UNCHARTED 3 Version 1.13 is Naughty Dog’s Biggest Patch Ever

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UNCHARTED 3 Version 1.13 is Naughty Dog’s Biggest Patch Ever

When we announced UNCHARTED 3 we set out to make the multiplayer component as robust and compelling as any other multiplayer game out there. We took lessons from our summer beta and the Subway Taste for Adventure and used them for our launch. Since launch, new design ideas and community feedback have been applied to every patch weā€™ve released. Our newest patch is lucky number 13, and weā€™ve planted some fresh ideas deep into the game. Patch 1.13 for UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer has been months in the making — itā€™s our biggest patch ever.

Patch 1.13 will be available today, August 7th. If youā€™re not a fan of reading, check out the patch notes video below for some of the new update’s highlights.

We have unique new multiplayer DLC that will start rolling out to users as part of the PlayStation Store updates, starting on August 14th. The upcoming DLC can be unlocked either by earning the necessary in-game levels, completing specific treasure sets, or purchasing on PSN if you just want to unlock certain items right away. Check out the teaser video below to see a few of our favorite new pieces, out of the 137 we’re adding.

Another major aspect of this patch is a whole new system we’re introducing to UNCHARTED 3ā€™s multiplayer. The Tournament System ushers in a points-based competition that has three reward tiers, which grant you special in-game weapons or items based on how well youā€™ve played. Once you unlock a weapon or item, itā€™s yours to use until the next tournament period.

You can buy into a tournament using tournament tickets. Youā€™ll always carry a balance of ten tickets per tournament period, but you can purchase more via PSN. A tournament leaderboard will be added to the leaderboards section so you can track your skill level among your friends. For a look at the specifics and rules of the tournament system, we have an in-depth video on IGN alongside a Q&A with Robert Cogburn, lead multiplayer designer, and Robert Ryan, gameplay designer, discussing tournaments, all the new DLC and why multiplayer continues to be so important to the team. Weā€™ll also have a detailed post about the tournament system over on NaughtyDog.com later this week.

While all of this great new content is rolling out tomorrow, we’re thrilled to announce new experimental block mesh maps are coming to The Lab after patch 1.13 releases. Block mesh maps are maps of colored block mesh that have been designed by the imaginative artists and designers here at Naughty Dog to provide some wild and distinct multiplayer gameplay. Weā€™ll be posting a schedule of upcoming labs in the near future, so be on the lookout over at NaughtyDog.com.

While new Labs, new DLC and the Tournament System are the major elements of Patch 1.13, thereā€™s a laundry list of other changes and improvements we made to the multiplayer experience. You can see the full list of features and gameplay changes on the Naughty Dog blog. Weā€™ll also be updating the blog weekly from August 14th ā€“ September 4th with the full list of DLC items, as they become available on PSN.

As always, fire away with any comments or questions you might have. See you online!

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14 Author Replies

  • I’m definitely not a fan of this Tournament system, especially with the constant purchasing of tickets to get the newest items. I’m going to advise my brother to stay away from this for sure, as he is a huge Uncharted 3 fan, but not a fan of seeing his money disappear into thin air.

    Now if only Naughty Dog’s forever-a-loading-screen website would bother to load for me, I could check their blog for the full list of changes…

    • Watch the tournament system video before you pass judgement. You won’t have to purchase tickets to get the newest items at all.

      We’re working on the site load issues.

  • I know this is a pretty random question but would there ever be a continuation of the Playstation Hero/Vilian skin pack for UC3, since there is already ISA/Helghast skins and masks?

  • Anyone want to bother with an actual, verifiable trophy list?

  • @3 They are available at IGN’s wiki, below the already-available trophies that came with the game. http://www.ign.com/wikis/uncharted-3-drakes-deception/Trophies

  • will uncharted 3 be available to buy on the the PS Store anytime soon?

  • Will there be any NEW Co-Op missions coming?

  • If I already achieved some of the requirements for some of the new trophies, when I get into the Uncharted 3 multiplayer, will the trophies pop up for me?

  • @reply to 1: I must have read the post incorrectly; I was under the impression that new items would be available every tournament period. The blog post on the ND website cleared that up for me. And I’m not able to watch the video here at work, anyway. I suppose I’ll wait until I can find out more information, and until the system is actually launched, before I pass judgment, but I’m still very skeptical at the moment. :/

  • This stuff looks great! How much of the DLC is included in the Fortune Hunters’ Club?

  • This is a pretty awesome update. Pumped to get back into U3 for the trophies.

    Question though, as I’m a little confused by all the dates in this post. First it says, the patch is available today, then, towards the end, it says “While all of this great new content is rolling out tomorrow…” and then it says DLC rolls out starting on the 14th.

