We at Nihilistic Software are excited to finally be able to pull the wraps off Multiplayer for Resistance: Burning Skies, coming May 29th for PlayStation Vita!
In addition to its all-new single player campaign, Burning Skies features an online (via Wi-Fi) multiplayer in which you and up to seven of your friends can compete over PlayStation Network! We know you’ve all been asking about multiplayer in Burning Skies, so please enjoy the first look at it in this new trailer!
Vita, we’ve ended up with an unprecedented mobile FPS. Experience the dual analog sticks for precision aiming, touch screen interactivity for precise and quick secondary weapon fires, and portable online connectivity.
We’ve just showcased that game at an event in NYC, showing off some of the cool things we’re doing with online:
8 player multiplayer – Small games feature intense 2 vs. 2 combat and large games going all the way up to 4 on 4 action. Choose between Quick Match: a fast and easy way to get up and playing immediately by jumping in an automatic matchmaking session or Party with Friends: use the Vita’s cross-game Party application and Party up with friends to join private matches and take advantage of Party with voice chat.
Rank Up! – Killing enemies and winning matches is the easiest way to earn XP and Rank Up. Be rewarded with bonus XP for your daring feats of skill. For example, you may find yourself well rewarded for killing multiple enemies with a skilled grenade toss. Unlock all your favorite weapons and upgrades from the story campaign as you Rank Up.
Modify & customize your weapons – Upgrades you purchase can be slotted and unslotted from weapons at will, with some even giving your weapons a distinctive visual look. Purchase upgrades for weapons that best suit your personal playstyle. For example, the fan favorite Bullseye can be upgraded with Explosive Tag – which gives your Bullseye Tags and extra explosive kick. But keep in mind if you’re killed, your enemies may pick up your upgraded weapons and use them against you!
Connect Everywhere – You can connect with the PlayStation community no matter where you are via Wi-Fi and 3G through social features including leaderboards and NEAR, PlayStation Vita’s location-based service. Through NEAR, Resistance: Burning Skies introduces a new social perk awarding players valuable XP multipliers to carry into multiplayer battle. Stay tuned as we get closer to launch for all the details on NEAR.
Online play in Resistance: Burning Skies will feature three game modes – Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and a very unique third mode which we’ll be revealing next week. There will be six playable maps, taking you everywhere from the streets of Staten Island to the docks of Bayonne, NJ. You’ll be able to vote prior to each match, allowing you to take the battle between the humans and Chimera to a variety of locales from the game.
Resistance: Burning Skies will be available in North America in stores and on the PSN May 29th for $39.99. But you don’t have to wait til then; if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, join us to go hands-on with Resistance: Burning Skies multiplayer next week! Read the details and RSVP here.
XFRod, nobody is expecting an experience completely matching PS3. That would be unrealistic. But let me tell you this. Resistance: Retribution for PSP has an eight-player online multiplayer (like this) with FIVE modes and five maps, not to mention a rock-solid 30 fps. It also had parties, voice chat, etc. It seemed to be at least as full of an online mode as this one, on a system that is six years older. So why WOULDN’T we be disappointed in the multiplayer?
In their defense, R:R was not a near launch title, but instead made several years after the psp’s release when people were much more comfortable with the given hardware and were more aware of what did and didn’t work on the given platform. With such a new device, it would be unwise to dump all of your resources and time into one FPS project assuming everyone will simply love it.
More importantly though, R:R, while being an excellent game for the psp (and being the only other resistance game to remain true to R:FoM), featured no customization within the game. This takes up a larger chuck of performance and work than you may realize. Until we see what all is actually involved in the given customization as well as the size/details in the maps and the unknown game mode, it isn’t quite right to be so judgmental over it.
They will no doubt have to and prove why/how it works, and while the vita cannot be directly put next to a console it certainly is supposed to imitate console MP, but it is still too early to judge. On top of that, there is always the chance for expansion (like hopefully a bullseye trap), so we will just have to wait and see for now. Only time will tell what Burning Skies has in store for us.
Only 4 on 4?
Actually I just went back and looked at some videos of the psp R:R MP, and wow. I had played a bit one on a friends but just wow, I didn’t realize how much was actually put into it. Most impressive of all is how much it seemed like the first resistance still too. After seeing that I can’t help but think Bend should be making the console Resistance series now.
Would the framerate improve? Solid 30ps please?
I am still getting this game. But I would be VERY UPSET because I played all 3 resistance on ps3 and I don’t want this to be laggy game that ruins the experience…
@Bikant, I agree that I probably shouldn’t be judgmental of it before getting a better look, but I can’t help but feel disappointed. R:R was doing far more to push the PSP (seemingly) than R:BS is doing with the Vita, which is probably at least 10 times more powerful in raw power. It must be mentioned that the Vita’s architecture is much easier to develop for than the PSP’s, so it shouldn’t take as long to get a lot out of the hardware as the PSP did.
stop with all this pvp nonsense!! .. Resistance lost me when they turned away from the co-op and focused on pvp.. you guys could have did great with 2 if you released more co-op content you had a great thing going w/ the way 2 was setup..
was lookin forward to gettin this but now i may hold out till maybe some dlc is released…
@ Blkant
Bend should most definitely take over on PS3 versions….. BUT things aren’t so simple. For example, what’s the point of Bend making a another great Resistance game like Insomniac did with resistance 3, if clueless Sony suits decide to release the game at the most idiotic time possible with zero marketing?
I know this will be the first of many online FPS games on the system, and probably not the best. But still…
Shame that there’s no co-op, perhaps for the next one ;D
Being the first FPS should help sales so I hope this does well. It looks great and I love me some Resistance.
Is it just me or do the gun shots sound horrible??!
i think it gonna be a good game. graphics are good and it the first FPS on vita and there will be more FPS coming out soon. so if anyone is hating then they shouldn’t buy it. i know i’m getting it on release date and gonna get me some kills. 8 MP is ok, i can deal with that. maybe when COD releases it will be a little more high tech then RBS. TOO MANY GAME CRITICS!!!!
Will there be a demo? if yes what will be included. without spoiling anything. Promising Game
Yes, there will be a Single Player “Trial” available on the PlayStation Network. The “Trial” will give you an opportunity to experience the start of Tom Riley’s story, as well as experience some of Burning Skies’ weapons like the all new Mule, a shotgun/crossbow hybrid!