credit later*
- Pre-order or Buy any 2 PlayStation Store PLAY 2014 games to get a $3 credit later*
*Voucher code redeemable for credits will be delivered by 9/5/14. Voucher code expires on 10/3/14.
Phew. That’s a lot of information. So don’t forget: all four games are Cross-Buy, PS Plus members get a 20 percent discount when pre-ordering, and if you buy more, you save more. Check back each week for more information on each of the games launching over the next month.
Aren’t these the types of games that would have retailed for $10-15 a year ago? And now they cost $15-20? Even with the discounts, I don’t think there’s enough incentive to buy now when all of these titles will be heavily discounted (or free) by winter. And I’m especially hesitant to pre-order a digital game when reviews aren’t even out yet. I’ve been burned before.
I want to preorder for extra savings but I don’t know how and I only have a PS Vita. Can links to the preorders be added to the blog post?
>Swapper/Rogue Legacy being $20 normally for year old ports of a PC game that’s $15 on Steam
Awesome sales idea but I’m not a fan of he structure. Why only offer the plus discount for pre orders. If I miss buying a game one week I likely won’t go back and get it the following week because the price went up. Also why not bundle all 4 games in one package making it a single purchase for one great price or that cash back it’d be better if you just lumped it in with the purchase as a discount for buying 2,3 or 4 games.
I don’t know the structure of the sale just doesn’t make me go owwwwww ahhhhhhhh gotta get it now.
I don’t like :(
Rogue Legacy and The Swapper just highlight the problem with bringing one platform’s games to another platform a year later, especially when neither game requires a beefy PC to run, and thus the majority of gamers could play it on their PC even if they don’t own a “gaming PC”
@50 I think it’s only fair to compare the regular prices. $14.99 on PC vs $16.99 Cross-buy for PS4/PS3/Vita. Not that bad really. In the interest of disclosure, I own all three platforms.
Also, pretty sure the PLAY promos have always required pre-orders. I too think it kinda sucks, but the titles featured in these promos are always top-notch.
These should be $5 and it saddens me Sony is now a discount-walmart that can only still sell a few games with sales as there just is no quality or respect for customers. Adding 25% to deduct 20% plus discount is not a company strategy its a joke sony.
I want to get Rogue Legacy and The Swapper, as for CounterSpy i will wait for reviews.
Call me crazy but aren´t some of these prices a little high? (RL and Swapper i mean)
Looks great, I am interested in all 4 games! Swapper really looks fun! Thanks Sony! My 6 yr old son beat Tearaway all by himself today! I am so proud! :)
Does it matter what platform you buy them on in order to get cross-buy?
Some past PSN titles have only been cross-buy if you bought them on a certain platform first (e.g., Sportsfriends was only cross-buy on PS3, not PS4)
Not worth it at all.
Rogue Legacy doesn’t have the 20% PS+ pre-order discount in the online store. Is that just on my end or it just hasn’t updated yet?
I need to stop reading the comments. It’s super disappointing to see the PlayStation community complain no matter what Sony does.
Expect I’ll be pre-ordering all 4 of these…
Nice! Really excited to pick all of these up! Thanks for this great promotion.
3 way Cross-Buy! Ooooh yea!
“These should be $5 and it saddens me Sony is now a discount-walmart that can only still sell a few games with sales as there just is no quality or respect for customers. Adding 25% to deduct 20% plus discount is not a company strategy its a joke sony.”
I already own Swapper on Steam. It’s a great game and has a great Art Style, I recommend everyone to give it a try.
I was planning to pick it up for PS4 again. But not for 20 $.
Come on Sony, give me a break!
That’s a great lineup. I’ll be in for the lot again this year. =)
I was actually considering buying them, but then I saw the prices. Jesus Christ.
Uhmm, i’ll save far more by just buying the games that i’m most interested and want (The Swapper) . Keep your $10 buckaroos :)
O one more question guys. These games do support pre loading right?
and sold
I’m in for all 4. These games look great and very diverse. Thanks for the incentive guys!
Cool, my favorite thing this week so far is that Superhero Games Sale. Lego Marvel Super Heroes for $10.50? Yes please.
The fact that I need to pre-order digital games in order to take advantage of my Plus subscription and these applicable sales is absolutely ludicrous. I understand that the popularity of the PS4 and the necessity of Plus for online gaming has drastically increased the number of subscribers, so the days of fantastic deals and unparalleled sales are largely behind me, but I’ve been a member since day one and this is just another reason why I’m offput by the entire program as of late.
Also, while I realize the price of indie games has gone up dramatically over the past few years, I can acknowledge the wide variance in development costs and myriad other factors going into why some games cost more money, and I fully support the notion that you should pay full price to support developers you want to see succeed and continue making great games. However, the fact that this Play Promotion hasn’t changed to accommodate these price fluctuations is ineffably laughable– you’re still handing out a paltry $10 credit for games that cost 50-70% more than this promotion would have totaled in past years? It’s funny, but it’s insulting.
