PlayStation Plus Gets PAYDAY: The Heist, The Unfinished Swan Early Access
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
34Author Replies
By now, you should have already tackled NFL Blitz which came in free for Plus members earlier this month. You should also make sure to download one of the best fighters in the genre, King of Fighters XIII, which is also free for Plus members. With tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update, you’ll want to get your blueprints out and cover up those fingerprints because you’ll be robbing some banks (in video game form of course) courtesy of PAYDAY: The Heist, coming free to Plus members! You’ll also be able to get Unfinished Swan before anyone else this week. That said, there’s much more so let’s get to it.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or click here to get access.
October 16th PlayStation Plus Update
PAYDAY: The Heist
Free for PlayStation Plus Members
Dive full force into six heists of co-op madness, fighting off cops, stealing large sums of money and embarking on the ultimate high-intensity, first-person shooter adventure. You can play all the ‘heists’ solo if you like, or team up with friends on your friends list, or get your matchmaking on and work together as a group to pull off the crime.
The Unfinished Swan
Exclusive Early Release; Price: $14.99
The Unfinished Swan is a first-person painting game that begins in a totally white space; but as you throw globs of paint to explore the world, you’ll discover that the surreal, unfinished world that you inhabit is more than meets the eye. Plus members will get to be the first to discuss what this game is all about with the gaming community; so don’t miss out. The game will be released for all of PSN on 10/23.
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
Exclusive Beta Access
It’s time! We need your help in getting PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale prepped for showtime when it releases on PS3 and PS Vita on November 20th. Get a taste of the full game with 2v2 and 4 player online tournaments and choose from Kratos, Sweet Tooth, Radec, Sly, PaRappa and Fat Princess as you fight in Metropolis or Hades for victory. You’ll also get to check out the Cross Play functionality since this beta access works for both PS3 and PS Vita! The beta ends at 10/30 at 11:59pm PST, so get in while you can!
007 Legends
10% Discount (Regular Price: $59.99, PS Plus Price: $53.99)
As part of the door busting Day 1 Digital event, Plus members can snag the lowest price around on this new PS3 Full Game title, releasing the same day on PSN as it is at retail. Gamers and Bond aficionados alike will become James Bond reliving iconic and intense undercover missions from throughout the entire Bond film franchise including ones from the upcoming new Bond movie, “Skyfall”.
Caravan of the Dead – PlayStation Store Halloween Sale
Various (spooky) Games and Add-Ons With Extra Discounts for Plus Members
Time to celebrate Halloween with some of gaming’s most outlandishly ghoulish titles. This sale is for all of PSN, but Plus members will have the best discounts; many from 50% – 75% off the regular price. Find great games like the Costume Quest complete bundle for just $3.75, inFAMOUS Festival of Blood at a steal of a price at $2.50, and Dead Space 2 at $9.79. The sale ends 10/30. Here’s the full breakdown:
PSN Sale Price
Plus Sale Price
Dead Space 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection: Content Pack
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record
Plants vs. Zombies PS Vita
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
The House of the Dead Bundle
Zen Pinball 2 PS Vita Monsters Bundle (The Paranormal, Sorcerer’s Lair and Plants vs. Zombies)
Costume Quest complete bundle
Dead Nation
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
inFAMOUS Festival of Blood
Monster World IV (Plus Price: $1.00 – 80% off) and SEGA Rally Arcade (Plus Price $2.99 – 70% off the regular store price of $9.99)
Exclusive Discounts for Plus Members
Our friends at SEGA once again deliver gaming goodness at a price you can’t resist. With the Master System classic Monster World IV and the more recent arcade hit SEGA Rally Arcade seeing deep discounts. I encourage everyone to check out these titles.
That’s it for this week. Make sure you check out tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update post to see all the details for this week’s Plus update, and come back next week when we’ll have more great Plus news to share. See you in the comments!
@ BunnySavior……. YOU GOT IT! That is their scam I’ve learned the hard way from it. IF YOU ARE A NEW PLUS MEMBER DO NOT EVER BUY A GAME AGAIN EVEN AT A DISCOUNT. It will end up FREE 2 or 3 months down the road for plus members.
Me personally I like what is being offered for Ps Plus members,your getting a lot of bang for your buck.But I really can’t wait to see what Ps Plus members will be getting for the Ps Vita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awsome Update, PS Plus just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the great work, I’ve loved Plus since the first day I got it, still the best 50$ spent on PSN.
