Millions of PlayStation fans around the world just watched our annual E3 press conference — marking the beginning to what will be an incredible week at E3 — and saw the amazing gaming and entertainment experiences coming to PlayStation in the near future. Above all else, what we showed tonight is our relentless focus on gamers and PlayStation’s long-standing legacy to building a gaming universe without boundaries.
One of the highlights of our event tonight was the official unveil of the PlayStation 4 system and price of $399. The PS4 design is sleek and functional, and contains a powerful system architecture that will enable the industry’s best developers to create amazing titles. Our Worldwide Studios team has more than 30 PS4 exclusive titles in development, 20 of which will launch during the first year of PS4. The PS4 games feature 12 completely new IPs, including a game we unveiled tonight… The Order: 1886 from Ready at Dawn. We also provided updates to other exciting PS4 titles #DRIVECLUB, inFAMOUS: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall, and Knack.
PS4 has incredible strength among the development community, and some of the best teams in the world displayed their ground-breaking games. Bungie Studios showed, for the first-time ever, live gameplay of the highly anticipated Destiny; Ubisoft featured Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and Watch_Dogs; Square Enix showed Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV; and Warner Bros. showed the world premiere for Mad Max. We also reinforced our support for independent and smaller developers with nine new titles that will debut exclusively on PlayStation 4.
It’s clear that you’ll have no shortage of games to play when PS4 launches. Globally there are more than 140 games in development for PS4 across our own Worldwide Studios and our development partners, including over 100 that will be available within the first year.
We also announced that PlayStation Plus memberships will carry over to PlayStation 4, so members will have access to all of the benefits across PS3, PS Vita and PS4 for one price. These benefits include online multiplayer access, exclusive discounts, cloud game saves, and Instant Game Collection, which gives members a selection of games to discover and enjoy with their friends. To celebrate the launch of PlayStation Plus on PS4, we will offer #DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition in the Instant Game Collection.
Sony Pictures Entertainment joined us onstage to announce that it is working on new original programming and unique access to entertainment content on PSN and PS4. Sony Pictures Entertainment is one of the most powerful entertainment brands in the world and we look forward to bringing our fans curated content that they’ll love.
In just over a year since its launch, we’ve built a library of more than 125 PS Vita dedicated games and the platform will only get stronger in the coming year. More than 85 games will launch by the end of the year, including The Walking Dead, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, CounterSpy, Destiny of Spirits, Doki Doki, Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway.
The PlayStation 3 is heading into its 7th holiday season and our commitment is stronger than ever. The PS3 game lineup today is huge, starting this Friday with Game of the Year candidate The Last of Us, which is now the highest rated game for all platforms for 2012 and 2013. We have more than 300 other titles that will launch before the end of the year, such as Beyond: Two Souls, Rain, Puppeteer, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Gran Turismo 6. In addition, we announced a PS3 bundle for Grand Theft Auto V and a new GTAV branded Pulse Elite headset that comes with an exclusive GTA soundscape.
It’s truly a remarkable time at PlayStation. We’re on the verge of launching the most powerful gaming system ever built with the PS4 and the entire PlayStation ecosystem is expanding with the continued growth and strength of PS Vita, PS3 and PlayStation Network. I want to thank PlayStation Nation for your passion and continued support. You’re the reason we continue to innovate, explore new entertainment possibilities and push the boundaries of play. I look forward to sharing more exciting details in the near future.
Jack Tretton
PlayStation: The Best Place to Play
PlayStation 4 Hardware Revealed at E3
E3 2013: Indie Developers Continue to Choose PlayStation
Knack at E3: New Trailer, Connected Play and More
inFAMOUS: Second Son – Watch the New Trailer
#DRIVECLUB – E3 Club Challenge + New Trailer
First Destiny Gameplay Trailer from E3
The Order: 1886 Brings the Victorian Era to PlayStation 4
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Crashes, Stumbles, and Flops on to PS4
Outlast Will Scare the S*** Out of You on PS4
GALAK-Z: A 16-Bit Space Shooter for the Next Generation
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty Coming to PS4
Secret Ponchos on PS4: Spaghetti Western Style Combat
Mercenary Kings On The Move To PS4
Transistor Coming to PS4, From the Creators of Bastion
Grand Theft Auto V PS3 Bundle, Custom Pulse Elite Headset & Custom Audio Mode
Destiny of Spirits Brings Social Strategy to PlayStation Vita
New The Walking Dead DLC, Series Coming to PS Vita with Bundle
paid multiplayer? there are countries that 50 dollars is a month salary for some and you greedy bastards ruined for them! not cool sony!
this was my first and last year with plus!
@149 that is for the PS4, if 50$ a year is a salary, they are definitely not picking up something that is 400$.
