PlayStation Plus Update: Closure Joins the Instant Game Collection

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PlayStation Plus Update: Closure Joins the Instant Game Collection

Welcome to this week’s PlayStation Plus update, where we highlight the latest free games, discounts, and features that PS Plus members can expect in the coming week. Many have already jumped online to play Guardians of Middle Earth, which arrived free for PS Plus members last week, and this week we’re bringing you one of the bright indie stars in gaming with Closure; a PSN-exclusive that turned heads when it debuted last year. Read on and also check out some of the great discounts on amazing titles like Critter Crunch.

Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or PS Vita or click here to get access via the Sony Entertainment Network online store.

February 12th PlayStation Plus Update

Closure (PS3)

Free for PS Plus members

Closure is a unique and stylistic puzzle platformer that takes the concept of light and shadow and twists it up into something never before seen. In Closure’s dark and foreboding universe, the only things that exist are what you can see. An object properly lit up is physically there, yet an object shrouded in darkness ceases to be. Experience this mind-bending puzzler free as a Plus member.

Critter Crunch

80% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $6.99; PS Plus Price: $1.40)

Developed by the geniuses at Capybara games, this award-winning, critically-acclaimed puzzle game asks players to take control of the cuddly Biggs, a loveable jungle creature with an iron-clad stomach. Biggs is in search of the jewel-rich critters that invade his habitat once a season, and using his tongue to pluck them from their vines, stuffs them into the waiting mouths of larger critters. This sets off chain reactions of bursting critters that drop the tasty jewels for Biggs to regurgitate for his hungry family. Sporting an 87 / 100 on Metacritic, with giving it an A and praising it for its “”Beautiful visuals and inventive puzzles…worth sinking your teeth into.”, you owe it to yourself to hop on this gem for only $1.40. Plus, it has a ‘Barfing Tutorial’. I mean… c’mon, how can you pass that up?
Alien Breed (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross Buy Enabled)

20% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99)

This PSN re-release of the original run-and-gun shooter features cross-platform multiplayer between Vita and PS3, as well as ad-hoc/local and online co-op on respective platforms. With new content packing 30 levels of carnage, you’ll find much to love with options for original or enhanced visuals, and leaderboards for the more competitive among us. This launch week discount is exclusive for PS Plus members, so don’t miss out!

Derrick the Deathfin (PS3)

50% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $4.00)

Another PSN gem hitting a great price for PS Plus members; Derrick the Deathfin is a fast-paced arcade action title set in a unique aquatic world made entirely out of paper & card. Rampage around the globe munching on paper creatures under the guise of avenging the death of his parents. With a unique art style that sets it apart from other games, and great gameplay to boot, check out Derrick the Deathfin for only $4.00 as a PS Plus member.
NHL 13 (PS3)

20% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $47.99; PS Plus Price: $38.39)

With the NHL season in full swing, hockey fans may want to take notice on this deal. NHL 13 accurately captures the speed, creativity, and strategy of today’s NHL with revolutionary True Performance Skating. Sync up with friends with the real-world of hockey in GM Connected, the first-ever online multiplayer dynasty mode with cooperative and Online Team Play, or relive the greatest moments from today’s NHL in NHL Moments Live. With core gameplay innovation, connected experiences, and the deepest feature set ever, NHL 13 is the definitive hockey experience. Don’t forget to also check out NHL GameCenter video app which is free to download!

What are your thoughts on this week’s update? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to use the poll links to speak your mind about what content you liked the most. If you want to see what the rest of the PlayStation community is talking about, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums in the PS Plus space to continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other great topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!

PlayStation Plus Update 2-12-13

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29 Author Replies

  • Hopefully next week we get a game worth playing. Horrible update

  • I think that I´ll wait to renew my PS+ subscription, it hasn’t good games that deserves the payment like the EU store. Maybe its because the PS+ sells better in America than EU, thats why they got better content to improve the sells, I don´t know and I dont care, I just want to have better games, not games that cost 19.99 or less. Well thats my opinion. I´ll keep taking a look for the update every monday to see if something changes.