If and a HUGE if, I but a vita when the creed white vita bundle comes out I’ll never buy a vita game if I keep plus cause they will end up all free at some point on plus. “But” I may buy the 5th generation Ipod touch since it will nail the coffin shut on vita with what it can do that vita can’t. So a new Ipod that shoots 1080p HD video, has built in FLASH for the 5mp camera and siri the program that talks to youon iphone will be on that new ipod and a bigger screen and iphone 4’s processer I mean it makes vita look like a gameboy compared to it. So I may sit out a vita cause for 400 bucks on Ipod 5 I get 64 gigs built in memory and a super computer over wifi in my hands and with vita I will get a 250 dollar wifi unit with no memory and only can buy up to 32 gigs for 100 extra bucks and its camera is vga crap with no flash and a crappy web browser. I think the new ipod is a better investment to be honest.
I haven’t kept track of the comments, and I know I’m alone, but why hasn’t Siren gotten a price drop?
Would have been perfect in the Halloween deals. The game is old an forgotten. A price drop would boost some sales.
I think week by week PLUS update its much better ! Its keep you guessing every week and makes feel Plus fresh with new content all month long till the next month !
Morgan why can’t all of the PLAYSTATION Pluse members around the world get the same games. Because it’s not fair that the US gets crap. It would be better for all of us to get the same games that are on plus..and one more thing can we get the pluse update on sudays and all the plus game that we would be getting for the mounth.
People. Kids. Gamers. Things. Whatever you are. I just watched a video at the New York Comic Convention of PlayStation Store redesign that is coming on the 23rd of October. aka next Tuesday. It has RE5 Gold listed as free for Plus members. So if this is true then can you please stop complaining. Remember, you don’t have to buy Plus. Don’t complain and then keep paying for it, because no one is going to feel sorry for you (except maybe your mother).
Thanks for the help in confirming the facts here. RE5 being shown as free in Plus was simply a mockup to show off the new PS Store interface. I’ve reached out to the teams involved to ensure whenever we do show mockups, that we don’t use items that could be taken out of context for the applicable regions.
Not saying RE5 can’t come to Plus ever for NA, but not anytime soon and not on any roadmaps I’ve seen.
I must be looking at the wrong list, cause this looks like a pretty solid update to me. I may check out Payday and the vita games, I’ve especially heard good things about mutant blobs attack.
Lol last week weren’t some of these same complainers talking about there not being a Halloween sale? Now here one is and guess what…more complaints!
By the way Morgan any chance the DLC for Dead Space 2 will go on sale too? I already have the game, but I must say $9.79 is a steal for those who don’t .
I agree with StrykerINF_1_23….
I posted a website showing that for the Oct. 23rd RE5 back around the 123rd blog and its been sitting waiting for moderation for over 2 hours now. easisest way to see the image is to google new playstation store. Most of the websites show the images.
Whats weird though is the guy showing the redesign goes to a few pages and RE5 is listed at $29.99 on some and I think its listed as free for Plus users on some of the pages. So again it may be coming or may not. Either way, I don’t really care because I couldn’t even finish the demo, it was so bad. Its funny that they complain about not getting the game, but its been out for almost 4 years now! But yet if they did get it, they would complain about how they got the worst RE game and how its so old. They will never be happy. Can’t wait for Payday, I need a new shooting game.
Surprise surprise another stupid old PSN game. Oh yippee I can barely contain my excitement. When is SCEA going to stop trolling us and give us some of the games that the EU PS+ is receiving?
And offering Dead Space 2 at the super special discount of $10 is such an insult. EU PS+ got this game for free!! Or if I really wanted it I could go to Best Buy and pick up a used physical copy for $7.99 instead of paying $10 for a digital copy.
I hate you SCEA. I’m counting the days until this stupid PS+ subscription runs out so that I can re-subscribe on a European account. They know what they are doing over there, in contrast to the complete incompetence of the North American team.
I started thinking that they might be showing the EU plus for the game as well since they get the new store deseign on OCT 17th and we get it on the 23rd. I dont really care if comes to us for free either I plan on getting RE6 anthology anyways. But I also am looking forward to PAYDAY as well.
Hy Morgan Pay Day is great game!! Thanks. I have a question: Will we have any free game on ps plus next week? Will ps plus have exclusives free games on halloween?
