Need for Speed: Rivals ($59.99)
PS3 Game
Grand Theft Auto V ($59.99)
Hot Wheels World’s Best Driver ($39.99)
PS Vita
Real Boxing ($9.99)
PS2 Classics
Capcom Fighting Evolution ($9.99)
Urban Trial Freestyle (PS Vita & PS3) ($12.49)
PlayStation Store Highlights
One of fall’s most anticipated titles is out today — Grand Theft Auto V. Rockstar’s incredibly popular franchise features three main characters this time around, and you can explore the massive city of Los Santos with all of them. If you love driving and want to do more of it later this fall, you can also pre-order Need for Speed: Rivals today.
PS Plus members can now download both ICO and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for free, as well as peruse some of the Square Enix sale items.
If you’d like to peruse all the new items on the store at your own leisure, feel free to check out the web storefront. As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly. To learn more about this week’s Plus offerings, check out this week’s PS Plus post.
Instant Game Collection
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (PSP/PS Vita)
Sleeping Dogs Digital Edition (PS3) – PS Plus Price: $9.99
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (PS3) – PS Plus Price: $5.99
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PS3) – PS Plus Price: $7.99
Real Boxing (PS Vita) – PS Plus Price: $8.99
Pixel Junk Monsters: Ultimate HD (PS Vita) – PS Plus Price: $11.99
Price Change
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – PS3 Game (now: $19.99 original price: $54.99)
- T.A.C. Heroes: Big Red One – PS3 Game (now: $11.99 original price: $19.99)
- RockSmith – Various Songs (now: $1.99 original price: $2.99)
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $14.99)
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days – PS3 Game (now: $9.99 original price: $19.99)
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days – Various Add-Ons (now: $0.99-$1.49 original price: $1.99-$2.99)
- Sleeping Dogs – PS3 Game (now: $12.49 original price: $24.99)
- Sleeping Dogs – Various Add-Ons (now: $0.99-$3.99 original price: $1.99 -$7.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita Cross-buy with PS3
- Warriors of the World Costume Pack 2 ($2.99)
- Hoplite Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Line Infantry Costume ($0.99)
- Samurai Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Zulu Warrior ($0.99)
Pinball Arcade Cross-buy with PS3
- Pro Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 And Goin’ Nuts ($7.99)
- Table Pack 16 Pro Upgrade ($3.99, Free For Pro Season Pass)
- Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 And Goin’ Nuts ($4.99, Free For Season Pass And Pro Season Pass)
- Additional Pact: The Fall of the Gods (Free)
PS3 Add-ons
- School Uniform Pack ($12.99)
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters
- Ayane School Uniform ($1.99)
- Christie School Uniform ($1.99)
- Costume Catalog 02 (Free)
- Helena School Uniform ($1.99)
- Hitomi School Uniform ($1.99)
- Kasumi School Uniform ($1.99)
- Kokoro School Uniform ($1.99)
- Leifang School Uniform ($1.99)
- Lisa School Uniform ($1.99)
- Mila School Uniform ($1.99)
- Momiji School Uniform ($1.99)
- Rachel School Uniform ($1.99)
- Tina School Uniform ($1.99)
- The Developer Pack ($3.99, Free with Season Pass)
- Bundle 1 ($3.99)
- Luffy’s Film Battle Outfit ($1.99)
- Prequel Costume: Hancock (Free)
- Prequel Costume: Luffy (Free)
- Sanji’s Film Battle Outfit ($1.99)
- Zoro’s Film Battle Outfit ($1.99)
- Pro Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 And Goin’ Nuts ($7.99)
- Table Pack 16 Pro Upgrade ($3.99, Free For Pro Season Pass)
- Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 And Goin’ Nuts ($4.99, Free For Season Pass And Pro Season Pass)
- Alien Tycoon Bundle ($4.99)
LittleBigPlanet 2 Cross-buy with PS3 & PS Vita
- Warriors of the World Costume Pack 2 ($2.99)
- Hoplite Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Line Infantry Costume ($0.99)
- Samurai Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Zulu Warrior ($0.99)
LittleBigPlanet Karting Cross-buy with PS3 & PS Vita
- Warriors of the World Costume Pack 2 ($2.99)
- Hoplite Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Line Infantry Costume ($0.99)
- Samurai Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Zulu Warrior ($0.99)