  • @ brandon,

    I played the demo a while back and it was pretty fun, glad I’ll be able to play the whole game now.

    Maybe you should of said “In my opinion this is not a good update.” and explained why.

    Let me guess, its a horrible update because its a PSN game? Haha, at least that’s what some person was complaining about earlier.

  • People just need to keep their comments in check. It’s one thing to voice your opinion but hurling insults is not constructive in anyway. Voice your feelings based on the update not at the person and instead of just complaining offer suggestions and solutions.

    For instance, as people have said, they feel they are not getting the value from PS+ lately because most of these indie PSN games are all available on Steam at much cheaper prices. Despite you only paying $5 a month for a free game or two a month it is understandable that most people feel jipped when they get games they have absolutely no interest in (ie a waste of $5 for that month). There should be some sort of balance on PS+ or structured layout that people can look at so they know what they are buying because if the majority of the games they get are indie games which they have no interest in then they are better off cancelling their subs.

  • @morgan haro i was wondering if there will be any more ps classics given away any more. i loved those updates. the classics were the many reason i got my ps3 so i could play final fantasy 7 and others with out havig to pay 50 bucks for the disc copies. and can we get a rpg in plus i havent seen one in a while i mean darksiders was good but im looking for a true final fatasy style rpg. clousre looks like it might be fun i think i might try it.

  • Hmm, I’ve been meaning to try Critter Crunch after hearing Greg Miller praise it to no end a few years back. Looks like I have no excuse now!

    Closure’ still sitting on my hard drive from the last time you guys had it on sale. Should probably get to that too!

  • Still have Critter Crunch from when it was free… Actually, that was the the freebie that finally nudged me into getting a plus subscription. At this price I’d grab it if I could in case I ever let my Plus lapse. I haven’t figured out a way to do that while still subscribed, unfortunately.

    I got Closure last year when it was on sale.

    Still glad to see some family-friendly titles coming up, even if I already had them. Thanks, guys.

  • Hello Morgan! First i would like to say that i feel for ya… this seems like a hard job. second i would like to mention something. I joined ps plus i believe in September 2012 and loved it right away. I downloaded so many games!! But as the months went by i can say that i havent played a good or downloaded a game from PS plus for a while. Now with this said!!! i would hate it if SONY US let me down this month… my birthday is on the 26th this month and i would love a great game!!! RPG is my favorite. please!!!!!please!!!!!! find a way to have some say in this….

  • OK, so to recap for this month so far. Lord of the Rings game that Morgan said to try it before you judge it…tried it…stinks….deleted when I could only find 5 people to play online at 6pm, all of whom were plus members who were just as bored with this craptastic game. Now here we are in week 2 and you remove King of Fighters (not a huge fan of that series) and replace it with a black and white indy game that looks like it was drawn up by cavemen….let me guess….try it before I judge it, while I appreciate the instant game collection, I have tried and deleted the first week’s game and will clearly be doing the same with this poor excuse of a game, so thanks for making sure I don’t fill memory up by giving us games nobody with a working brain would spend money on. 2 games down for the month and EU’s Sleeping Dogs is still towering in awesomeness and laughing at the NA’s excuse of content. This is like a series of blind dates, the longer you stick around…the worse it gets.

  • this is so weak .. im new to plus and all i have been seeing is apps .. come on step it up

  • Best thing about plus is that I have discovered many great titles that I would have otherwise never played. Thanks for giving us great titles for free and some really sweet deals. On a side note anyone have a time machine for rent? I need it to be Feb.20th NOW.