I am all up for affordability, but Plus is the ultimate wallet saver so if you only make a small amount it makes sense to get the product even without the multiplayer. Pay for Plus to play multiplayer is but a small understandable price to pay for the costs that were at stake.
Sony hurry up and confirm you can supply to Amazon(Dot)Ca the PS4. They stopped taking pre orders before I placed mine. Apparently you made a great impression on us Canadians.
Stop crying over having to join Playstation Plus to play online on the PS4! You want nice things, well nice things costs money! All I have to say is..PS4Life!
Can’t there be a freebie version and a Plus version of Online Multiplayer?
PS3 will be playing games free, soo…
I have a killer PS4 online interface, with a free version and a paid version. A ton of features making it almost mandatory to get, but not 100%.
Well, the price is 400$, and the PS3 is 270$. Great price even for Offline Gaming.
Mostly excellent conference but I was disappointed that there wasn’t more about new games coming to the Vita. In fact, the biggest news about the Vita was the Walking Dead announcement, which is a little insulting since it’s already on most every other gaming device available. Please have more about Vita games this week!!!!
I preordered my Ps4 a few minutes ago.
I liked what sony brought to the table and that they actually listened to feedback.
Good Luck and best wishes to Microsoft’s Tv box that plays games with restrictions. They’re done.
What about PS4 stability? One thing that lacked really hard on PS3 is the stability of the system. The only system that didn’t start to not function right in the first year was the first model when I had it before it was stolen. I’ve had the model after it twice and both broke down within an year. After the first one malfunctioned and I sent it in Sony gave me a brand new one for free that broke down in 2 months. I’m on the slim model now and its been a year and a half and it’s starting to not read disc’s when I pop them in like the other two. I’d like a system that is about taking gaming to an all new level but I’d like some stability from Sony. I’ve had countless PS2’s that broke down on me out of no where.
I’ll call it now… PS+ will start having glorified demos instead of full games (see Driveclub PLUS EDITION), and there will be an additional premium membership fee (PS++?) to get something more like what it is now (all this only applies to ps4). Mark my words!
If not and everything stays as is, then yay… no problem with requiring it for online play (everyone should get plus anyways, best deal ever atm). But I see the future, it cant be all roses and sunshine
Got my PS3 at launched, lasted 2 year, bought the slim, worked ever since.
I’ll also be getting 2-years warranty, just in case. If it doesn’t break then Sony deserved my money.
Sony never had the intention of implementing MS’ DRM/used games policy. That was a MS initiative to publishers. You have all been hoodwinked if you think Sony is some white knight. Instead you get forced to pay to play online, something MS was derided for this whole console generation. You pay for the console, you pay for the games and then you pay again for the “privilege” to play those games you bought. Yet no-one with a PS3 or Wii or PC has ever done that.
I think PS+ is a great thing, a great OPTION and there should be benefits for subscribers. I don’t think basic online should be behind a paywall.
Send a message. #PS4FreeOnline
Sony…All I have To Say Is…I So LOVE You!!!!!! and, 399 XD
PS4 killed Xbox One. Need I say more?
Buying a PS4.
Oh, also buying a Wii U…
(Why not? Can’t have both?)
Online is free on PS3, PS Vita and Wii U.
Can’t wait to play Killzone Mercernary Online!
500G HDD for ps4 @6
I have been a playstation plus member for years and I love it and will continue for life. My worry is how it will affect all my accounts now that plus is required for multiplayer. I have five children that play the PS3 and have accounts as well and we love being able to play all the Plus content across all accounts. I hope that the Multiplayer rights will extend to all accounts on the console unlike Microsoft that requires Gold for each account. I am worried that it might get really expensive yearly. Great news on all other fronts though and way to go countering all the BS Microsoft was trying to push on real gamers!!
Like 165 said. But now Microsoft will only require 1 Gold membership per Xbox One as opposed to per accounts like the 360.
Sony, if you are charging for multiplayer, AT LEAST make it per PlayStation, valid for 2 PlayStations giving the paying account is on there, the other account users can enjoy the other benefits.
Wii U is still free.
While I see a lot of people aren’t happy with the new pay wall for online play on PS4 (I’m assuming online play on PS3 will stay free?), I completely understand why you’re doing it. And you’re also not charging an extra $50 just for online access, including to separate apps that use the internet, like with Live and Netflix. Simply rolling online access for online-gaming-only into the PS+ subscription service is probably the least intrusive way you could have done it, and I appreciate that. I’m currently subbed up through August of 2016, so I won’t be having any trouble playing online with the PS4 for quite a while. And with PS+ subs rolling over onto PS4 and just giving subscribers even more benefits, it’s really hard to refute the value of the service now.
