Don’t be alarmed — no, it’s not Monday. Although PlayStation Plus updates typically kick off the week, we’re trying something new by pulling back the curtain on our Instant Game Collection updates a little early.
For September, Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection is leading the charge, so you can break out your PlayStation Move Controllers (yes, regular controllers work too) and start destroying zombies. Later this month you’ll get the HD-remastered version of iconic PS2 classic ICO, one of Rockstar’s awesome portable versions of Grand Theft Auto (in this case, GTA: Liberty City Stories), Ubisoft’s loveable platformer Rayman Origins for PS Vita and the classic arcade shooter Galaga Legions DX.
Remember, these games will hit the Instant Game Collection at various times throughout the month, so check back with us every Monday morning to see all the benefits of your membership.
September PlayStation Plus Preview

Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $26.99
Gear up for the ultimate Resident Evil shooting experience with Resident Evil: Chronicles HD Collection. Use the PlayStation Move Motion Controller or traditional wireless controller to take down hordes of zombies across two full titles, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. Relive the events from the original series with classic characters in HD.
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $19.99
A young boy is locked away deep in a castle after horns started growing out of his head. After breaking free from his confines, he rescues a mysterious girl from her cage. Together they must escape the dangers of the castle and fend off the shadow creatures haunting their every move.
GTA: Liberty City Stories (PSP, PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $19.99
There are a million stories in Liberty City. This one changes everything. Once a trusted wise guy in the Leone crime family, Toni Cipriani was forced into hiding after killing a made man. Now he’s back and it’s time for things to be put right.
Rayman Origins (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $26.99
Explore a massive world with over 100 characters & 12 unique worlds designed for all ages and playing styles. Take on a giant pink monster with hundreds of eyes… a possessed mountainous golem… and more! Rayman Origins is a platformer at its core but also features many elements of action, adventure, shooter and beat-’em-up gameplay.
Galaga Legions DX (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $9.99
The legendary hit arcade shooter returns with Galaga Legions DX! Featuring a new twist on the classic gameplay, slick new graphics and devastating weapon power-ups, the fate of the galaxy lies in your hands! Board your fighter and prepare to defend Earth from wave after wave of relentless aliens. Target your enemies’ critical weak spots to earn bonuses and rack-up an astronomical score! Blast your way through unique levels and epic boss battles on your mission to defend the galaxy and prevent an intergalactic catastrophe!
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure you leave a comment below. If you want to engage with some like-minded people, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums to discuss all things PlayStation, including this update. You’ll also find other topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
Is there a reason EU got the Ico + SOTC collection a few months back, but NA just gets Ico all by itself?
Besides that, for someone without a Vita this is a very bad month. The past two months have made me wish I didn’t subscribe for 1 year back in May so I could switch to an EU PS+ sub. Resident Evil Chronicles Collection is the worst collection of RE titles there are, especially for the 99.99% of Ps3 users who don’t have a PS Move. And Galaga HD…
Not impressed with a PS2 game, two Nintendo Wii ports, and a PSN game.
Amazing month ICO! I always wanted to try GTA Liberty City Stories. Rayman is unbelievable and I always wanted to try it on the Vita. Thanks again Sony!
@awe if your tired of these game the you shoudl tell your parents to not renew your pspluse and move on.
Lame Update I hope there gonna be at list some good sells in Sep..
Nice line up! I’ve meaning to pick up Ico and Rayman Origins for sometime now.
I’m very disappointed with this last 2 months, i was really specting Most Wanted last month and Assassin’s Creed 3 this month. Are we ever gonna get this??
Who ever choose the games are extremely cheap and have a bad taste, i’m hating on Eu sony. -_-
This is quite possibly the most excited and happy i’ve been with a ps plus update in months. Don’t like seeing another psp game on there, but u picked the right one if there ever was one. I probably will end up getting all of these. Now that we have Ico, how about giving us Shadow of the Colossus in October? i also would like to see some PS2 Classics for free at some point, like the original Red Faction. Other than that, GREAT JOB GUYS!!!
@fresno75 my parent don’t buy my subscription I DO AND I BEEN REGRETTING IT
Idk what you guys are complaining about. I’ve never gotten any of these and have some point had an interest in all of them. This update is just AWESOME
That is the best update from PS+ USA for the PSVITA, glad you heard us and gave us a great retail game for PSVITA! Thanks, you’re the best!
@awe well then sorry you feel that way, seen the other guys are giving free games to now maybe you should move on to them might make you feel beter, gl to you on what ever you do.
@ fresno75 would you mind your own business? just shut up and be happy you are not one of the customers who got betrayed by sony. 2 weeks on sale and now put free on IGC that’s very intentional move to milk money to ps plus vita subscriber.