  • If you want your NA plus customers to be happy, give us ONE GOOD GAME!!!! Just one a month, than you can dump all the garbage games like this and lord of the rings on us for the rest of the month and we will stop complaining so much. EU gets Sleeping Dog and than a bunch of average to below average games, while NA gets Lord of the Rings and this toddler drawn game, now unless you are saving the best for last (DOUBTFUL) the staff at NA is either not as qualified as the members in EU at getting us proper content or SCEE is intentialnoly giving us subpar garbage. Seeing as Morgan loves feeding us the bull excuses on why they can’t secure us the good content EU gets but yet EU is getting everything we get….HMMMM….I think perhaps Sony NA should fire the staff of NA PS Plus and hire people who can negotiate and get us the content we pay for like the crew in EU does month in and month out.

  • EU Ps+ is so easy to get.
    1- Create a EU PSN account.
    2- Purchase EU Ps+
    3- Download Sleeping Dogs
    4- Insert PSN tag “Here”,
    5- You will not be missed.
    On a possitive note. Hey gamers, Ps+ is not for everyone. You cant please all of the people. If your not happy with plus, its ok to voice your opinion, but speak with your wallets. ………..As always, Keep on Gaming.

  • This update isn’t for me, I’ll try again next week.

    Thanks for the post Morgan, have a good one.

  • I am quite looking fwd. to trying out Closure …. it looks unique & off the beaten path. I’ll be snagging Critter Crunch as well …. seems to have been very positively received & at that price, I’ll happily take the plunge … would be nice if posters reigned their comments in – Morgan is not personally responsible for the content made available … he likely has little to no say – so to bash him each week seems a bit heavy handed … some people cannot be satisfied – there are posters who seem to be possessed by repeated posts on the updates & filled with negativity …. & as stated by one of Morgans replies – contact customer service & see if you can’t cancel if you’re soo dissatisfied …. or do you just buy the membership so you can come & trash talk here ? I get far more than I pay for … & given that I often take advantage of the sales / discounts, I’m really not paying anything. I’ll certainly be taking advantage of the 15 months for the price of 12 …. can’t go wrong. really excited about the All Stars DLC …. :-)

  • ill download closure only because its free thats the only reason i have ps+ in the first place free games kick ass

  • @WAR0979

    Closure is a good game and so is Critter Crunch. Just because you want retail games over that doesn’t mean NA PS+ is crap.

  • For the record I think sleeping dogs looks like another one of those crime drama/ street justice/ law and order cookie cutter games. I really don’t give a hoot that we don’t get it, and furthermore I feel like people are only jealous of it because it’s “new”…. 60$ And that is all the value they see. A lot of people are ignorant, most ignorant people choose quantity over quality…

  • Beyond the lame free games that are barely passage as browser games by today’s standards (and don’t give me the “they’re ART” argument…. If I wanted art, id be visiting museums, not playing games ) What really irks my nerves… All the VITA people crying… Wheres my content.. I want free games for my VITA… Look, the vita has a VERY limited game library, being its a newer system, so your whining is comical. Your introduction to PS+ COST the PS3 users an entire week (the Ninja Gaiden diabocle) which in my opinion (and the opinion of any other logical subscriber) cheapened the value of my subscription IF I don’t have a VITA….. SO, Why don’t Sony just separate the VITA and PS3 plus subscriptions….let them get their PSP games they are crying about, and then keep robbing us of our once BRAG WORTHY subscription to PS+!! (I can’t believe I used to try to talk friends into subscribing….cause to look at the instant game collection now is EMBARRASSING!!)

  • Words of advice for psplus members. Try not to rely on the IGC for your gaming fix. Support the developers and buy the games you want so more amazing entertainment can be made. I didn’t get plus for a boatload of free games(although I think I’m up to 30+ from the IGC since Sept.). I got plus because of the rock solid value it dispenses week after week.

    $1 game, $5 game, $60 game. Any are worth my 4 dollars a month. I don’t care what EU gets because the grass is always greener and I buy the games I want. I don’t wait for hand outs. Get with it fellow gamers! :D Cheers!

