Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

Comments are closed.


  • @ShadowCrossXIV

    Yes this is what i mean, and it did happen. Both vita games being close to be million seller retail, and we can easily include a 30-40% digital sells on top ( Sony even mentioned digital on vita are close to 50% )

    As for Dragon crown, we will never know if a Vita only would have sold double or covered PS3 version as well. Some people that own a PS3 might have purchased a Vita for this game, but instead choosed to get it for PS3.

    Besides, the game was sold out in retailers on vita the day of release, by lack of available copies. Lots of my friends bought it Digital ( not counted on sells charts ), or simply took the Retail PS3 version as they had no choice.
    Same applied for FFx/X2…

  • @MewTwo.

    Ratchet and Clank IMO should have been on the Vita ages ago. However, Sly does help, though it could probably use both.

    RPGs? By something like Valkyria or Type-0, do you mean that line inbetween Strategy RPG and Turn Based/Action? Could you possibly give a third example because Type-0 and Valkyria are so different?

    Sandbox games, understandable. But I don’t think Sony actually has any of those. Plus, unfortunately, making ones like GTA with any kind of good graphics can get just a tad expensive.

    Action games like Bayonetta? Good call. GoW is probably long overdue on Vita, but it seems like they’re working on PS4 at the moment. Would something like Lords of Shadow 2 be acceptable? (If you’ve played it, I mean?)

    DMC would be excellent on Vita. I personally agree that needs to happen yesterday.

    Stealth Games? I agree with this sentiment, though Konami could be a tad hard to convince since they’ve taken quite a like to money with Phantom Pain. Might have to go with an all new franchise there.

  • @Benzitor.

    Rational thinking.

    Although much of it lies in possibilities, all that you mentioned are definitely reasonable possibilites. However, I think part of the problem there is, at least for the states, many businesses just don’t want to take that kind of risk. And I can kind of understand why. I think the Vita is a fantastic device, but it’s suffering from the Wii U problem.

  • @Benzitor

    I think Japan still wants vita to succeed, but SCEA wants it dead. I wouldn’t doubt if Square wanted this game on vita, but Sony wouldn’t let them. It is late and I probably shouldn’t be posting this though, if you know what I mean hah. I bought Demon Gaze day one too, but I couldn’t beat Uranus! I’m not making a joke either. I give up too easy, I’ll try it again sometime. I mean seriously, they should have found a way to lower their memory cards by now, why won’t they? I’m so tired of deleting things on my 32 GB card, and I refuse to buy another card until 64 GB cards are $60 or less. Retail releases or indies for me until then.

  • @ShadowCrossXIV

    True, and an even greater problem than WiiU as the Vita doesnt have the airplay or the shelf space the WiiU has.

    Can anyone tells me when was the last commercial for Vita or Vita games they saw on TV or in the magazine ?

    Last time i heard of one was the CoD value pack for black friday….and oh amazing…it was a hit for hardware sales.

    Sony just gave up, and third parties just follow the vibe Sony is sending.

    Atlus or Ark sys are both tremendous little ballzy studios, and i will praise them until the Vita officially dies. Same for Shahid, lorenzo and Gio. Same for Ubi for all the great games they dared to release.

    Ubi was and still is the only major third party that cares vita gamers. And Child of light will be a day one. As both rayman and ACL were.

  • Oh and one more thing…instead of wasting assets re-releasing all later PS3 games on PS4, it would have been wiser to allocate the headcount and budgets to proper new Vita games… A…AA…or even AAA

  • @Benzitor

    I actually never heard of the Bend studio vita game cancellation, but I had to google it. Wow that sucks, I would have loved to see a Golden Abyss sequel if that’s what they were making.

  • Atlus is just amazing in general. For the longest time their owner was bankrupt and still everything they released turned to gold. If I owned a development studio I’d want them to be just like Atlus. It barely even matters what Atlus releases on any more, it always sells. And now, even better, with Sega, they actually have money to put Persona 5 announcements on massive screens around Tokyo.

    Oh boy…

    Anyway, yeah, Ubisoft is great too for Vita. They really are the exception. It is also true Vita could use more advertisement. I seriously look forward to seeing how Sony will handle this PlayStation TV. It was not originally supposed to come to US and Europe but they changed that because of the buzz it was apparently creating when released in Japan.

    Also, with third parties, I think it’s a tad more than them following Sony. If that was the case, they’d actually develop for the Wii U because Ninty has shown to really care about the Wii U despite bad sales/decisions.

  • @Benzitor


    I’m mixed on the re-releases for the PS4. I can understand where they’re coming from there because they’re gaining a massive new userbase from former 360 players who haven’t played the games before, and won’t buy PS3. However, yes, the Vita definitely still needs games. Though, you do have to notice that the PS4 isn’t getting a ton of first party games either as of right now. The difference here is the third party support for the PS4 is arguably the most third party support of any console since PS2. It’s getting people who normally only make games for PC to make games for the PS4 with ease.

