Hi guys, back again to give you an update on Puppeteer. First off, please let me thank you all for your wonderful, supportive comments after our announcement at Gamescom last month. It’s dedicated PlayStation fans like you that make the incredible amount of hard work that goes into making games worthwhile.
You never know what reaction you will get from your work, and it seems that Puppeteer has hit the right nerve with gamers. So, when I got back from Germany, I started getting ready for Tokyo Game Show. We aren’t showing a playable demo on the show floor, but I have put together another trailer for the show. This one is longer and shows a little bit more of the story, without giving too much away and ruining it for you all. Have a look up above.
We are currently casting in London for the voice actors, so I apologize for the voices in the trailer. It’s a little embarrassing because all of the voices are done by me, apart from the narrator.
Actually, I am thinking of doing the Witch’s voice in the final retail version, I just haven’t decided for sure yet. So, I thought I would leave that up to you the fans to decide. If you want me to remain as the Witch in Puppeteer, please just post a comment below and I will tally it up. Witch yes/no will do.
I’ll be in Sao Paolo for the Brazil Game Show — if you’re down in that neck of the woods during the October 11th-14th time frame, come and check it out. Anyway, I’d better get back and finish this game!
I love how this game is turning out, it was definitely unexpected and much welcomed. As for the voices I did not realize they were done by one person but I think they are all great so definitely Witch yes!
I live in Brazil, and “Sao Paolo” doesn’t exist.
“Sao Paulo” is the correct city.
This looks awesome. Sony never disappointing with the Exclusives…keep em coming!
Let’s give this guy the job so witch YES!
This game looks fantastic actually. Can’t wait to try it out. Love the art style in it as well.
Witch..Yes..i like how the Witch sounds,though i do wish we could hear a different voice that way we could truely answer that question lol
Dude I watched the trailer before I even read the post and I didn’t even notice anything wrong with the voice acting. You fooled me I thought it was superb voice acting didn’t even notice it was voiced by 1 person.
I didn’t even know anything about this game but now I’m definitly going to preorder this. Also you have to keep doing the kings voice it is perfect. The more I watch the trailer the more accustom I’m becoming to each characters voice. You have nothing to be sorry about in the voice acting department. It’s seems if you was doing for many years.
I can hear the cries of the people who don’t own a ps3
So glad I got this system and have AAAAAALLLLLLL those awesome, just like this one, games to play
Looking forward to this :)
I can’t wait for this game! :D
Also, I think you should do all the voices. So my vote is:
All voices – yes.
Witch yes. It reminds me of my childhood, watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers was the main puppeteer, and voiced the majority of the puppets, including female puppets, using a voice very similar to the witch’s. It just fits, if you figure its a dude back there doing a one-man show.