- GAT V Pack ($2.99)
- Wild West Pack ($2.99)
PS3 Avatars
- God of War: Ascension – Kratos the Man Avatar (Free)
- God of War: Ascension – Lord of the Underworld Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Lords of Olympus Avatar Bundle ($0.99)
- God of War: Ascension – Master of The Sea Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Ruler of Olympus Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Symbol of Ares Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Symbol of Hades Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Symbol of Poseidon Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Symbol of Zeus Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – Symbols of Olympus Avatar Bundle ($0.99)
- God of War: Ascension – The God of War Avatar ($0.49)
- God of War: Ascension – The Warrior Avatar ($0.49)
PS3 Themes
- A Dynamic Fighter Theme 6 ($2.99)
- AlpineGlowOnPyramidMountain Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Amazing Earth: Arctic Iceberg Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Amazing Earth: Dynamic Underwater ($2.99)
- Beach Resort Clock Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Beautiful Mt Hood Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Destination: Greek Sunset Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Destination: Miami Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Digital Blasphemy Hidden Forces Clock Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Digital Blasphemy The End Clock Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Dynamic Undead Knight Theme ($2.99)
- Gate Keeper Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Rage Comics: Stay Chill Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Rage Comics: The Sniff Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Phil Wohr: Saint Kaylyn Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Sci Fi Bundle ($3.99)
PSP Themes
- Amazing Earth: Matterhorn ($1.49)
- Amazing Earth: Moonlight ($1.49)
- Amazing Earth: Ocean Fire ($1.49)
- Destination: Mayan Temple ($1.49)
- Destination: Miami ($1.49)
- Destination: Niagara Falls ($1.49)
- Destination: Space Needle ($1.49)
- Destination: Sphinx ($1.49)
- Destination: Thailand Sunset ($1.49)
- Destination: Times Square ($1.49)
- Destination: Tokyo ($1.49)
- Phil Wohr: Apoc Rider ($1.49)
- Phil Wohr: Lifeless Forest ($1.49)
- Phil Wohr: Research Facility ($1.49)
- Utherworlds: Fear Language ($1.49)
- Utherworlds: Reckoning Day ($1.49)
PS3 Videos
- Battlefield 4 Official Premium Video
- Battlefield 4 Official Levolution Features Video
- Destiny Vidoc 2 – Out Here In The Wild
- Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F Launch Trailer
- NHL14 – Demo Trailer
- Pinballistik Free-To-Play Trailer
- Call Of Duty: Ghosts Single Player Campaign Trailer
- Tiny Brains Trailer
- Need For Speed Rivals Undercover Cop Reveal
Haha never mind on Ni No Kuni cross buy. I would have SWORN that I saw it on the vita store.
Does anybody else find the Saints Row DLC title hilarious? GAT V…lolololol
Let me guess, Ni no kuni will be in the IGC next month… If you know what i mean xD
Wow, Ni No Kuni for $19.99? I thought that price drop was temporary as I saw it on Amazon for that price. But I missed it. Glad it’s permanent so I can pick it up anytime.
Anyway, nothing for me to buy on PSN this week. Will be grabbing the PS+ freebies and that’s it for me. Still waiting for that Persona sale again. I decided and want get Persona 3 Portable digitally. Hope that’s soon.
Ni no kuni price drop finally.
my ps3 had a force and sudden power off while downloading gtav , will i suffer corrupted data when installing ?
should i restart or resume ??
when is ps one and mini going to be avable for plus on ps vita free and discount the ps vita is going on 1yr and yet we don’t see ps one or mini for plus members
@Vcheese oh man didnt think about it, but you are right will wait at least a week to see october.
It’s funny that people complain about it being a light week. Who do you think would release a big game when a GTA game comes out? It isn’t the best time to do it.
@ 52 DHLIFE I guess it’s sort of funny? What’s hilarious is that they turned their second rate GTA clone into a lame superhero game because they were too scared to compete with GTA 5.
