Following a fantastic reception to the PS3 and PS Vita release of Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F in North America and Europe, SEGA is proud to announce that we will be bringing Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd to the West later this year!
That’s right. You’re not dreaming. We believed in all of you and we asked for your support – and you gave it to us without reservation. It was your supportive comments, your encouraging words at every place we showed the game, and your drive that made all the difference. Some of you bought the game twice – others three or even four times. But whether you picked it up once or four times, all of you helped make Miku a success, and still do. Thank you so much for that.
Now, it’s our turn to believe in you once more.
This fall, we will be releasing Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd for both PS3 and PS Vita. Project Diva F 2nd features similar but improved gameplay over the first game, with a whopping 40 songs – a collection of the best new songs, and some of the most loved classic songs, previously only available in the Japanese releases. You can check out two of those in our trailer!
Besides 40 songs and four difficulties for each in the Rhythm Game, players can look forward to the return of the impressive Edit Mode feature, which lets you build your very own videos and Rhythm games using all of the in-game assets, and share them online with the world. It has seen notable improvements over the first version, and we can’t wait to see what amazing creations you all will build with it!
And finally, because we like good news, I’ll drop a hint here that we have some fun stuff in the works for our Western release. I’m pleased to confirm one of those things right now: We will be releasing a packaged version of the game for both PS3 and PS Vita!
One of the primary comments we saw across the internet over the last year was that PS3 owners loved their physical copies, and that so many PS Vita owners wished one was available. We begin our campaign today by announcing that whichever platform you own, you’ll be able to reserve a physical copy of Diva F 2nd when it releases!
We’ll have much more news regarding Project Diva F 2nd as we near E3, but in the meantime, we hope this news has made your day a little brighter.
Thank you all once more for supporting us, and here’s to the future of Hatsune Miku in the West!
I was hooked on the demo for the majority of the month that Miku 1 was released for the vita. I gotta save up some money for both Miku 1 and 2. These are the days being a teenager with full focus on school suck the most.
Oh man, I’ve got physical copies of both systems for PDF1 (JP for Vita, NA for PS3)
Gonna have to preorder both versions very soon!
Great! Day one buy for sure
I double dipped on the first one, and probably will again. please tell me the vita ver. will have a physical ver. Or else I’m upgrading to the 64 GB mem card.
Thank you SEGA! You’re awesome. Project Diva F is great, so I’m stoked for Project Diva F 2nd!
I noticed SEGA references in the last game. Will there be any more SEGA love in 2nd?
Really happy with this news. Especially with the physical copies!
I was not a vocaloid fan before, but PDF fixed that. So much so that I grabbed the Vita version when it came out as well. It’s nice to have the pretty ps3 version for the TV and the Vita version for on-the-go. I’ve found that too much Miku is still not enough Miku…
I will definitely be pre-ordering both versions of 2nd. :)
p.s.- Trophy gods- please bestow a gold trophy to Aaron for all those replies!
This is fantastic news! It completely justifies me buying the us version when I already own the jp one (the dlc is nice too.) I’ve been following this franchise, importing psp games and now we access to the game here. Thanks for your hard work Everyone involved in this. Now if only we can use this popularity in the west to get suikoden II on psn my life will be complete ;)
ow can’t wait >.
already got my japanese version coming for Vita but will be more than happy to pick up the PS3 version when it launches here!!! Intense Singing of Hatsune Miku is gonna be a pain tho since i got an E on every other song in the previous on extreme im not looking forward to that particular song… but this is amazing news! thank you Sega! XD
yay! already got my Vita version coming in but i cant wait to buy it on PS3 in north america too haha! gonna get a head start on Intense Singing on Extreme and see if i can get an Excellent on every song in the game on Extreme again XD. Thank you Sega!!!
Fall 2014? Seriously? It’s fall/autumn here already in Australia. Ugh…looks like I’ll have to hold out until spring then…which is a long time. At least the game is packaged for once.
