It’s been almost a year since the season finale of The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series, and we know a lot of you have been wondering what the world has in store next for Clementine… today, we get to find out! The season premiere episode, All That Remains, is available to download today for PS3 on PlayStation Store for $4.99.
I don’t want to say too much for fear of spoiling the episode, but if you missed last week’s trailer and want a little sneak peek, check it out below.

We’re working with PlayStation to get the Season Pass option up as soon as possible — stay tuned for info on that.
If you’re looking to wait until the Season Pass option becomes available on PlayStation Store, remember to check out the Season One DLC Episode, 400 Days. Not only will choices from Season One carry into Season Two, but choices from 400 Days will affect your Season Two playthrough as well.
Haven’t played Telltale’s first season of The Walking Dead? It’s not too late to get caught up for Season Two. The Walking Dead: Episode One — A New Day is free to download right now, so you can see where it all began.
As ever, thanks for reading, and be sure to let us know what you think of All That Remains in the comments… but please be mindful of spoilers for fellow readers who have not yet had time to play!
At first I thought you guys said Season 2 Episode One was free. Then I check it was Season 1 Episode 1. Would’ve been a nice incentive for the community if it was.
Psvita news soon please :( !
What’s with not offering the season pass on the same day? Or how about the season pass costing only $14.99 and granting episodes 2-5. This is how it’s done on the Xbox 360. Are you guys trying to drive me to a competitor’s platform?
I love your games and enjoy playing them, but I, like many others, got burned out of the Wolf Among Us release when we bought the first episode on release day, but now don’t have an option to by the Season Pass for Episodes 2 – 5, like Xbox has, so I won’t be purchasing any more episodes or games of yours until that problem gets fixed.
Just finished the episode on ps3. Still an interesting game.
This delayed season pass bs again? Why you guys keep pulling this crap? This gonna be a problem with tales from the borderlands and game of thrones too? Just match the Xbox offer like people keep suggesting.
Well now I know what I’ll be playing this evening! :D
I am extremely disappointed with you TTG for not giving us the option to buy the season pass. My little brother gave me 20 bucks yesterday as a birthday gift to buy The Walking Dead Season 2 season pass…I am taking my money elsewhere and watching a playthrough later tonight after my finals. I’m tired of this BS that you guy’s keep giving us, especially the fans that have been waiting patiently for over a year without little to no news. Thank you for your time, but other developers deserve my money a hell lot more. I might be missing out on playing it but I could care less now. I have been meaning to finally play Mass Effect 3’s Citadel DLC…which is also longer than the first episode of TWD Season 2. Thank you for the hard work, but no thanks. Maybe I’ll pick up the game once it’s on retail…maybe.
I love people “I don’t like blah blah blah… *gets it anyways*”
@laura Perusco I’m liking your avatar >_<" haha
Hah, thanks! It’s a cool hat.