Can you confirm that GTA V is $75 in the Mexican PSN Store? How is that possible?
GTA V It’s Time For Some Thuggin’ And Buggin’, Playa!
When is Sony going to patch the Vita store so that it doesn’t freeze and need a hard reset every damn time we buy something? You guys have known of this problem for quite a while yet nothing gets done about it. That is totally unacceptable from a customer service perspective. When can we expect that to actually get fixed?
Pinball Arcade Cross-buy with PS3
Pro Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 And Goin’ Nuts ($7.99)
Table Pack 16 Pro Upgrade ($3.99, Free For Pro Season Pass)
Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 And Goin’ Nuts ($4.99, Free For Season Pass And Pro Season Pass)
I take it Farsight was unable to work anything out with Sony?
NO, NO, NO!! Not more Soul Sacrifice. Will this game never end?!!!
Just kidding, sort of.
Thanks for the unending free DLC. I’ll download that and look at the new dynamic themes.
LOL from #2 response but i couldn’t agree more XD man it’s the same comments every week :/
I would highly suggest every JRPG fan pick up Ni No Kuni. At $20 that’s a steal.
Sleeping Dogs is a solid game and at only $12.49, you’d be crazy to pass it up.
Ni No Kuni now $20? Awesome!!
Ok, everyone. Shame on you for not buying Ni no Kuni yet. But now you have no excuse. For $19.99 I expect it to be the #2 best selling ps3 game on PSN after GTA V this month. What a wonderful game.
@Mando44646 Great question. It doesn’t happen to me every single time, but it sure is frustrating when it happens.
The Pinball Arcade Alien tycoon bundle is just Sector X and the Made of money table right??? Or was a 3rd table released?
On a side note I need to get home and play GTA V I have been waiting all day,
I wish you guys wouldn’t half *** the plus games.
You cut half the collection off when EU got the full collection and TWO MORE AAA games.
Now one cares for psp games. Ill let this one slide because it was one of the few fun psp games that i maybe MAYBE would actually replay
The one vita game this month is actually really awesome but i already have it :(
Sale are meh. Kayne and Lynch was on sale a month or two ago. come on guys vary the content please.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate… New DLC…. YAY!
Two Thumbs Up!
These months actually is publishing best titles in the store of Europe than that of America, I hope to improve for the month of October
Is Urban Trial Freestyle crossbuy? I bought it on the PSV and I’m still playing the demo…
Why is Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 listed as a PSN game? It is a full game, and should be listed in the “Full Game” section not the “PSN Game” section. I didn’t even know it was there until I stumbled upon it. This stuff matters. Finding games on the PSN has always been kind of a circus experience because of stuff like this, games in the wrong categories, or not even listed at all unless you use the search function. It baffles my mind how something so simple could be so consistently botched. Please get this straightened out. It’d probably take a team of one person just a few hours to double check this stuff and get it right.
Please answer.
I asked it already last week but nobody bothered to reply. :(
I preordered Puppeteer (with the plus discount).
Wasn’t there supposed to be some extras included (soundtrack, avatar)??
Because I didn’t get any, also not in my download list.
I would very much appreciate to get a response, after all i bought something and seemingly didn’t get what I paid for…
The Rocksmith sales finally have the Avenged Sevenfold songs. Bought them right away, I’ve been waiting for like two months since I heard about sales going on for all the DLC songs.
“What more do you need?”
@Alexx-NY 77
At least you got a game to play, found out that my order with EB Games Canada didn’t get entered into the system at all today. Waiting for a response if I can get the pre-order content from their customer service department.
Hopefully I can finally sit down and play it sometime in the next week…
Be sure to ask the live customer support help about that BTW.
As for this week, I can see GTA psp hitting my vita from the plus offerings.
Till then, off to try and finish Rayman Orgins(PS3).
Might be next weeks Plus title from what I gather.
The demo for Legends was smooth, so I expect it to be liked unless it was picked up during the last three Rayman sales.
@60 I disagree SR IV is a very different game than GTA V and lol at being being scared of GTA.I can enjoy both games for the different things they offer.