  • how @morgan ever since darksiders became free i havent been able to install it i get an error after 17% installed can this be fixed?

  • Epic day here on the PS Plus Blog…nice to see the evolution first hand. There is a underlying tone to this post that certain people seem to overlook. Respect.

    Very nice to see initiative was taken to clean up this place a bit. We can all make this place a little better by showing more respect to each other. We are all gamers, why attack each other?

    It says so right at the bottom of the page, “Open to everyone, but don’t be a jerk.” If you want to be a jerk, there are plenty of other places to go.

  • @SicNessDaEmcee

    You should know we would have gotten nothing the week of Ninja Gaiden for the vita if there was no vita support just like before. There was always a week of just discounts before the vita IGC introduction. Your complaint is rather whack and a bit comical given your lack of knowledge on the subject. :D

  • For your and My entertainment I will now go ahead an eliminate all the feeble minded attempts to combat my comment @422

    1. The PS3 and Vita are both Sony products – Hello… Big Red Truck!! Thank you Captain Obvious!!
    2. They can’t separate the PS3 and Vita Plus Subscriptions. – Thank you CEO.. And how would you know?
    3. PS Vita users need something free too – Obviously not, if you can afford a Vita!!
    4. The PS Vita has a great game catalog!! – Yeah? Call me when they can give you a 2 yr old game for free!!
    5. You will be alright if you only get 2 updates a month for PS3 – So will Sony be ok, if I only pay $24.99/yr??

    Oh.. and uh, I am NOT being a jerk. I am just being helpful here!!

  • @Crusther201

    I don’t want retail games, I just want EQUAL CONTENT. Lord of the Rings is not equal to Sleeping Dogs. If they gave me Two Worlds 2 I’d be happy and that’s far inferior to Sleeping Dogs but at least it’s a PS3 game. If you give one guy Sleeping Dogs and Red Dead Redemption, while giving us no content equal to that, that’s NOT EQUAL. And saying you can’t give us the same games but EU is getting everything we get is just lies. I don’t see how anyone can say this is fair and equal treatment of customers. You can’t give away retail to one group and psn downloadable to another. EU staff is clearly busting butt to lock down top content, while our staff seems to look at the clock Tuesday morning and be like “Crap, it’s Tuesday we need to put out content. Just grab what ever is lying around on the floor!” Perhaps the EU staff can just cover the content for both regions. See that’s addressing the problem and having a solution EU can be the ONE staff to rule them all. See that’s a Lord of the Rings pun…and a million times more fun to do than play that damnation of a game.

  • how about the metal gear solid HD collection for Vita or PS3 or both next week ;-)

  • Arguing with myself to save you the trouble!!

    Oh.. and Ghostwise, my dear friend…. If you had read ALL the comments, some posters were trying to start a VITA mutiny, saying that the updates should alternate between PS3 and Vita…. so it comes down to 2 weeks for each system a month…. So I find it quite boneheaded for you to comment not reading enough of THIS post to know the context of my comment. Thank you, come again. Oh and it is WACK!! not wHack…. WHACK sounds like Batman just jumped in on the middle of your sentence and backhanded you!! Its just sad he missed with his Bip, Bam and POW!! Don’t talk the talk if you don’t walk the walk…. New schooler.

  • @TALLglassofWATER

    How is having more Full ps3 games less quality. Just because you don’t like sleeping dogs doesn’t mean other people don’t want it. Also I want sleeping dogs because I think it’s a good game, but I also want Motor storm, Dues Ex, dead space, RDR Bullet storm, Arkham City , Crysis 2, and vanquish because those are all good quality games. So I don’t really see how you say people are being ignorant by choosing quantity over quality. EU got all of those games plus all the ones the US got except for king of fighters and Street fighters. In my opinion that is both quantity and quality.

    I understand that Sony might not be able to get all of the same games that EU has, and I would be fine if we got different games of the same quality, but there is no reason to be so far behind in the number of full ps3 games selected for plus.