  • @ rabidninjamonky

    I dont know if they cancelled anything, i just assume it based on a job offer:
    Bend Studio the creators of Sony’s flagship Vita title Uncharted Golden Abyss is currently looking for the entertainment industries top artistic talent to help us create AAA content for Sony’s powerful new hardware. We just scratched the surface on what the Vita can do with Uncharted Golden Abyss and expect to push the platform even further with our future projects. Candidates must be passionate about their work and thrive in small-team environments where everyone inspires and pushes everyone else to create great games.

    Sad to see Bend going all the way PS4

    I agree with you about the last sentence. Even though WiiU clearly flop even harder than vita, Nintendo still considers it. And offers much more new release on it than 3DS that sells itself from now on.
    Sony should have done the same, and push the vita first, to secure more sells, and surf on the PS4 momentum with a few 2015-2016 teasers.
    I think Ratchet HD has nothing to do on PS4. Same for LBP3 ( very disappointing as i see no improvement compared to 2, or i even prefer LBP vita, the true best version ).

  • @ShadowCrossXIV

    Agreed the PS4 hasnt received much announcement, but we all know they are here. Guerilla, santa monica, bend or sucker punch are all on PS4 now… Which is truely sad, as Sony could have used Third party to surf on PS4 momentum, while saving the vita by releasing games NOW…then step up again with PS4 first party in a couple of years.

    In the other hand, third parties are neither to be seen on 3DS. Handheld market for core gamers seem to be too ambitious nowadays. They prefer to create freemiums for mobile.

  • @Benzitor

    One more thing though that you’re forgetting.

    The PS4 is really new, and is breaking the rules. For most consoles, you really need games to get people to buy it. With the PS4, that’s not the case, it’s getting sales without even having killer apps, and is even losing the killer apps war, but the attach rate for PS4 is so high that it can push out ridiculously high sales numbers with even mediocre titles.

    The problem here is the PS4 is still new, and doesn’t have a Pokemon. They’re really trying to stay ahead of Xbox, but the 3DS has already “won” the handheld generation vs Vita for the most part. While PS4 is doing well by itself, it still needs games too. Third party might be carrying it, but it would be dangerous to see them completely let the PS4 sell itself because it still has to compete with XB1.

    What I think they actually should have been letting sell itself at this point was PS3, and THAT money should have went to Vita. Why? Because the PS3’s install base compared to PS4 and Vita is already massive, there’s no point in pushing PS3 sales any higher, Tales of Zestiria and Persona 5 will do that all by themselves…

  • @Benzitor.

    Yeah, I noticed the freemium thing. That’s actually really depressing. Sony should have seen if they could have instead put a mini-x86 chip into Vita (if there’s any that size) as it really would have helped them tremendously with third party, considering Vita and PS4 wered developed “side by side.”

  • I’m a true of the FF series, I cant wait for this one!

  • @Benzitor

    Yeah, I couldn’t see anything about a cancellation on that or Bioshock Infinite. I think Take Two and Bend really want to make these games for vita, but there just aren’t enough vita’s to make it worthwhile, which is ridiculous. Why can’t Sony market it right? They didn’t even try this last holiday. They could have shown some beautiful gameplay of a new Fallout, GTA Stories or brand new Resident Evil game at E3, then the camera pan’s out to see some dude playing on his vita by a campfire. Bam! instant 5 million vita’s sold! You can use that one for free Sony. I better go to bed…

  • @ ShadowCrossXIV

    I could not agree more about letting the PS3 behind. Pupetteer, for exemple, would have been a trememdous Vita release…and it bombed on PS3. Rain…Same.. would have sold triple on PSv…bombed on PS3. Even GT6… Why release GT6, when they could have done an amazing job with a GTVita…

    I really don’t understand the way they thought the situation through. The PS3 didnt need anymore big games. Especially after TLOU.

    Now the PSP is dead, the PS3 is dying….but the PSV is also artificial breathing, when it should be on a great momentum.

  • What happened to FINAL fantasy 15? No announcements,or news,lame Square Enix.

  • @Benzitor.

    I completely agree with you as far as Rain and Puppeteer. GT6 I disagree just a tad, primarily because GTVita is long overdue to begin with regardless of GTVI or not.

    I think the thing with Sony is that when they release something, and it does well, they give it literally absurd amounts of support. It’s why the consoles of them always have such crazy libraries. But in the handheld market they’re amply used to losing big time. Therefore, they don’t put nearly as much into it. Not exactly a wrong decision, but they could have at least moved some of the PS3 devs to Vita. Easily.

  • Let’s hope that the staff SONY and SE read all these comments, understand feelings of the players, and make the right decision – to release the game for Vita. Or at least declare multiplatform – PS4/Vita

  • 1,000 people, even if everyone only commented once still isn’t enough dude. Do what the Europe guy said and get a petition site.


  • This is unfortunate. #NOVITANOBUY

  • It felt GREAT!
    Tremendous excitement!
    I will buy this for sure!
    Thank you!
    When I saw that it was for PSVITA.

    But Now.

    It felt like a big slap in the face.
    I thought it was gonna be released on vita, then they just revoked it. Darn. It hurts.

  • Lestatdelioncort

    If you guys are really this butt hurt, you need to also go to the square enix site and make yourselves be heard. Since i haven’t heard much noise over there, this is just telling me you guys are just plain butthurt, trolling, or you just want to complain to feel entitled, wanted, and important.