Congratulations, Sony. You won E3 and laid the smackdown on Microsoft at the same time.
stop to cheat us with garbages we want games for ps vita and i din’t see any at the conference i won’t support ps4 for what you did to ps vita
I really hope Sony reconsiders PS+ being required to play online. I am a subscriber and I plan to stay one as long as I have access to a recent Sony system (which will be as long as I can afford to buy them) but I have always felt that Microsoft’s system of a yearly subscription to play online was absolutely disgusting. Please, PLEASE reconsider this. It won’t change anything for me since I’m a subscriber regardless, but I think enough people should be jumping on board for he free games and sales that requiring people to get PS+ to play online shouldn’t be necessary. This also makes Sony look too similar to Microsoft’s business model with them now giving free games when you pay to play online.
Otherwise I’m pretty happy with what I’ve heard about PS4 so far and while I won’t be getting one at launch, I intend to later on when it has games that interest me.
I’m Sold.. I bought a PS3 for 600 bucks.. so seriously this is a no brainer for me
Great Job Sony Play Sation 4 is looking great can’t wait to get more info
I was absolutely in love with your press conference UNTIL I saw you must have PS+ subscription on your PSN account specifically if you want to play online on PS4. I will be getting your PS4 though, I know that all the games I have been waiting for will be on the PS4 (Kingdom Hearts 3, Infamous Second Son etc.) however “I WILL NOT BUY” a PS+ for my personal account – if your going to give us PS+ for “free” again maybe through codes/dedication to your products etc. (just without the free game bonuses etc.) then maybe thats the way to go. (Why do you think I chose to get a PS3 over anything else in the first place)
I play online in our house with my brothers on 2 PS3’s this means we log in with our own accounts and play games together because it’s fun and most importantly it’s free! Me and my 2 brothers (No income) would subscribe 3 times just to play with each other and buy 2 PS4’s (and 2 more controllers) and it’s not forever therefore the money adds up if we want the best experience. Yes PS+ is a GREAT deal, but what it’s doing is putting more limits to what I can do when I want the best PS4 online games and that is going to ruin my playstation experience as a family.
“These benefits include online multiplayer access” – This isn’t a benefit. This is taking away from the value of PS+. Don’t be greedy like Microsoft and lock this behind a paywall. That’s just low. This almost completely offsets all of the good news you guys released. =[
Proplr 1 account is good for system wide MP access is that better for you?plus swapable hardrive I AM SOLD 4EVER! 20 years of greatnes Thank you PlayStation
If that was not the best hardware presentation IDK what is. Everytime Jack paused to let the applause linger, you could hear another nail getting slammed into MS coffin. Playstation has always been, is,will be the place to be! ….PS 4 Life……PS4LIFE!!!
Seriously Sony where the hell are the vita games, fudge I’m Effin tried of this crap gosh dam it
You killed off my fav pspgo, you stole my money from phantasy star portable 2 that isn’t playable on the vita, and ur killing the duckin vita.., what is wrong with you!!!!!!
I don’t give a dam about flower hd, god of war hd either… Counter spy looks lame
Teraway looks fine
But still I’m disappointed I bought my vita a week before launch date. I paid the extra just so I can have it, hoping it be amazing just like my psp was…
I have purchased over 22 retail copies of vita games and over 13 copies of psn games
I’m giving my vita love
But where the bloody hell are the new games????
The only games I’m looking forward 2 are
Final fantasy x hd
Jak and dexter collection hd
Killzone mercenary
Valhalla knights 3
These games have been announced since E3
Oh and Cytus for psmobile
How bout minecraft pocket edition for psmobile
I’ll give credit to Sony leading their E3 conference with the Vita, but I, as well as many others its seems, are still disappointed with how the device is being treated. Outside of an announcement that God of War 1 and 2, Dead Nation, and the Walking Dead, will be coming out for it, very little else was announced. It still seems that the Vita is the “poor” cousin. I had hoped to see an acknowledgement that the memory card pricing has been a hurdle that consumers were not willing to invest in; hence a price drop was coming. I’m hoping that there is more news for the Vita as E3 continues; but it’s hard not to get the impression that the Vita is merely an after-thought for Sony.
So Amazing Sony!! Sooo many games… just wish yall would release a higher capacity memory card for the VITA… perhaps a 64GB or higher….
As others have noted, the PS4 conference was wonderful and it’s great to see Sony staying the course in being consumer friendly… except for the “pay to play online” issue of Playstation Plus essentially becoming Xbox Gold.
Before making my decision to stay with Playstation and buy the PS4, I would like clarification on two issues for multigamer households that buy two consoles (and there are a lot of us!):
1. Does each household member require a separate PS Plus subscription or will there be a “family pack” of some nature offered where the consoles in the household can be linked in some manner and get a price break on the monthly fees in order for the two household members to be able to play online games together?
