In a bold move, Visceral Games and EA have made the newly unveiled Battlefield Hardline playable now for the public in a closed multiplayer beta, available on PlayStation 4. This will be a unique chance for players to live out their cops and criminals fantasies – months before the official release on October 21st.
Battlefield 4 owners on PlayStation 4 can simply turn on their console, highlight their copy of BF4 and then click on the Live Tile to download the Battlefield Hardline beta and play in its 1080p 60FPS glory. Beta slots are limited, so act fast.
For those who don’t own Battlefield 4, players can sign up right now for a chance to play the Battlefield Hardline closed beta at www.battlefield.com/beta and collect in-game rewards for doing so. (Please note that beta slots are limited).
Battlefield Hardline E3 Live Stream
While you wait to see if you get into the beta, you can check out the thrilling cops and criminals action that is Battlefield Hardline right now by tuning into the exclusive Battlefield Hardline E3 live stream. Coming to you live from the rooftops of downtown Los Angeles, the live stream features 32 selected players going head-to-head in Battlefield Hardline’s multiplayer mayhem.
Watch the Live Stream – Experience the Future of Battlefield
About Battlefield Hardline:
Battlefield Hardline puts players right in the middle of the war on crime in the gritty and glamorous streets of Los Angeles and Miami, allowing fans to live out their fantasy of being a cop or a criminal. Introducing a new arsenal of guns and gadgets, including stun guns, zip lines, and grappling hooks, players take on a bold new level of strategy as both cops and criminals on every map.
Battlefield Hardline will be available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 on October 21 in North America, in Europe beginning October 23, and in the UK on October 24.
Welcome to Battlefield Hardline on PlayStation 4. We hope we will see you on the streets!
For more info, visit http://battlefield.com/hardline
i know the solution, actuallly, i own multiple PSN account, i try this code with my french account, but with my US account it worked, so to use the code properly, look at what mail adress you received it, and then log in to your PSN account with the same mail adress.
enjoy xD
Kinda sad I didn’t get in yet.Oh well. I’ve been really excited about since I found a page on the Battlefield wiki months ago about some cops and robbers game. Didn’t even know there was the instant access till today. Regardless, this is on my list of games to buy this year.
I WHANT THE BETA SO ****ING HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I signed up for the beta it says it was added to my media folder on my account but nothing is there can anybody help me
I got the email saying that I got a spot into the beta but it didn’t have the code on the email and I’ve waited a day for this email please help.
I got an email saying that I got into the beta but when I looked through the email it didn’t have the code…HELP!
I have same problem as you Acnehead. Feels like a huge troll lol
It seems funny that
Ive bought 1942, BC2, BF3, BF4, Premium for BF3 and BF4 and Ive preordered Hardline, yet im mostly likey never gonna recieve a beta key. Oh well I can keep I play Destiny beta, O wait I never got a code for that either. $440 NZD put in a gaming franchise and I cant even get access to a beta for their new game. Lossing faith in Battlefield
Hey guys. A guy on youtube has found a way to get into the hardline beta without an email. it worked for me in pc so i think it’ll work for you guys. heres the link.
http:// www. battlefield. com/ en_GB/ hardline/ beta
I signed up for beta 1 minute after my brother, he got the code almost a week ago and i still dont have mine. What are the criterias for obtaining a code?
I just got my PS4 does anyone have a code for Destiny Or BF Hardline pleaaaaaaaase anyone if u do inbox it thru ps4 thnx appreciate it
Is the beta only available in SOME countries like destiny alph and if so is new zealand included?
hey don’t know if this can help but ebay and amazon are seling the codes for cheap if your willing to take the chance and try it you mite be able to still get in. my buddy is going to try it and ill get back with you all …… as for me im in!!!! good luck guys .
Would have loved to get a ps3 (I hope to have a ps4 soon, but idk for sure) or PC code, but I ended up hospitalized during most of the time when regs were open. Other than that I might’ve had a chance or two, either before or maybe after, but I was too sick :(
Battlefield is one of my favorite series, so I’m still gonna try all I can to apply the next time around, so fingers crossed. Haha
I’ve had good, or at least ok luck with beta tests in the past, so maybe something’ll work out if I keep my eyes peeled, stay positive, and try whatever I can.
Anyway congrats to everyone who made it in, and best of luck to those who are either on the list, or hoping to apply later :)
P.S. Long time since I last posted- haven’t done it much since the G.A.P was ‘disbanded’ (or whatever they called its elimination/changes etc.) but aside from moving, and various family issues I hope to become active once again in the next month, or two.