  • The only PSN-exclusive I see here is Derrick the Deathfin (which I’ve already got, but it handled oddly, so I’ve set it aside for now).

    Bummed the freebie isn’t one I don’t already have, and while the core mechanic is neat, I warn you, completionists: the physics are infuriating. Went back for one of, if not the, earliest collectible, and it was a PAIN getting a rolling object to not swing from, “Quite comfortable where I am, thank you,” to, “TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!” I’m at my shortest when I know how to go about doing something, but the handling requires Cirque-de-Soleil-level intuition for what should be simple maneuvers, especially when the setup takes a relatively long time to bring you back for another round of things slipping away from you. Or so is my experience.

    Definitely wanna dip in on that Critter Crunch, though.

    So, how ’bout some new themes, maybe an avatar or two, or how ’bout a Classic or mini from the back-catalogue?

  • There are two things which I dislike about Plus, both of which occurred this week. First, when I already have the game(s) which are offered, and second, when they have games which were on sale or free in Plus previously. A few months ago, Closure was on sale, which is the reason why I have it. Critter Crunch was free in Plus a while ago, back towards the beginning. I haven’t decided if I’m going to pick up Alien Breed or not since I already have the trilogy and I haven’t had time to play it.

  • @98 viceforce – Hear! Man, I remember that slew of…things! None truly grabbed me, but it’s a wicked variety, non?

    And not meaning to sound sarcastic. Have Mahjong sitting on the living room system, waiting to spring it on a family member, and I’d actually bought Hamsterball, though I haven’t put myself through its paces. They’re all very middling or low on my radar, but that’s a wide selection of gameplay styles to choose from.

  • @Socceman88 –

    IF EU gets it, US “could” technically get it as well…. as Sony is Sony whether US or EU. People on here complained long enough and finally LOTR Guardians showed up (but that was probably so people would spend money on all the ungody DLC for that game) So maybe, just maybe if we all complain enough about Sleeping Dogs, It will be free for the US too. I read the EU blog and you never hear them complaining.. “Oh Man, the US plus got Mega Man 1.10b and we got another full retail game! I wanted a 16bit side scroller!!”

  • Nothing for me this year.

  • @SicNessDaEmcee

    Oh my bad….I forgot to read the 9 pages of vitriol. Apologies! Please get off your grammar train my friend. Whack and wack are interchangeable adjectives that mean the exact same thing. Please drop the insults kid. I’m old enough to be your father. You stated that Ninja Gaiden took away from the PS3 additions which is simply not true. Your lack of knowledge on how the IGC works is apparent. Without the Vita IGC we still would have gotten nothing that week. Your opinion about the value of your plus sub being diminished is hilarious because you wouldn’t have even noticed if the VITA IGC was never added. Get with it kid.

  • This blog was really good before these whiners came here with their unreasonable demands, you can’t please everyone everyone has different tastes, sometimes we don’t have content according to our tastes but at least other people enjoy those games, i didn’t like the LOTR moba game but i don’t come here to demand 60$ games every week, you are entitled to nothing, leave your feedback on a good way or go to PS+EU

  • Hey Morgan

    Thanks for the heads up on calling customer service. If they give me some kind of refund I’ll make sure that you get the credit. I really believe the best thing that can be added to plus is an option to either cancel or suspend our subscriptions. That way your team would have better numbers to tell how the service is doing. Personally I am sorry I let it renew, but that one is on me. So if i could get some of my money back I’d be pretty happy. Also, banning people kinda makes you guys look bad the way you did it. Looks a lil like the devs that made ‘war Z’ or whatever that crap game was called. Just saying, they said similar things about their game when people criticized them that you’re saying about the current status of plus.


    Dont ban me bro!