Wow F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C price on Ni no Kuni!! This is really a price change, right? It won’t come back to $54.99 next week, right? That’s amazing!!! \o/
If there was a poll on this news regarding the best content, Ni no Kuni would definitely be it IMHO. I’m not too fan of GTA, even though I got excited about it just because of all the buzz around its launch.
Thank you guys!
Great update, but why do we ONLY get ICO, when Europe PS+ got ICO AND Shadow of Colossus collection together?
Why are PSP themes still being released, and there are not themes for Vita?
2 and 3) Actually I think its not that bad, so partially disagree
8) Totally Disagree. I wont talk abou FPS because I dun like it, so I’ll leave that discussion to the ones that like. However we already have the best Fighting Games around, all EVO games are on PS3 also….the ones we dun get are usually obscure japanese fighting games, in other words from japanese companies that hardly will sell overseas. AND We already got Chaos Code and we are going to get an updated version of Aquapazza…thats a miracle already.
9) RPGs seems to be dying in this Generation we dun have many good RPGs on any plataform. So its not Sony’s fault, but all old RPG companies that r lacking good stuff. Yeah Konami, Squarenix, SEGA* and Namco I’m looking at you.
*Cause of no news about Phantasy Star Online 2 NA server.
The rest I agree with you.
NI-NO-KUNI WRATH OF THE WHITE WITCH FOR $19.99!?! That’s a steal! Admittedly, I hate the launches of Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. Eh….
AND! What MORE COULD I WANT!?!? I want the impossible. I want Shenmue III!
Getting ready to dive into GTAV tomorrow. So difficult not to look at YouTube videos though.
ICO…already have it, however any digital version will make me have to use less my disc version =p
GTA Liberty Stories….hmmm……well at least is for free, it runs on Vita at least?
GTA V no words needed, I’ll probably get it but not now.
Capcom Fighting Evolution: As a Fighting Gamer and Game Collector, this is a must a have. Not a great game, but something to add for fun play, I just hope it dun have the lag input from CVS2.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch…..I didn’t pay attention to this game until now….just watched a video….and maybe I’m going to get it. I dun like its art style (dun RPG with child style), but the world itself is beautiful and a combat system using Pet system (Digimon / Monster Rancher) with a Linear Battle System (Tales of) is very (really VERY) interesting.
I just hoped to see more Dragon’s Crown things comming, this game is awesome =0
I wanted more Dreamcast re-releases for PS3/PS4, other than Sonic, that would be a dream.
Shenmue and Project Justice would steal my time for long =p
Its great they are practically giving ni no kuni away cuz that game is totally worth $60! And I’d also like to ask where is some last of us DLC?
D-Squad3 on September 17th, 2013 at 2:14 pm said: “Far Cry 3 for NA PS+ please”
Buy it if you want it.
@ Stranger_Eddie
I like how you conveniently ignored the huge price drop on Ni No Kuni.
@ Sony
Awesome update, thanks. Ignore the player haters.
Could the good people at Sony get Blasto back. I would really like to play it.
I love PS Plus, unfortunately, I am a latecomer.
Missed some of the previous deals.
I’d like to propose a new PS Plus Instant Game Collection Category: PS Plus Encore; ie re-run of previous PS Plus IGC favorites(top downloads)?
This will also coincide well with the PS VITA resurgence and the planned PS4 launch.
Ni No Kuni $20 is the deal of the year. Incredible game.
I already have ICO, but good for those who don’t. Not interested in anything else this week.
More RPG games to PS+ program please.
Ni no Kuni at 19.99! Sold! No GTA V for me it’s 75.49 at the Mexican store! That’s not cool!
Nice Ni No Kuni drop! Been waiting on that one for a while. Between GTA V, and ps plus games, people must be downloading like crazy. Trying to download ICO now, and it is crawling.
Add more JPRG localize please.
GTA V looks good but I won’t be buying it from PSN Store, if I buy it will be from retail, blu-ray disc is the only way to go!
I have a issue about the GTAV mode from the Pulse Elite Manager which I hope Sony could fix. The sound seems to be really low when the headset is at max and I’m not really hearing any bass at all. I hope this issue would get looked at, thanks.