PlayStation Plus: Plants vs. Zombies Free for Members

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PlayStation Plus: Plants vs. Zombies Free for Members

Hopefully you’ve been digging into some of the free PlayStation Plus content this month including Vanquish, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, and indie-hit Closure. This week, we’re excited to bring the crowd-pleasing Plants Vs. Zombies on PS Vita to the Instant Game Collection.

In addition, there are some fantastic sales to jump on as well including the Gamers’ Choice Awards discounts (winners announced tomorrow) and the PS Vita Anniversary Sale celebrating PS Vita’s first year. Read on to learn more about these exceptional sales.

Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or PS Vita or click here to get access via the Sony Entertainment Network online store.

February 26th PlayStation Plus Update

Plants Vs. Zombies (PS Vita)

PSN Price: $10.49, Free for PS Plus members

Popcap’s irreverent take on the real time strategy genre is yours to play free on your PS Vita starting this week as a PS Plus member. At first glance, you may think it’s just another cute strategy game. Get your hands on it, and you’ll find an incredible amount of strategy that relies on everything from picking the right plants, determining their placement, and decisions while under fire from masses of zombies. The PS Vita version sports a ton of great features including co-op multiplayer, a ton of modes, and even some mini-games to keep you busy, making putting Plants vs. Zombies down an pleasantly tough proposition.
Retro/Grade (PS3)

PSN Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $2.44

Retro/Grade Soundtrack

PSN Price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $1.74

The game that turned rhythm games upside down is now available at an irresistible price for PS Plus Members! Starting at the end of the game and working your way back to the sound of head-bobbing retro tunes, you’ll need to ensure the pilot makes it alive through his backward journey through time. With 10 dazzling ‘backwards’ worlds, epic boss fights, and a seriously fantastic soundtrack, it’s a deal that everyone should jump on. If you like the music, we also went ahead and put the soundtrack on sale as well! You can grab it for $1.74 on the PS Store as a PS Plus member.
Gamers’ Choice Awards Winners Discounts

Various Discounts for PS Plus Members

You voted, now you’re about to reap the rewards. This week the winners of the Gamers’ Choice Awards go on sale at various discounts across the board. Tune in to PlayStation.Blog tomorrow morning to find out which titles won as voting is still on as of today’s Plus Update and the race in some categories is pretty darn close. If you need a refresher on the nominees and still haven’t cast your vote, click here.
PS Vita Anniversary Sale

Various Discounts for PS Plus Members
It’s been 1 year since the PS Vita launched and to celebrate, we’re placing a number of crazy good PS Vita titles on sale. Take a look at the full list. Though the sale is for all of PSN, Plus members, as usual, get extra discounts on top these already good deals. Take a look at the full list below.

Game Title Normal Price Sale Price PS Plus Sale
Escape Plan $14.99 $10.49 $7.34
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $35.99 $25.19 $17.63
Hustle Kings PS Vita $9.99 $6.99 $4.89
Little Deviants $17.99 $12.59 $8.81
MLB The Show 12 PS Vita $17.99 $12.59 $8.81
ModNation Racers: Road Trip $17.99 $13.99 $9.79
MotorStorm RC Complete Edition $11.99 $8.39 $5.87
PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale $35.99 $25.19 $17.63
Reality Fighters $17.99 $12.59 $8.81
Smart As $26.99 $18.89 $13.22
Sound Shapes $14.99 $10.49 $7.34
Super Stardust Delta $9.99 $6.99 $4.89
Unit 13 $26.99 $18.89 $13.22

You should leave your thoughts by dropping them below and as usual, I’ll do my best to respond to key questions and comments. We’ve also got the PS Plus section in the PlayStation Community Forums where you can continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!

PlayStation Plus Update 2-26-2013

Comments are closed.


18 Author Replies

  • Well, at first, I was not at all happy with this weeks lineup. I was expecting something pretty big this week considering how we had the big reveal last week. Then, I remembered I received Vanquish last week, and I am okay with it. Playstation Plus is still the best value on the market today. The guys using Live do not get updates every week like we do.

    That said. Next week, I am sure we will have something for us PS3, and we are getting Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD here in the west so my week is good no matter what.

  • If I accidently sawed off my fingers, I won’t be as disappointed as I am with Plus.

  • I can’t seem to find Plants VS. Zombies for free for the Vita. Does anyone know when this is supposed to go live for North America?

    • These updates go live when the PS Store updates on Tuesdays. Check the Store tomorrow afternoon once the Store updates.

  • This sale may convince me to buy a new memory card. With the savings on two or three of the games I can likely break even.