  • @soccerman. How are quality psn games lesser than retail games? The only possible answer you could give is the amount of money they cost.(the quantity of dollars) I would take the unfinished swan over darksiders any day. Our new years sale kicked the ass of anything eu has. You could cancel your us sub and get eu if retail games are all you care about. But quantum conundrum, the unfinished swan, journey, machinarium, knytt underground… All psn games I would choose over ANY retail game any day

  • Let me start by saying I own a Vita. I feel the vita should have its own standalone service. I have been a + subscriber since + started and I have watched it fall to the BS content it has become today. We used to get way more content. I don’t like the fact that Vita’s are getting PS3’s updates. People who don’t own a vita wouldn’t feel cheated that week and PS3 owners don’t have to watch their update go to Vita’s. I would gladly subscribe for a (vita) Mobile+ as well as PS+. Then you could keep them separate and everyone would feel better about the (ps3 one time then vita or whatever) service. Double your money and double our content, everyone wins.

    PS+ = PS3, Mobile+ = Vita: Make it happen!

    Again nothing for me :(

  • @WAR0979

    That would mean that the NA PS+ team knows what the EU PS+ team is going to have for the month. By the way, EU got Guardians of Middle Earth last month. It’s a broken game that should’ve went on sale, but the gameplay itself is fun. For all we know the best game of the month could come out next week. There’s still 1 PS3 game yet to be revealed, along with 2 Vita games. You should at least try out each game before you trash them. Also, you should stop comparing and see if you’ve got your money’s worth by now.

    Describing Closure as a “toddler drawn game” doesn’t help your case. You sound like a 12-year-old who only wants flashy action games. It’s an indie sidescrolling puzzle game. The artstyle may not appeal to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The game has gotten good reviews from people who have actually played it.

  • @ TALLglassofWATER

    Full games are better quality most of the time because they have longer games play better stories and graphics, they can sell full ps3 games for $60 because people will pay that much for them. Very few people would pay 60$ for a psn game. I also relive that there are some psn games that stand out and are really good, and even among ps3 full game quality but we are not getting a lot of the those great psn games. Also EU also gets psn games to, they got machinarium, knytt underground, and quantum conundrum in there plus selection.

  • For all you who think that the Vita games replace a PS3 game, YOU ARE WRONG! They already said that the Introduction of Vita games in the IGC would not affect the amount of PS3 games in the IGC.

    Some of you just love to blindly spout your nonsense as truth.

    And quit acting as if some of you speak for all of us. I’m looking forward to trying out Closure as quite a few others have stated as well. Not sure where some of you are saying that NA customers aren’t happy, I’m VERY happy, I”ve saved so much $$$ from sales since I became a member and gotten about 30-35 free games and for what, a freaking $50 payment?

    Wow, some of you guys make a lot of us PS+ members look bad.

    Some of you guys need to not renew your subscription ASAP, sick of hearing some of these complaints that have no real substance.

    “Oh waaa, I’m going to cry like a baby because I didn’t get the game I wanted.”

    Holy cow, do you realize how much of a baby you guys sound like when you say that?

  • @Duffstuff You sir are a god blessed GENIUS I say… I say… GENIUS!! Sony!!! HIRE THIS MAN NOW!!

  • @GhostWize – You Sir.. I feel sorry for. You have to revert to the tired old ASSUMPTION of “I’m old enough to be your Father”… Well Darth Vader, that makes you look pretty silly making such lame and tired assumptions… when by all accounts to be MY FATHER you SIR would have to be at LEAST 51 years old which would also make you pretty lame and tired seeing that it is almost 10pm out West and 1pm East. You better be getting to bed soon because Sony might be calling you to hire you as the next guy on their commercials and you can draw charts showing “How the IGC works”. You old folks need your sleep to be alert in the morning…. I would hate for you to forget that before the late fall months and the December/New Years sales… Plus actually did get 4 games a month. Oh.. and also, since you are dense… IF Sony can afford to do 4 free games (even one being to Vita) then all 4 of those should go to the PS3… since plus was and should still be a PS3 only service.. Read @Duffstuff’s comments and see how a man can make complete sense and not assumptions.

