PlayStation Nation,
It is with mixed feelings that I inform you that I will be stepping down as President and CEO of SCEA effective March 31, 2014. This is a result of a mutual agreement with SCEA, and I leave knowing that the PlayStation brand has never been stronger, PlayStation 4 momentum continues to accelerate, and the future will only get brighter for our gamers.
Serving PlayStation fans for the past 19 years has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my career. Your passion for gaming inspired me every day.
I want to thank you for constantly pushing PlayStation to deliver breakthrough gaming and entertainment experiences, and to never settle for “good enough.” The embodiment of this commitment can be found in the PS4, which has quickly become the #1 next-gen console worldwide…thanks to you.
We’ve shared many memories over the past two decades and I’ll always be grateful for your support.
Thank you,
Jack Tretton
damn, sad to see you go!
Sad to see you go Mr. Tretton. I wish you well in the next part of your journey.
Jack , you will be missed …! Thanks for all the E3 memories … Be well!
don’t forget about us.
Thank you for your years of service, Jack. There’ve been a few stumblings in the past, but it seems like you guys always find a way to get back on top, and focus on the experiences and the gamers. Its sad to see you go, but I have faith the PlayStation brand will continue to grow and excel over the coming years.
Sad news for us, but huge thanks and good luck in the future Jack
Bummer. Really liked Jack T:(
Jack you are and always will be a classy individual. As a PS fan from 9/9/95 to present, its been fantastic having you represent the brand and the PS perspective. May your days outside of Sony be as rewarding and fulfilling.
My sincere best wishes to you and your family. You will be missed.
Well this sucks!! You can’t leave yet! Ps4 has only been out for like 3 months! We’ll miss you jack!!
Sorry to see you go, Jack. Good luck to you…
Thank you for everything you’ve done for the Playstation Nation.
I wish you the best of lucks Jack.
Thank you Mr. Tretton for all your hard work over the last two decades. I have been a playstation fan since PS1 and have always loved seeing you host the E3 Press Conferences, I am sad that you won’t be there this year. Last year was amazing and I know this year won’t be nearly as exciting without you.
Best wishes to you and your’s.
Please tell us you’re moving up in the ranks, Jack!?!?!?
Idiots on the internet will have their little field day, but you’ve done so much for the Playstation brand that I, as a longtime Playstation fan, want to thank you for all your hard work and true dedication for the brand. Also, your moment at the end of the Sony conference at E3 2013 might go down as the single greatest moment of come out of all E3s. Thank you for that
Love you Jack! Best of luck to you.
Best of luck to you Jackie T. We’ll miss you.
You will be missed Jack!
You have made the last few E3’s an amazing experience, and you always did the PS fans proud!
You are THE man.
Best of luck in your future endeavours.
Best of luck Jack Tretton hopefully your still come to E3 this year so everybody can see you on stage again you will be missed T_T
Take care, Jack. It’s like saying goodbye to a long time friend.
Sad news. But I really hope it is for the best. The best for you and your family in the first place, and then anything else. Thank you for bringing so much to the gaming industry.
Let us hope SCE keep giving latin americans the respect an care this man gave to us.
amy hennig now this? :o
In my opinion, the PlayStation brand is weaker than ever since Sony westernized their consoles and a lot of good Japanese games were left behind, unlocalized. Your golden era was the PS2 & PSP era, both systems had tons of good games and also had Japanese games localized especially the PSP. you know why the Vita is such a flop in the western market while it’s doing fine in Japan? because it doesn’t have enough games since western developers don’t care about handheld devices and you don’t localize Japanese games.
If Japanese publishers have no money to localize their games then Sony should have pay them and help them. see your competitors, they paid developers to localize and even pay them to make games exclusively to their systems.
Good luck for you, Mr.CEO and I hope the new CEO will do something to fix the dark age of Japanese games lovers.
oh… and please release the Vita TV in the west.
ps. not sure why my comment got deleted. I don’t think it’s offensive but I’ve fixed something up and hope it’s not going to be removed again.
We’ll never forget you Jacky T.
We love you, thanks for everything you do for us.
That is sad news. Loved watching you at E3 every year, this is a big loss for Playstation.
I’m puzzled and shocked to read this news. I can hear the song playing in the background already… “Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath; and I’m still standing here and you’re miles away, and I’m wondering why you left… misssing you”.
Have fun Mr. Tretton. Enjoy your next adventure.
Mr Tretton
Thank you for being awesome and listening to the gamers, you will be missed hopefully we will see you at E3 with Geoff Keighley as a special guest as Sony’s E3 wont be the same with you!
I salute you, good sir.
NNNOOOOOOOO!!!! Say it ain’t so Jack!! I’ve always been a big fan of Jack Tretton, he always seemed very genuine to me and understood us, the core gamer audience. Best of luck and well wishes on his next endeavor, he will be missed!!!
Thank You for everything Jack!We will miss you!!!!
Gonna miss you, Jack! You were great! Good luck in all your future endeavors. :(
You rock Jack. Best of luck out there.
WTF Sony 1st Phill Harrison now Jack… Don’t let Jack go….
We will miss you so much jack, i hope that you live a good life.
Ah, man! I hate to see you go, Jack. I always looked forward to E3 for your press conference speeches. You’re one cool dude and you’ll be missed by a hell of a lot of PlayStation gamers.
Jack you are the man I hope to see you on PSBlog again…
I’ll miss you man, good luck my brother!
I admired and liked jack for years
Best of lucks on your next job
This is bad :( we lost Christina Lee that hosted pulse now were losing a few president from Sony :( this is making me sad i can’t believe everyone is leaving this will make Sony weaker goodbye Jack
Thanks for all your contributions to making the last 19 years so great for the PlayStation family of products.
Wow, I didn’t see this coming : \
It’ll be very sad to see you go Mr. Tretton. It was always very enjoyable watching your interviews and E3 presentations.
You will be sorely missed, and I wish you the best of luck in whatever lies ahead.
P.S. Is there any chance you’ll make just one more appearance on the PS Blogcast?
Gonna miss you, Jack! You’re an awesome dude, and I’ll never forget that speech from last year’s E3. Good luck with whatever you choose to do next!
Jack plis don’t go!! :C Why T.T
You will be missed! Best of luck!
What a bummer to hear this news.
You are such a stud Mr. Tretton and will be missed.
Best of luck in whatever you do next. Live long and prosper.
You’ve been a fixture in SCEA for as long as I’ve enjoyed PS Products. I’ve enjoyed watching your interviews and presentations at conferences. You’ve always exuded confidence and class. Best of luck to you in your next endeavor.
sorry to read that he is going but i wish him the best his your endeavors.
You’ll be missed by the Playstation Nation
Much success to you and whatever follows next.
You did good, Jack.
Good luck Jack in all your future endeavors!