  • Hey, everyone, PS just tweeted there will be maintenance tonight, 1 to 9 am, CA time.

  • This is the reason I just let my PS+ lapse. I have never talked negative about PS+ until we started getting crap games compared to EU. The US has been getting shafted for a long time now with the games offered on PS+. We have already had PvZ on PS+ why put it on there again? You guys really need to seriously take a look at this and give everybody the SAME content.

  • @Pancho15

    Tuesday evening you will find Plants VS Zombie free for plus members in North America.

  • Well for plants vs zombies for the Ps Vita this is cool,since trophies stack!!!!!!!!

  • Morgan,
    Is there anything you can safely say about the PS4? I am just curious about the backward compatibility with the store and downloadable games and content we’ve been buying will it be playable on the ps4? or should i stop buying anything now as everything before the PS4 releases will be null and void?

    • I can’t say anything about PS4 that has not been revealed yet, so stay tuned to the PS Blog as we continue to talk about PS4 throughout the year. There’s still plenty to reveal =)

  • Man, I just signed up for Plus earlier today… and as I was uploading all of my precious game saves to online storage, I realized right then and there that herein lies the value in PlayStation Plus. Not to mention the discounts which undoubtedly will add up to WAY OVER $50 if you’re a true gamer who heavily invests in his/her hobby.

    All the “free” games are simply bonuses (that’s how I’m looking at it), so why complain when one or two come along that you don’t like? There will always be more in the future anyways… be patient…

    The online storage alone is worth the monthly price, which right now is $3.33 per month with the free 3 months promo. It was too good for me to pass up… even though I still would like the option to purchase the games that are offered for free through the subscription, if I decide I want to keep them far into the future.

  • @374 Online storage is not worth $50 a month. You are delusional.

  • Crazy me. Here I am thinking that MARCH PS+ starts on MARCH 5th, the 1st WEEK OF MARCH….Crazy me……

  • I would say I’m shocked at the amount of hatred for the plus service here but I’m not in the least bit. It’s fine to complain and be unhappy with some of the titles you get with your subscription. To say it isn’t worth the price of admission is another story. The service is unparalleled in the industry. I’m baffled at how people think they don’t get their moneys worth.

  • Smart As is $10 up here in Canada too.

    This digital future isn’t going to work if you don’t price your digital so rediculiously Sony.

  • @ ZenTripleFour

    I agree, it’s not worth $50 per month. But it is worth $3.33 per month… which is exactly what it is.

    Who’s delusional?

  • This honestly makes me glad to be part of the UK+ customers! Even JP+ seems like it can offer better quality games lol!!! Too bad I cannot get a refund for the US+ months left, oh well I learned a lesson to next time spend that money on extending UK+ which offers so high caliber games and of course, MONTHLY UPDATES. From Sleeping Dogs to Mass Effect 3 and still Sony of America talented joker Morgan has the bells of steel to say they will match UK in quality with some retro boring games and then say he was not lying when pointed the finger as a liar, he was just making us hyped for nothing, just like the classic case that u get promised to go Disneyland and end up in a dentist with a mickey mouse poster in the waiting room.

    Troll platinum award 2012 – Morgan Haro

  • @379 *$50 a year

    Excuse me. Online storage is not worth that much. Especially when there are TONS of ways to host your content free on your PC.

  • this update works great for me

    Keep up the good work Morgan!!!!

  • Final Fantasy 13 for PSN ….. lol 40gb download… ouch :P im kidding

  • @ Ghostwize

    I think these whiners must be the kids who were weaned from mommy’s nipple a little later than what would have been ideal.

    It’s been found to lead to the child’s inability to deal with the real world in a constructive manner.

  • I feel like every week US players just get shafted harder. Good thing steam is making a console.

  • zikario lol boricua! wtf @383

  • Hey ZenTripleFour where did you get your icon? That picture is hilarious. Also I don’t understand what is so private about the criteria for the Loyalty program, I got my voucher and I have a playstation credit card, do you happen to have one of those as well?

  • Too much emphasis on free games here. If you guys are expecting Sony to subsidize your hobby, then keep dreaming. I just have one question for those upset by the EU content ( I also have an EU P + account): If you’re so upset about a particular game not being in the IGC for N.A.+, then why haven’t you purchased it by now? You obviously didn’t care about the game until it became available for free somewhere else. LOL, my dog elicits the same behavior. She doesn’t particularly care about her chew toys, but if another dog is playing with it she goes ballistic and has to have it.

