With Spring on the horizon, we figured it might be time to test a new format of delivering your PS Plus updates. This month, we’re providing an outlook of the major stuff hitting the Instant Game Collection in March with this update, but you’ll still want to check the weekly posts to see the discounts and any other freebies available to you as a PS Plus member.
To kick things off, the following games, displayed in no particular order, will be added to the Instant Game Collection throughout March!
March Preview

Spec Ops: The Line
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3)
PSN Price: $14.99, Free for PS Plus members

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

The Cave (PS3)
PSN Price: $14.99, Free for PS Plus members

Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3), Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita), Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita), and The Cave (PS3) which will be arriving throughout the month of March!
Leaving PS Plus In March
- March 5th – Guardians of Middle Earth
- March 12th – Quantum Conundrum
- March 19th – Dungeon Defenders
- March 19th – Foosball 2012 PS Vita
- March 26th – Plants Vs Zombies
Entering PS Plus in March (in no particular order)
- Spec Ops: The Line (PS3)
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
- Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3)
- Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita)
- The Cave (PS3)
March 5th Plus Update
For the week at hand, please welcome the critically acclaimed Spec Ops: The Line to the Instant Game Collection; meaning it’s free for PS Plus members to download starting with the March 5th PS Store update. We’ve also got week 2 of the PS Vita Anniversary Sale with a bevy of discounts on fantastic PS Vita games, with even deeper discounts if you’re a PS Plus member.
Spec Ops: The Line
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

PS Vita Anniversary Sale Week 2
Various Discounts

Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | Plus Price |
Army Corps Of Hell | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Big Sky: Infinity (Cross Buy) | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend | $24.99 | $17.49 | $12.24 |
Dokuro | $19.99 | $9.99 | $6.99 |
Dynasty Warriors Next | $34.99 | $24.49 | $17.14 |
Knytt Underground (Cross Buy) | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Lego Lord Of The Rings | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Orgarhythm | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Pure Chess | $7.99 | $5.49 | $3.84 |
Retro City Rampage (Cross Buy) | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Sine Mora | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Spy Hunter | $34.99 | $24.99 | $17.49 |
Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Sumioni: Demon Arts | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
BIT.TRIP Presents Runner2 Future Legend Of Rhythm Alien
20% Discount for PS Plus Members – PSN Price: $14.99, PS Plus Price: $11.99