I agree with unflushablelog, bad move offering Rayman Origins for free barely a month after it was on sale at a discounted price…Sony is teaching us to skip these sales and wait for the free stuff! I feel cheated.
@hazelcabug You may not be a jerk, but you are an idiot. If you bought something on PSN, it’s yours to keep forever. If you got it for free by PS+, then it will expire when your subscriptions. Go back to Idiots 101.
but I did buy that game to, this is not my plus account. so tyvm
Best igc month in aaaages. Thank you :)
@ Gamerzlimited easy for you to say because it’s your mom who paid for your games.
IMO This month is also the first time the us igc has been better than europe’s all year
@hazelcabug Nope, my mom wants me to get a job and pay for my own games. What about yours?
Darn this one hurts. But I’ll be looking forward to what discounts you guys will have throughout the month. Thanks a bunch for journey and skull girls for only 3.50. Rayman Origins Vita hurts me because it was just on a big sale a few weeks ago. However I’m glad others will enjoy one of the best vita games imo. Rayman Legends out next week Woooooooh! I really hope this is the last Resident Evil. We got 5 a while back. Those games are so gross. Maybe the hd remake is better? I can give it a try for free. I deleted the other one. It was gross. I’ve never played ICO so that will be interesting to try. And I guess galiga is good. I think Shatter would be a great choice. I’ll bet it’s hard to get these games though so thanks none the less. :D Great job!
While folks are sharring there IGC wishlist here are some of mine ;)
EA Tetris
Great Gianna Sisters Twisted Dreams
Crescent Pale Mist
Xmen Arcade
Beyond Good and Evil
Batman Arkham City
Killzone 3
Reality Fighters
Jeanne D’Arc
Shinobido 2 Revenge of Zen
Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky
Epic Mickey 2
@hazelcabug some times its just time to move on, other guys are give out free games to now go with them or better yet make a EU account and get plus there its a win win for you, gl to whatever you do and hope you get back to enjoying gameing.
Great lineup of Games this month.
Good job.
@fresno75 Agreed. I bought Tekken 6 on PSP on sale for $19.99 and one month later, it was offered on PS+. At least I’m not too upset because I plan to buy that game anyway. Plus, it was still $39.99 at the time when it wasn’t on sale.
@ Gamerzlimited yes was a bit upset when I got Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded/Remixed then two weeks later they go on sale. had seen that EU had got them on sale so waited and waited for months here for them to go on sale but got tierd so got them, was still not to bad $10each but could of had them for $5 each lol still fun games tho.
This September is going to be awesome! Thanks for the RE I’m really looking forward to it (:
This is a great lineup! I am especially excited for ICO, which is remote play compatible for my Vita!
My review of the september added games is : 6/10 : quite a good month.
Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection : At least a move game in the ugc… even if it does not have any plat, than it looks ugly… it is a good adding 2/2
Ico : great great game to discover or rediscover in HD. Great great value. Can i ask why the don’t have the collection as EU had ??? Still 2/2
GTA for PSP PSP PSP…. NOT VITA. can’t stand psp game… no trophy… still it will please a looooot of players playing GTA5 on ps3 and this one… For me 0/2
Rayman Origin : Great great great game. The game of the month is a Vita one. Great job… i understand the pain of consumer paying it last week for it (5 bucks) This make lost 1 point : 1/2
Galaga : played the demo long time ago.. really old psn game… was not convinced… without plat. I will try it though. 1/2
I personally disagree with most people this week. I think that the EU Playstation Plus has a much better line up this month. Which leads me to my question. Why are the two entities separate and different? Why aren’t the same discounts and games offered worldwide? Does anyone have an answer to this or know where I can go to find this answer? Thanks in advance.
Alright.. something is wrong here. These positive comments are something never seen before in such a terrible month of Plus. I truly think they’re made up by someone at Sony. They read just like reviews you would find at terrible restaurants that try to make their overall rating look better.
Since you fail to listen to the many gamers complaining about PSP games, you’re just going to make me not renew my Plus this time around? Your deceptive advertising of Plus being only for PS3, Vita, PS4 is wrong and deranged.
Why you play favorites with another country is another reason I’m quitting.
Give yourself a round of applause, your 90+% satisfaction rating for Plus is going downhill. You should’ve listened – you had plenty of time.
BTW, Playstation, you have said not to be a jerk, but you have been one yourself for a few months now. Practice what you preach.
Nice line-up! Only one of these I own is Liberty City Stories, and I have it on UMD. Will be nice to have it on my Vita.