  • Hilarious. See what happened Sony? You have officially spoiled us. You have given us so many free discounts and free games that people have forgotten that it has cost them no money. No longer do we focus on the content being free but focus on the amount of free content and even comparing the amount of content given to a region we aren’t even in. Its like someone gives you a free sandwich once a week and then after a while you forget your not paying for it, and begin complaining because someones getting more mayo then you this week despite you getting pastrami (vanquish) last week. And we all know that we will be getting Me3 at some point but some people are so anal they go to other regions ps+ accounts to find something wrong with this one. For shame gamers. for shame

  • LOL some quick googling says that Hot Shots Golf got a permanent price drop to $19.99 at retail and $17.99 download back in November and you guys bumped the price on the store back to $35.99 last month for some reason.

    Now it seems like that reason is so you can trick people into buying it “On sale” when they are really paying over MSRP if they aren’t a plus member and 36 cents under MSRP if they are.

    Retailers in the UK get in deep doo doo for trying to pull this crap. This is seriously an unacceptable business practace and should be illiegal.

  • @ ZiKaRiO_787

    I wish I worked for SCEA. That would be cool actually. I’m looking for a new career. Kinda bored with what I’ve been doing for the past few years…

    It’s actually unfortunate that your lies aren’t reality… I wish they were true.

    But it’s funny that you’d lie about me right after calling Morgan a liar. Shall we hand the “Troll Platinum Award 2012” back to you? After all, there wasn’t a single constructive critique in your post… And isn’t that a common characteristic of an internet troll? Hmm…

    (By the way, Morgan’s probably laughing at you…)

  • I like the plus content i get for being a member for almost 2years now. I do have one problem though. I don’t know if it is bothersome to other but it is to me. When looking at the plus content from the store. The games that are free for the plus members do not have an option to put into the shopping cart. I can only “start downloading” the game. My issue is, i do not always have enough room on my HDD to download the game. What i use to do is just put the game in my shopping cart and checkout and purchase content but not always download the content. I want to choose what i want to download now and what to put on the HDD after i say “finish the game” then move on to the other content available.

  • Zen hush you arent paying 50 a year for JUST online storage besides you get a free game a week sheesh what are you complaining about lol

  • @ ouzy112

    I guess we’ll be getting ME3 the same week we get Red Dead and Arkham City. Good luck on waiting for that.

    @ goldenratio13

    If you’ve been following this blog for as long as I’ve seen your comments, you’d already be aware that most people are having gripes about overall quality, not particular games. Why you’d even ignore that fact when you’ve been around for long enough to know that is beyond me.

  • Zen, Morgan stated we would be getting a monthly outlook starting 3/4. Oddly enough a community poll was taken awhile back and everyone wanted weekly updates then. That is why it is set up the way it is now. Used to be monthly like EU. Soon we will be getting monthly outlooks(again) with weekly reminders to quell the masses.

    Posting the games EU and US gets over and over isn’t really doing anything constructive.

    • Actually the top results of that poll were the following choice:

      “Both. I prefer a monthly post that tells me what is coming to PlayStation Plus in the next 30 days AND I would like weekly reminders in the regular PlayStation Store update post as that content become available.”

  • Assassin’s Creed 3 still has a bug plz fix it. with the DLC it keep saying you unlock befor i start the game pushing the X like 10 time befor the game start :( you unlock you unlock you unlock you unlock you unlock you unlock

  • @fattytwenty

    I agree! I would like to just add stuff to my cart to download later. There should be a purchase option for IGC plus games for members as well. :D

  • Where? IS? Sleeping….Dogs???????????????????????GRRRRR!!!! lol

  • @396 just start the download and it should activate first and download later that should be enough to get it on your list even if you dont have space and hey theres a web store now you can use that too :)

  • If it makes anyone feel better, EU blog posters complain about not getting the content we get most of the time as well. Quite a few were vocal and unhappy with the ME3 addition as well, albeit in a considerably more adult manner. :D

  • Again, EU and NA are 2 different markets,
    1-( Sony has stated that in past posts)
    2- No one if forcing you to purchase plus. It OPTIONAL
    3- Here’s a crazy piece of info that will blow your mind. Uncharted+Wipeout+Gravity Rush+Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus all cost more than $50.
    Here is another thing that will blow your mind, SFIV+RE5+Scott Pilgrim+KOF together cost more that $50.
    And here is the MEGATHON, You ready, YOU GET TO PLAY EM ALL FOR 1 SUBSCRIPTION..Crazy right.
    Thats a better deal than $8 Netflix per month. Better than Blockbuster $10 per month.
    Oh wait I get it now, you just like to feel like your inportant. Oh well. Back to Jetpack Joyride on my Vita.

