Update: Here’s the debut trailer following hot on the heels of yesterday’s official reveal.
Well, it’s no secret that we have been working night and day at the studio to bring The Last of Us to PS4.
We’re calling it The Last of Us Remastered.
Moving our efforts to the PS4 has allowed us to remaster an already phenomenal looking The Last of Us in 1080p with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements. We love setting challenging technical hurdles for us when working on each game – and this is no different. We’ve been working hard on The Last of Us Remastered to release a next-gen evolution worthy of the 200+ Game of the Year awards, not to mention the acclaim and expectations of our fans. We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.
In addition to all the technical updates, we’re also including an exclusive director’s commentary for all in-game cinematics featuring Creative Director and Writer, Neil Druckmann; Voice Actor, Troy Baker, who plays Joel; and BAFTA Award winning Voice Actress, Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie.
We’ve released a ton of additional content since The Last of Us launched in June 2013, including our first ever single player expansion, Left Behind. We’re happy to say that the major content releases will be included with The Last of Us Remastered:
- Left Behind single player expansion
- Abandoned Territories multiplayer map pack
- Reclaimed Territories pack – details will be coming soon on exactly what is included
Whether you are new to The Last of Us or have played it already on the PS3, we hope you are all looking forward to this release. We are!
You can preorder The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 right now from many of your favorite retailers and receive these preorder bonuses:
- 100 Supply Points (XP) for use in Factions mode
- Two special bonus skins for Joel and Ellie which will be unlocked after your complete the single player campaign
- Increased Crafting Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
- Increased Healing Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
- 9mm Reload Speed Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
- Rifle Clip Capacity Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
If you preorder on the PlayStation Store, you will receive three extra preorder bonuses to unlocks in Factions multiplayer:
- Early Access to the Brawler Survival Skill in Factions Mode
- Early Access to additional Loadout Points for use in Factions mode
- Early Access to the Jeep Cap and Surgical Mask for use in Factions mode
Now that we’ve finally gotten the official announcement out of the way, we’ll be keeping you updated regularly about The Last of Us Remastered until it releases Summer 2014.
Excellent non-surprising “news”. How about people who bought the PS3 digital version? You SHOULD give us a *significant* discount for the PS4 digital version.
The Little girl on the last of us is Soooooooo! Cold.
Like on the real OMG!!! Yep my girl was Right …………………
SUP YALL Man got some cool Avatars like yours souledge94
Granturismo 6 Epilogue for PS4 this year SONY!!!!!!!!
ForReal girl ight
no upgrade program?
like call of duty ghosts,
Finally some good news!!
Now when can we get an update for PS4 with at least some PS3 Features???
Right villdoc
Bland generic casual western linear AAA
Please tell me there are plans for those got got the PS3 version. I have got the PS3 version on release day, got the Season Pass a few weeks ago, and platinum’d the game. I would like to get it on the PS4 but paying another $60 is just too much. I trust that you guys have plans to address that..
Lol killing in black ops 2 zombies
show us some pics plz
i cant really wait
Let’s just remaster the trophy list to not include competetive multiplayer trophies as part of the Platinum, and I’ll double dip into this title.
It was the biggest reason I didn’t dip into Tomb Raider Definitive, because once I Platinum TLoU on PS3 (just need collectables), I’ll be going back to the multiplayer for FUN and ENJOYMENT, but won’t grab it for PS4 no matter how big of a facelift if its Platinum is again buried under 26 weeks (iirc) of multiplayer trophy requirement. The unlockables and gameplay alone make the multiplayer worth it. No need to tack on trophies to force people into playing the multiplayer–it sells itself just fine without trophies.
If i own this digitally is there anyway for me to get the PS4 version?
why is ellies face look different? i dont like it
Please can you make the Clicker sounds come from the DS4 speaker?
Also, please include a 30fps lock option for those who want it (like Killzone: Shadowfall and inFamous: Second Son), the original PS3 game was 30fps and I imagine many would want to keep it that way.
Worst kept secret ever!
I have media + season pass…ND please offer some discount for us, PS3 owneres……
The Evil Within will stomp all over this game.