Joining the chorus of entitled whiners who ignorantly proclaim they’ll wait for these games to hit PS+ for free doesn’t fill me with pride, but I see their point for once. I own the Swapper and Rogue Legacy on PC, and couldn’t have paid more than $5 for the both of them. No, I don’t expect them to be cheap on PSN right off the bat– I’ve gladly repurchased games on multiple platforms before to show support for the developer,but when the situation boils down to something like this, but I’d sooner skip purchasing anything altogether and just grab the “exclusive” games when they’re on sale for 75% off in a matter of months.
It’s becoming harder and harder to justify spending the egregious amounts of money I used to during PSN promotions and general sales. PlayStation may be a great home for indie developers, but it’s clear that it’s becoming disillusioned when it comes to its customers (and this further applies to the brand as a whole, not just this sale).
Regular non-sale price for The Swapper is $14.99 on sites like Steam and GOG yet here it’s $19.99 or w/ PS+ it’s $15.99. There better be a good reason for this or I’ll have to pass on a game I was looking forward to.
It doesn’t look like you can preorder the Vita version of Rogue Legacy or Swapper (only PS3 and PS4 versions show up)…and the store page doesn’t mention anything about cross-buy.
Rogue Legacy is another game where the regular price should be $14.99 who the hell prices their game at $16.99? Will skip ’til they inevitably go into the IGC.
First off, these hugh prices ($17 for Rogue Legacy, really?) prices make me feel like they are trying to make up for the potential losses in sale by offering Cross-Buy.
Second, this Play sale is terrible compared to last year where we got games like Guacamelee and Thomas Was Alone for $8 each.
The price point is a big detractor unfortunately here Sony. I can’t condone overpriced indie games. The PS Plus and Play promotion doesn’t equal to a beneficial or logical reason to purchase more than 0-1 of these games. Rogue Legacy and The Swapper are priced higher than they normally retail on the PC. Cross-buy shouldn’t be a reason for increased pricing because no one in their right mind is going to play it on their PS3 if they own a PS4.
I don’t wanna wait until late August for CounterSpy. See what you did there, Sony. Not cool.
The prices are indeed high, any game at $20 should have a Platinum. I don’t know about Rogue Legacy, but Swapper doesn’t. :-(
1. Rogue Legacy is regular $14.99 on PC, so $16.99 doesn’t seem out of this world. The price of The Swapper seems a bit more odd to me – would have at least expected a Platinum trophy for $20.
2. Neither Guacamelee nor Thomas Was Alone was part of Playstation Play 2013
3. While the games were cheaper overall, the actual deal was exactly the same. And I’m not sure that cheaper overall necessarily means last year was better. Only one cross-buy title last year for example. I’m also personally far more excited about this years slate of games.
You’re thinking of Spring Fever 2013, which also gave 20% off games at release. The difference being that you didn’t have to pre-order (a bonus) but no extra deal for buying multiple titles (a downside). Also, Guacamelee was $14.99 reduced to $11.99
I agree with you about PS3/PS4 Cross-buy but Vita is a whole different story in my opinion. I do think that’s worth some extra coin.
I just wanna know where starbound is already. I’m getting sad waiting for this.
Rogue Legacy is going to be 16.99?! Goodness… that’s uhh.. well.. kinda expensive. Sheesh. :/
No thanks, too expensive for indie games…
I wait for those games to appear on IGC and grab them there. Since we don’t get any retail games yet, there is a good chance we get those titles in the next months to come.
Finally Rogue Legacy will be mine. Sure it’s a bit pricey for an Indie game but I can see this one taking a fair amount of time to beat so it should be worth it.
I hope no one will cry when those games start appearing in two or three month on the IGC. It’s your choice to wait or not :D
@51, excellent point. Although these look like good games (especially Rogue Legacy), they are all going to be added to Plus or heavily discounted within a few months time, perhaps both. In the past, the same thing has happened to many other titles which originally made their debut in Play. Now that I rethink this, it doesn’t make sense to spend $53.56, and get $10 back, when there is a good chance that they can be had for a fraction of that in a few months time. So I’m thinking that I spring for Rogue Legacy now, and save $40. Also, with The Last of Us coming out next week, I’m going to be allocating most of my time towards that, so I’m not going to have time to play them all anyway.
The Price Policy is one big Joke. Buy 4 at the Price of 67 $ to save 10$. So I still end up paying 57$ , even with PS Plus its still 44$ … for 4 Indie Games. Seriously ??
Ever heard of Humble Bundle Sony?
I’m actually interested in all 4 of them and they probaly are good games and I’d love to support Indie Developers with buying them again for another Plattform even if I owe them on Steam. Someones taking a big piece of cake here and I guess its not the developers.
Cannot understand the people who say : Great Deal I’m gonna grab all 4 of them” at this prices.
No thanks, too expensive for indie games…
Rogue Legacy is the only one Im even vaguely interested in. I wish you would do these kind of promotions with non-Indies as well
Why do Rogue Legacy and The Swapper cost more than pc msrp? Both those are $15 standard for the pc versions. I have both and both are great games, but I don’t understand why the PSN versions should cost more. Hohokum looks interesting.
What the hell? Why is The Swapper so damn overpriced? And Rogue Legacy is also a little pricier than it was on PC. I already own both on PC but I like to double dip for Vita versions. But if this kind of price bump is going to become a trend then I don’t think I’ll be doing that again in the future.
….And there is your console licensing fees people.