    I guess I’m just a little confused on what exactly is rolling out on which date. Otherwise, this seems like a great update. Can’t wait to try it out.

    (I’ve not yet had my morning coffee, so, forgive me if I misread something!)

    • Patch will be coming today. The DLC content won’t be made available or unlocked until August 14th when it’s ready on the PS Store.

  • hey eric! is there a micro transaction exclusive item? or is it just the tournament tickes?

  • Awesome update. I like the new customizations,skins and taunts. Tournaments sound cool. I love the block-mesh maps but why can’t we have them in the normal rotation? Can we at least have them in Custom games? Anyway, great update ND. My biggest wish now is for an updated Survival mode that can compete with Horde 2.0.

  • THIS totally blew my *bleep* mind! Amazing, amazing, amazing stuff Eric. Now I know why you guys were so silent! :D

    Ok, even I, the guy who put over 300 hours into the Multiplayer am confused with the Tournament stuff. Can you please post the full rundown as soon as possible?

    In addition, any Play with the Dogs or Double/Triple cash events planned? I love you, ND! So much! ;)

  • any chance there will be a uncharted 2 MP mode
    in a future patch
    uncharted 3 MP doesn’t do it for me

  • How will the leveling work after we legacy? Is it 1 to 100 and then the next legacy?

  • Thanks, Eric – at first glance, I thought IGN’s list was just a copy of the leaked list from a few months ago. Now I see there are a few differences.

  • Was this the special announcement today cause I think everybody knew that the patch is coming out today?

  • Im just wondering how unreasonable the multiplayer trophies are compared to uncharted 2’s. 2’s were literally impossible to get because they required an unrealistic time investment, and it relied on player behavior that didnt exist. Not that it matters, it just would be nice if they were actually obtainable this time.

  • I need to get back into uncharted 3 online , and play the story again.

  • When is Patch 1.13 going to be live today? I WANNA GET MY HAND ON IT! How many hours left?

    And by the way, anything that has to do with customizable parts are not going to be released until the 14th? Do all the new custom parts work for ALL characters, or just custom ones? And do they all provide pros and cons?

    Sorry, just so excited and have tons of questions! :)

    • It’ll be live soon. DLC will be a mix of parts that work for all characters and parts that work for certain characters. We’ll have a breakdown in upoming DLC posts.

  • Do players still sprint around like Usian Bolt in the MP? If so I won’t be returning. Such a shame after the sublime Summer beta that Naughty Dog destroyed their own game like that, and turned it into such an inbalanced mess. Will wait for Uncharted 4 mp, hopefully they won’t screw that up too…

  • I play every day and this is not that big of a update. I haven’t watched video but I will later. sounds kinda like ND just wants more $$$. By the way If they Really want my Cash They need a GOTY edition will all of the DLC. Haven’t bought one piece of DLC for this game. YET:( and I think Trophy’s for MGS4 are live I heard!!! wheres the reporting on that????

  • Awesome update, and thanks for bringing us the great news.
    What time shoudl we expect the other great news you’ll bring us today: the full list of the PS Store update for the week?

  • So no new Legacy’s today :(

  • @saab01, The new legacies will be available today with the patch! ;)

  • Eric, will members of the Fortune Hunter Club be receiving any of these new items for free, or even for a discount? Would be very nice, if so.

  • Never mind it looks like the Legacy is released in this patch. But it looks like the late join glitch is still not fixed.

    For people who are legacy if you join a game late you are not shown as legacy this is a huge flaw and I now if this was a call of duty game nobody would continue to play until this issue is addressed. Its not fair to join matched and be shown as a lower rank than what you actual are.

  • well, ….that was underwhelming.

  • I purchased the treasure hunter club for UC3 when it came out and haven’t played in a while, are these all the packs that came with it? Also if I didn’t download them can I do so now or has that expired?

  • Looks like a great patch! I’m really excited to play today! Only question I have is if the treasure drops in co-op arena have increased, or of there is some booster to help get the treasures for the character items? I’d rather earn the parts than purchasing them (except the Jak goggles, I MUST HAVE THEM lol). Other than that, this looks like a great patch! I’m hoping that in the next patch, they fix the split screen logo. The fact that it takes up a lot of room and forcing me to move closer to the tv just to see other enemies is ridiculous. I find it pointless to have it there. At least make it small, in the corner somewhere, and transparent so there is more visual space (and so I don’t have to hurt my eyes sitting closer to the tv)

  • I am really liking what is in this new patch, but i cant help but wonder if there were any color customisations added to the characters. i went through the video twice and there was no mention of it, so im guessing nothing was changed in accordance with that? i know that the community was begging for it, so i am surprised it wouldnt be included. but then again, i might have missed it?