  • @ShadowCrossXIV

    Who is it advised?

  • @StalkerDolg

    Anyone who cares. And I literally mean anyone. I’m saying it needs to be done if that many people want it in general, not just brought unorganized all over the Internet. I’m not just singling you out.

  • @Lestatdelioncort

    And where I can write, that SE saw it?

  • @ Lestatdelioncort

    Yeah, SquareEnix are the folks that can actually do anything about your grievances. C’mon, guys, direct your efforts to the appropriate party.

  • @Lestatdelioncort

    Seriously we do…and get erased almost as fast as our message got in

  • Hey guys, maybe we actually create a petition about porting the game on PS Vita? Only one thing I do not know where to write, that SE saw it.

  • @SalkerDolg
    go to google and type square blog FFtype 0

    You will find the way to the SE blog

    I got about 5 well articulated message simply erased… And i am not the only one.

    Clearly SE doesnt want to assume their action

  • To: Sakura Minamida, who wrote this post and also the Senior Manager, Product Marketing at Square Enix

    Please convince the higher ups in Square Enix to bring Final Fantasy Type-0 to PS Vita. Thank you

    Best Regards,
    A Vita Enthusiast


  • @Benzitor

    You mean to say that creating a petition useless?

  • Just give up guys. All they care about is money, not our feelings

  • Square-Enix, i will never buy another of your products after this. Vita owners asked for Type-0, we are who asked it for years, you don’t like money !? No problem, i will not spend on your games anymore.

    FF X HD sold well, sold almost as PS3, that’s a no sense and an insult to all the players.


  • @StalkerDolg

    Since the PSP era, i have been part of so many petitions including the 1M up signature for Resident Evil PSP.

    We all know the result… RE was shown as a Jpeg on PSP at E3, et ended up as 2 games on 3DS…

    SE got so many petitions for FFtype0. I signed close to 15 since the PSP. We asked it for PSP Retail, as digital, for Vita….Remastered, ported, SD, HD…. PSP retro….

    Nothing worked

    Shahid got so much positive answer for JRPGVITA, and boom… it comes to PS4.

    So i dont know who to blame, Sony or SE, but i know one thing, petitions don’t work. And i know another thing. Flooding forums is at list annoying for the decision makers that choose the wrong thing to do.

  • @ShadowCrossXIV
    @anyone intrested

    I think that we should have our own site just for our own petition/open letter… or maybe someone would be able to create something bigger? I mean platform for all important matters for gamers… we in EU have many problems with SCEE, ATLUS, Aksysgames, Square-Enix…. and many many more.

    You guys in America just see a tip of an iceberg, really. We have more expensive games, no sales, no physical edition of most of games… stuff like this.

    But anyway let’s just keep it down to Square-Enix this time… most of comments are being deleted for SE page so it is without any sense. There are sites which allow making petitions but I wouldn’t go for it….just like twitter nobody cares about them. But if we can create webpage than for sure press would also help us with our lil war.

    We MUST make them believe that it isn’t matter of Type-0 anymore…. that we are angry! That if they won’t change their mind it will be as good as losing EU and USA market for all Square Enix games.

  • Btw…. ow god how good it is to write without moderation! Most of my posts on EU blog are not even displayed, all of them goes straight to pre-moderation team witch censore most of stuff.

  • Edit 883

  • About time!
    kinda started to lose hope on that one.
    Thanks a lot !

  • Lestatdelioncort

    @Benzitor keep doing it, keep demanding it until you get tired. Someone is going to have to say something at Square sometime. At least you guys are trying.


  • No buy!

  • Fot those who are saying that our posts wont change anything:

    See the twitter of Shahid Kamal Ahmad, playstation strategic content speaker.

    ” Wow 900+ posts on GAF on Type-0 in around half an hour! Now we *have* to make it happen right?”



    We got the power!!!




    @Playstation @SquareEnixUSA @yosp @shahidkamal


  • @Archacus

    “We MUST make them believe that it isn’t matter of Type-0 anymore…. that we are angry! That if they won’t change their mind it will be as good as losing EU and USA market for all Square Enix games.”

    Do you have any suggestions what do we do?

  • #novitanobuy

  • Twitter guys!




  • @Playstation @SquareEnixUSA @yosp @shahidkamal

    Write it!


  • @StalkerDolg
    Like I said by writing petition/open letter and collecting huge amount of signatures. It doesn’t even have to be name, surname, age and the rest of the usual stuff. I think that just PSN nick and country would be fine.

    So step by step
    1. Creating web page for petition/open letter
    2. Writing as formal letter/petition as we can without hate
    3. Translating it to English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portugese, Polish and Japanese (example) that way you will gather more votes from Europe
    4. Collect 10k. signatures
    5. Win

    @Shahid Kamal Ahmad
    He is not from SE, right? And no nobody cares about twitter/facebook.

    But yes I agree, that this lil war is as good as won. Black PR is wonderful weapon after all… but we have to push them a little further. Oh but anyway I asked Mr. Taens from SE and he promised to inform the circle about EU comments.

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