You have made my Day, week, month and, year! I shall wait with bated breath!
It is too sad that I have bought the japanese verson..TAT.
But It is amazing that Miku finally come to the U.S.
OMG Thank you!! I’m all over both versions baby!!
I just waht to say Thank youuuuuu >< for bringing that game to america c:
I already have the imports of both the PS3 and Vita versions arriving in the mail. Glad to see this series finally getting this popular in the U.S. I’ll be picking copies of the game’s domestic PS3 and Vita release to show my support. Keep’em coming, Sega.
One question though, as with Project Diva F having an R3 version for it’s japanese version, will the english release as well as the japanese release of Project Diva F 2nd be available in R3 regions too?
It’s for the DLC’s!! :DD
Genial, ya era hora de que fuéramos tomados en cuenta. Tengo TODOS los juegos de Miku desde el primero de PSP y siempre desee una versión decente en inglés al menos. Bien por ustedes Sega.
Speaking of new releases wheres NBA 2K14 for the Vita? I dont think there was any point in making it for phones and tablets because of how uncomfortable and dull it is. Plus it has no physical analog sticks and buttons which makes it even more uncomfortable. On the other hand the PS VITA has buttons and two analog sticks which make for a great experience.
Cool. Any chance you’ll bring other titles to vita like Jet Set Radio Future or Panzer Dragoon?
Yay… Getting the Japanese for the ps 3 and I will get this one too^^
Will there be soon an english demo? =D
Hi! I heard rumors that F2 contains everything F1 has. Is this true???
I already bought and played F1 including DLCs, but if F2 has everything that F1 has + new contents, then I would be saD!!!!!
First off, thank you so much for listening to our requests for Diva F and now F 2nd. I’m wondering if there’s any HD collection release of the first games that were on the PSP that never made it to the West. I’ve already thrown SEGA my money three times in two currencies for the first Diva F game and I’m willing to throw more for a HD collection release of the first games.
Hopefully at some point I would like to be able and play this. It sounds like a cool game.
SEGA….please announce a new Virtua Tennis for PS3/4 or Vita. I already have VT4 for pc….so I can’t justify paying for the same game for Console.
Please remove Varied Shots(cheap) and Super Shots(annoying) in the next edition.
I wanted to get Miku F 1st….but I dislike digital(mainly managing an 8GB card). Plus it a game I think fits well for Handheld. I don’t like rhythm games on a home console.
It great that this time it 2nd F coming physically to digital. Never underestimate the Anime loving market.
This is awesome! I will be buying this for sure. Spread the Miku love across the globe!
I bought the first Project Diva F about 2 weeks ago and have been addicted since. I’m expecting great things from the sequel. :)
No words can describe how hardcore I was fangirling this morning when I saw this trailer… Lol No shame!! XD
Anyways, thank you very much Sega and Sony and whoever else may be involved for bringing the series out to North America! I’m going to buy a copy of each system version of F 2nd to go with my 2 versions of the first F. XD And thank you to Aaron too for bringing us this news and for hearing us out about the physical copies. X3 I can’t wait to hear what the other goodies you have planned are. :D
Awesome! I fell in love with the Miku series ever since I picked up the very first game for PSP.
I’ve got my Japanese copy of F 2nd coming in the mail right now, and I see no reason why I won’t also get it again when it comes to the west. I support Miku 100%!
Yay!!~ This will be released around my birthday!! :D
SO looking forward to this! Huge fan of the first PDF game!
I got PS Vita import copy yesterday and ABSOLUTELY LOVE it been play that and the first Project Diva f for hours. With that being said SHUT UP AND TAKE EVEN MORE OF MY MONEY this fall. Also will there any pre-order bonus like there was in Japan?
Will this game have English translations for the songs or just the Romaji?
