Hey PlayStation Plus fans, the first thing you might notice this week is the notable lack of Morgan in this post. Not to worry, he’s taking a quick break as we ramp up to E3, and I’ll be trying to fill his shoes in the meantime. With that sorted, on to the content!
We have two Timed Themes this week that Plus members will want to check out. Vita fans need to also be sure to pick up BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend for free. Beyond that PlayStation Plus members are getting a handful of discounts for PS Vita and PS3 games. Check out the details below!
May 28th PlayStation Plus Update
Fuse (Timed Trial)
PSN Price: N/A, Free Trial for PS Plus members

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Timed Trial)
PSN Price: N/A, Free Trial for PS Plus members

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members (PSN Price: $24.99; PS Plus Price: Free)

Hamilton’s Great Adventure (PS3)
50% Discount for PS Plus members (PSN Price: $4.99; PS Plus Price: $2.50)

Draw Slasher (PS Vita)
30% Discount for PS Plus members (PSN Price: $5.99; PS Plus Price: $4.19)

Germinator (PS3)
25% Discount for PS Plus members (PSN Price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $5.99)

Germinator Bundle (PS3 and PS Vita Bundle)
40% Discount for PS Plus members (PSN Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $5.99)

Last Chance (Leaving on 6/1)
Instant Game Collection
- Metro: Last Light Season Pass
You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow.
So tell us, what are you most excited for this week? Your comments and feedback matter, so leave them below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, make sure you head over to the PlayStation Community Forums to discuss this week’s news more, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. As Morgan always says, “See you in the comments!”
No #47 that wouldnt stay there lol that 1 hour needs to go up! XD that would be cool too
what do you mean the pinball arcade doesnt work #50? i have it on my vita right now and played it already lol …. (havent tried the PS3 one though…. and i might not try it ever since its a separate trophy set)
I bought Sly Cooper: Theives in Time during last months sale and have to admit its quickly becoming one of my favorites! It’s all the stuff I miss from last generation games while still being current gen with a fresh twist. This is probably a genre that gets overshadowed by all the shores and fighting games, so its nice to know a few studios are brave enough to even attempt it. This is why I’m a playstation fan! Sony gets that gamers want variety.
@ #31 im pretty sure there wont be anything for PS Plus next week just because theyre gonna make some big reveal for E3 and itll make it worth the wait :)
#52 Every time I have tried to download it over the past week, it has given me an error message. And I know that I’m not the only one that is having problems with this.
Cool I love me some Blazblue…and Hamilton’s for $2.50….damn I can’t resist that…will buy without doubt.Also that Draw Slasher game…I’ve never seen anything about it….looks good.
I personally think the best fighter on the Vita is Mortal Kombat, but that’s purely personal preference.
I donno, fellas, some of the best games on the Vita has already been available on PLUS.
I was happy to see Knytt Underground, Pinball thingy, and Germinator.
I hope more games like that become available. Indie games that deserve some lime light!
Bring ’em, Sony!
Excited to play BlazBlue on my Vita! Nice. Keep the good games rolling in. Having a blast with pinball arcade!
The game developpers would decide the price and time lenght rental of the play time. They could give the opportunity to rent the games online while giving the developpers a cut of the cash.
That way, it would support the gaming industry.
It is completly Optional, and not a mandatory stuff like microsoft is offering on trade games.
You could think of various ways to make it work too.
Maybe some gaming Netflix where, if you’re a PS+ member, you get 2 hours of free gaming time that isn’t restricted like on PS3 (On PS3, once you start the free trial, you have to play the whole hour or else it’s gone.)
This would be mandatory to the rental service I talked about earlier, just like now on the PS3 with the disc based games on PSN
Other stuff such as what online rentals are offering, you get to pay a monthly fee to rent games unlimited as opposed to a specific game or time restriction. (royalty fees still would go the developpers accordingly to wich game the gamer played on an overall % based as opposed to timed one) This would also be a seperate service to the one above, most likely would get older games instead of new ones.
Overall, you would support the gaming industry while being true to the gamer.
I also have a problem with Pinball, not able to install on my vita (have not yet tried in my ps3)
Pinball Arcade fix, please.
Ok there were zero responses to anyone last week on the playstation update so I’m going to try again this week. Will we be getting a monthly preview for playstation plus on June the 3rd or will you be making us wait for E3. Also for that matter will we receive any content at all for the week before E3. I am not asking you to tell me what content just a yes or no on if we should be expecting a playstation plus report on that day. Hopefully this week things are better to where we get a response. Also I am curious why on the poll this week there isn’t an option for nothing for me this week?
Sorry for the delay in reply. There will be an update next week, yes. Thanks for keeping me in check!