Hello, I’m Sébastien from Neko Entertainment. We came out with a game earlier this year called Puddle, and we’re bringing it to PS Vita next week!
Puddle began as a project by six students of the video game school ENJMIN. It won a Student Showcase prize at the Independent Gaming Festival at GDC 2010, and was later picked up by Neko Entertainment. There, those same six students were able to turn it into a full-fledged game.
After we released the game on PS3, we worked hard to get a better handle on the game’s mechanics, so we’d be able to deliver a new version of Puddle on PS Vita. We paid particular attention to feedback from PS3 players when working on the PS Vita version — which will have many exclusive features!
We made the game a bit easier (there’s an option to “whine and skip” a level if it’s proving too difficult), there are now tips on every loading screen, and menus have been changed to take advantage of the touch screen. You can change the control setup (tilt the console, use the left stick, use L and R buttons, or even use the rear touch pad). We wanted to make sure you have plenty of options when you play Puddle on your PS Vita!
While we’ve made lots of changes to the PS Vita version of Puddle, the main goal is still the same: get your puddle to the goal by any means necessary. We really hope you enjoy Puddle for PS Vita and manage to finish all the levels… oh, and pay attention to the background on the main menu — it may be more than just a background!
@ the prime guy above complaining about the difficulty I mean what are you a college professor lol. What this developer did is reduce the mad factor to those of us that don’t feel like having to replay a level a hundred times and get stuck to were we can’t advance if we can’t pass a level. The whine and skip its a welcome feature on my part cause I have 4 kids and I’m sure they won’t be passing levels on the fly when I let them play this on my vita so I am glad they did the difficulty like they did it was a great and wonderful idea and I totally understand why they did it and welcome the feature. This prime guy acts like we all need to stay rocket scientist to play a game and not all of us want a hard challenge 24/7 or a major TEST we just want to play for fun and enjoy the levels to. Respect that and not just want what you only want its not only just about YOU primerolncognito. The levels can be hard if you want that type of thing so why are you whinning they made it easy for those that choose that? It doesn’t hurt your gaming anyways. I love the ideas to this game and its a day one buy for me. Thanks for making the game and giving us the whine and skip feature. My kids will love that feature.
Well I guess you said everything that need to be said.
Puddle is just a game, so we are not here to talk about society or else. If you guys like this game, perfect ! If not, just don’t buy it :) At least try the demo version, you’ll be able to test it and judge if it is a game for you or not !
We will never be able to satisfy anybody anyway, but we keep trying everyday !
Thank you for the support once again !