Remember, check back every Monday to learn when Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3), Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita), Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita), and The Cave (PS3) are arriving to PS Plus members. You’ll also find more discounts and other exclusives that we weren’t able to detail here just yet. Remember the month preview is subject to change.
Leave us some comments on the new format, and of course, chime in with your thoughts on Spec Ops: The Line, the PS Vita Anniversary Sale, and any other PS Plus feedback you’ve got. If you’re looking to engage with more of the PS Plus community, we’ve also got the PS Plus section in the PlayStation Community Forums where you can continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
Whoooooah Spec Ops for the IGC? Not expecting that at all. I’ve played it, beat it, and it was such an emotional game. Maybe I’ll go back and beat it on FUBAR difficulty. Thanks Sony!
Definitely prefer the monthly preview. However, the last thing we needed was ANOTHER shooter coming so close on the heels of VANQUISH. Would really enjoy a sandbox or RPG title, as they’re my preferred genres, and shooters just bore me to tears. I’m modestly excited for THE CAVE, less so for JOE DANGER, and the other titles hold little interest for me — especially anything geared toward the Vita.
So, kudos on bettering the release announcement, it really is a nicer format. However, please, please, please try to break up the monotony of shooters and fighters — every full PS3 game we get seems to be in those genres, and they just aren’t that interesting to a lot of members.
Best update in a long time
Hi Morgan,
Great update this week! Any chance we’ll be seeing PS1 and PS2 classics returning to PS+? I miss the free trip through old adventures.
Finally the PSN+ worth the money versus PSN+ EU…. My PSVITA says THANKS!
Between the vita anniversary sale and the plus update, well done. Not sure how much daylight I’ll be seeing during March…
Please add more FREE avatars.
GREAT update. I do however feel like the Vita Anny Sale is very lack-luster (both weeks).
Its REALLY a shame that Tekken is not avalible on the PSN of Mexico, please made the PSN equal.
Thanks for the new format Morgan. That will ease the complaints quite a bit!
Wow! Great update indeed! I love it.
Great discounts on stuff i wanted and 3 great games i that i wanted to try but havent gotten around to.
Glad i renewed my plus yesterday!
Also i like the idea of one of you guys going on Up At Noon to promote upcoming content and spread the word out there.
Keep up the good work!
Spec Ops I just bought two weeks ago, and returned it. Maybe now I’ll Plat it. But then again I’ll probably be downloading and playing Mass Effect 3 since it’s the only one out of the series I havn’t played yet.
My plus in US is almost expired, but if SCEA can keep renting out worthy titles I may just get another three months of plus. Ehhh or may not, we’ll see if SCEA can keep it up.
Its REALLY a shame that Tekken is not avalible on the PSN of Mexico, please made the PSN equal. Pleaseee
That’s what I call a proper update. Thank you, Morgan.
@146 Name some racing games. I’m already playing 2 of them.
MORGAN,first of all this is one of the best updates you’ve ever put! Thanks alot!
Secondly,since i was ignored in “THE DROP” update i better ask here:
Will tomb raider will be available tomorrow for purchase digitally? And what is the size?
Thanks a lot and please DONT IGNORE.
Damn!!! … is there anything playstation+ can’t do?
Also Morgan just some feedback, I vastly prefer this to the weekly drops. Get the big stuff out at the start of the month and the weeks after mention the sales or possibly new games coming to Plus.
Quick question: I know that most of the SF x Tekken DLC is crossbuy. If I buy SF x Tekken for Vita – which includes the 12 extra characters – will I get the 12 character DLC pack for the PS3 version with that?
Well hot damn, butter me up and call me a sweet biscuit. This right here is a great update!
And to think, I almost purchased Joe Danger 2 yesterday. o__o I’ll be downloading all three free PS3 games, and downloading Runner 2. This is probably the best update in a long while for me.
I like the monthly outlook, of course it helps that the content is good. If it were less than magnificent that it is now, I can see the complaints coming loud and long.
Thank you for the RPG. Good thing I own a Vita. Ps3 please?
Great line up. I’m not a fan of shooters. I like that you mix up the genre for the main PS3 game, but I’ll pass this month and get the other PSN games, that are in my opinion far better than the main attraction. It’s not often, but it happens that the warm up band is better.
Loving the new format it gives us a monthly outlook of what’s to come (I was thinking of picking up the cave now I don’t have too) I do agree with a few people on here though that I would like to see week 1: PS3 week 2: PS Vita week 3: PS3 and week 4 PS Vita it would provide variety and allow me to alternate playing new games picked up through plus on my PS3 and Vita. Also I would like to say thank you Morgan you do an awesome job even when people complain and gripe sometimes even insult you your able brush it off reply to said comment and move on. So again I say thanks and keep up the good work!!!
Monthly updates..check!!
cool games coming up… double check!!
Having peace on the forums..priceless!!
can’t wait to get my hands on these titles, especially The Cave and Joe Danger 2!!
This is wack, europe gets mass effect 3, DOA5 and MGS collection while US gets spec ops the line, joe danger 2 and the cave, not fair
Thanks for the excellent update.
Add me to the (long!) list of people who like the monthly overview, with weekly reminders. Hope it stays! Great also to see excellent games this month for both PS3 and Vita. Two thumbs up.
I will be downloading all the free games this month. Most excited for Spec Ops is a really cool game!!! and readyto play disgea 3
Finally! Great update guys, thanks.
@174 Meh.
I just bought Dokuro full price last week :(
Thanks for the monthly update finally.
However why are we PS3 owner getting yet another shooter game? Should we just stop expecting a variety of games in Plus and settle for expecting shooter, fighter and sidescroller as 95% of the IGC?
I got my PS PLUS renewal last monday (before the promotion notification), any chance I could my 50 counted?
I got in contact with the PS support people at the 1-800 to get a refund and rebuy it, but have recieved no notification….
BTW, great update. Really happy for the 4 free PSVITA games, Disgaea 3 and the Cave! Thanks!
I’ve been a PS+ member since the very beginning :) and i’m loving it. My subscription doesn’t end until 2016! can’t wait to get Disgaea 3; i played it on PS3 and i loved it :)
Augh, I just bought The Cave! Good game though. Excited to get my hands on Spec Ops and I’ve heard good things about Joe Danger. Too bad the two games I REALLY want are on the Vita. /cry
Hey Morgan, thanks for the update. I definitely like seeing what’s in store for us for the rest of the month. Here are some games I’d love to see in the IGC:
God of War (any/all games in the series; let’s add GOW3 to the PS Store too)
Grand Theft Auto (any/all games in the series)
Metal Gear Solid (any/all games in the series; let’s add MGS4 to the PS Store too)
Rayman Origins (PS3/PS Vita)
Red Dead Redemption
Saints Row 3
Uncharted (any/all games in the series)
Also, MGS Peace Walker (PSP) just got added to the Vita store. Can we get MGS Portable Ops on there too? It’s available in all regions except North America, and it’s also the only MGS game missing from my collection!
Just went from six to midnight. So hot!
@180 You win some, you lose some.
I just bought The Cave last night.
Great update Morgan!!
I love this update. Just got a, 32gig card for my vita, just in time. when do we get the $10 back? I just spent $50 on the store last week. And i used it for plus.
Just liked to say I really liked the whole clues thing you did on the Blogcast, and I’d like it if you did it as much as you could. It was really fun to try to speculate what they could be. Also I’d like to put my vote in to keep the monthly updates.
Last week I was disappointed in the update, but this has made up for it ten times over! really really great update, excited about the discounts and instant game collection. great job morgan!
Morgan, when a Games leaves PS plus, do we as PS plus members no longer have access to the game even if we already have the game downloaded?
I already own Spec Ops: The Line, but this is still great news! Spec Ops is one of my favorite games I played last year and I want more people to play it. Glad to see that others will get that chance now :)
@183 By buying The Cave beforehand, the game never expires.
Great update! Both Vanquish and Spec Ops are among the best of the generation, and always wanted to give Disgaea 3 a chance, thanks so much for being awesome :3
The one game I hope we get for free at one point is Max Payne 3. Heck even though I own Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, if you guys offered that for free, I would be happy, it would get more people to play the game without an entrance fee (Well unless of course they have PS+) it would be great to see some fresh meat in the community.
I rarely post, but I am posting today because I read about you guys wanting feedback about the monthly updates.
I definitely prefer them like this than weekly, hope it remains this way. Spec Ops is also a great addition to the IGC, thank you guys!
@192 — pretty sure you can re-download something you’ve already downloaded. Go to Account Information < Downloads, and there is an option to download the game again. I could be wrong though.
Wow, just wanted to thank playstation for the massive update. I just joined last month and it’s been worth every penny. I own both a ps3 and vita. I think the real value (not saying the ps3 games aren’t great) is the psvita support. Uncharted, ninja gaiden, PvZ, Gravity Rush, and now we get Disgaea/Tekken….incredible. $50 dollars well spent.
@189 April.
@192 If you downloaded it before it was removed from Plus, it remains in your download list forever. If you leave Plus, all the games downloaded thru Plus IGC will vanish.