This is just an idea but I hope you consider an option in this version (not mandatory) in the Menu to play the Last of Us + Left Behind as one seamless campaign. Or at the very least you could have Left Behind play as an interlude just before the Winter Chapter picks up. Maybe you could lock it to people who haven’t completed the game? Personally, I just feel I’d have more enioyment replaying it in that order rather than going back in time at the end of my playthrough, but that’s my own preference and I understand the strengths of them as self-contained pieces.
how about making joel’s heartbeats audible through the DS4 speaker ?
i wish i can hear the sound of weapon reloading through the DS4 speaker.
will we be able to start the story with survivor or the new difficulty,or will we have to unlock it again
@Fusion13 +1 – Another Crash Bandicoot game is a necessity…I need more Cortex in my life. I miss that voice acting. :(
Regarding TLOU – Are the PSN pre-order rewards the same for the retail store pre-order rewards? I noticed PSN had some additional multiplayer items, but I want to know if they will have the regular stuff too.
Is the game only Digital or is the game also coming in Hard copy version?
I just bought the dlc last week… I’d be seriously annoyed if there wasn’t a ps3-ps4 upgrade option for $10 or something. Brutal.
i knew they would iv played and beat the game and i have to say its a must buy and i will be getting this for the ps4 i have to also say this is the most impressive and tear shredding experience iv ever had in play any game ever in my life and its a story thats here to stay and will never be forgotten in gaming history.
The only thing I hope for is that I can transfer my save.
“We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.”
So there will be special edition for the PS4 version? Man I really hope so.
Director’s Cut of the game would be a treat. Like the missing scenes with ellie and her A.I dog companion.
Is that pre-order mochilla exclusive to that Spain retailer? I want one!
CAN’T WAIT!!! Will there be additional content like more weapons or such for multiplayer? I bought the PS3 version with the season pass, will there be some sort of perk to earlier adopters? Day one purchase for me!!!!
This seems to be a question that isn’t being answered. Digital version upgrading?!? I bough this game over PSN with season pass on launch day and already have a lot of money invested into the game. SO will there be an upgrade option for a reduced price when this releases? I’m sure I am not the only one that feels this way…just read the thread…Could we have an answer please, i so want to get excited for this game but not if its going to be $70 (cnd) to jump on board again.
What if I already have it on Ps3? Will I get any discounts for the Ps4’s version? If its going to be another 60 euros then no matter how good the game is, I wont see a reason to buy it. :/
Any chance of some sort of upgrade deal for digital owners of TLOU PS3?
This is good news!
Is it be possible to have a short video comparison between PS3-PS4 versions in the coming weeks? (As with the Konami game MGS Ground Zeroes) :)
Good luck to all the Naughty Dog team to complete this version remastered! ;)
Wake me up when something fresh happens on PS4.
I haven’t played the TLOU yet. Are those preorder bonuses things that you can unlock eventually anyway? Are things like faster crafting and such going to make the game easier for people that choose to preorder? I love Naughty Dog, but I don’t preorder anything. Am I getting a lesser experience than the people that do?
This is great! Do you guys have any idea the amount of incredible Factions MP matches that I’ve had but have been unable to #Share? This version can’t come soon enough! Go TLOU!
Reclaimed Territories Pack!!! Let me at it! Haha! xD
Will there be an improvement to the max players aloud in a game?
Any chance of an infection mode?
Can’t wait to snuggle up with my lovely lady and play it all-over again together!
Will there be another collectors edition? I missed out last time due to an error from a certain brick-and-mortar store, and I missed out on the only game I ever wanted on collectors edition. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be the only one to want this.
A request and a question, if you please? I know you said no post-pandemic version is planned. But please, as a huge fan, I’m begging you for at least a collectors edition. On my knees…lol! Most people, like myself are willing to buy another copy and judging from what I read on this post, most would be willing to shell out extra for some goodies. I know I would. I kick myself for missing out on the post-pandemic version on a daily basis.
Also, can you give me any info on obtaining the digital comic book I was supposed to get from my original Survival Edition/Season Pass? I can’t seem to find out how to get it. Thanks, in advance.
Dear summer,
Preorder…Check. Anxiously waiting…Check.
I’m very glad to see one of the greatest games of all time getting remastered. I know a lot of XBOX 360 owners that crossed over to the PS4 that never got chance to experience TLOU. What a treat for them!
I will double dip as well. This game and developer deserve it.
I am so happy about this. :) As you can tell from my Playstation profile picture I am a huge fan. :) I love the game and it is my favorite by far. I have played through the game 7 times and it has been fun every time.
Will there be any kind of collectors edition for it? I missed it on the PS3 :'( so it would be cool if there was. :)