  • Morgan,


    Will our Plus accounts transfer over to the PS4?

    I would actually buy another year during the [get 3 months when you buy a year promo]
    if we knew for sure ….and I am already subbed until 2014!

    I just don’t want to buy another year and have the service get replaced when the PS4 comes out in 9 short months!

    Also, did you base the free Plants Vs. Zombies to compete with the free iOS PVZ this week or was that just a coincidence? (I know you probably won’t/can’t answer that one.). Thanks either way.

  • First, please honor the previous poll and provide both monthly and weekly updates.

    Second, I have to express my disappointment in PvZ. It’s a great game, don’t get me wrong, but it’s free on iOS -right now- and was free on PC last year. There’s not much to get excited about.

  • Oh, but thanks for using Toro in that sale image. We love Toro. Pass the word along that we want him put back into Wake-up Club.

  • uhh. where is the free game for Playstation? all i see is a free game for VITA

  • Plants Vs. Zombies for Vita? YUUUUSSSSSS!

    Not much in the sale for me since I already own PS All-Stars, but might pick up Escape Plan on the cheap there.

  • @joegoodsnake2

    Are you implying that everyone’s gripe here is legitimate? Are you willing to stand by the belief that 100% of all complainers have a reasonable complaint? I don’t think you’re willing to step on that ledge buddy. Are you prepared to defend the posters that have called free Morgan to be fired just because they don’t like the particular game that week? You seem to have this George Bush “US vs them” mentality when it comes to the PlayStation plus program. I’m not trying to be disrespectful here (I prefer civil conversations) but it sounds to me like you’ve taken the burden of speaking for all complaints, not just the ones that have merit.

    Let’s be logical here. If people are constantly complaining about EU offerings that were released a year or so ago, it stands to reason that you’ve had ample time to try out the game. If you haven’t, then you didn’t intend to try the game in the first place. But as soon as EU gets the title, it’s like “Oh No! The sky is falling!” This isn’t directed at you personally, but at the complainers who ask for RDR and sleeping dogs every friggin week.

  • @brandonlee1975 (The CROW?!)

    We’ve never gotten a ps3 game at the end of the month. It’s always been nothing, and since the Vita addition to plus it is generally a Vita game on the last update of the month. :D

  • @Ghostwize If you log in through the webstore (!/en-ca/home/main), you can “purchase” your ps+ stuff and have it added to your download list on your ps3

  • @ JoeSchmoSnake, Version 2

    So, Part 3 is coming soon? Awesome. I like trilogies. Although I doubt you’re going to be able to outdo Back To The Future… that’s my personal favorite trilogy of all time.

    Oh, and your post at #301? Well, honestly, there was nothing to say. Your choice of words, coupled with your inability (or refusal) to comprehend a simple point, revealed to me that you have no interest whatsoever in progressive conversation. You just want to whine and whine and whine… spinning your wheels… waiting for your fellow whiners to notice and join you on the short bus so you can all roll down to Big Evil Sony HQ together and live out your dream of being a corporate avenger… when you don’t even see what the true evil is… and it’s not SCEA.

    I’m sorry, but I’m not going to waste any more time on such witlessness. I’ve got errands to run. Bye kids. Talk to y’all later.

  • nevermind. Vanquish is the Playstation game for free this time. another bargain bin $10 game while EU has been getting sleeping dogs, red dead redemption, killzone 2….

  • To my surprise, my ps+ sub auto-renewed in december. I was none too pleased, but let it slide, thinking let’s see what this year brings. Now, a couple of months have passed, and I have one week to decide if i’d like to get 3 months free with another year’s sub.. and even this deal is giving me pause. based on what i’ve gotten from the program in the past year, most of which I’d either previously purchased or not cared to play (with the single exception of Bioshock2) .. I just can’t see myself putting more $ into ps+, and once that 3 months free deal slips away, it’s going to be even tougher to justify… at least that sneaky auto-renew “feature” is now disabled.

    all gamers are different, and maybe if i didn’t already own Vanquish, I’d feel differently. but so far, I simply cannot justify the cost of ps+ considering how many of the offerings I am actually interested in… and i own both a vita and a ps3.

    Some people love the old games, and maybe they just don’t buy as many at retail or on release as I do.. but even with the discounts, it’s getting harder and harder for me to justify continuing with this service.

    change my mind sony.
    okami HD?
    even sleeping dogs or bayonetta?

  • i think i’ll create a EU account.

  • If I buy PS All Stars Battle Royale on the Vita will it allow for the download of the PS3 version? Or does that only work the other way around?

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