  • @soccerman88: is just relative unless you are talking only about graphics or another technical specs, psn games are just as fun as retail ones, if i want better games on high end specs i would rather play on my pc.

  • @Alenth26

    “psn games are just as fun as retail ones, if i want better games on high end specs i would rather play on my pc.”

    what do you mean by “if i wanted better games”?

  • @SicNessDaEmcee

    You should educate yourself before commenting. The PS3 side of PS+ has not been affected by the addition of the Vita IGC. We used to get at least 3 PS3 games before November and we still get at least 3 PS3 games. In fact we got 4 in December and January, plus the cross-buy games Retro City Rampage and Foosball 2012, which are technically for the PS Vita IGC but can be played on PS3 too. So in other words we’ve actually benefited from the PS Vita IGC.

    “Beyond the lame free games that are barely passage as browser games by today’s standards”

    Closure is too long to be a browser game. The fact that it can possibly run on lower end hardware shouldn’t be important. Most PSN games can.

  • @SicNessDaEmcee…

    “to be MY FATHER you SIR would have to be at LEAST 51 years old ”

    One question. According to your numbers, how young can a father be?

  • All im sayn is that when + started we got: 4 mini’s, 4 ps one, and 2 PS3 games /month, not to mention all the beta invites and discounts. Now I feel lucky to get a free game and see more and more discounts. Don’t get me wrong I like the discounts but, the service has changed so much I cant help to feel worried about how this continues. Now we have Vita taking up space (now rem I have a vita (my six yr old son plays it)) but, I feel we all would benefit from separate standalone + services on each of the systems.

    PS+ = PS3
    Mobile+ = Vita

    What cha think Morgan?

  • @Crusher201

    Saying this game looks like it was drawn by a toddler makes me look like I’m 12? Really? Are you looking at the same game I’m looking at? I literally have drawings just like this game on my fridge by 2 year old did. I’m old school gamer, so don’t come at me saying I want all flashy shiny new games. I’m still rocking my Destiny of an Emperor on the NES for crying out loud. I want CONTENT as QUALITY GAMES, like Sleeping Dogs or Red Dead Redemption. Not “ART” games which is just a poor game makers excuse on why he used crappy graphics and black & white.

    SIDE NOTE: That Lord of the Rings game is NOT FUN, has to be one of the most boring repeating multiplayer games I’ve ever had the misfortune of playing, I’d rather play the new Duke Nukem over that game. It’s not just repetitive, but the gaming mechanics suck and it is a dead online game. I mean come on, at least give us a game with a living population online. I mean Gothem City Imposters was fun and had a massive online group to play with. The LOTR game I spend 5 minutes and found 3 other people playing and we were on the same team against AI…boring.

  • AND my FINAL WORDS for tonight….
    If we are getting all these DIFFERENT GENRES of games to PLEASE every different type of game who’s a Plus Member….than where may I ask is our Free RPG Game….unless I’m mistaken, we’ve NEVER seen an RPG on Plus…EVER. Hmmm, seems the gamers like me who love RPGs aren’t that important. Well at least we pleased the 10 guys who love art games like Closure. The rest of us can just pretend that an RPG will EVER be added to our instant game collection.

    ONE LAST THING: I know everyone…well the majority of us are not pleased with the content as of late and say we should do what the NA Plus Team wants us to.
    1. Do not EVER look to see what EU is getting because it will be way better content and just get us mad.
    2. Expect less, take that bar of expectation and just lower that to the floor.
    3. Pretend the year is 2008-09 so that the PS3 games we get seem fresh and new and not something you have collecting dust on your shelf from 3 year ago.
    4. Don’t complain, instead tell Morgan and the NA crew how AWESOME a job they are doing and how HAPPY you are that you paid this money for this.

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