I’m really looking forward to Darkside Chronicles though. I like Resident Evil a lot, but the only title in the series I’ve bought is the PS3 version of RE4 when it was on sale. RE5 is a blast to play, so I’m very curious about RE:DSC.
Additionally, I’ve always heard good things about Team ICO, but I’ve never played their games. It will be nice to remedy this thanks to PS+.
Oh, right! By the way, Liberty City Stories is a great game. No, it’s not a Vita title, but getting it for free is still a pretty awesome value since it’s one of the best free-roamers on the system. Give it a shot.
Much better of a line up for IGC. I for one would like to see the sales that happened in summer more often.
A lot of the posters are upset that a free game for the ps3 will show up for the vita the next month. Or a certain game will go on sale then a few months later it becomes free.
I agree people from Sony do reply.
More massive summer sales please!!!!!
Seriously, why am I even paying for this crap anymore. This is an even bigger joke than last month. I dot own a worthless Move controller and who wants to play an on rails shooter with a regular controller. I don’t own a Vita. Also not only is it NOT 1989 but I can’t stand shoot ’em ups. And for the third month in a row we get another HD remake of a last gen game. Not counting that the “big” game of the month is also an HD remake of two Wii games.
Can you just fire the NA Plus team and have EU run it because they actually know what they are doing. How can you even sit there and justify the fact that EU gets a game as new as ACIII and the give us a piece of crap Resident Evil on rails shooter.
Come back next month when EU gets GTA5, The Last of Us and Borderlands 2 GOTY and NA gets Pacman, 3 psp fighting games, Hannah Montana the Movie game and a new game where you boot it up and it’s just a Sony rep giving you the middle finger no matter what button you push.
My subscription ends on the 20th, I will probably have to reconsider continuing my sub unless I somehow find out I’m moving to the UK.
Wow! Great collection! I think I’ll be getting all of them. :-) Thanks!
The earlier update is very much appreciated! I was not expecting it and almost missed it due the fact this post no longer appears on the first screen of PS Blog posts. Thank goodness for forums and gaming media that alerted me to it!
At any rate, lots of good games this month, though I personally prefer current gen games to last gen ones. Rayman Origins was a nice surprise on the Vita side — especially since I now have a Vita with the recent price drop. :)
pretty good update. but omo… i bought Rayman Origins at 14USD during a PSN sale.. but never played it :/
ICO is pretty nice – my HD Collection is still sealed though XD
puta sacanagem! tanto jogo bom pra adicionar e vem esses HD? PQP
Quem está falando?
Definitely a great update for me. I can finally play Ico (Have never played it, played SoTC and loved it).
The only thing awesome here is just RAYMAN !!
and why the EU+ Subs had and still have the best games !? At least, make an update for Vita that allows it to switch between two account. Then, I will be a happy EU+ Subscriber. Too hard?
This is it SCEA, Europe got for PS VITA :
Jak&D Trilogy
Urban Freestyle
Little king
Stealth Inc.
YES PEOPLE, 4 GAMES (crossbuys in JYD and Stealth, i have a friend with EU account)
i always defended you in all the Spain forums and UK forums…. i always supported you because even if our IGC SUCK, you gave us nice discounts
Seriously SCEA, you REALLY SUCK.
Just realized there’s no fighting game this month.
Best PS+ month ever!!!
Wow, wow, wow. I can see why people are griping there’s not a single “anchor” game this month, but come on — taken in total, this is a great, great month. I’m very pleased. Well worth the less than $4 a month I pay.
And a great PSP choice.
Wow i love the september game line up for Playstation Plus Members
@fresno75 Yeah, that sucks. I know it’s really tempting not to buy something you really want. I know how that feels, I bought Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars because I wanted a new game to play on vacation. After vacation’s over and two weeks has gone by, it got on sale for $4.99. That was pretty frustrating. For now on, I try to only buy the games that I know are too niche to even get a sale. Like Koei’s PSP games, they never got a sale like even once.
@Draxido But if you do get banned, we won’t get to hear you obnoxious ranting. And why do people care if GTA’s on PSP? There is no GTA on PSP yet and the only way to get your fix is this. Like DeathGazer said, be happy that it isn’t a fighting game. Darkstalkers Chronicle is a disappointment.
@Draxido, he makes the perfect sense. What do I do with a psp game !? It does not even have a single trophy despite of its ugly graphics. And still the EU+ Subs will always win.
@AYB_91 Ugly graphics? How old are you? That’s like saying I was born the mid 2000s and telling everyone that Atari 2600 games has bad graphics. Graphics don’t make a game, kid.
Just got a vita so its always nice to have free games