2. Can digital games still be shared between two consoles in a household? The Xbox is bringing in some form of family sharing plan on digital content, will Sony continue with the current system where I can download a digital game like Borderlands to my console and my husband’s console and we can both play the game online together at the same time?
Clarification on these issues will make pre-ordering my next gen console a much easier decision.
Thank you for forgetting about the vita again … Other than that .. Solid conference
Hey Sony do you want the Vita to fail? it seemed that way at the conference, nothing surprising, you should release a new God Of War, inFamous, another Uncharted, etc. But with almost nothing new anounced I’m starting to worry, should I just sell it before it dies? c’mon Sony, get it together and support this great system.
I’m glad that there won’t be used games restrictions on PS4. Are you getting rid of the online pass now that online play is no longer free? also, I’d happily pay $450-$500 for a premium PS4 with Backwards Compatibility, if that gets released I’ll buy it right away, otherwise I’ll wait around 1.5-2 years to get it.
Not sure how they forgot the Vita.
PS4 supports pretty well all games for remote play with Vita…so I’m very happy.
Also a PS + member from day one, so the multiplayer won’t affect me….
PS + is a great offer….I’ve gotten so many free games it’s well worth the price….and helps support the servers at Sony.
Cloud gaming company Gaikai will support PS4 and PS3 backward compatibility….they announced it last night. (it may take a bit, but it will be there).
Of all 3 consoles, It’s clear that PS4 has the best Quality/Price for the hardware, even if you stay offline, an option not given on Xbox One, it’s still a great investment.
I also saw a trailer of a mech game on Wii U, is it called X?
In any case, it literally was far more impressive than Titanfall on Xbox 1/PC.
A Wii U game BETTER than any Xbox 1 game, 300$ over 500$. Umm, easy choice there.
PS4, then Wii U. And that’s it. (Wii U should cancel the basic, keep the black premium and drop it at least 50$, sooner rather than later)
I’ll be getting my PS4, but I’ll also buy a Wii U if nothing for the sake of playing for free online.
That is priceless, literally…
*The Irony, PS Plus member for another 4 years. The service is great, was great until it became mandatory.
There’s a million and a half things Sony can do to get the best of both worlds and adding value to the customer.
Hire me, you’ll see.
Hey, almost forget, Killzone Mercenary, show us some footage.
Sony how much will it be the online
@185 How did they forget? Let’s see….
They announced GoW1+2….
They announced The Walking Dead….
They talked about cross features with the PS4…..
They went over a lot of already announced games (Tearaway, FFX, etc.)…
They didn’t say A WORD on hardware updates, new firmware features, Memory Card capacities, or price drops (both the system and the Memory Card)…..
…Yep, that all says they forgot about it!! (Well, not TOTALLY, but you know what I mean)
@188 Add that to my list in @190.
Great conference Jack. Glad that you’re not too proud to hammer it to MS, one of my favorite parts. I pre-ordered the Madden PS4 bundle along with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and all of that still cost me less than a MS system!!! Thanks for the great pricing, I don’t mind that I have to be a PS+ member to play online because I have been since day one and will continue to be so it doesn’t seem like anything will be different. Those who don’t have it should become a member, I mean is $50 a year really not worth a load of discounts and free games? If no then maybe that person should go buy a MS machine and just watch TV.
#PS4FreeOnline on twitter, please Sony, do not let us down.
Lisen to us. You might have regained back the lost Xbox 360 players (Mainly because of Microsoft themselves), but us real PS Fan want our friends to join in for free.
@189….if you mean the PS +….That’s $50 a year….but you can get a deal every so often…I got year plus 3 mths…
I just want to thank you for sticking up for gamers and giving us what WE WANT, not what you think we want. I went ahead and preordered a PS4 last night.
It truly is a great time to be a gamer!
Looking foward to games on Vita:
-Dragon Crown
-Killaone Mercenary
-Vahalla Knights
-Hopefully FF Type-0
What else is there, anyway, a 50$ price drop is in order and much more games.
And a flexibility to transfer files offline from Ps4 to PS Vita.
The Vita can always get updated at a free wi-fi hotspot.
If it’s mandatory to play online, that experience better be amazing.
Already pre-ordered! Not really fussed about the pay-to-play online, plus is only a little over $4 a month and it’s already a pretty great deal IMO (But wait! I hear you say, he isn’t even plus! Well my sub ran out the other day and I’ve yet to buy a new card ;-). But for real, no used DRM, no always online, no forced motion control, $100 cheaper, PS4 is the only way to go.