Whooo! Can’t wait to get the game, but it’s such a long wait! >.< I already have my PS3, but I'm thinking about getting a VITA for playing at school! I imported the first game and couldn't get the English one, but if I can, I'm buying the first and the Second on Vita, along with the second on PS3! ^-^
Do you think it’d be a grand idea to have the ability to import the music from the 1st game into the 2nd one?
I guess you guys are never going to get rid of PS Plus Vita games Uncharted, Wipeout, and Gravity Rush are you? I am so tired of seeing these games as free, month after month these games are there just taking up space. Can’t you guys pick 3 more? Rotate them out? Something?
Was both happy and Sad when I saw the announcement, I love Miku I’ve played all 3 original games. It’s been a constant headache trying to import the games from asia and then trying to get the DLC which PSN refuses to make all region and offer in the PSN store. Obtaining Dreamy Theater and Dreamy Theater 2 is a herculean task which I eventually had to abandon hopes of attempting. SEGA has made it a nightmare to be a Miku Fan in the West forcing us to give sales numbers to asian markets rather than post those sales here at home and give them real market data. Thank you SEGA for the western release, at the time of your announcement Play Asia had already shipped my copy from wherever they ship from in Asia, and you were able to post sales numbers to that country to that market, robbing you of accurate information.
I will always support Miku, I just wish SEGA would make a greater effort to foster world wide releases rather than JP First but then that is wishful thinking. I’d like to humbly request SEGA make the original 3 psp games available digitally on PSN for the PS3 perhaps using the Dreamy Theater 2 platform for gameplay. I’d pay to download that, and perhaps it would expand Miku’s presence here in the west.
Thank you Sega!!
I really want this but it kinda saddens me how rare it is to find a physical version of Project Diva F on PS3 in the states is now. Nearest store to me that has it is so farrr away. I appreciate my physical games y’know!
But thanks a lot SEGA, I’m hopefully going to be able to preorder Project Diva F 2nd once I have a job cause I haven’t been able to afford new games for quite a while now.
I would so love to get this game when it comes out. Bought the first one I think a day or on the day it was released for the vita (can’t remember), but sadly I probably won’t buy the second game till I fully beat the first one. Only stuck on four hard songs to be able to be fully finish (minus just getting a lot of diva points to buy the rest of the items an get all the trophies for maxing out the characters). Silly question but if anyone has fully beaten all songs in hard mode can you please send me a message via vita at this ign – quietlilangel. I would love some pointers because I really love miku’s games.
Super excited! My family loves Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F so I’m definitely getting Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd!
Awesome! I have imported Project Diva, Project Diva 2nd, and Project Diva Extend on PSP, and have the Western release of Project Diva F on both PS3 and Vita! Looking forward to double dipping again for Diva F 2nd!
I only have one major complaint really. I absolutely love and adore Kasane Teto… And I saw her as a DLC character and was ecstatic. However once I had paid for her and gotten her, it was just a skin…. It was not her character singing any song that I put her in. It still used the original character’s voice and just looked like Teto. This really upset me, and it does the same for any of the non-DLC characters as well. Can you please make it to where the character we are playing as actually sings the song we play, no matter what song it is? Otherwise, what’s the point in playing characters in songs they don’t sing? It just really upsets/frustrates me.
Can’t wait for this! I’ve already purchased the 2 copies for JP version, 2 for NA version of the first one and got my import today. I’ll definitely pick up 2 copies of the 2nd for NA when it comes out and when I get a vita I’ll get 2 more (^.^) also can’t wait to platinum this!
Will you guys be releasing the accessory pack with it too (I know project diva f)?
OMG, I was really disappointed that I couldn’t get my hands on the First Project Diva f and I stumbled upon this and I am so happy! I have a Ps3 but planning on getting a PsVita this week! (hopefully) and I want this to be one of the first games I buy for it!!
I might just get both so my brother could get into Vocaloid \(^w^)/
I can’t tell you how happy I am!!
will there be a DLC pack? :O