  • I haven’t spent much time in U3 MP, but I am going to give it another shot just to try out this new stuff. I have spent about 95% of my online time with U3 playing the co-op modes, so I wouldn’t mind seeing some enhancements made there. Is there anything else in the works for co-op?

    I’m glad you guys are supporting your game for so long and I love to see developers try new stuff. Keep up the great work!

  • YES. The GMAL nerf :3…. the trophies :3…. YESYESYES

  • It just feels like the entire patch is centered about making us spend more money. It’s disappointing. There’s nothing in there for us that don’t want to pay additional money for the game we already bought except a couple of gameplay fixes and a nerf’d tournament system.

  • I don’t play MP… I just can’t get used to the PS controller for 1st person / 3rd person shooters. (analogs too loose & too close together for me) But i did enjoy the single player game… Even thou i’m crappy at aiming.

    But i did watch the video… And i think they said you could either grind & get items that help you… Or pay for them with real money. That’s crazy…. If i did play MP i would be pretty peeved. I have no problem with paying for cosmetic stuff that doesn’t effect balancing…. But “pay to win” items in MP is bull$$$$. To me it’s like paying for a “lady of the night” instead of putting in the time & energy to get a GF or wife. (yeah it’s a bit of a stretch… But same ballpark… or sport at least).

    You wouldn’t see this in Halo or COD… It’s pretty shameless.

    (-if i misunderstood the video, and paying for items is only cosmetic … I apologize.)

  • This is cool & all but the party system needs to be addressed & the load times as well.

  • while im not a fan of it at least i’ll be able to get some of the pain in the ass unlockable like Chloe’s M9 etc.

    the game is becoming more and more TF2 :P

    i hope they would put taunts from Lost Planet 2.


    can’t wait for the patch this evening(since they do update at night)

    also do you plan on putting Pinkerton and Rika as DLC characters??

    what about our Uncharted 3 status on your blog??

    it keeps getting error when i try to log in my PSN account on the site(since i want to check my stats etc)

  • Just played UC3 again recently, forgot how fun it was. Glad to see it’s still being supported well after its release, but still no Rika Raja =( I’m guessing at this point there is no plans to bring her as a skin?

  • “Geesh! Tough crowd!”

    Tough crowd of a staggering 35 replies, mostly either lauding this announcement and/or asking simple question..

  • Why can’t you give us single player fans an update? I don’t play online and if I wanted to I’m stuck with too slow of a connection. You can do something like they did for inFamous 2. Some kind of DLC at least.

  • man i’ve been keeping an eye on your website and it’s good to hear about patches but here are a few i was hoping you guys can think about.
    1) outside the stage glitch. most people still are able to do this…
    2) more boosters
    3)grenade radius fix. (it seems random? most people survive most die but at the same distance)
    4) most layout slots (but keep the limit to four during gameplay)
    5)more affects to curse idol with faster gas release (pretty much an unused kickback…) ex. half health, no grenade, no kickback use, drain medals. (or create new kickbacks with these ideas.)
    6)increase accuracy for raffica pistol or something
    can’t really think of anything else but for stage select… when you guys increase the appearance of a certain stage it reduces the appearance of other stages. How about the game tracks what stages each player has played and the top least played stages gets released?

    just couple of thoughts thank you. :)

  • As a fan of the Uncharted 2 multiplayer, Uncharted 3 MP feels broken, are there any plans for a Uncharted 2 MP mode?

  • The multiplayer just doesn’t do it for me anymore last time I played.
    I feel like the Uncharted series is such a turn-off after the third installment.

    Etc etc didn’t like it. MP has a hardcore community etc. I did like the MP when it started out Day 1 though, it was more casual… I’d love to be excited by this update but sadly I’m not since I know I’m never touching the MP again… a lot of wasted DLC that I got as part of the FHC too…

    Oh well I’m moving on. I don’t think I can even squeeze some time into this game at this point.

  • ugghhh this totally sucks because i did all this(except finishing the treasure sets)already. If only this came about 3-4 months ago, U3 mp was all me and my friends played.

  • My “friends and i”. fail.

  • Wanted to know if the update fixes any bugs in the single player mode? There is a bug in chapter 14 that makes black lines fill the screen. See video:

  • Are there any plans to improve the matchmaking so you are matched up with people with a similar skill level? I find that most players are experts and I get my butt kicked every time.

  • Block Mesh? ……Mario Kart?

  • I wish you guys would have just released the Multiplayer separately like Killzone 3 MP … that would have been good …. cuz all those trophies deserve a platinum to it lol l

  • Gah, where is it? Can’t wait any more!!!! Love the trophies that are coming. Nice work, ND!

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