Good luck Dr Giggles. But if you’re complaining now, you’ll probably complain more about EU’s PSN store, unless prices somehow end up cheaper with the new redesign, but I doubt. Both PSN stores are different. They both have their good parts and their bad parts. But signing up for EU’s Plus doens’t mean you can download all those games people were asking for since they are already gone. Sign up for EU just for RE5 gold and Bullestorm? No thanks. Its just strange that people are angry at US Plus, so they are going to sign up for EU’s plus?? LOL why not just skip Plus altogether, then you can’t be mad at anyone :)
it’s unfortunate that so many Plus members are feel like their subscription service entitles them to anything and everything they want… Anyone have a PowerUp Rewards card from GameStop? It costs you $15 a year but pays for itself in discounts on games you would have purchased anyways, and you get a free subscription to their magazine… It’s the same thing people… It seems like many of us are forgetting the other benefits of Plus like 1GB of storage, automatic updates, discounts on games and DLC, early purchase access, exclusive beta access and full game trials…
Sony gets guaranteed revenue through subscription fees while members get discounts and freebies, it’s win-win… it’s not an evil scheme, it’s simply a business tactic to make revenue and it is impossible for them to pander to every single customer in the world… this sense of entitlement is sad and selfish behavior, don’t be so upset because they didn’t give YOU the game that YOU wanted… if you were this skeptical about the service to begin with, you may have been better off with a monthly subscription first to test the waters, then you wouldn’t have forked over a large sum for what you seem to perceive as nothing… GROW UP!
I think I figured out the why and the who behind the complaints about Plus.
It’s gotta be a bunch of tweens who can’t get their parents to buy them M-rated games from the store. See, maybe mommy and daddy haven’t figured out how to use the parental controls on the PS3, so the kids know they can get those naughty games they want so bad if they can get them free with their Plus accounts, and they’ll just play them when the parents are busy at work or elsewhere.
Notice how all the complaints/requests have ALL been for M-rated titles? Hmm… I think I nailed it. What do you guys think about my theory? ;)
=,( damn you sony I bought payday like a week or two ago. I could’ve bought something else like AC Revelations with that money i had saved up =,( Good Job on this week
@177 and @179 I guess you didnt fully read all my posts. I never said it was coming and it was more than likely the EU plus images on the websites since it releases on the 17th. Just read my post @168 and move down I only provided the way to see the images true or not.
here ill show you why me and a lot of other people are unhappy with the US PS+.
Both US and EU got
Virtual fighter 5, war hammer, infamous 2, just cause 2, LBP 2, Saints Row 2, Laura Croft, Renegade ops, Outland, Borderlands, Scott Pilgrim, Double Dragon Neon
7 Full Games, 5 PSN Games
US Only
Ratchet and Clank, Hard corps, Choperlifter, Zombie Apocalypse, Sideways NY, Gotham City, Pac-man, the Walking Dead ep. 1 & 2, Bloodline Betrayal, NFL Blitz, King of Fighters, Pay Day
2 Full Games, 10 PSN Games
EU Only
Chime Super, Darksiders, Odd world, Motor Storm Apocalypse, Dues Ex, Dead Space, Retro/Grade, Red Dead Redemption, Machinarium, Hell Yea, Bulletstorm, Resident Evil 5
7 Full Games, 5 PSN Games
I dont know about the rest of you, but i would be much happier if the US service was more like EU.
doesn’t anyone realize they market differently in other countries for a reason? There are factors like buying habits and cultural influence that determine what games sell better in other regions… It’s likely the reason they give away certain games for free in Europe is because there is less profit potential for those particular games in that specific region… Again, this is a business marketing strategy, not a personal insult to the people of the United States of America… Your subscription does not entitle you to never ever spend any money on any games ever again, Sony doesn’t expect you to pay them a fee and then stop spending, in fact, they probably hope it encourages you to spend more in the end… again, not an evil scheme, it’s just business
@189 Yeah we should all just move to Europe, Sony shouldn’t try to please their American customers or anything like that. It’s obviously the customer’s fault for spending money on a subscription service & not predicting Sony would decide to give US inferior games and deals. Sony is never in the wrong.
Am I being a good Sony fanboy like you? Maybe now that I sucked up to them and defended them Sony will finally give me the love that I crave.
Great update! Dead Space 2 is mine. Tales From Space for $3.91 is a must buy (but I had it already)… Probably will grab the ZP2 tables as well…
Probably cause Goldeneye already got a remade version.
@148. Thats one of the IGCs main flaws. The people that supported the store frequently now get screwed.
@ BunnySavior……. YOU GOT IT! That is their scam I’ve learned the hard way from it. IF YOU ARE A NEW PLUS MEMBER DO NOT EVER BUY A GAME AGAIN EVEN AT A DISCOUNT. It will end up FREE 2 or 3 months down the road for plus members.
Me personally I like what is being offered for Ps Plus members,your getting a lot of bang for your buck.But I really can’t wait to see what Ps Plus members will be getting for the Ps Vita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely, we’re looking forward to sharing more details on PS Plus on PS Vita soon