If you’re reading this, Payday 2 is almost out — and the Overkill team is off on well-deserved vacations planning our next heist. It’s hard to express just how excited we are about the game finally being available for everyone to play. But soon, everyone will be able to mask up and get their heists started for real!
If you’re new to Payday, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. Payday 2 is an intense and dynamic first-person four player co-operative robbery game unlike any other. It’s equal parts RPG and action game now, allowing players to rob banks, jewelry stores, art galleries, and a hell of a lot more. Even, uh, unusual jobs. Our angle, even on the first Payday, has been “make a game where you feel like you are the bank robber” and we’ve referenced everything from Breaking Bad to Heat to make that happen. We want to make players feel like they’re really experiencing all the tension and high-stakes action of a life of crime.
Veteran Payday: The Heist players are going to remember the intense four-player heisting with the old Payday gang of Hoxton, Wolf, Dallas, and Chains back together again with Bain, their trusted planner. But they’re going to be blown away from all the new additions. Now a player can really pull off the perfect heist, without even firing a shot, with the addition of real stealth and deep team play-based skills. There are 144 skills and four archetypes (Ghost, Mastermind, Enforcer, and Technician) that allow players to make the kind of robber they want to be. There is a working money-based economy, so you’re actually robbing places to get money for things you want, whether its masks, mask mods, money for training or that rare optic.
Payday 2 has five times as many missions as Payday: The Heist. We have vastly improved gunplay and combat and immensely dynamic and replayable missions, some of which stretch over multiple stages. Even a Payday where players can get masks and weapons mods that they can customize. Last, but certainly not least, there is a huge visual and audio leap from the first game and a safe house to test out your gadgets and see the fruits of your labor in your own personal vault. I also need to mention the game’s incredible soundtrack from Payday: The Heist audio director Simon Viklund.
As for DLC, we have a full year of it planned. We can’t talk about it much…but everyone likes an armored car hit, right?
Mask up. The Payday 2 world is your bank. Get robbing.
Sorry but all I read was “available for download august 13th”, guess I shouldn’t bother with reading anything they say.
Hahahahaha you can’t find this article on front page anymore. Look at these sneaky bunch of staff here. They refused to comment anything and then secretly remove this article to try and control the damage. I’m informing Kotaku, ign etc. Shoddy business practice must be dealt with.
@52 let them know about the on PSN only the Purchasing account can be the game and no other account on the PS3 can.
Anybody looking for a partner -n- crime add me
I’m up at 12:33 on August 13th and its still not available what the hell!
r u sure #53
i read it but have you dl it to find it out?
no its crap, dont listen to ppl that have played 3 games so far!
Come on Sony!!!!! You have this item listed on the store as a pre-order and Day 1 Digital and then its not even available. Someone better get on this thread from SONY and let us know whats going on.You guys are always available to comment when someone rags on PS+ and stuff but when this stuff happens….. IF this game is not available today for me to play i will never again purchase a Sony product or Sony software(thats a big deal as i own roughly 90% of the content available to North America)
@59 i havent downloaded it but im going to try it asap when its available to download im going to be real angry if i cant play it on my account
Day one release my butt. haha Also add me for coop fun! I gots da mic. <3
u can play it on 7zillion accounts if u want, but only 2 can be activated at the same time.dont worry u can play it!
you guys should stop it only 9 am in pst so wait till the store updates and stfu
@61 how are you sure?? in the PSN description it says its locked to the purchasing account
And this its a perfect reason that Sony can’t never go fully digital on ps4.
who r u again?,…ahhh right,..nobody! and who started asking silly questions?ahhh…. u again!
better think twice next time!
#65 if it isnt i a new thing no other games are like that
Very disappointed in PSN. I preordered it thinking I could download it last night. It even said to come back at 12:01am EST on Aug 13th so I did and nothing. Why say that if you’re not going to deliver?
Ugh :(
Yup, keep deleting everything I say. Can’t handle your own mess.
What’s wrong anyway, moderator, afraid to comment to the people who you claim money from?
That is the only thing they can do.
it works like this: on ur main acc u buy stuff,once its available u gonna dl it ! if u change ur acc on the same system u purchased the game with ,u can still play the game! it doesnt matter if u have 1 account or 4000 accounts!
now lets say u go over to a friends house, sign in with ur main acc, dl the content again and play the game on ur friends account!
just 1 thing: only two systems can be activated at the same time!
By all means, please, be the sorry excuse of a human that you are and at least communicate, if that’s even within your mental capacity.
Or are you just going to spend/waste your time deleting comments instead of manning up and actually replying to one. It’s pretty sad when you’re afraid of people in person, but afraid of them on the internet? What happened to capitalism? I thought you guys were in full control here? And you’re too scared to even comment to the people you STEAL money from?
@73 read the PSN description and let me know what you think. I hope your right but i dont think u are hopefully u can prove me wrong
@68 I almost didn’t preorder because it said only the purchasing account could use it and only 1 activated ps3 in a 24hr time frame but then I thought what the heck I want it BAD lol. Also I thought about trying it on different accounts but then realized if I do that it would be against policy and they could take your right to the game or even cancel your account for violating the terms of use so I wouldn’t try to play it on any account other than the purchasing account.
So please, delete, delete, delete. That’s what you do best.
and btw. purchased items (no matter what it is) are always locked to the main account! but that doesnt prevent playing the content on any system u want!
@71 – To be fair the moderator doesn’t control all of PSN and Sony digital releases so targeting one individual is uncalled for. If you have a problem with it then contact Sony directly. That’s what I plan on doing.
This is my First time pre-ordering a game on the PSN store can someone tell me what i need to do when the game comes out..such as how to download it
If you contact sony directly they shut you out and won’t talk to you regardless lol..
So sure, go ahead and try mate, but it’s just gonna waste your time :P
I just want to be able to play the game i bought. I shouldn’t have to wait for the store to update because it should of already be there for pre download etc. This is the one thing I hate about psn and what I like about Microsoft. I don’t have to wait a whole freakin day to get something I want.
Everybody chill…that being said I am also upset because I took the day off work and am leaving town tomorrow. I really wanted to play all day before I left because I won’t be able to play again until Sunday. Some of you are too mad though. I love when people say they won’t be buying anymore sony products or playstation games after this. Really? I’m sure if you were on heroin you would say the same thing if your dealer ripped you off. You will always be back. Have you ever sucked a D**k for playstation? I bet you would.
since 2007 i downloaded more than 3TB of dlc and content! there is nothing to read, its always the same and never changed!
What exactly r u afraid of! maybe i get u wrong!?
Im going to laugh when Sony screws those who pre ordered splinter cell blacklist from the ps store.
LOL compare this to heroin, nice one man. You’re beyond enlightened.
can someone answer my question @81?? ahaha
@89 wait for the store to update go to the game page on the store and click dl
@90 thanks and for everyone else im sure we will all be able to download as soon as PSN stores update for eastern its probably around 4-5 pm
287 stubborn just read the dam description man
while were i pissed a sony lets talk about why the hell here are axe deodorant add on my ps store
ahaha i was almost thinking the same right now cause i just opened the store up
hahaha yeah me too
and if anyone does know for sure, when is the store supposed to update?
@96 what time zone you live in?
well last week it updateed at about 1 pm pst when i got dragons crown
again,.. crap,…. pre ordered downloads are added to the list automatically! u dont need to do anything!as soon as it is available it starts to download,….except ur hdd is full^^
Will the store update automatically or do I have to do a system update? I’m not super familiar with how this works.